Thermoplastic Foam - Processing Principles and Development

By Anarkia333 |
Thermoplastic Foam - Processing Principles and Development

As researchers seek replacements for banned, ozone-depleting foaming agents, the authors of Thermoplastic Foam Processing: Principles and Development strive to develop a better understanding of foaming processes and find solutions for day-to-day practice. This book presents the latest research in foam extrusion and physical foaming agents with a strong focus on the interaction of material components in the foaming process.

Polymeric Foams - Mechanisms and Materials

By Anarkia333 |
Polymeric Foams - Mechanisms and Materials

This book is the inaugural volume a series entitled Polymeric Foams: Technology and Applications. Generally, thermoplastic and thermoset foams have been treated as two separate practices in industry. Polymeric Foams: Mechanisms and Materials presents the basics of foaming in general build a strong foundation to those working in both thermoplastic and thermoset foams. 

Handbook of Cellular Metals - Production, Processing, Applications

By Anarkia333 |
Handbook of Cellular Metals - Production, Processing, Applications

The past few years have seen an increasing interest in porous metallic materials, especially in foams made of aluminum or aluminum alloys. The stimulus for this lies in recent process developments which promise materials with better quality and lower cost. 

This handbook gives any materials scientist and engineer involved in the research, development and application of metal foams an overview of the most recent results on new production processes, applications and industrial uses, as well as the important topic of characterization and properties of these advanced materials.

Cellular and Porous Materials - Thermal Properties Simulation and Prediction

By Anarkia333 |
Cellular and Porous Materials - Thermal Properties Simulation and Prediction

Providing the reader with a solid understanding of the fundamentals as well as an awareness of recent advances in properties and applications of cellular and porous materials, this handbook and ready reference covers all important analytical and numerical methods for characterizing and predicting thermal properties. 

In so doing it directly addresses the special characteristics of foam-like and hole-riddled materials, combining theoretical and experimental aspects for characterization purposes.

Histoire de l'hélicoptère racontée par ses pionniers, 1907-1956

By Anarkia333 |
Histoire de l'hélicoptère racontée par ses pionniers, 1907-1956

  Les historiens s'accordent à considérer l'année 1907 comme l'an 1 de l'hélicoptère, avec les tentatives de Paul Cornu et Louis Breguet.

Qui pouvait mieux que Jean BOULET, faire revivre l'histoire de l'hélicoptère ? Après 35 années consacrées aux essais des appareils à voilures tournantes et à la conquête des records les plus convoités, il s'est acquis une réputation internationale, a eu comme passagers les plus hautes autorités et surtout il a rencontré un grand nombre de pionniers et de pilotes d'essais en Amérique; comme en Europe.

L'histoire des hélicoptères en France depuis 1945

By Anarkia333 |
L'histoire des hélicoptères en France depuis 1945

A l’issue de la Seconde guerre mondiale, l’industrie des hélicoptères s’est considérablement développée : Aérospatiale est devenue le leader en Europe. Puis une démarche d’intégration européenne a conduit à la création d’Eurocopter, aujourd’hui Airbus Helicopters, désormais leader mondial.