By Anarkia333 |

Ce fragment découvert à Ur présente, quant à lui, une fin différente : on retrouve Inanna apparemment remontée libre et seule des Enfers parmi les vivants sans son escorte de démons. Mais ceux-ci, envoyés plus tard par Ereshkigal viennent la chercher car elle n'a pas fourni de substitut pour la remplacer. Effrayée, la déesse choisit alors de livrer son mari Dumuzi aux démons. Elle ne donne ici aucune raison à son choix sinon qu'elle a peur de retourner aux enfers. Dans cette version, les démons sont beaucoup plus brutaux et battent Dumuzi qui implore Utu de le transformer en serpent. Utu accepte, moins touché par les pleurs du mari d'Inanna que pour réparer une injustice. Dumuzi s'enfuit et se réfugie chez sa sœur Geshtinanna qui tente de le cacher. Les démons retrouvent Geshtinanna et la torturent pour savoir où se cache Dumuzi. Mais, même si Geshtinanna ne souffle mot de la cachette de son frère, les démons retrouvent celui-ci et l'emmènent aux Enfers. Le fragment se termine par les cris de désespoir de Geshtinanna dans la ville. Ici, aucune allusion au retour de Dumuzi et à son remplacement par sa sœur ; mais la fin du manuscrit est manquante et une tablette entière pourrait encore faire défaut

(Source: Wikipédia ; sous Licence CC BY-SA 3.0)

Texte Anglais

Dumuzid and Jectin-ana


1-11. A small demon opened his mouth and said to the big demon, "Come on, let's go to the lap of holy Inana." The demons entered Unug and seized holy Inana. "Come on, Inana, go on that journey which is yours alone -- descend to the underworld. Go to the place which you have coveted -- descend to the nether world. Go to the dwelling of Ereckigala -- descend to the underworld. Don't put on your holy ba garment, the pala dress of ladyship -- descend to the underworld. Remove the holy headdress, that splendid ornament, from your head -- descend to the underworld. Don't enhance your appearance with a wig -- descend to the underworld. Don't adorn your feet with ...... -- descend to the underworld. When you descend, ......."

12-21. They released holy Inana, they ...... her. Inana handed over Dumuzid to them in exchange for herself. "As for the lad, we will put his feet in foot stocks. As for the lad, we will put his hands in hand stocks: we will put his neck in neck stocks." Copper pins, nails and pokers were raised to his face. They sharpened their large copper axes. As for the lad, they stood him up, they sat him down. "Let us remove his ...... garment, let us make him stand ......." As for the lad, they bound his arms, they did evil ....... They covered his face with his own garment.

22-32. The lad raises his hands heavenward to Utu: "O Utu, I am your friend, I am a youth. Do you recognise me? Your sister, whom I married, descended to the underworld. Because she descended to the underworld, it was me that she was to hand over to the underworld as a substitute. O Utu, you are a just judge, don't disappoint me! Change my hands, alter my appearance, so that I may escape the clutches of my demons! Don't let them seize me! Like a sajkal snake that slithers across the meadows and mountains, let me escape alive to the dwelling of my sister Jectin-ana."

33-46. Utu accepted his tears. He changed his hands, he altered his appearance. Then like a sajkal snake that slithers across the meadows and mountains, like a soaring falcon that can swoop down on a live (?) bird, Dumuzid escaped alive to the dwelling of his sister Jectin-ana. Jectin-ana looked at her brother. She scratched at her cheek: she scratched at her nose. She looked at her sides: she ...... her garment. She recited a lament of misfortune for the unfortunate lad: "O my brother! O my brother, lad who has not fulfilled those days! O my brother, shepherd Ama-ucumgal-ana, lad who has not fulfilled those days and years! O my brother, lad who has no wife, who has no children! O my brother, lad who has no friend, who has no companion! O my brother, the lad who is not a comfort (?) to his mother!"

47-56. The demons go hither and thither searching for Dumuzid. The small demons say to the big demons: "Demons have no mother; they have no father or mother, sister or brother, wife or children. When ...... were established on heaven and earth, you demons were there, at a man's side like a reed enclosure. Demons are never kind, they do not know good from evil. Who has ever seen a man, without a family, all alone, escape with his life? We shall go neither to the dwelling of his friend nor to the dwelling of his in-laws. Rather, for the shepherd let us go to the dwelling of Jectin-ana." The demons clap their hands and begin to seek him out.

