Quelle méthode pour mon modèle 3D ? - Livre 2

By Anarkia333 |
Quelle méthode pour mon modèle 3D ? - Livre 2

Dans ce second livre, nous allons voir d'un peu plus près quelques préconisations pour la modélisation 3D mathématique exacte (Nurbs) afin de vous permettre, quel que soit le logiciel, de prendre vos repères et produire vos propres modèles 3D. Sans entrer dans les détails de l'utilisation des logiciels de CAO, le livre 2 est une invitation à découvrir les principes généraux de la conception solide et surfacique que l'on retrouve dans les logiciels actuels.

Quelle méthode pour mon modèle 3D ? - Livre 1

By Anarkia333 |
Quelle méthode pour mon modèle 3D ? - Livre 1

Nous allons, à travers ces documents vous lancer progressivement dans la découverte des diverses solutions de modélisation 3D.Sans encore entrer dans les détails, le livre 1 est une invitation à découvrir les principes généraux de la modélisation. Il traite des avantages et des limites des différentes méthodes utilisées dans les logiciels actuels 

Cette formation est destinée à un large public et il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir une grande expérience en modélisation 3D et dans l'utilisation des logiciels servant à illustrer les propos.

Creo Parametric 2.0 - Modeling for Manufacturing v3

By Anarkia333 |
Creo Parametric 2.0 - Modeling for Manufacturing v3

An extensive guide for learning how to use the Creo Parametric software for 3D design for manufacturing. Design for manufacturability, DFM, is a product design method that enables efficient manufacturing of products. The guide is published as a series of four individual PDF ebooks.

Each book can be used as a textbook during a course or for self-studies. All the templates, formats, sheets and parts showed in each book are available for download. Download links can be found inside the books.

Creo Parametric 2.0 - Mill-Turn

By Anarkia333 |
Creo Parametric 2.0 - Mill-Turn

An extensive guide for learning how to use the Creo Parametric software for 3D design for manufacturing. Design for manufacturability, DFM, is a product design method that enables efficient manufacturing of products. The guide is published as a series of four individual PDF ebooks.

Each book can be used as a textbook during a course or for self-studies. All the templates, formats, sheets and parts showed in each book are available for download. Download links can be found inside the books.

Creo Parametric 2.0 - Milling

By Anarkia333 |
Creo Parametric 2.0 - Milling

An extensive guide for learning how to use the Creo Parametric software for 3D design for manufacturing. Design for manufacturability, DFM, is a product design method that enables efficient manufacturing of products. The guide is published as a series of four individual PDF ebooks.

Each book can be used as a textbook during a course or for self-studies. All the templates, formats, sheets and parts showed in each book are available for download. Download links can be found inside the books.

Creo Parametric 2.0 - Basic Turning

By Anarkia333 |
Creo Parametric 2.0 - Basic Turning

An extensive guide for learning how to use the Creo Parametric software for 3D design for manufacturing. Design for manufacturability, DFM, is a product design method that enables efficient manufacturing of products. The guide is published as a series of four individual PDF ebooks.

Each book can be used as a textbook during a course or for self-studies. All the templates, formats, sheets and parts showed in each book are available for download. Download links can be found inside the books.

Creo Parametric 4.0 Tutorial

By Anarkia333 |
Creo Parametric 4.0 Tutorial

The eleven lessons in this tutorial introduce you to the design capabilities of Creo Parametric 4.0. The tutorial covers the major concepts and frequently used commands required to advance from a novice to an intermediate user level. Major topics include part and assembly creation, and creation of engineering drawings. Also illustrated are the major functions that make Creo Parametric a parametric solid modeler.

Learning Autodesk Alias Design 2016

By Anarkia333 |
Learning Autodesk Alias Design 2016

Learning Autodesk Alias Design 2016 textbook introduces the readers to Alias Design 2016, one of the world's leading surface modeling package.

In this textbook, the author emphasizes on the 3D surface modeling techniques that improve the productivity and efficiency of the user. Also, the chapters are structured in a pedagogical sequence that makes this textbook very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software. This textbook covers all the tools, options, and applications of Alias Design 2016 to create the real world objects.

Instrumentation et régulation - En 30 fiches

By Anarkia333 |
Instrumentation et régulation - En 30 fiches

Cet ouvrage présente en 30 fiches de 4 à 8 pages, le tronc commun du programme d'Instrumentation et régulation pour les BTS des filières
industrielles (CIRA, CRSA,Domotique,Électrotechnique,FEE, Métiers de l’eau, MS, TPIL), Electrotechnique, Maintenance industrielle, Contrôle industriel et régulation automatique, Mécanique et automatisme industriels, Domotique...