Sélections/Choix de Matériaux Général.
Reference: Materials Selection in Mechanical Design (Ashby Method)
Voir aussi Machinery's Handbook - Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers - Springer - Handbook of Mechanical Engineering - Guide des sciences et technologies industrielles.
Sofware: Ansys Granta EduPack.

Normes Matériaux Européennes (EN) et Internationales (ISO) for Designer



EN 10020Definition and classification of grades of steel
EN 10027-1Designation systems for steels - Steel names
EN 10027-2Designation systems for steels - Numerical system
EN ISO 4885Ferrous materials - Heat treatments - Vocabulary

[Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels]

ISO 00683-1Non-alloy steels for quenching and tempering
ISO 00683-2Alloy steels for quenching and tempering
ISO 00683-3Case-hardening steels
ISO 00683-4Free-cutting steels
ISO 00683-5Nitriding steels
ISO 00683-6Hot-rolled steels for quenched and tempered springs
ISO 00683-7Bright products of non-alloy and alloy steels
ISO 00683-15Valve steels for internal combustion engines
ISO 00683-17Ball and roller bearing steels

[Stainless steels]

EN 10088-1List of stainless steels
EN 10088-2Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes
EN 10088-3Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, bars, rods, wire, sections and bright products of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes
EN 10088-4Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion resisting steels for construction purposes
EN 10088-5Technical delivery conditions for bars, rods, wire, sections and bright products of corrosion resisting steels for construction purposes

[Tool Steels]

ISO 4957Tool steels

Steel - Nickel

EN 10095Heat resisting steels and nickel alloys



EN 573-1Aluminium - Numerical designation system
EN 573-2Aluminium - Chemical symbol based designation system
EN 12258-1Aluminium - Terms and definitions

[Chemical composition]

EN 573-3Aluminium - Chemical composition and form of products

[Mechanical properties]

EN 485-2Aluminium - Sheet, strip and plate - Mechanical properties
EN 754-2Aluminium - Cold drawn rod/bar and tube - Mechanical properties
EN 603-2Aluminium - Wrought forging stock - Mechanical properties
EN 755-2Aluminium - Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Mechanical properties


EN 1706Aluminium - Castings - Chemical composition and mechanical properties
ISO 3522Aluminium - Castings - Chemical composition and mechanical properties
EN 1780-1Aluminium - Castings - Numerical designation system
EN 1780-2Aluminium - Castings - Chemical symbol based designation system
EN 1780-3Aluminium - Castings - Writing rules for chemical composition


ISO 23515Titanium - Designation system

Note: The European Classification Standards for Steel are not clear. (What is "Construction Steel"? What differences between Steel S or E? Standards are contradictory: EN 10027-2 speak about "Base Steels", but not EN 10020...)......

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