Aircraft - Electricity and Electronics

By Anarkia333 |
Aircraft - Electricity and Electronics

Two books in one! Up-to-date coverage of electrical and electronics systems for all types of aircraft -- plus a full student study guideThis thoroughly revised guide offers comprehensive explanations of the theory, design, and maintenance of current aircraft electrical and electronics systems. 

Sensors for Automotive and Aerospace Applications - Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

By Anarkia333 |
Sensors for Automotive and Aerospace Applications - Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

This volume covers the various sensors related to automotive and aerospace sectors, discussing their properties as well as how they are realized, calibrated and deployed. Written by experts in the field, it provides a ready reference to product developers, researchers and students working on sensor design and fabrication, and provides perspective on both current and future research.

Military Avionics Systems

By Anarkia333 |
Military Avionics Systems

Military avionics is a complex and technically challenging field which requires a high level of competence from all those involved in the aircraft design and maintenance. As the various systems on board an aircraft evolve to become more and more inter–dependent and integrated, it is becoming increasingly important for designers to have a holistic view and knowledge of aircraft systems in order to produce an effective design for their individual components and effectively combine the systems involved.

Introduction to Modern Navigation Systems

By Anarkia333 |
Introduction to Modern Navigation Systems

The emerging technology of very inexpensive inertial sensors is available for navigation as never before. The book lays the analytical foundation for understanding and implementing the navigation equations. 

It starts by demystifying the central theme of the frame rotation using such algorithms as the quaternions, the rotation vector and the Euler angles. After developing navigation equations, the book introduces the computational issues and discusses the physical aspects that are tied to implementing these equations. 

Aircraft Fuel Systems

By Anarkia333 |
Aircraft Fuel Systems

All aspects of fuel products and systems including fuel handling, quantity gauging and m

Aerospace Actuators 1 - Needs, Reliability and Hydraulic Power Solutions

By Anarkia333 |
Aerospace Actuators 1 - Needs, Reliability and Hydraulic Power Solutions

This book is the first of a series of volumes that cover the topic of aerospace actuators following a systems-based approach.

This first volume provides general information on actuators and their reliability, and focuses on hydraulically supplied actuators. Emphasis is put on hydraulic power actuators as a technology that is used extensively for all aircraft, including newer aircraft.

Civil Avionics Systems

By Anarkia333 |
Civil Avionics Systems

Civil Avionics Systems, Second Edition, is an updated and in–depth practical guide to integrated avionic systems as applied to civil aircraft and this new edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in modern avionics. It describes avionic systems and potential developments in the field to help educate students and practitioners in the process of designing, building and operating modern aircraft in the contemporary aviation system.