By Anarkia333 |

Les dieux Anunna étant en guerre contre des individus inconnus et surnaturels, l'un d'entre eux, Anzu, dérobe la tablette des destins à Enlil, ce qui a pour effet de créer des disfonctionnements cosmiques et terrestres qui perturberont la souveraineté des dieux. Il est alors demandé à Ningirsu-Ninurta, le fils guerrier d'Enlil, de récupérer cette royauté perdue. Ningirsu-Ninurta attaque Anzu et lui fait lâcher prise ; la tablette tombe alors dans le monde souterrain d'Enki qui s'empresse de récupérer la royauté qui était initialement aux mains de son rival Enlil. Enki loue la victoire du fils d'Enlil en lui assurant que son nom serait honoré de toute éternité. Mais Ningirsu-Ninurta souhaite récupérer la table providentielle et se hisser à la tête de la royauté des dieux. Pour cela, il imagine un complot contre Enki. Ce dernier, se doutant de ce qui se trame dans le coeur du fils d'Enlil, confectionne une tortue à laquelle il donne le souffle de vie. L'animal saisit Ningirsu-Ninurta par la cheville lorsque le guerrier vient à la porte du sanctuaire d 'Enki et, creusant une fosse, il y rejette de la terre pour l'ensevelir. Enki fait alors ressortir aux yeux de Ningirsu-Ninurta ses prétentions et sa faiblesse et lui déclare qu'il a voulu l'humilier pour lui montrer qui était vraiment le maitre. 

(Source : Rachet, Guy, Dictionnaire des civilisations de l 'Orient ancien, éditions Larousse, 1999 et Mythologies, éditions Gründ, 2002)

Texte Anglais

Ninurta and the turtle


Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
8 lines fragmentary 
unknown no. of lines missing


Segment B

1-4. "At his command your weapon struck me evilly. As I let the divine powers go out of my hand, these divine powers returned to the abzu. As I let the divine plan go out of my hand, this divine plan returned to the abzu. This tablet of destinies returned to the abzu. I was stripped of the divine powers."

5-8. Ninurta was stunned at these words of the Anzud chick. Ninmena gave out a wail: "And what about me? These divine powers have not fallen into my hand. I shall not exercise their authority. I shall not live (?) like him in the shrine, in the abzu."

9. Father Enki in the abzu knew what had been said.

10-14. The Anzud chick took the hero Ninurta by his hand and drew near with him to Enki'splace, the abzu. The Anzud chick returned Uta-ulu to the abzu. The lord was delighted with the hero, Father Enki was delighted with the hero Ninurta.

15-24. Lord Nudimmud honoured him duly: "Hero, no god among your brother gods could have acted so. As for the bird which your mighty weapon captured, from now to eternity you will keep your foot placed on its neck. May the great gods give your heroic strength its due. May your father Enlil do whatever you command. May Ninmena not fashion your equal (?). May no one be as revered as you and no god extend an upraised hand before you. Monthly may your house (?) regularly receive tributes in the shrine, in the abzu. May An (?) proclaim your name in the seat of honour."

25-30. The hero secretly was not happy with these promises. Where he stood, he darkened and yellowed like (?) a flood-storm (?). He contemplated great deeds and inwardly he was rebellious. He uttered a word which has no ....... The hero Ninurta set his sights on the whole world. He told no one and inwardly did not .......

31-32. The great lord Enki intuitively grasped the substance of the plan. In the shrine, in the abzu he stirred up a dark flood-storm.

33-35. By the house the minister Isimud opposed Ninurta. The hero Ninurta refused to come out and raised his hand against the minister Isimud.

36-46. Against Ninurta, Enki fashioned a turtle from the clay of the abzu. Against him he stationed the turtle at an opening, at the gate of the abzu. Enki talked to him near the place of the ambush and brought him to the place where the turtle was. The turtle was able to grab Ninurta's tendon from behind. The hero Ninurta managed to turn back its feet. Enki, as if perplexed, said, "What is this!" He had the turtle scrape the ground with its claws, had it dig an evil pit. The hero Ninurta fell into it with the turtle. The hero did not know how to get out from ....... The turtle kept on gnawing his feet with its claws (?).

47-54. The great lord Enki said to him: "From ......, you who set your mind to kill me, ...... who makes big claims -- I cut down, I raise up. You who set your sights on me like this -- what has your position seized for you, how ......? Where has your strength fled? Where is your heroism? In the great mountains you caused destruction, but how will you get out now?"

