Introduction à l'Electronique Analogique

By Anarkia333 |
Introduction à l'Electronique Analogique

L'étudiant et futur technicien en électronique trouvera dans cet ouvrage les notions essentielles : la diode à jonction avec des applications (diode Zéner, diodes électroluminescentes, photodiodes...) ; les transistors, étudiés en régime statique puis modélisés en régime harmonique ; les différents types d'amplification ; la commutation, qui détermine la rapidité de chaque circuit (donc la fréquence de travail) ; l'amplificateur opérationnel ; les circuits intégrés analogiques. 

Manuel de génie électrique - Rappels de cours, méthodes, exemples et exercices corrigés

By Anarkia333 |
Manuel de génie électrique - Rappels de cours, méthodes, exemples et exercices corrigés

Ce cours fait la jonction entre les différents bacs et le post-bac, en particulier les STS, et les IUT dans le domaine du génie électrique. 

Le cours divisé en 5 grandes parties (Electricité des signaux, Composants électroniques, Electronique du signal, Electronique de puissance et Machines électrique) , est illustré par de nombreux exemples d'application qui permettent à l'étudiant de "tester" immédiatement sa bonne compréhension du cours.

The Electrical Engineering Handbook

By Anarkia333 |
The Electrical Engineering Handbook

In 1993, the first edition of The Electrical Engineering Handbook set a new standard for breadth and depth of coverage in an engineering reference work. Now, this classic has been substantially revised and updated to include the latest information on all the important topics in electrical engineering today. Every electrical engineer should have an opportunity to expand his expertise with this definitive guide.

Surhumain - L'Invisible Rendu Visible

By Anarkia333 |
Surhumain - L'Invisible Rendu Visible

Le film primé « Surhumain : l'invisible rendu visible » est basé sur les expériences incroyables d'individus dotés de pouvoirs extra-sensoriels qui semblent défier les lois actuelles de la physique.

Mechanics of Materials (Bedford)

By Anarkia333 |
Mechanics of Materials (Bedford)

This revised and updated second edition is designed for the first course in mechanics of materials in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering, engineering mechanics, and general engineering curricula. It provides a review of statics, covering the topics needed to begin the study of mechanics of materials including free-body diagrams, equilibrium, trusses, frames, centroids, and distributed loads.

Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (Bedford)

By Anarkia333 |
Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (Bedford)

For introductory dynamics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments.

Better enables students to learn challenging material through effective, efficient examples and explanations.

Engineering Mechanics - Statics (Bedford)

By Anarkia333 |
Engineering Mechanics - Statics (Bedford)

This textbook is designed for introductory statics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments. It better enables students to learn challenging material through effective, efficient examples and explanations.

Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (Meriam)

By Anarkia333 |
Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (Meriam)

Known for its accuracy, clarity, and dependability, Meriam, Kraige, and Bolton's Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 9th Edition has provided a solid foundation of mechanics principles for more than 60 years. 

This text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to engineering design. In addition to new homework problems, the text includes a number of helpful sample problems. 

Engineering Mechanics - Statics (Meriam)

By Anarkia333 |
Engineering Mechanics - Statics (Meriam)

Known for its accuracy, clarity, and dependability, Meriam, Kraige, and Bolton's Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 9th Edition has provided a solid foundation of mechanics principles for more than 60 years. 

This text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to engineering design. In addition to new homework problems, the text includes a number of helpful sample problems.

Intelligent Mechatronics

By Anarkia333 |
Intelligent Mechatronics

This book is intended for both mechanical and electronics engineers (researchers and graduate students) who wish to get some training in smart electronics devices embedded in mechanical systems. The book is partly a textbook and partly a monograph.