Engineering Design Handbook - Helicopter Engineering 2 - Detail Design

By Anarkia333 |
Engineering Design Handbook - Helicopter Engineering 2 - Detail Design

This 1976 volume, the second section of a three-part series, is intended to set forth explicit design standards for Army helicopters, to establish qualification requirements, and to provide technical guidance to helicopter designers in both the industry and within the Army. 

Engineering Design Handbook - Helicopter Engineering 1 - Preliminary Design

By Anarkia333 |
Engineering Design Handbook - Helicopter Engineering - Part One - Preliminary Design

This 1974 volume, the first section of a three-part series, is intended to set forth explicit design standards for Army helicopters, to establish qualification requirements, and to provide technical guidance to helicopter designers in both the industry and within the Army. 

This handbook discusses the characteristics and subsystems which must be considered during preliminary design of a helicopter. Additionally, possible design problems encountered during helicopter design are discussed and possible solutions suggested.

Structural Design Manual

By Anarkia333 |
Structural Design Manual

The purpose of the Bell Helicopter Structural Design Manual is to provide a source of structural analysis methods, material data, procedures and policies applicable to structural design. 

The data contained herein are largely condensations of information obtained from the Federal Government, universities, textbooks, technical publications and Bell reports and memoranda. As much as possible the sources are noted and shown in a list of references at the beginning of the manual.

Les aventures sumériennes de Gilgameš

By Anarkia333 |
Les aventures sumériennes de Gilgameš

Probable roi historique d'Uruk et héros majeur de la mythologie mésopotamienne ancienne, Gilgameš fut le protagoniste de l’Épopée du même nom qui fut rédigée en akkadien à la fin du IIe millénaire avant notre ère. Ce poème considéré comme la plus ancienne oeuvre littéraire de l’humanité repose en partie sur plusieurs textes en langue sumérienne composés entre la fin du IIIe et le début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. À la différence de l’Épopée, ceux-ci peuvent être appréciés en tant que compositions individuelles.

Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis

By Anarkia333 |
Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis

Introduction to Aircraft Structure Analysis, Third Edition covers the basics of structural analysis as applied to aircraft structures. 

Coverage of elasticity, energy methods and virtual work set the stage for discussions of airworthiness/airframe loads and stress analysis of aircraft components. Numerous worked examples, illustrations and sample problems show how to apply the concepts to realistic situations. 

As a self-contained guide, this value-priced book is an excellent resource for anyone learning the subject.

Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students

By Anarkia333 |
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students

Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, Seventh Edition, is the leading self-contained aircraft structures course text suitable for one or more semesters. It covers all fundamental subjects, including elasticity, structural analysis, airworthiness and aeroelasticity. 

Now in its seventh edition, the author has continued to expand the book's coverage of analysis and design of composite materials for use in aircraft and has added more real-world and design-based examples, along with new end-of-chapter problems of varying complexity.

Aerospace Structures and Materials

By Anarkia333 |
Aerospace Structures and Materials

This comprehensive volume presents a wide spectrum of information about the design, analysis and manufacturing of aerospace structures and materials.