55-60. Ninmena learned of this situation. She ripped the clothes on her body and she ....... "You my plant-eater Enki, who shall I send to you? Men will shake their heads in fear ....... Who shall I send to you? That name is not Enki. That name is Ugugu-that-does-not-pour (?). You who are death which has no mercy, who shall I send to you?" 
unknown no. of lines missing


Copyright © Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Fluckiger-Hawker, E, Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (, Oxford 1998

Texte Français

A venir. (Traducteur recherché... :) )

Texte Sumérien

Ninurta and the turtle


Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing
1.    X [...]
2.    amar /anzud\[mucen] [...]
3.    jicilar /KA\ [...]
4.    amar /anzud\[mucen] [...]
5.    ur-saj d/nin\-[urta] [...]
6.    jicgag KA [...]
7.    amar /anzud\[mucen] [...]
8.    X X X [...]

unknown no. of lines missing


Segment B

1.    dug4-ga-ni-ta jictukul-zu hul-a mu-ni-in-tag
2.    me cu-ja2 cu ba-ba-ju10-ne me-bi abzu-ce3 ba-an-gi4
3.    jic-hur cu-ja2 cu ba-ba-ju10-ne jic-hur-bi abzu-ce3 ba-an-gi4
4.    dub nam-tar-ra-/bi\ abzu-ce3 ba-an-gi4 me ab-la2-e-en
5.    [inim amar] /anzud\mucen-ce3 dnin-urta lul-ac ba-an-si
6.    [dnin-men]-na-ke4 a-nir im-ja2-ja2
7.    je26-e me-bi cu-ju10-uc li-/bi2\-kur9 nam-en-bi nu-ak-e
8.    [je26-e] e-ne-gin7 /ec3-e?\ abzu-a nu-mu-un-til
9.    a-a den-ki inim /mu\-[un-dug4]-/dug4\-ga-a abzu-a ba-da-an-zu
10.    ur-saj dnin-urta amar anzudmucen-de3 cu-ni bi2-in-ti
11.    ki den-ki-ka3-ce3 abzu-ce3 im-ma-da-/te\
12.    du4-ta-u18-lu amar anzudmucen-de3 abzu-ce3 ba-an-gi4
13.    en-e ur-saj-ra ba-ci-hul2
14.    a-a den-ki /ur-saj\ dnin-urta-ra ba-ci-hul2
15.    en dnu-/dim2\-[mud]-/e\ /mi2\ zid mu-un-i-i-de3?
16.    ur-saj-e dijir cec-[zu-ne]-a dijir /na\-me ur5-gin7 nu-mu-un-ak-e
17.    mucen jictukul /kalag\-[ga]-/zu\ bi2-dab5-ba-ce3
18.    ud me-da ud ul-/le2-ce3 gu2\-bi jiri3-zu(source: su) /ba\-[gub-be2-en]
19.    dijir gal-gal-e-ne a2 nam-/ur\-[saj-ja2-zu] me-tec2 [he2-i-i-ne]
20.    a-a-zu den-lil2-le nij2-dug4-[zu] he2-ak
21.    dnin-men-na-ke4 kij2-sig10-ga-zu na-an-dim2-e
22.    za-e-gin7 ni2 na-ab-tuku /dijir na\-me igi-zu-ce3 cu si sa2 na-an-sa2-e
23.    itid-da ec3-e /abzu\-a igi-du8-a e2?-zu saj he2-us2
24.    [an] zag gal-la mu-/zu he2\-pad3-/de3\
25.    ur-saj nam-tar-ra-bi cag4-bi nu-hul2
26.    ki-gub-ba-ni a-/ji6?\ i-im-ku10-ku10-ge i-sig7-sig7-ge
27.    cag4-bi nij2 gal-gal i-im-bal-bal cag4-bi i3-kur2-kur2
28.    inim da-bi nu-ub-/tuku\-a bar-bi i-im-dug4-dug4
29.    ur-saj dnin-urta igi-bi ki-car2-ra ba-ni-in-jar
30.    lu2 na-me nu-ub-dug4 cag4-bi zi nu-X-X
31.    en gal den-ki ki ni2-te-na-ke4 inim cag4-bi ba-X-[zu]
32.    ec3-e abzu-a a-ji6 mud i-im-tuku4-tuku4-/e\
33.    sukkal disimudx(PAB.NUN.ME.EZEN)-de3 e2-e jiri3 mu-un-ru-gu2
34.    ur-saj dnin-urta ed2-de3 nu-mu-un-ce-ce
35.    sukkal disimudx(PAB.NUN.ME.EZEN)-de3-ec2 cu-ni ba-an-zig3
36.    den-ki-ke4 im abzu-a ba-al-gu7 ba-da-an-dim2
37.    ki sun5-na kan4 abzu-a ba-al-gu7 ba-da-an-gub
38.    d/en\-ki-ke4 ki-lul-la-ke4 mu-un-na-ab-dug4-dug4
39.    ki-gub-ba ba-al-gi4-ce3 ba-da-an-tum3
40.    ba-al-gu7 ejer-ra-ni sa-bi ba-da-an-dab5
41.    ur-saj dnin-urta jiri3-bi ba-da-an-gi4
42.    den-ki /nu\-zu-gin7 a-na-am3 ne-e im-me
43.    umbin-jiri3-/bi\ ki bi2-in-hur habrud hul ba-da-an-dun «ud»
44.    ur-saj dnin-urta cag4-bi ba-da-an-cub
45.    ur-saj-e ga-[X] /X\ ed3-de3 nu-mu-un-zu-am3
46.    ba-al-gu7 /jiri3?\ [umbin-jiri3]-/bi\ ba-an-sur-sur
47.    /en gal\ den-[ki]-ke4 [gu3 mu-un]-/na\-de2-e
48.    me X /kur?\-ta mu-ni-in-nijin2-nijin2 /mu\-pad3-de3
49.    je26-ra saj jic? ra-ju10-uc igi-zu mu-e-jar-ra-/am3\
50.    X-bil2-ga gal-gal di je26-e bi2-/ib2\-ja2-ja2 je26-e bi2-ib2-zi-de3
51.    za-e je26-ra a-gin7 igi-zu mu-jar-ra
52.    ki-gub-ba-zu a-na-am3 mu-ra-an-dab5 a-/ra2?\-bi a-na-gin7-nam
53.    nam-kalag-ga-zu me-ce3 ba-an-jen nam-ur-saj-zu me-a
54.    hur-saj gal-gal-e mu-ni-in-gul-gul e-ne-ec2 a-na-am3(source: nam) mu-ed3-de3
55.    dnin-men-na-ke4 inim-bi ba-da-an-pad3
56.    tug2 bar-ra-na /al-bir7?\-re KAC4 im-sar-[sar-re]
57.    u2ug gu7-gu7-ju10-uc /za\-[e] a-ba-a mu-ra-ab-tum2
58.    lu2 saj-bi mu-un-bul-bul ba-X-[X]-un-GIL-X za-e a-/ba-a mu\-ra-/ab\-tum2
59.    dam-an-ki mu-bi nu-me-a u4-/gu7-gu7\-nu-de2-de2 mu-bi-im(source: tin)
60.    nam-uc2 cu jar nu-tuku-a za-e a-[ba]-a mu-ra-ab-tum2

