222 - CACHÉ À LA VUE - 26 Janvier 2022


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Voici la quatrième partie d'une série en 4 parties sur les choses cachées à la vue de tous. Est-il possible que cela puisse contrôler les choses qui nous arrivent ? 

Salutations, chers amis, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

Il se passe tellement de choses, très chers, avec vous. L'Esprit vous connaît et sait ce que vous traversez. L'Esprit coopère de tant de façons pour vous aider, et parfois, vos rêves sont l'une de ces façons. Aujourd'hui, certains ont posé des questions sur les rêves. [Dans la section Q&A du programme de diffusion en direct.]

Si vous ne l'avez pas remarqué, les rêves semblent assez multidimensionnels. Ce que je veux dire par là, c'est qu'ils ne sont jamais linéaires : dans les rêves, on se retrouve dans des endroits qui étaient dans le passé, rencontrant souvent des gens qui ne devraient pas être là, ou qui ne se sont jamais connus, ou même sont passés. Ainsi, les rêves sont souvent des métaphores de quelque chose d'autre auquel vous avez affaire dans votre subconscient. Parfois, ils vous distraient pendant que vous travaillez sur des choses plus 3D dans votre esprit. Parfois, ils sont en relation directe avec ce que vous apprenez ou traversez en tant que travailleur de lumière.

Combien d'entre vous rêvent en couleur ou, peut-être, rêvent-ils de voler ? Ce sont des rêves, très chers, qui vous montrent clairement que vous êtes sur la bonne voie. Peut-être avez-vous souhaité avoir des rêves comme ça? Permettez-moi de faire une suggestion : avant d'aller dormir, donnez l'intention aux rêves que vous souhaitez avoir et voyez ce qui se passe. Ceux d'entre vous qui ont des rêves que vous n'aimez pas peuvent également les contrôler. Encore une fois, avant de vous endormir : « Cher Esprit, laisse les rêves de ce soir rehausser ma magnificence. Laissez-moi me réveiller rafraîchi et sourire aux belles choses que j'ai eues présentées pendant la nuit.

Vous contrôlez très bien des choses que vous ne pensez peut-être pas contrôler. Aucun de vous n'est esclave de mauvais rêves. Vous pouvez les contrôler complètement et totalement, comme toutes les autres choses dont nous vous avons dit que vous êtes en charge. Cet exercice que je viens de vous donner est une forme de programmation humaine positive qui crée une libération de nombreux programmes que vous avez eus depuis la naissance, où on vous apprend que vous ne pouvez pas faire ceci ou cela. Il crée des rêves où vos peurs se manifestent ou vos inquiétudes sont renforcées. C'est une histoire à laquelle vous croyez et à laquelle vous rêvez parce que vous ne voyez jamais la suite.

Choses cachées à la vue de tous

Il s'agit de la chaîne numéro quatre sur quatre d'une série que nous avons intitulée : Les choses cachées à la vue de tous. Dans cette série, nous vous avons donné trois autres titres et idées de choses qui sont cachées à la vue de tous, et certains d'entre vous les connaissaient déjà mais n'étaient pas conscients de leur profondeur ou de la manière dont vous pourriez les utiliser. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui lisez ceci, les trois autres attributs peuvent être facilement trouvés et réalisés. Ils sont là pour que vous les écoutiez sur le site de mon partenaire. www.kryon.com/freeaudio

J'ai enregistré cet attribut comme le dernier dont je parle, car c'est le plus pratique et pas aussi ésotérique que les autres. Après avoir entendu ce que c'est, vous pouvez être en désaccord, disant que c'est très ésotérique. Si c'est vous, alors on ne vous a tout simplement jamais parlé de quelque chose qu'aucune organisation spirituelle sur la planète ne vous a jamais dit. La voici : Alors que vous êtes assis là et que vous faites l'expérience de votre vie au jour le jour, vous avez la capacité de contrôler votre propre réalité.

Les êtres humains peuvent contrôler ce qui leur arrive

Lorsque nous parlons de ce sujet, il reçoit toujours des objections de la part de personnes intellectuelles et logiques. Ils diront immédiatement : « C'est de la fantaisie. Le hasard est le hasard. C'est de la chance. Si vous descendez du trottoir et qu'un camion vous heurte, c'est une chance. Vous n'avez aucun contrôle là-dessus. Cela peut sembler juste, mais il y a quelque chose qu'ils ne savent pas. Il existe une énergie physique mesurable qui peut modifier ce que vous pouvez ressentir comme de la « chance ».

Comment pourriez-vous éviter des choses comme le risque de malchance ? Comment créez-vous une réalité où vous ne marcherez pas devant un camion par hasard ? C'est là que ça passe bien. Permettez-moi de vous présenter quelque chose.

Si vous n'avez aucune conscience de votre chemin, en d'autres termes, si vous laissez simplement le hasard se produire, alors votre vie se déroulera, en effet, comme une chance aléatoire. Cependant, imaginez qu'il y a devant vous un chemin rempli de nids-de-poule et de zones dangereuses. Donc, si vous entrez dans un certain nombre d'entre eux, métaphoriquement, cela s'appelle le hasard. Maintenant, pensez un instant à ce qui se passerait si vous aviez une énergie de contrôle conscient sur votre chemin. Et si je te disais que c'est comme mettre une lumière devant toi ? Mais, au lieu d'une lumière physique, c'est une lumière intuitive. Ainsi, lorsque vous utilisez cet outil de conscience, très chers, vous êtes présenté avec un chemin qui n'a pas de nids-de-poule, ou un chemin où vous pouvez les contourner en utilisant un timing et une synchronicité intuitifs. Vous ne serez pas à ce carrefour où le camion arrive, car vous avez demandé à ne pas être. Voilà comment cela fonctionne. C'est vraiment le cas.