57-64. Jectin-ana had barely finished that lament when the demons arrived at her dwelling. "Show us where your brother is," they said to her. But she spoke not a word to them. They afflicted her loins with a skin disease, but she spoke not a word to them. They scratched her face with ......, but she spoke not a word to them. They ...... the skin of her buttocks, but she spoke not a word to them. They poured tar in her lap, but she spoke not a word to them. So they could not find Dumuzid at the house of Jectin-ana.

65-73. The small demons said to the big demons: "Come on, let's go to the holy sheepfold!" There at the holy sheepfold they caught Dumuzid. They went hither and thither until they caught him. They searched for him until he was seen. The axe was wielded against the lad who had no family. They sharpened their daggers, they smashed his hut. His sister wandered about the city like a bird because of her brother: "My brother, let me take the great misfortune, come, let me ......."


Copyright © Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Fluckiger-Hawker, E, Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (, Oxford 1998

Texte Français

A venir. (Traducteur recherché... :) )

Texte Sumérien

Dumuzid and Jectin-ana


1.    gal5-la2 tur ka ba-a-ci-ba9-re6 gal5-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
2.    ja2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en ur2 kug dinana-ka-ce3 ga-da-re7-en-de3-en
3.    gal5-la2 unugki-ce3 ba-ni-in-kur9-re-ec kug dinana-ke4 mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne
4.    ja2-nu dinana kaskal-zu-ce3 ni-ba jen-na kur-ce3 ed3-de3
5.    ki cag4-ge de6-a-zu-ce3 jen-na kur-ce3 ed3-de3
6.    ki derec-ki-gal-la-ce3 jen-na kur-ce3 ed3-de3
7.    tug2-ba13 kug tug2pala3-a tug2 nam-nin-zu nam-ba-mu4-mu4-un kur-ce3 ed3-de3
8.    men kug me-te ka silim-ma saj-zu-a um-ta-ja2-ar kur-ce3 ed3-de3
9.    hi-li-a igi-zu la-ba-ni-in-du7 kur-ce3 ed3-de3
10.    UR NU TUR jiri3-zu [...]-du8-du8 kur-ce3 ed3-de3
11.    ud za-e ed3-[de3-da ...] nu-BU-BU
12.    kug dinana-ke4 mu-un-bur2-bur2-re-ec [...]-ga-de3-ec
13.    dinana ni2-te-na ddumu-zid cu-ce3 ba-an-cum2
14.    juruc-e jic<rab3> mah jiri3-ni im-ma-an-jar-re-en-de3-en
15.    juruc-e jices2-ad <cu-ni> cub-bu-de3-en-de3-en jic-gu2 gu2-ni jar-re-en-de3-en
16.    urud-henzer urudkibir2 urudcukur mah-e igi-ni-ce3 ba-an-ci-ib2-il2-il2
17.    urudha-zi-in gal-gal-la u3-sar i3-ak-e-ne
18.    juruc-e mu-ni-in-gub-bu-de3-ec mu-ni-in-dur2-de3-ec
19.    tug2-gun5-na-ni cub-bu-de3-en-de3-en UC KUM gub-bu-de3-en-de3-en
20.    juruc-e a2-na mu-un-la2-e-de3-ec tug2-ec huhul mu-un-ci-ak-ec
21.    tug2 ni2-te-na igi-na mu-ni-in-dul-u3-de3-ec
22.    juruc-e dutu-ra an-ce3 cu-ni ba-an-ci-zig3(source: mu)
23.    dutu gu5-li-zu je26-e-me-en cul-me-en za-e mu-zu
24.    nin9-zu nam-dam-ce3 ba-an-tuku-a
25.    e-ne kur-ce3 ed3-de3
26.    mu e-ne kur-ce3 ed3-de3
27.    je26-e ki-jar-ra-bi-ce3 kur-ce3 ba-ab-cum2-mu-de3
28.    dutu di-kud nij2-si-sa2 za-e-me-en nam-ba-lul-de3
29.    cu-ja2 u3-mu-e-kur2 ulutim2-ju10 u3-mu-e-bal
30.    cu gal5-la2-ju10-ne ga-ba-e-da-an-ze-er nam-mu-ha-a-za-ac
31.    muc-saj-kal-gin7 cag4-tum2 hur-saj-ja2 mu-ni-in-bal-bal
32.    ki nin9 djectin-an-na-ce3 zi-ju10 ga-ba-an-ci-in-de6
33.    dutu er2-na cu ba-an-ci-in-ti
34.    cu-ni mu-ni-in-kur2-kur2 ulutim2-ma-ni mu-ni-in-bal-bal