unknown no. of lines missing


Print sources
Alster 1971-72: composite text, score transliteration, translation, commentary
Bottéro and Kramer 1989, p. 418-423: translation, commentary
Kramer 1984: translation, commentary, photograph
Kramer and Maier 1989, p. 84-86, 233-235: translation, commentary

Electronic sources
Krecher 1996: composite text

Cuneiform sources
CBS 8319
CBS 15007
CBS 15085
CBS 8319 (+) CBS 15007 (+) CBS 15085
N 7337
Ni 4003 (SLTN 41)
?Ni 4089 (ISET 1 71)
UET 6 2 = U 16900C
UET 6 3 *484
UET 6 3 *20


Copyright © Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Fluckiger-Hawker, E, Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (, Oxford 1998

Sources - Textes Antiques




Lorsque les dieux faisaient l'homme: Mythologie mésopotamienne
(60 vers)
418. Envoie de Ninurta sur Ordre d’ENKI 
420. Punition de Ninurta par une Tortue par ENKI 
421. Anzû: appelé Aiglon


Mythes des origines de la littérature sumérienne


Sources META - Textes Antiques




Eden : la vérité sur nos origines
190. Ninurta et la tortue, CBS 8319 1 CBS 15007 1 CBS 15085
191. Tortue : Symbole d’Enki