Le champ

Nous avons déjà parlé du Champ. Ce n'est pas ésotérique ! C'est l'énergie de la conscience de toute l'humanité sur cette planète, et elle est mesurable et réelle. Le Champ a l'énergie de toute conscience en cours en ce moment, ainsi que les potentiels de choses qui peuvent ou non se produire. La connexion avec le champ vous permet de commencer à vous diriger à travers cette conscience vers des zones sans nids-de-poule, car vous contrôlez maintenant votre chemin.

Pendant des décennies, les gouvernements ont utilisé ce qu'ils appellent des « visionneuses à distance » pour les aider à discerner ce qui se passe dans d'autres parties de la planète. Ces personnes sont très douées pour discerner ce qui se trouve dans le Champ. Ce n'est pas un cadeau mystérieux. C'est celui dont nous parlons.

Dans le passé, ma canalisation vous a prédit qu'un nouveau pape viendrait vers vous, qui changerait l'église. Treize mois plus tard, vous l'avez eu, mais l'autre n'est pas mort ! Cette information était entièrement sur le terrain, connue de beaucoup à des niveaux supérieurs – mais sur le terrain !

Chers amis, je vous dis que vous avez la capacité de diriger complètement votre réalité et de ne pas être victime de la chance ou du hasard. Comment pouvez-vous faire cela?


La première étape, qui est absolument nécessaire, est pour vous de créer une conscience positive de ce que vous attendez. Cela met l'énergie en place pour que le reste se produise. Votre intention et vos affirmations pour votre vie commencent à créer une nouvelle énergie et commencent à coopérer avec le Champ de manière très réelle. Mais d'abord, vous devez changer votre ancienne programmation (votre réalité actuelle), et c'est en fait faisable. Nous l'appellerons "recadrer votre histoire".

Quelles sont vos perceptions actuelles de ce que vous pensez pouvoir faire ? Pensez-vous qu'il est possible pour votre propre corps, votre propre esprit, de vous projeter dans des endroits sûrs ? Pouvez-vous réellement créer une énergie où vous serez au bon endroit au bon moment, où il y a de la sécurité, ou quelqu'un que vous êtes censé rencontrer ? Que se passerait-il si vous disiez : « Cher Esprit, demain, laisse-moi rencontrer les personnes que je devrais rencontrer de manière appropriée. Dirigez-moi vers les bons endroits. Donnez-moi l'intuition de ces lieux. Apportez-moi ceci ou quelque chose de mieux. Cela semble être une simple prière, mais ce n'est pas à Dieu de vous donner un pouvoir spécial. Au lieu de cela, c'est une intention verbale de libérer votre ancienne programmation, et votre subconscient l'entend et commence à permettre une énergie d'intuition d'une manière qui a toujours été avec vous, mais non réalisée.

Lorsque vous commencez à faire cela tous les jours, cela déclenche une énergie croissante qui vous permet d'avoir une plus grande intuition, où vous "contrôlez réellement le hasard" et vous ne serez pas devant ce camion. En fait, vous pouvez rencontrer des personnes que vous devez rencontrer pour passer au niveau suivant - celui que vous avez projeté pour vous-même, mais que vous n'avez jamais pu atteindre.

Je ne vous le dirais pas si ce n'était pas vrai. Cette énergie est en fait mesurée et considérée par d'autres comme une énergie viable que les humains peuvent utiliser. De nombreuses âmes anciennes et travailleurs de la lumière y participent. Votre intention et votre verbalisation créent une énergie viable, qui, dans le passé, n'a jamais été considérée comme réelle. L'une des raisons est que la conscience est maintenant considérée comme une énergie physique, au lieu d'un attribut mental insaisissable et difficile à expliquer.

Apporter le pire

Maintenant, cette capacité créative de votre conscience est exceptionnellement puissante et fonctionne également en sens inverse. Plusieurs fois, nous vous avons dit que vous n'êtes pas une victime de cette planète. Il y a ceux, cependant, et j'espère que certains d'entre eux regardent et lisent, qui pensent que c'est effectivement le cas. Si vous faites partie de ceux-là et que vous vous sentez victime de cette planète parce que de mauvaises choses continuent de vous arriver encore et encore, permettez-moi de poser une question très puissante : à quoi vous attendez-vous ensuite ? La réponse est souvent PLUS DU MÊME ! Si vous analysez vos pensées et ce que vous dites à haute voix, très chers, vous vous considérerez comme une victime, disant aux autres à quel point les choses vont mal. Ensuite, vous vous retrouvez souvent à verbaliser vos peurs. "Je sais juste que je n'obtiendrai pas ceci ou cela, puisque je ne le fais jamais." Vous venez de sortir l'énergie des choses qui ne vont pas bien pour vous ! Alors, surprise ! - ils ne le font pas. C'est puissant !

Est-ce toi? Vous contrôlez votre propre vie et vous vous dirigez vers une série continue de choses négatives grâce à l'énergie de les attendre. Laissez-moi vous dire quelque chose que j'ai déjà dit : votre verbalisation de vos attentes est presque comme si vous étiez dans un restaurant en train de commander à partir d'un menu - et vous venez de commander des choses qui créeront une réalité pour vous qui vous fera penser que vous êtes une victime. Les pires choses que vous puissiez imaginer sortent de vos lèvres, et vous n'en êtes même pas conscient. Si vous changez d'intention et commencez à vous attendre à de bonnes choses, vous commencez à changer votre réalité. C'est ainsi. C'est un outil de l'Être Humain, à travers la conscience, qui a toujours été là. Certains appelleront même cela une loi.

