Note: Messages Transcriptés à partir des Audios Anglais de Lee Carroll (use Google Translate).
Kryon channel in Havana, Cuba January 20 – 23, 2024
Message for the Cuban Lightworkers - January 20, 2024
Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
Human’s doubt who they are mainly because the subconscious has received so many negative comments. It happens from parents. It happens in school. It happens even in spiritual leaders. Told that you’re limited or cannot do things, or because of your status you cannot do this or that. And so the human comes into this planet and is immediately told what they cannot do and all the time the angels look at you as magnificent.
The biggest change in consciousness will be the way parents start to teach their children - with encouragement. Teaching them not about what history has done, but what will happen next. I’m here to tell you that history will not repeat itself. There will be some good surprises ahead. But in this situation that you find yourself, human, it’s hard to believe that you can do some things that we’re going to do today.
Every human being has a beautiful soul. What have you been taught about the soul? And the answer is almost nothing. It’s a multidimensional part of you, a God part of you. You’ve been told that your soul resides in heaven, not here. You’ve been told that your soul will then be available when you pass. Such a linear idea of humanity.
I would like to tell you something much bigger than you’ve ever been told. Your soul is here now. You sit in the middle of it. You have a beautiful field around you, up to 8 meters wide. It’s even been named the Merkaba. You are in your soul right now. It’s here.
One of the things that we’ve been doing is a journey to the soul. What if you could visit your own soul? And there will be those who say, “No, no, you cannot do that, Kryon. We’ve been told that’s not possible.” Dear Ones, that is what the belief has been. Things are beginning to shift. New information is beginning to be revealed about a truth that is magnificent, unexpected, beautiful.
Those of you in this group who meditate, why? How would you answer that? It takes you to a beautiful place and you feel it. It’s the doorstep to your soul. Let’s cross that threshold. I’m going to give you a guided meditation that may help you to do that. I’m going to tell you something. This is not a pretend situation.
Everything that follows from now on is as real as you make it. You are allowed to touch your soul. You always have been.
I want you to imagine a bridge. The bridge is a metaphor for crossing from the known to the unknown and this bridge will cross you into your own magnificent soul. The beauty of this is you journey to a place that’s totally safe. It’s your sacred home. It really truly is home because you’re only on this planet for a little while, but your soul is forever. Your soul is a piece of the Creator. That which you call God created your soul and you are part of it. Now you’re going to touch the face of your soul.
Come with me across this bridge if you wish. Take my hand if you wish and feel love pouring into you. And as you cross this mist, you might say, that doesn’t let you see the other side, it starts to clear up. Do you allow this? Do you allow this? And if the answer is yes, you are giving permission for something amazing and beautiful.
I invite you to see your soul in any way that you wish and it’s different for everyone. You’re sitting on a beautiful part of the universe where you can even hear light where all is well. You have to be here in order to understand what’s coming next.
I invite you to go through a doorway. The doorway is a symbol of moving into another energy. You’re in the most beautiful place you’ve ever been. It’s you in your soul and there is nothing here that will ever harm you. Everything is perfect here and you are looking at it. It’s the bigger you.
I want you to go to a very, very large room and there’s a single chair to sit in. And in this chair I would like to introduce you to six more angels. I am Kryon. I am from the angelic realm. I am here to love humanity. That’s what I do. Angels all have tasks, you might say, and you’ve heard this from your spiritual history. There seems to be angelic forces and realm for almost everything. Where did that come from? It came right from your intuition.
It’s correct. There are those in the angelic realm that are specifically for you in certain areas.
How does it feel to know that this is how it works? That the whole intent of all the angelic realm, of the Creator itself, is to love humanity. And some of you would say, “Well, where have you been? I’ve needed you before now.” And now is a chance for us to say: Do you give allowance for us to help you? That’s all you’ve had to do.
Think beyond anything you were taught. Can you do that? That’s difficult for humans. So many subconscious things you were taught.
There’s some special things that can happen here. There are those of you in this group who are going to leave this place differently than you came in.
The first angel of seven is Kryon. It is me. I want to spend some time with you. I want to enforce something that is a belief. I have told you repeatedly through my partner that when you come to this planet there is celebration from the angelic realm that you have a renewed life here. You deserve to be here. You’re born beautiful. This is how God sees you.
Here is my message to you. Don’t let anybody talk you out of this! You are able at any time to speak personally to that which created you. Would any of you have a beautiful child that you hold in your arms and then you immediately give it to somebody else and you say, “Don’t let the child ever talk to me.” It’s ridiculous. It’s not love. God is love! You’re the child and God wants to talk to you. That’s been my message for 34 years.