35.    muc-saj-kal-gin7 cag4-tum2 hur-saj-ja2 mu-ni-in-bal-bal
36.    ddumu-zid-de3 mucen-ce3 sur2-du3mucen dal-a-gin7 zi-ni ur5-da i3-cub-ba
37.    ki djectin-an-na-ce3 zi-ni ba-ci-in-de6
38.    [d]jectin-an-na cec-a-ni igi ba-ni-in-du8-am3
39.    te-na mu-ni-in-hur-hur giri17-na mu-ni-in-hur-hur
40.    igi-ni zag-ga-na mi-ni-in-du8 tug2-ni mi-ni-in-da-da-ra
41.    juruc aj2-gig-ra i-lu aj2-gig-ga hu-mu-ni-ib2-be2
42.    a cec-ju10 a cec-ju10 juruc ud-bi nu-um-[si]
43.    a cec-ju10 su8-ba dama-ucumgal-an-na juruc ud-bi mu!-bi nu-um-si
44.    a cec-ju10 juruc dam nu-tuku dumu nu-tuku
45.    a cec-ju10 juruc gu5-li nu-tuku dub3-us2-sa nu-tuku
46.    a cec-ju10 juruc ama-ni sag9-ga-ni nu-du8
47.    gal5-la2 ddumu-zid-de3 mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne mu-ni-in-nijin2-nijin2-na-ec
48.    gal5-la2 tur gal5-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e-ne
49.    gal5-la2 ama nu-tuku ad-da ama nin9 cec dam dumu nu-tuku-me-ec
50.    ud me-da gal? uj3 UC jar-ra an ki-ta ri-a-bi
51.    za-e-ne-ne gal5-la2-ze2-en lu2 zag-ga-ni gi-cukur-gin7
52.    cu jar sag9-ga nu-tuku-me-ec sag9-ga hul nu-zu-me-ec
53.    lu2-u3 e2 nu ni2-te-na zi-ni silim-ma a-ba-a igi mi-ni-in-du8
54.    ki gu5-li-bi nu-um-ci-du!-de3-en ki mussa-bi nu-um-ci-du-de3-en
55.    su8-ba-ra ki djectin-an-na-ka-ce3 ga-an-ci-re7-en-de3-en
56.    gal5-la2-e-e-ne cu-ta ba-ab-sag3-sag3-ge-me-ec mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne-ec
57.    i-lu-bi ka-ga14-na nu-mu-un-til-la-am3
58.    gal5-la2 ki djectin-an-na-ce3 ba-e-ci-re7re-ec
59.    ki cec-zu la2-ma-ra-ab e-ne mu-ni-ib2-be2-e-ne inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
60.    hab ni2-te ki ur2-ra ba-ni-in-ze2-ej3 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
61.    X ni2-te ki igi-na ba-ni-in-hur-hur inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
62.    kuc ni2-te ki dur2-na ba-ni-in-kar2-kar2 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
63.    esir2 ur2-ra-na ba-ni-in-de2-de2 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2
64.    ddumu-zid-de3 e2 djectin-an-na-ke4 nu-um-me-ni-in-pad3-de3
65.    gal5-la2 [tur gal5]-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e-ne
66.    ja2-/nam\-[ma-an-ze2]-/en\ amac kug-ga-ce3 ga-an-ci-re7-de3-en
67.    ddumu-zid-de3 amac [kug-ga]-/ta\ mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-de3-ec
68.    mu-ni-in-nijin2-nijin2-ne-ec [mu-ni-in]-dab5-be2-de3-ec
69.    mu-ni-in-kin-ne-ec igi ba-ni-in-du8-am3
70.    juruc-ra e2 nu-nam-ma urudha-zi-in cu jal2 ba-ci-in-ti
71.    jiri2-ur3-ra mu-ni-in-sar-sar-re-ec ki-sig9-ga mu-ni-in-dub2-ec
72.    nin9-e na-aj2 cec-na-ce3 iri-a mucen-gin7 im-ma-an-nijin2-nijin2
73.    cec-ju10 aj2-gig-ga gal cu ga-de6 ja2-na me ga-an-te


Print sources
Sladek 1974, p. 225-239: composite text, translation, commentary

Electronic sources
Black 1997a: translation
Krecher 1996a: composite text, translation

Cuneiform sources
UET 6 11
UET 6 *29 + UET 6 *73 + UET 6 *89


Copyright © Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Fluckiger-Hawker, E, Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (, Oxford 1998

Sources - Textes Antiques




Lorsque les dieux faisaient l'homme: Mythologie mésopotamienne
(72 vers)
297. ***Version 2***

Dumuzi changé en Python
299. Bottéro: Choix de traduire par Python par convention...