La loi de l'attraction est un nom 3D qui a été donné à un processus bien plus vaste que cela. Mais, en effet, il semble que, au fur et à mesure que vous mettez les choses là-bas, elles viennent à vous. Au fur et à mesure que vous placez les choses dans ce menu comme des choses que vous attendez, vous commencez à vous connecter au champ d'une manière beaucoup plus positive. Les bonnes choses, les choses synchrones, les choses que les autres disent impossibles, commencent à vous arriver. Ensuite, vous savez que cela fonctionne réellement.

Mon partenaire a vu cela maintes et maintes fois dans sa propre vie. C'est si réel pour lui qu'il conçoit même sa vie à travers des attentes de choses qui ne sont pas encore arrivées, et il sourit et sait que cela fonctionne. Nombreux sont ceux qui commencent à comprendre le processus par lequel la conscience crée la réalité et génèrent l'intention d'être au bon endroit au bon moment. Cela vous permet de rencontrer les bonnes personnes et de faire en sorte que les choses se passent à un tel degré positif que vous pourriez penser que vous avez créé l'avenir. C'est comme ça qu'il est puissant. Il y en a d'autres qui l'enseignent même dans des cours et des conférences.

Un guide pour créer votre propre réalité

Je voudrais vous impliquer tous dans ce genre de projection. Peut-être qu'en ce moment, avec moi, vous pourriez prendre un moment pour utiliser ce don et suivre mon exemple pour donner cette intention :
"Cher Esprit, je réalise maintenant que je ne suis pas victime du hasard.
Cher Esprit, je comprends que ce don d'énergie est réel, et je peux l'utiliser.
Cher Esprit, ma magnificence m'aidera à me créer une réalité saine, positive et me conduira au bon endroit.
Cher Esprit, je ne suis pas victime du hasard.
Cher Esprit, j'entends le meilleur pour moi-même et je sais qu'il est là pour moi.
Cher Esprit, laisse-moi être au bon endroit au bon moment.
Cher Esprit, je sais que lorsque je crée des pensées positives dans le Champ, cela aide également ceux qui m'entourent, ainsi que d'autres dans des endroits lointains.
Cher Esprit, je souhaite prendre ma magnificence et la pousser vers l'avenir et voir la solution à toutes les choses aujourd'hui qui sont inappropriées dans ma vie.
Cher Esprit, ceci est mon héritage. Je suis conscient de cette énergie en moi et je la revendique pour moi-même, sachant que la lumière brillera sur moi. C'est la lumière de ma propre âme. C'est la lumière avec laquelle je suis venu. C'est la lumière qui va tout changer à partir de maintenant. C'est puissant pour la planète.
Cher Esprit, j'attends de bonnes choses dans ma vie, tous les jours.
Et si vous voulez mettre un Amen à la fin, allez-y. C'est traditionnel et cela signifie "qu'il en soit ainsi".

En effet, c'est une affirmation, une prière, et cela peut changer votre réalité. Ces choses sont réelles, très chers, et sont prouvées à maintes reprises. Certaines sont même mesurables et qualifiées de « choses cachées à la vue de tous ». Vous pouvez changer votre vie avec ces idées, tout seul.

Je suis Kryon, amoureux de l'humanité.

Et c'est comme ça.


223 - NOUVEAUX ATTRIBUTS DE L'AMOUR - 2 Février 2022


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Une autre canalisation sur l'AMOUR, et peut-être comment il commence à être vu différemment. L'AMOUR est-il mis en pratique ces jours-ci ? Où est l'amour dans votre corps ? Pourrait-il en quelque sorte être dans votre ADN ? Quel est le rapport avec la guérison ?

Salutations, chers amis, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

Aujourd'hui, le sujet semble être l'amour, et c'est mon préféré. Il y a plus que vous ne le pensez. Je parlerai d'amour tout ce mois-ci, parlant de l'amour incroyable de la Source Créatrice de toutes choses. Je vais demander que, peut-être, vous pourriez envisager d'effacer ce qu'on vous a dit, ou ce que vous pensez, à propos de combien Dieu vous aime. Dieu vous aime plus que tout ce qu'on vous a dit, et c'est la vérité.

Nous savons qu'il est difficile de comprendre le genre d'amour qui vous vient de cette source de création spirituelle. Alors, et si je vous disais que ce que vous appelez l'amour a un nom complètement différent pour nous ou, peut-être, une perception complètement différente de ce qu'on vous a dit ? Et si je vous disais aussi que, dans votre ADN, il y a des attributs d'amour ? Personne ne vous a dit que c'était dans votre ADN, n'est-ce pas ? L'amour fait en fait partie de la double hélice elle-même, et tout l'ADN vibre d'une certaine manière en réponse à l'amour. Maintenant, c'est très différent, n'est-ce pas?

Pour les humains, l'amour est une émotion très spéciale qui entre et sort. Ce que je veux dire par là, c'est que vous le recevez et que vous le donnez. Il arrive et vous pouvez également l'envoyer. C'est un concept intéressant car toutes les émotions ne sont pas ainsi. Dans le cas de l'amour, vous pouvez le transmettre bien au-delà de la pièce dans laquelle vous vous trouvez. De nombreuses autres émotions peuvent également être transmises, mais principalement à la bulle qui vous entoure - mais pas beaucoup plus. Il y a quelque chose de très différent et de spécial dans l'amour.