You are bigger than you think!
There are those who want to tell you you cannot speak to Spirit. There are those who tell you that you are now worthy to be here. I am telling you the opposite. And you have your choice to feel the truth or not, and this is the free choice of the human being, to feel truth or not. Not to hear it and believe it, but to feel it. What do you feel now?
There is love in this place. I want to introduce a concept. Those who understand energy, sound and color, know that the color green is healing. I want you to imagine something with me, something that’s going to happen in this room. There is a beautiful, angelic green mist that is going to start coming from the back of the room slowly encircling every one of you. And when you start to feel it come in, it’s family. It’s family. You have a sacred family joining you in the form of a green mist. This is so you can visualize this mist going around you, circling your bed and your legs and through this mist we’re going to start delivering you energies.
As Kryon, I deliver the love of humanity to you. I deliver to you an idea that there are those in very faraway lands right now who can feel you because they are also visiting their soul. You are inside your soul for this experience and there is much that can happen right now with your allowance. Feel loved.
There is an angel that I would like to introduce you to that wants to tell you the same thing. This is an angel that has been around a long time. All the angels know each other. Jophiel is here. Jophiel, come here now. Jophiel is touching the green mist, angel of beauty and self-worth. This is an angel that wants to touch you, surround you in this mist and tell you the truth about you. This is the angel that will say, “Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh my. I see your lives before me. You deserve to be here.”
This is the angel that sees you as a wise creature. This is the angel that looks at you and says, “Do you know who you are? There is light in you. Everything that you have believed so far, you’re going to have to change. You’re going to have to change your whole idea of who you are.” And this is the angel that says, “Let me show you a glimpse of your magnificence. I want you to imagine yourself standing and being important to God.” And if you do, you would be just like you have asked your children to do for you. You want your children to grow up knowing who they are. You want the best for them. And Jophiel is saying that’s exactly what God wants for you.
Jophiel wants to circle the room and touch especially the ones who don’t think they’re worthy, for they are. They are! Oh multidimensional human being, there is so much history in you of the universe. This earth is just one piece of it. God knows you. God knows you. God knows you.
Jophiel begins to move back, but stays in the back of the room. The green mist continues. I would like to introduce you to the unexpected angel. This is one you didn’t think would be here. Who do you think you are when you’re not here? How big is your soul and what’s it for and what’s it do? There is something loosely called the Higher Self. It’s golden in color. It’s huge and it’s you. It’s the angelic part of you. Can you believe that?
You are meeting the bigger part of you. This angel doesn’t just want to see you. This angel wants to hug you because it’s you. This angel wants to come in and say, “Here’s who you really are.” This angel would love to take you by the hand and let you romp around the universe. Take a look at who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve done. Look what we have done. Look at what we have done together.
This is a tough one for many. “You mean I’m an angel?” You were never told that, were you? What do you think a soul is when you’re not part of it on earth? When we’ve told you that a soul is a piece of God, what do you think you’re about when you’re not here? You’re angelic.
There are some of you who have lost loved ones and you say, “Well, I wish they would come back and visit me.” They do. And they do it in the form of angels because that’s who they are when they’re not here. They don’t come to you through a séance, Dear One. They try to touch you in angelic form. They have messages of love for you.
This Higher Self of yours is the most important angel you will meet because when this meeting is over, this is the one who wants to go home with you. This Higher Self steps back and goes to the back of the room to join me and the other angel, Jophiel. They’re still here.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. In this green mist, it becomes more intense. The colors of green are thick like a thick green velvet blanket. It swirls around you now as an angel you know becomes more present this angel that you have known lifetime after lifetime. This angel represents the earth. Her name is Gaia. The Gaia angel is… (words are unclear). The very air you breathe comes from Gaia.
Take a deep breath. Feel her presence. Feel the green mist of Gaia infusing every cell of your body with a nutrient rich oxygen. Her existence here is in partnership with you. She holds so much healing energy for humans. The Gaia angel wants to come closer. Do you give permission? The Gaia angel wants to move through you. Do you give permission? As you breathe in, breathe in the energy of the Gaia Angel. She is infusing you with the elixir of life. There is a multidimensional essence of life within the planet. And do you give allowance to receive this multidimensional essence of life?
The energy of the Gaia Angel is moving through you, infusing every cell of your body. There is a deep relationship you share with the earth. As you breathe in, it’s from the life of Gaia. And as you breathe out, you exchange this energy and you give Gaia life. You may look at the planet in awe and wonder. Each flower that is her creation is so beautiful and yet when the Gaia Angel is looking at you right now, she sees the eternity of your soul. You see, Gaia had a beginning. Our planet had a beginning, but you were there and watched it happen. You have no beginning and you have no end. And so the Gaia Angel looks at you in awe and wonder.
