Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing - Based on Asme Y14.5-2009

By Anarkia333 |
Fundamentals of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing - Based on Asme 14.5-2009

FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING 3E is a unique book that meets the needs of readers studying industrial technology, CAD, engineering technology, or manufacturing technology.

This book clearly organizes geometric dimensioning and tolerancing fundamentals into small, logical units for step-by-step understanding. Measurable performance objectives help readers assess their progress. Discussion questions promote interaction and higher-order thinking, and practice problems ensure thorough understanding of the concepts presented.

Ultimate GDT Pocket Guide Based - ASME Y14.5-2009

By Anarkia333 |
Ultimate GDT Pocket Guide Based - ASME Y14.5-2009 (2009 Krulikowski)

The Ultimate GD&T Pocket Guide is the perfect on-the-job pocket reference for your geometric dimensioning and tolerancing needs. The new ASME Y14.5-2009 version has all the topics from the 1994 pocket guide, plus 50% more content.

It has several new organizational features, like index tabs, a topical index, and a glossary. We've also added references to clauses within the standard and cross-references to other pages within the pocket guide that contain application examples or other related information.

ASME Y14.5-2018 Dimensioning and Tolerancing

By Anarkia333 |
ASME Y14.5-2018 Dimensioning and Tolerancing

This issue is a revision of ASME Y14.5-2009, Dimensioning and Tolerancing. The objectives for this revision are to
correct any inconsistencies in the previous edition, to determine actions based on deferred comments from the review of
the previous edition’s draft, to include model-based applications in many of the example figures, and to address proposals
submitted by the public or members of the Subcommittee. Based on guidance from the Y14 Committee, the material

Mechanical Tolerance Stackup and Analysis

By Anarkia333 |
Mechanical Tolerance Stackup and Analysis

Use Tolerance Analysis Techniques to Avoid Design, Quality, and Manufacturing Problems Before They Happen

Often overlooked and misunderstood, tolerance analysis is a critical part of improving products and their design processes. Because all manufactured products are subject to variation, it is crucial that designers predict and understand how these changes can affect form, fit, and function of parts and assemblies―and then communicate their findings effectively.

Les agents de l'Apocalypse - Project Rising Nibiru

By Anarkia333 |
Les agents de l'Apocalypse - Project Rising Nibiru

De la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux années 2000, espions américains et services secrets israéliens ont œuvré de concert autant pour couvrir des programmes occultes et des ventes d'armes illégales que pour orchestrer des guerres... Depuis les plus hautes sphères gouvernementales jusqu'au secteur privé en passant par le complexe militaro-industriel, l’investigation palpitante rapportée dans le présent ouvrage nous conduit sur les traces de trois agents qui ont changé la face du monde : Robert B. Anderson, Isaac Charchat et Zecharia Sitchin.

The Geometrical Tolerancing Desk Reference - Creating and Interpreting ISO Standard Technical Drawings

By Anarkia333 |
The Geometrical Tolerancing Desk Reference - Creating and Interpreting ISO Standard Technical Drawings

Geometrical tolerancing is the standard technique that designers and engineers use to specify and control the form, location and orientation of the features of components and manufactured parts. This innovative book has been created to simplify and codify the use and understanding of geometrical tolerancing. It is a complete, self contained reference for daily use. An indispensable guide for anyone who creates or needs to understand technical drawings.