Que savez-vous de l'amour et de la compassion dont on vous parle ésotériquement depuis de nombreuses années ? Vous a-t-on dit qu'il existe dans le Champ, et qu'il peut être transmis sur de longues distances à travers le monde ? Saviez-vous que vous pouvez aimer profondément quelqu'un et imaginer qu'il reçoit de l'amour, et il le fera ? C'est l'ésotérisme à son meilleur. Cela vous dit également que cette chose que vous appelez l'amour est multidimensionnelle et bien plus qu'une émotion, très chers. Je vais vous donner de nouvelles informations sur l'amour avant la fin de cette chaîne - décrivant un peu plus ce que c'est.
J'ai donné des canalisations dans cette série [streaming Healing Wednesday Circle of 12] sur de nombreux attributs ésotériques. Dans le passé, nous vous avons parlé de choses qui étaient cachées à la vue de tous. Nous vous avons donné certains des attributs de votre Âme. Cependant, aucun de ces messages n'est aussi puissant que celui-ci. Revenons un instant à votre ADN.

L'ADN que vous avez est énorme dans sa complexité. Vous n'avez aucune idée de la complexité à moins de l'étudier. Il y a des milliards de pièces, et c'est plus que simplement le plan du corps. Cet ADN qui est le vôtre, dans son énormité, porte même les attributs de vos vies passées. Ces choses ne sont pas nécessairement contenues dans votre cerveau, comme beaucoup le pensent. Donc, si l'ADN porte des attributs de vos vies passées, qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait encore porter ? Il porte également votre lignée. Il porte ce qui est le marqueur qui indique combien de fois vous avez été sur la Terre. L'ADN que vous avez, cette partie multidimensionnelle, est la plus grande partie.

Les scientifiques se sont demandé pourquoi la partie biologique de l'ADN, les gènes, n'occupe qu'environ trois pour cent des milliards de parties qu'ils ont cartographiées dans l'ADN. La réponse à cette énigme a été révélée lors d'une découverte en 2012 : plus de quatre-vingt-dix % de la chimie est maintenant considérée comme le « manuel d'instructions » sur la façon d'assembler les parties de l'ADN ou de les faire fonctionner. La science vient de découvrir le livre, mais pas la traduction du livre. Il y a tellement plus que ce qu'il semble être. Cette zone à quatre-vingt-dix pour cent est l'endroit où sont stockées toutes ces informations dont je parle, et parmi ces informations se trouve un processus, un grand, qui est déclenché par l'amour.

Je veux que vous vous accrochiez ici, car c'est une nouvelle prémisse. C'est le mois de l'amour [février] donc je veux vous le donner maintenant, et je veux vous le donner d'une manière que vous puissiez comprendre. Il y a certaines choses en biologie dont vous postulez qu'elles ont des effets en cascade : lorsqu'une chose se produit, elle en déclenche une autre, et elle en déclenche une autre, et elle en déclenche une autre. C'est parce que le corps est équilibré et veut rester équilibré. Certains de ces effets en cascade sont des choses qui sont négatives, et ils ont à voir avec un effet en cascade qui crée une mauvaise santé. Cependant, celui dont je vais vous parler est le contraire : c'est un effet en cascade qui est l'effet le plus positif dont vous ayez jamais entendu parler - et cela commence directement dans votre ADN.

Vous pourriez dire que vous avez des récepteurs dans votre ADN pour l'amour ! Ils servent à la fois à recevoir et à transmettre. L'Être Humain est un merveilleux transmetteur de compassion et d'amour car l'antenne multidimensionnelle que vous avez, très chers, est magnifique – magnifique ! Et une fois que vous vous le sentez et que vous savez que cela fonctionne pour la transmission et la réception, quelque chose se passe. Je vais vous dire ce que c'est.

Lorsque vous commencez à recevoir cet amour de l'Esprit de la manière que nous vous donnons aujourd'hui, et que vous vous détendez et comprenez que vous faites partie de toute la création, vous commencez à vous détendre avec l'amour incroyable qui se déverse en vous. Cette relaxation prend votre subconscient et le vide - le met à l'écart - peu importe ce qu'on vous a dit. Cela permet aux attributs de guérison de l'amour de commencer à se déverser avec pureté, à travers la plus grande source qui ait jamais existé, et vous permet de « le répandre vers l'avant », de commencer à le transmettre. Lorsque ces choses se produisent, la réception et la transmission de ce pouvoir appelé amour, non pas l'émotion, mais l'essence du Créateur, déclenchent un effet en cascade qui se déclenche dans votre ADN - un effet puissant. Laissez-moi vous dire ce qu'il fait. Cela commence à vous guérir. Tout ce que vous avez demandé, les problèmes, les peurs, l'anxiété, les problèmes biologiques - tous ensemble - commencent à se corriger et à trouver un équilibre sain. Maintenant voyez-vous pourquoi l'ADN est impliqué ? C'est l'effet que je veux que vous connaissiez.

Et si je vous disais que cet effet en cascade s'appelle guérison, santé et équilibre ? Si vous voulez la santé et l'équilibre en ce moment sur cette planète, commencez à transmettre l'amour. Commencez également à recevoir de l'amour et observez ce qui se passe. L'amour est le catalyseur de tout ce que vous avez demandé.

