Les Barbarians

By Anarkia333 |
Les Barbarians

Les Barbarians est un film de fantasy italo-américain réalisé par Ruggero Deodato, sorti en 1987.

La tribu de baladins des Ragniks est attaquée par les troupes du cruel tyran Kadar. Kadar capture Canary, la reine de la tribu, afin de lui faire révéler où elle a caché un rubis magique. Les jumeaux Kutchek et Gore sont également capturés. Des années plus tard, devenus adultes, Kutchek et Gore s'échappent de la forteresse de Kadar et vont s'employer à libérer Canary tout en protégeant le rubis.

Aerospace Polymeric Materials

By Anarkia333 |
Aerospace Polymeric Materials

This book discusses polymeric and composite materials for aerospace industries and discusses some general qualities of aviation materials, e.g., strength, density, malleability, ductility, elasticity, toughness, brittleness, fusibility, conductivity, and thermal expansion.

Aerospace Alloys

By Anarkia333 |
Aerospace Alloys

This book presents an up-to-date overview on the main classes of metallic materials currently used in aeronautical structures and propulsion engines and discusses other materials of potential interest for structural aerospace applications. 

Advanced Aerospace Materials - Aluminum-Based and Composite Structures

By Anarkia333 |
Advanced Aerospace Materials - Aluminum-Based and Composite Structures

Advanced Aerospace Materials is intended for engineers and students of aerospace, materials, and mechanical engineering. It covers the transition from aluminum to composite materials for aerospace structures and will include essential and advanced analyses used in today’s aerospace industries. 

Various aspects of design, failure and monitoring of structural components will be derived and presented accompanied by relevant formulas and analyses.

Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials

By Anarkia333 |
Introduction to Aerospace Structures and Materials

This book provides an introduction to the discipline of aerospace structures and materials. It is the first book to date that includes all relevant aspects of this discipline within a single monologue. These aspects range from materials, manufacturing and processing techniques, to structures, design principles and structural performance, including aspects like durability and safety. 

Advanced Engineering Mathematics - A Second Course

By Anarkia333 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics - A Second Course

Through four previous editions of Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, the author presented a wide variety of topics needed by today's engineers. The fifth edition of that book, available now, has been broken into two parts: topics currently needed in mathematics courses and a new stand-alone volume presenting topics not often included in these courses and consequently unknown to engineering students and many professionals.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB

By Anarkia333 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB

In the four previous editions the author presented a text firmly grounded in the mathematics that engineers and scientists must understand and know how to use. Tapping into decades of teaching at the US Navy Academy and the US Military Academy and serving for twenty-five years at (NASA) Goddard Space Flight, he combines a teaching and practical experience that is rare among authors of advanced engineering mathematics books.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica

By Anarkia333 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica

Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica® presents advanced analytical solution methods that are used to solve boundary-value problems in engineering and integrates these methods with Mathematica® procedures.