Handbook of New Product Development Management

By Anarkia333 |
Handbook of New Product Development Management

Managing new product development is a key area of management, straddling strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship and macro-organizational behaviour.

Configuration Management for Senior Managers - Essential Product Configuration and Lifecycle Management for Manufacturing

By Anarkia333 |
Configuration Management for Senior Managers - Essential Product Configuration and Lifecycle Management for Manufacturing

Configuration Management for Senior Managers is written to help managers in product manufacturing and engineering environments identify the ways in which they can streamline their products and processes through proactive documentation control and product lifecycle management. Experienced consultant Frank Watts gives a practitioner's view tailored to the needs of management, without the textbook theory that can be hard to translate into real-world change.

Product Lifecycle Management (2) - The Devil is in the Details

By Anarkia333 |
Product Lifecycle Management (2) - The Devil is in the Details

This second volume moves beyond a general introduction to product lifecycle management (PLM) and its principal elements to provide a more in-depth analysis of the subjects introduced in Volume 1 (21st Century Paradigm for Product Realisation).

Providing insights into the emergence of PLM and the opportunities it offers, key concepts such as the PLM Grid and the PLM Paradigm are introduced along with the main components of PLM and the associated characteristics, issues and approaches.

Detailing the 10 components of PLM:

Product Lifecycle Management (4) - The Case Studies

By Anarkia333 |
Product Lifecycle Management (4) - The Case Studies

This book presents some twenty case studies, showing how companies in different industry sectors and of different sizes make advances in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Like the author’s previous volumes, this book provides a valuable resource for those wishing to learn about PLM and how to implement and apply it in their companies.   

Product Lifecycle Management (3) - The Executive Summary

By Anarkia333 |
Product Lifecycle Management (2) - The Executive Summary

This third volume provides an executive overview of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and details the roles that executives play in PLM initiatives. This book also explains why PLM emerged, why it is so important, the principles of PLM strategy, and the typical steps in a PLM initiative. Throughout the book, the author presents examples and cases studies, demonstrating the various roles of executives in PLM initiatives. The coverage is informed by John Stark’s experience of working with companies on more than 100 PLM initiatives.

Product Lifecycle Management (1) - 21st Century Paradigm for Product Realisation

By Anarkia333 |
Product Lifecycle Management - 21st Century Paradigm for Product Realisation

This fourth edition of the book provides readers with a detailed explanation of PLM, enabling them to gain a full understanding and the know-how to implement PLM within their own business environment. This new and expanded edition has been fully updated to reflect the numerous technological and management advances made in PLM since the release of the third edition in 2014, including chapters on both the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0.

Une Histoire de l'Archivistique

By Anarkia333 |
Une Histoire de l'Archivistique

Comment, au fil du temps, a-t-on conservé, traité et mis en valeur les documents ou supports de l'information ?

À partir d'exemples choisis en Europe, en Afrique, en Amérique et en Asie, l'auteur décrit et analyse les différentes techniques et méthodes employées, des origines à nos jours, en archivistique.

Destiné aux archivistes et aux historiens, cet ouvrage présente les fondements culturels et historiques de l'archivistique tout en nous éclairant sur la formation des États et le fonctionnement des administrations ou des entreprises publiques ou privées.

Gestion de projet - Vers les méthodes agiles

By Anarkia333 |
Gestion de projet - Vers les méthodes agiles

Des approches prédictives aux méthodes agiles. Cet ouvrage rassemble plus de douze années d'expérience en gestion de projet informatique, et compare les méthodologies traditionnelles - qui définissent à l'avance les besoins et organisent les activités à réaliser, leur séquencement, les rôles et les livrables à produire - aux méthodes agiles.