Il y en a une autre aussi : c'est aussi une émotion. Je vais mettre celui-ci dans la catégorie deux, mais il fait la même chose que la catégorie un - AMOUR. Cependant, vous pouvez le sentir tout de suite ; ça s'appelle de la joie et du rire. Celui-ci désarme la peur. La joie et le rire désarment également la haine et l'anxiété, et vous pouvez sentir la libération tout de suite. Cette émotion est immédiate, non transmise, mais elle crée la libération et la santé.

Lorsque vous créez de la joie, du rire et de l'amour dans votre vie, vous devenez un transmetteur d'amour et tout votre corps commence à changer. Les maux et les douleurs commencent à disparaître. Les maladies commencent à diminuer. Vous commencez à réaliser que vous vivez plus longtemps. Chacun de ces attributs est biologique, chacun d'entre eux - et cela les place directement dans votre ADN, et cela fait partie de ce quatre-vingt-dix pour cent d'ADN qui a été si mystérieux. L'amour peut créer une récupération rapide de tout virus ou de toute blessure. C'est la chose la plus forte que vous puissiez avoir pour un système immunitaire !

Il y a des processus biologiques ici que vous ne découvrirez peut-être jamais en tant qu'être humain, mais ils sont bien réels. Ils sont ésotériques et multidimensionnels – et très, très réels. Demandez à quelqu'un qui s'est réveillé et qui est passé du désespoir, de l'inquiétude et des ennuis à un endroit où il commence à recevoir un bel amour. Puis, tout à coup, ils commencent à avoir de la compassion envers les autres, et quelque chose se produit où tout leur corps commence à réagir. Certains disent qu'ils tremblent en réalisant ce qu'ils ne savaient pas, et l'effet en cascade commence à se répandre et à les guérir de tout ce qui est déséquilibré dans leur vie. C'est l'amour.

L'amour, notre genre d'amour, est dans votre ADN ! Si vous êtes sérieux à propos de tout cela, surtout en ce mois de l'amour, c'est là que ça commence. C'est le catalyseur de toutes les choses que vous souhaitez avoir dans votre existence en tant qu'humain.

Si quelqu'un dit: "Eh bien, j'ai des problèmes avec cette maladie" ou "J'aimerais pouvoir me débarrasser de cette peur", nous disons, allons directement à l'amour et laissons-le démarrer le processus. Beaucoup rejetteront cette idée et diront : "Non, je ne pense pas. Je dois faire ceci et cela, et cet autre processus est nécessaire." Non ils ne sont pas. Nous vous disons où commence la cascade ! Nous vous disons où commence la source de la guérison, et ce n'est pas avec des substances ou des processus ou l'auto-examen. Laissez-les suivre plus tard si cela vous aide, mais commencez par L'AMOUR.

Créez de l'amour dans votre vie pour toutes choses - Dieu - vous-même - les autres - la planète - et toutes les choses dont vous avez besoin pour la vie vous seront ajoutées.

Je vous ai donné un truisme aujourd'hui, et certains d'entre vous sauront que c'est réel et c'est vrai. Cela fait partie de vous. C'est votre processus - intuitif et grandiose. Alors, êtes-vous surpris que l'amour de Dieu le Créateur, qui est la plus grande énergie de l'univers, fasse également partie de votre guérison et de votre ADN en cascade pour la santé ? Peut-être pouvez-vous maintenant dire : "Maintenant, je comprends. Maintenant, cela a du sens."

Ces choses doivent avoir un sens pour vous, très chers. Vous faites partie de la source créative. Vous faites partie de l'amour qui est vôtre chaque fois que vous le voulez. La porte est ouverte; c'est déjà là. À présent

"Fabriqué à son image" est la phrase que vous avez entendue à plusieurs reprises. C'est précis. Vous avez tous été créés à l'image du Créateur - L'AMOUR.

Je suis Kryon, amoureux de vous tous - pour qui vous êtes - ce que vous avez fait et ce que vous découvrez ce qui va se passer.

Et c'est comme ça.


224 - GARDER LA LUMIÈRE - 16 Mars 2022


Cette retransmission est en direct.

Un temps de révélation est arrivé, et Kryeon commence à donner quelques informations sur ce que cela signifie pour nous. Comment garder la lumière dont nous prenons conscience ? Pouvons-nous réellement faire quelque chose d'actionnable qui nous aide à garder la lumière ? Tout cela et bien plus encore est discuté dans cette canalisation de Kryeon.

Salutations, chers amis, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

Continuons le thème que nous avons commencé plus tôt aujourd'hui concernant ce que vous pourriez être capable de faire pour vous-même en ce moment sur cette planète. Je vais intituler cette canalisation, « Garder la lumière ».

Nombreux sont ceux qui se demandent : « Comment puis-je me maintenir dans un monde plus sombre que je ne le pensais ? Beaucoup de choses que je vois sont surprenantes et effrayantes. C'est une excellente question car beaucoup voient des changements auxquels ils ne s'attendaient pas.


En effet, très chers, c'est un moment de révélation quand il s'agit d'obscurité et de lumière. Maintenant, rappelez-vous que la « révélation » est une « divulgation ». Donc, tout ce sujet concerne vraiment la découverte de choses auxquelles vous ne vous attendiez pas. Il y a aussi le potentiel de révéler certaines choses qui pourraient même vous surprendre.

L'une des choses dont je vous ai parlé pendant des années est l'éveil d'une conscience supérieure de votre planète. Dans le processus de cet éveil, avant que la lumière n'émerge, il y a une période d'obscurité. Cette obscurité se révèle aux Travailleurs de Lumière sous la forme de négativité, de colère, de séparation, de peur, de trahison et de comportement inattendu de ceux en qui ils ont confiance.

