Building in Egypt - Pharaonic Stone Masonry

By Anarkia333 |
Building in Egypt - Pharaonic Stone Masonry

Reprint of the leading book on the methods of stone construction in Egypt from the beginnings at the pyramid complex of Djoser at Saqqara in 2700 B.C. through the pyramids of the Old and Middle Kingdoms to the hypostyle hall at Karnak and other buildings. The book covers the production, quarrying, and transport of stone and tools used in the buildings, and combats speculative literature on how the builders solved certain technical problems.

Giza - The Truth

By Anarkia333 |
Giza - The Truth

Quels secrets le plateau de Gizeh détient-il vraiment ?
Qui essaie de les débloquer... et quelles sont leurs motivations ?

The Science and Technology of 3D Printing

By Anarkia333 |
The Science and Technology of 3D Printing

Three-dimensional printing, or additive manufacturing, is an emerging manufacturing process. Research and development are being performed worldwide to provide a better understanding of the science and technology of 3D printing to make high-quality parts in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. This book includes contemporary, unique, and impactful research on 3D printing from leading organizations worldwide.

Make - Getting Started with 3D Printing

By Anarkia333 |
Make - Getting Started with 3D Printing

Make: Getting Started with 3D Printing, Second Edition, is a practical, informative, and inspiring book that guides readers step-by-step through this new manufacturing technology. The book includes fundamental
topics such as a short history of 3D printing, the best hardware and software choices, hands-on CAD tutorial exercises, examples of how you can apply 3D printing to your personal life, professional work, and a new section for how to make money with 3D printing.

Matériaux métalliques

By Anarkia333 |
Matériaux métalliques

Véritable encyclopédie technique des matériaux métalliques, cet ouvrage traite de tous les types de métaux : alliages ferreux (aciers et fontes), métaux et alliages non ferreux, métaux et alliages nouveaux (métaux amorphes, mémoire de forme).

L'Exorciste selon William Friedkin

By Anarkia333 |
L'Exorciste selon William Friedkin

À la fois lyrique et spi­ri­tuel, ce docu­men­taire sur L’Exorciste nous plonge dans les pro­fon­deurs inex­plo­rées de la repré­sen­ta­tion men­tale de William Fried­kin, mais aus­si dans les arcanes du tour­nage du film et les mys­tères de la foi et du des­tin qui ont façon­né la vie et l’œuvre du cinéaste.