Les Hélicoptères Français

By Anarkia333 |
Les Hélicoptères Français

L'hélicoptère a toujours été, dans l'imagination des hommes, la machine volante idéale, puisqu'elle permet de s'envoler et de se poser à la verticale à peu près partout. Cependant, c'est une machine d'une incroyable complexité, ce qui explique qu'elle fut si longue à mettre au point.

Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures

By Anarkia333 |
Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures

In this textbook for students of laminated composite materials, composite structures, and anisotropic elasticity, Chyanbin Hwu draws on more than three decades of research and applications experience to provide a leading resource on many unique topics related to laminated composite structures.

Mechanics of Composite Structures

By Anarkia333 |
Mechanics of Composite Structures

An increase in the use of composite materials in areas of engineering has led to a greater demand for engineers versed in the design of structures made from such materials. This book offers students and engineers tools for designing practical composite structures.

Buckling and Postbuckling Structures - Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Studies

By Anarkia333 |
Buckling and Postbuckling Structures - Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Studies

This book provides an in-depth treatment of the study of the stability of engineering structures. Contributions from internationally recognized leaders in the field ensure a wide coverage of engineering disciplines in which structural stability is of importance, in particular the analytical and numerical modelling of structural stability applied to aeronautical, civil, marine and offshore structures. 

Thin-walled Laminated Structures - Buckling, Vibrations and Their Suppression

By Anarkia333 |
Thin-walled Laminated Structures - Buckling, Vibrations and Their Suppression

This book presents a theoretical approach that allows the analysis of structures with magnetorheological and electrorheological layers, and shows, with the help of examples, how the mechanical behaviour of thin-walled laminated structures can be influenced.

It consists of six chapters:

Chapter 1 presents a brief overview of derivation approaches for theories of thin-walled structures, modelling of composites and modelling of laminated and sandwich structures.