Je souhaite relier ce qui se passe à cette métaphore : que se passe-t-il, même dans votre maison, lorsque vous allumez soudainement une lumière beaucoup plus brillante que vous n'en avez jamais eue ? La réponse est que vous voyez souvent la saleté comme vous ne l'aviez jamais vue auparavant. C'est ce qui se passe en ce moment, et cela continuera à se produire sur cette planète pendant un certain temps. Dans cette période de transition, il y a révélation de choses sombres qui étaient cachées auparavant. Vous voyez maintenant des choses révélées que vous ne voyiez pas auparavant parce que maintenant la lumière est plus brillante.

Pour beaucoup, cette perception sera que « des choses sombres se lèvent ». Beaucoup déclarent : "Il y a tellement de choses que je vois maintenant qui n'étaient jamais là auparavant. Le monde va de mal en pis !" C'est une perception très linéaire, aggravée par ceux qui s'investissent pour vous vendre la peur. Et si, à la place, la lumière était allumée et que les choses effrayantes que vous voyez étaient toujours là ? Comme la saleté dans une maison faiblement éclairée, elle apparaît plus claire maintenant car il y a plus de lumière dessus. Mais – il a toujours été là.

La période de « révélation des ténèbres » doit donc précéder le nettoyage. C'est là que vous en êtes dans ces années du Grand Passage.

La question demeure : "Comment puis-je tenir ma lumière quand cela se produit sur la planète ?" Ou, peut-être, la question est plus ésotérique : "Comment puis-je réconcilier les choses sombres que je commence même à voir en moi ?"


Alors, comment garder la lumière est une bonne question. Existe-t-il un moyen pour vous de maintenir une attitude aimante et compatissante ? Pouvez-vous maintenir la conscience que vous avez d'une plus grande Source au travail ? Pouvez-vous maintenir la conscience que vous êtes chèrement aimé ? La difficulté est que ces choses qui vous entourent en ce moment sur votre planète semblent pouvoir diminuer votre espoir. On se bat un peu, comme on dit, avec la vie. Nous sommes très conscients, très cher. Nous avons vu cela auparavant.

Permettez-moi de vous dire quelque chose que nous avons déjà dit à chaque Humain qui souhaite l'entendre : Vieille Âme, en train d'écouter ou de lire en ce moment, vous n'êtes pas ici par accident. Vraiment. Je veux dire qu'en ce moment même dans cette vie sur la planète, traversant ce qu'elle traverse, vous avez aidé à le planifier et vous saviez que cela allait arriver. Et, en tant que vieille âme, vous avez traversé suffisamment d'incarnations et de vies et avez expérimenté suffisamment de changements pour que vous soyez bien plus prêt pour cela que vous ne le pensez. C'est pourquoi vous êtes ici ! Vous pourriez dire que vous êtes les diplômés de l'énergie et les héros du cœur. Vous avez vu tant de choses auparavant, et en voici juste une autre. Mais celui-ci est différent - très différent.


Très chers, cette énergie est différente dans "Le Grand Passage". Finalement, cela créera "La nouvelle normalité". C'est quelque chose que j'ai mentionné bien avant que ce terme ne fasse partie de votre vocabulaire général. Beaucoup demandent : « Y a-t-il des mesures qui peuvent être prises régulièrement pour nous aider à traverser cette épreuve ? » Oui.

Les choses que nous suggérons peuvent être faites sur une base régulière sont des choses que vous devez avoir l'intention. Ce que je veux dire par là, c'est que vous devez vraiment les penser. La différence entre l'action intentionnelle et l'action simple est que l'une est faite sérieusement, et l'autre est faite parce que quelqu'un a dit de le faire.

"Kryon, est-ce que faire ces choses peut créer plus de lumière dans ma vie ?" J'ai vraiment besoin de ça. La réponse est encore une fois, oui.

La plupart des animateurs qui travaillent avec les questions humaines connaissent la valeur de ce que je suis sur le point de suggérer. Il s'agit de la programmation que vous devez surmonter. Il s'agit de parler à votre subconscient. Il s'agit de garder la lumière en vous, et oui, il y a des choses qui fonctionnent et d'autres qui ne fonctionnent pas, selon votre propre personnalité.

Vous pourriez dire : "Eh bien, certaines de ces choses ressemblent à des choses de routine que j'ai déjà entendues et même faites auparavant." Ah, c'est pourquoi ils ne fonctionnent pas pour vous : ils sont routiniers pour vous, et vous les mettez dans cette catégorie, et votre subconscient le sait. Cela ne change pas la vie.

Votre subconscient a besoin des choses que je vais suggérer. Puis, à travers leur répétition délibérée, ce qui se passe finalement, c'est que vous les reconnaissez comme étant la vérité absolue. Vous pourriez dire que vous recadrez les perceptions de votre subconscient par la répétition de la lumière que vous allez lui donner. Alors, commençons ce processus. Je vais vous donner quelques éléments qui vous aideront. Ils peuvent sembler ultra-simples, mais ils sont puissants dans leur résultat.


Numéro un. Lorsque vous vous levez le matin, que vous soyez seul OU avec un partenaire, lorsque vous balancez vos pieds de l'endroit où vous dormez et que vous les posez sur le sol, dès que vos pieds touchent le sol, faites ceci : Pensez à vous-même ou dites à voix haute : "Cher Esprit, merci pour cette journée. Je suis très aimé." Cela commence à recadrer l'idée de la façon dont vous pensez aux choses autour de vous et à ce que vous attendez pour la journée. Vous êtes reconnaissant et vous vous attendez à de bonnes choses ce jour-là.