And so as this Gaia Angel energy becomes part of you, she moves aside in the Green Mist because there is another angel that wants to come forward. She is the Crystal Angel. And one of the qualities of this Crystal Angel is that she is able to transmute any inappropriate energies. This Crystal Angel is of such high vibration and frequency that merely being in her presence removes any impurifications, any inappropriate energies.
Do you give permission for the Crystal Angel to come closer? Do you give permission for the Crystal Angel to push her energies into your heart? And as this Crystal Angel moves into your heart area, she radiates out energy. And within the Crystal Angel she brings to you the Akashic wisdom you have.
And so now we invite the energy of all the spiritual wisdom, experience and knowledge we have to come present into this life so that any hidden talents we may have we give permission for this to rise. We want you to pay attention to your dreams and any visions you may have because you have within you an entire library of experience of such deep wisdom, deep knowledge, deep intuitive abilities which are catalyzed by the energy of compassion. And so with this catalytic energy we are going to move through the Green Mist landscape to invite another angel.
There are two more angels who have been waiting for you. They are powerful, very powerful. They are specialists in their field. And the first of the two is Raphael, soother of the soul of grief. It is the human condition to grieve over those you’ve loved and lost. It is Raphael who gives you the message: Souls are eternal! Everyone you’ve loved and lost is still here. They didn’t disappear. They didn’t go into a place that is unknown to God. They went into a sacred multidimensional area where they can help you and you can feel them.
If that’s you, haven’t you felt them? Oh. I give permission for them to be here in some way right now and say,
“The love of God is everything and we share it together even now.” Raphael is the specialist in grief, to lift you out of it and to have you understand that these you’ve loved and lost are still here. You can enhance this and celebrate them every day. “Thank you for still being with me in my soul. I miss you and I love you, but thank you for still being here. And if you wish, to give me a sign.” And you’ll get it.
This is the beauty of the love that is here for you. That there are those in the angelic realm dedicated to make you heal, to help you from grief. That’s a real special love, Dear Ones. That’s a very special love. Raphael is well known in so many systems where they look at angels, and the one that can lift a human being up so that they can permanently continue and not be in a state of grief anymore. Every single human can use this. All another shade of love as this beautiful Green Mist continues.
And now we come to the last angel. I want you to be very still. This Green Mist is going to contain a healing energy and in comes St. Germain touching the Green Mist and touching you and bringing something called the Violet Flame. This is the flame that can burn away disease and pain. This is the healing angel. The last one tonight; the one that can touch you in special ways.
Listen, Dear Ones, we have done this before and people will leave differently than they came. When a human being experiences spontaneous remission, what is that? It’s what we bring now for those who are ready for a healing in this place. Not just a healing of grief. Physical, relief of pain, of symptoms, of all of the things that you’ve brought here that diminish your life. We have done this before. It’s a beginning of a healing that may take a while to change your chemistry gradually, to eliminate the things that you want to eliminate.
This is St. Germain moving through this audience. Be still. Be still and let this work. Be still and let this work. This is a real energy healing. There are those who are feeling it now and this is why you came and this is the love that Spirit has for you. You are more than you think, Dear Ones.
These seven angels have come today in a way that has not happened before in any other group, perfectly timed for today, for every single one of you who came to sit in this place. Your being here alone is permission. Take these energies today from this place so that you will understand things are very different from what you’ve been told and that light is coming here from this wise group.
The Green Mist starts to recede, the angels as well. But the residual of everything that has occurred remains with you. Listen to me. It does not go away when you leave. Love is not that way. It is forever. And that is what you have experienced this day, an energy of forever, the energy of forever. I am Kryon in love with you all. And so it is.
Message for the Cuban Lightworkers - January 21, 2024
Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
This particular message is for those in the room. Sometimes it is different when a human being hears a channeling for the first time, not understanding it’s actually quite a common thing in human history, not necessarily in the cultures of today, but becoming more common in the cultures of today.
Is it possible for those in an angelic realm or what you call the other side of the veil could communicate so easily and smoothly through a human being? I will tell you since the beginning of your written history, it’s everywhere.
From the time of the conversation with the burning bush, which was an angelic realm entity, this is common.
And I would like to tell you something. That that which you call God or the Creator or the Source of everything, I would like to tell you that there is a rule that says that humans have free choice. But at the same time there is an entourage of angelic love that wants to talk to you and all it takes is your permission. What a concept. That it’s always been this way regardless of what you’re told.
