CMH-17 (Composite Materials Handbook)

By Anarkia333 |
CMH-17 (Composite Materials Handbook)

The Composite Materials Handbook-17 (CMH-17) provides information and guidance necessary to design and fabricate end items from composite materials. Its primary purpose is the standardization of engineering data development methodologies related to testing, data reduction, and data reporting of property data for current and emerging composite materials. In support of this objective, the handbook includes composite materials properties that meet specific data requirements.

Propeller Aerodynamics

By Anarkia333 |
Propeller Aerodynamics

Classical aerodynamics is a compulsory study subject for pilots at all levels of experience. Propeller Aerodynamics is a subset of this fascinating subject. Propellers have their unique aerodynamic terminology, forces and handling requirements, knowledge of which all pilots must be aware of to safely handle the aircraft they are flying. Incorrect propeller handling can cause damage to the aircraft and reduce performance efficiency. Most aerodynamic text books only give a brief view of propeller aerodynamics; however this book Propeller Aerodynamics delves more deeply into this subject.

Advanced Composite Materials for Aerospace Engineering - Processing, Properties and Applications

By Anarkia333 |
Advanced Composite Materials for Aerospace Engineering - Processing, Properties and Applications

Advanced Composite Materials for Aerospace Engineering: Processing, Properties and Applications predominately focuses on the use of advanced composite materials in aerospace engineering. It discusses both the basic and advanced requirements of these materials for various applications in the aerospace sector, and includes discussions on all the main types of commercial composites that are reviewed and compared to those of metals.

Advanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications

By Anarkia333 |
Advanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications

The automotive industry faces many challenges, including increased global competition, the need for higher-performance vehicles, a reduction in costs and tighter environmental and safety requirements. The materials used in automotive engineering play key roles in overcoming these issues: ultimately lighter materials mean lighter vehicles and lower emissions. Composites are being used increasingly in the automotive industry due to their strength, quality and light weight.

Carbon Nanotubes - Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites

By Anarkia333 |
Carbon Nanotubes - Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites

From the Foreword, written by legendary nano pioneer M. Meyyappan, Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, USA:

"…there is critical need for a book to summarize the status of the field but more importantly to lay out the principles behind the technology. This is what Professor Arvind Agarwal and his co-workers … have done here."

Processing of Polymer Matrix Composites

By Anarkia333 |
Processing of Polymer Matrix Composites

Polymer matrix composites are finding increasing number of applications due to their high weight-saving potential as well as unique characteristics, such as high strength-to-density ratio, fatigue resistance, high damping factor, and freedom from corrosion.

Handbook of Composites

By Anarkia333 |
Handbook of Composites

Today, fiber reinforced composites are in use • properties of different component (fiber, in a variety of structures, ranging from space­ matrix, filler) materials; craft and aircraft to buildings and bridges. • manufacturing techniques; This wide use of composites has been facili­ • analysis and design; tated by the introduction of new materials, • testing; improvements in manufacturing processes • mechanically fastened and bonded joints; and developments of new analytical and test­ • repair; ing methods.

La légende des hélicoptères Français

By Anarkia333 |
La légende des hélicoptères Français

Saviez-vous que l'hélicoptère était une invention française ? Qu'Airbus helicopters, à Marignanne près de Marseille, est numéro 1 mondial du marché civil ? Que l'Alouette 3, 67 ans au compteur, reste un précieux atout de la Marine nationale, y compris sur les terrains d'opérations militaires ?

Alouette, SuperPuma, Ecureuil, Dauphin, tout au long du siècle, les Français ont su, avec ces machines emblématiques, se hisser au sommet d'une industrie mondiale et ultra compétitive... Ce film raconte cette aventure humaine, technologique et industrielle.