Maintenant, c'est une attitude qui n'est pas souvent présente chez la plupart des gens quand ils balancent leurs pieds et les posent sur le sol tous les jours. Et toi? Souvent, vous êtes fatigué et vous vous sentez fatigué même si vous venez de dormir une nuit. Vous pourriez penser : Oh, c'est juste un autre jour de choses qui ne vont pas bien. Peut-être qu'une alarme vient de vous réveiller et c'est ce que vous attendez du reste de la journée ?

Lorsque vos pieds touchent le sol, vous pouvez peut-être dire : "Merci, Esprit, de m'aimer et pour le jour à venir. C'est un." Commencez à faire cela tous les jours et regardez ce qui se passe. Il s'agit totalement de définir l'énergie de début de la journée et l'attente de ce qui va arriver. Encore une fois, je vous dirai que, souvent, vos attentes sont « rencontrées avec des résultats » par l'énergie qui vous entoure. Cela signifie que vous « tirez vers vous » ce que vous verbalisez. A cause de cela, vous pouvez vous demander : quelle était ma commande au menu du jour ? C'est ce que j'attendais - et je l'ai eu.

Les deux suivants sont beaucoup plus difficiles.

Numéro deux. Trouvez quelque chose que vous pouvez faire pendant la journée et qui comporte une action compatissante. Maintenant, l'action compatissante, c'est quand vous voyez quelque chose ou quelqu'un ou une situation, et que vous vous arrêtez un instant et envoyez vos pensées compatissantes à cette personne ou ces personnes dans cette situation.

L'énergie est considérée comme une action et les pensées sont de l'énergie. C'est tellement profond, pourtant les humains ont raté ça. La plupart de vos enseignements sur cette planète n'ont jamais considéré la conscience comme autre chose qu'un état de pensée. Mais ce qui a été récemment démontré, c'est que la conscience est plutôt une énergie mesurable et que vous pouvez envoyer vos pensées compatissantes sous forme d'énergie. Lorsque vous ciblez la compassion quelque part, vous la mettez dans "Le Champ" et elle va où vous voulez qu'elle aille. Si vous faites preuve de compassion en groupe, c'est encore plus fort.

Ainsi, très chers, l'action compatissante fonctionne. Trouvez quelqu'un que vous connaissez ou que vous ne connaissez pas et qui a besoin d'aide et envoyez-lui de la compassion pour sa situation. Maintenant, voici ce qui se passe, et nous vous l'avons déjà dit : il y a une autre chose inattendue qui se développe lorsque vous faites cela. Écoutez, ou vous risquez de manquer ceci : une énergie de guérison vous reviendra. C'est presque comme une loi physique de la conscience.


Maintenant, quel que soit le type d'énergie auquel vous pouvez penser, elle est presque toujours polarisée. En physique, toutes les lois qui décrivent l'énergie vont par paires. Tout se passe par paires polarisées. Il y a un plus et un moins, presque comme un aimant, sur toute énergie, et cela crée les deux côtés de l'histoire de ce qui se passe quand il est créé. Parfois, c'est la création d'une onde sinusoïdale polarisée - un plus et un moins de la structure énergétique spécifique. Il en va de même pour le son et la lumière. Avec d'autres énergies, il y a une action et une réaction. Mais presque à chaque fois, il y a une poussée – et il y a aussi une traction.

Ainsi, dans le cas d'une action compatissante, il y a deux choses qui se produisent : premièrement, l'individu ou les personnes à qui vous l'envoyez, la reçoivent. Voilà leur histoire d'un côté de l'équation énergétique. Mais vous avez aussi l'autre attribut de la paire – quelque chose vous revient aussi. Votre subconscient et votre corps savent ce que vous faites et vous vous sentez mieux grâce à cela. Voici où nous vous donnons des informations qui ne sont jamais enseignées :

Ce « se sentir mieux » est une réaction énergétique de l'autre côté de la polarité que vous avez envoyée à quelqu'un, comme vous avez envoyé de la compassion. C'est de l'énergie ! Ainsi, il peut être mesuré comme un effet réel dans les deux sens.

Pour certains d'entre vous, c'est une expérience de guérison. Vous commencez à envoyer de la compassion, de l'amour et de la guérison à un autre, et tout à coup cela commence à vous guérir. C'est la physique de la conscience. Comment aimez-vous cela jusqu'à présent? Est-ce trop technique pour l'un d'entre vous, que lorsque vous envoyez de la compassion, vous recevez quelque chose en retour ? Je vais vous dire : un jour, il y aura une formule pour ça ! Il y aura une reconnaissance de la physique de la conscience, qui est mesurable. Même sa polarité et ce qui vous arrive lorsque vous le recevez seront considérés comme une « paire de parties énergétiques ». C'est à quel point c'est profond pour vous. C'est le numéro deux.

Numéro trois. Celui-ci est difficile, et je l'ai gardé pour la fin. Une partie de votre journée, vous devez trouver un moyen de rire. Je ne veux pas dire faire semblant de rire. Dans ce scénario, il doit y avoir quelque chose de drôle, et si vous n'avez rien de joyeux ou de drôle autour de vous, alors allez-y activement trouver le.