So today is no different. Messages for you. As you tour this historic place, I want to give you a premise that I have given so many times. It’s a beautiful premise because it involves the energy that is unseen but it is very well known, especially by those who are sensitive - sensitive to other energies. I am talking to many of those in this room who are sensitive, especially to other energies.
There will be those who will walk into a field and say, “I feel bad today walking here.” And you find out later this was an ancient battlefield and they had somehow picked it up. And they hadn’t just picked it up. They had the emotions of it. They actually…perhaps something happened within their chemistry. They had an upset stomach because there was death there. This is common. You hear this so many times. Someone who has no idea where they are standing and find out later that it was significant.
Now that is energy, Dear Ones. And if that is energy that was implanted let’s say into Gaia, into the earth where they were standing and it stayed there, every battlefield that’s ever occurred where there are deaths, it stays there. Most people don’t understand that joyful events also stay there. Those who’ve had births of their children in the field with that joy and magnificence, it stayed there.
So I want you to remember this for a moment. You will be taken during these days to places that are exceptionally important to the culture. When you see monuments that would represent victories and independence, or you would go to places that represent hundreds of years of design perhaps, or music perhaps, this is the opportunity for you to stand and feel what is in the earth that happened. A place where there are monuments, can you feel the pride of those who stand there?
Perhaps it’s a monument of independence, even from hundreds of years ago for a people. Feel what they felt when they built it. Can you feel within the earth and be part of those and celebrate not what you’re seeing, but what you’re feeling?
I cannot say this to every group, but I can say this to those who are dedicated to finding themselves to discovering energy which we call a lightworker. Someone who is committed to finding out more about who they are on this planet and the magnificence of unseen energies that are all around you. It’s a safe place.
So the channel today, the beginning one, the first one of this tour in this island nation called Cuba and this is for you. I am Kryon in love with humanity. And so it is.
Message for the Cuban Lightworkers - January 22, 2024
Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
Oh, for those in this room, how many of you realize that you had an appointment to be here, to see what you’ve seen, to feel what you’ve felt and to know perhaps what you didn’t know before? All of these things are precious additions to an already wise human being. There was no mistake that you chose to be here in a small group carrying a giant energy. There are those who say, “Well, can you really make a difference under the guise of being a tourist? Can you really make a difference?” The decision for you to be here already has. This is difficult to explain in a linear world to any human being.
I gave a series of channelings of explanations about what you call the future. The very concept of the future is not really recognized by a human being. To a human being the future is unknown, something that is coming, something sometimes which is mysterious that is in your limited four-dimensional world. That is how you see things.
And that’s why it’s often startling to you or scary to you because you don’t know anything about it.
I have said before, if you knew how things really operated and worked, you would understand the future is all part of what you would call the now. As you shape the reality that you have here with the energy that you wish to use here, you completely and totally shape the future. So you might say the human being has the ability, total ability to control the future.
What I want to tell you is something that I mentioned before and I’m going to say it yet again so that it is germane, that is appropriate and meaningful to the conversation and the situation at hand as you sit in Cuba and that is this: You have free choice as humanity, but you set up goals, you set up energies that you run into in the now. And as you run into them, you recognize them as you.
What I am telling you is this: The future represents a snowball that rolls down the hill. And if you said to somebody, “Why don’t you stand in front of the snowball?” In its enormity, they would say, “Are you crazy?” And you would say, “Well, you never know what the future holds. You can’t tell the future.” And they would look at you and say, “The snowball is coming. I’m not going to stand here.” Now have they told you the future or is it common sense? And how much of that is intuitive with them? How much of that is reality to them?
There are some things that you can sense and feel are coming because of that snowball of intent, of compassion, of truth. That is what is occurring here. There is a snowball underway and how benevolent it is. And how much love is connected in how people think about how to pray and how to work with it depends on what will happen not only here, but also in the conflagrations that are happening on the planet at the moment. And how an old energy might see them coming out and how a new energy might see them as being solved.
All is changing on this planet in ways that are different than you might expect. So in that, all I am saying is this: There is something coming and it comes in so many different packages. And one of them, a big one, is love, compassion, but common sense. Common sense may guide for the first time what is happening here. This is up to so many moving parts, but those parts have shifted because you have come here. How does that make you feel to play a part in compassion on a large scale?
Now you know why I love you so. And so it is.
Message for the Cuban Lightworkers - January 23, 2024
Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
I’d like to brief you on a system. And we’re going to continue this story that has been started today, one of the most beautiful systems, the most beautiful stories that humans can tell about their souls. In order to do that, I wish to place you on a mountain, in a village somewhere faraway. It’s early in the morning.
There are breezes blowing. It’s cool, quite cool. Slowly there is a group of men that is wandering between the abodes of where the residents live. The men are all wearing one color. Their heads are shaved. They are on a mission. They are on a beautiful mission, one that doesn’t happen quite that often, but is profound.
Finally they stop at one home and they go inside. And in that place that they have chosen to be, there is great joy. These men are selecting the next leader in their belief system, the next Rinpoche, and they’re looking at an 8-year old boy. The mother can hardly believe it because she knows what’s coming. What they have done is to use that which is their wisdom together to read the Akash over time of the children in the village to find out which one has come back from the last leader so that they would have the same consciousness of the soul of their leadership.
The mother is beside herself. They are going to take that boy away and she will not see that boy for some years as he is trained, and she is joyful and she is jumping up and down. How is it possible that a mother would be so excited when she’s going to lose her son for years, especially at a young age? And the answer is she knows what he is going to be. She knows the care he will receive. This child will be taken and trained. Eventually in his youth he will be sent abroad to learn languages, up to five. Then he will be taught the poetry of the west and the east. He will be then versed in the history of the world.
You might ask, “What if they got it wrong? What if he wasn’t very smart?” They don’t get it wrong, Dear Ones. And that is the point. If you ever wanted to see the attributes that would indicate not proof, but near proof, that there are past lives and you can recognize the attributes and there are those who can see them and read them, this is it. And the Rinpoches grow up to be the leaders of the area. Even the main leader is chosen this way, the dalai, the lamas, chosen in this way. And they don’t get it wrong.
Hundreds of years this has been the case and this has been the way, and they don’t get it wrong. This in itself would say perhaps there is something to this. I say that because most of the western world does not believe in that which is past life experience or understand that there is a system, a beautiful system, one that makes sense. It’s only been in the last few years that the western world can start seeing it for themselves in different ways.
How many on this planet believe in these things? And the answer is almost half. It’s not sequestered to a small group. If you take a look at the belief systems of the planet, almost half believe in reincarnation. It is a system that is intuitive. Why would Spirit give you a magnificent soul and then give you one time on the planet? What is the system there? There is none.
The real system is one of ascension. That is it’s a school of learning, of wisdom, and you come and come and come and each time you receive more. And in that the planet is raised in its vibration, society becomes wiser, eventually you have a planet that is learning instead of one that is dysfunctional and does the same thing over and over. That’s what the shift is about right now.
In these past years, you have the internet. This has allowed you to see something startling, unexplainable. And that is the child prodigy. The one who is six years old playing in front of an audience with a symphony orchestra, playing like a maestro, not just the academics perhaps of being able to or the perhaps motion of the fingers or that which you would assign to the brain. You’re talking about an esoteric knowing. When a child like that is playing an instrument of any kind, you can see how they tip their head back and move it slightly to the side and shut their eyes, even while they’re playing, because they are feeling the music of the masters. They are feeling the years it took to learn an instrument which they didn’t have.
There would be those who say, “It’s amazing,” especially in some of the hardest instruments to play; the violin for instance. To have it played like a maestro when you’re only 8 or 9 is impossible. Where it may take 10 – 15 years to master these moves and yet they are doing it. The ones who are singing, composing. The poets who only have a few years on the earth. The painters who paint like the masters almost out of the womb. And if you ask how that happened, I will tell you because within the arts is the strongest Akashic energy. Musicians come back as musicians. Artists come back as artists. They want to continue that energy and they do.
And so with it literally in your face and seeing this happen over and over, you marvel at it. It is the example of reincarnation, a profound reincarnation where the one who was supposed to carry on the life they had before is doing it almost immediately. The system is beautiful. The religion of the west will look at it and say, “There is no explanation because God works in mysterious ways.” I’m going to tell you, there is nothing mysterious about it. It’s a beautiful system and the system works.
The best part of the system you’re starting to see now. And that is no matter whether you believe this or not, you are participating in it as you sit there and listen to me. You’ve had lifetime after lifetime to get you even to the place where you would hear this.
Dear Ones, it’s important that you’re here. It’s like a school of wisdom. And it’s not anything you have to do with it. It’s about listening and the consciousness of it, and perhaps the acknowledgement: Could it be, is it worth looking into or perhaps it’s not for me, but it’s a nice idea? You’re on the way to then having something happen within your consciousness – allowance, to think of this where you were never taught it before.
Could it be? And if it is, that’s why you’re here. To understand more than you understood before, perhaps to sit and just relish in the love that would create a system that would keep you wiser than the time before so that your life is better now. Many are awakening to a higher truth that they learned a long time ago. Perhaps this is why you’re here today, just to hear this.
I am Kryon in love with humanity. And so it is.