Il y a des choses qui vous ont fait rire dans le passé. Allez les trouver. Peut-être est-ce un dessin amusant ou un dessin animé ? Peut-être est-ce une blague que vous aimez vraiment ou quelque chose sur vos médias que vous avez vu et que vous pouvez revoir ? Trouvez-le et riez parce que c'est essentiel.

Conclusion : vous devez développer la joie d'une manière ou d'une autre, même si c'est une petite dose, tous les jours. Cela est nécessaire même au milieu d'un sentiment déprimé ou déprimé. Je t'ai dit que c'était dur.

Trouvez quelque chose qui vous fera sourire. Ensuite, même si vous ne pouvez pas avoir le grand éclat de rire d'un ventre, trouvez quelque chose qui vous amuse, que vous pouvez revenir en arrière et revoir et rire et dire: "C'est vraiment drôle." Rappelez-vous, peut-être, un moment amusant ou quelque chose que vous avez fait et qui est très amusant pour vous. Peut-être pouvez-vous demander l'aide d'un partenaire, qui peut dire : « Tu te souviens de la fois où tu as fait ceci ou cela ? » Ensuite, vous sourirez et rirez tous les deux, et quelque chose arrivera à votre chimie en le faisant : la guérison.

Chers amis, ces trois choses que je garantis créeront chaque jour une vie éclairée. Lumière chaque jour. Maintenir et garder cette lumière est ce dont il s'agit, et c'est ce qui arrivera.

Maintenant, je n'ai pas beaucoup parlé d'affirmations, n'est-ce pas ? C'est un autre domaine puissant que j'appellerai un "domaine d'études supérieures". Je n'y suis pas allé car les trois premiers que je vous ai donnés sont plus personnels et immédiats. Les affirmations fonctionnent mieux pour ceux qui travaillent sur des problèmes qui sont résolus par la concentration de la pensée et le développement d'une énergie plus ésotérique pour aider à recadrer des éléments spécifiques de la vie.

Ce que nous avons couvert aujourd'hui, ce sont des articles de base pour tout le monde. Ce sont des choses simples que vous pouvez faire vous-même tous les jours et qui sont faciles à utiliser et à comprendre. Chacun d'entre vous peut faire une grande différence, jour après jour, en gardant la lumière. Cela peut être le matin, le jour, le soir ou à tout moment. Non seulement vous aiderez à maintenir la lumière en vous, mais vous vous apporterez également la guérison dans le processus.

Recadrer votre subconscient est pour toujours. Vous ne « retombez » pas dans le dysfonctionnement des vieilles idées qu'on vous a enseignées. C'est parce que vous avez donné à votre corps tout entier une vérité plus grande et plus profonde. Ces nouvelles vérités vous appartiennent maintenant et ont écrasé les anciennes du passé.

Nous vous donnons ces choses avec amour parce que nous voyons la lumière qui arrive sur cette planète. Nous voulons que vous compreniez ce qui se passe afin qu'avec le temps, vous soyez ceux qui s'en réjouissent et le soutiennent.

Je suis Kryon, amoureux de l'humanité.

Et c'est comme ça.


225 - RÉACTION AU CHANGEMENT - 23 Mai 2022


Cette retransmission est en direct.

Le changement est-il réel ? Était-il prévu ? Comment vous en sortez-vous avec tout cela ? Êtes-vous conscient que même ce changement de conscience divisera les gens ? Apprenez-en plus sur nos réactions au changement et sur la direction que nous prenons.

Salutations, chers amis, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

Beaucoup de gens parlent de l'avenir de cette planète, alors remontons dans le temps. Pas beaucoup, mais juste un peu, et parlez de ce qui s'est passé dans ce que les astronomes appellent la précession des équinoxes. Pour être plus précis, la période dont nous souhaitons parler serait le milieu de La Précession des Équinoxes, la fin de votre année 2012.

En astronomie, ce nom représentait un moment où une oscillation de 26 000 ans de la Terre sur son axe était au point neutre, ou au milieu de son oscillation. C'est là que l'angle d'oscillation passe par le point neutre et continue un autre cycle. Cette position de la planète a un potentiel impressionnant, et les Anciens le savaient. Elle a été ciblée par de nombreuses sociétés et cultures comme une période de nouveaux calendriers et de nouvelle conscience. C'était aussi le moment où nous vous avons dit qu'un Grand Changement arrivait.

Donc, en substance, votre avenir est ici. Vous êtes assis dans l'énergie du Grand Passage et ceci est un bref rappel qu'un test est sur vous - l'avez-vous vu venir, ou vous a-t-il capturé d'une autre manière ?

J'ai beaucoup canalisé les huit derniers sur la façon dont les Old Souls peuvent être prêtes pour le Grand Passage, et maintenant la Terre y est fermement impliquée. Non seulement dedans, mais il y a plus à venir. Une canalisation que nous avons donnée récemment portait sur la façon de voir et de gérer les changements que vous verrez dans la vie quotidienne directement à cause du Grand Passage.

Beaucoup d'entre vous ont senti que cette nouvelle énergie arrivait, mais qu'elle serait très lente à évoluer. Comme tout ce qui concerne la planète, vous pensiez que vous auriez une chance de voir une nouvelle normalité émerger lentement et que vous auriez le temps de vous ajuster.

Nous avons utilisé le terme « Nouvelle normalité » à maintes reprises, bien avant que vous ne le voyiez dans vos actualités. C'est ici. Bien que vous vous attendiez au Grand Passage, peut-être ne l'attendiez-vous pas si vite ? COVID était juste à temps, pourrait-on dire, car maintenant vous êtes au milieu de quelque chose qui a commencé à réécrire votre normalité. Il s'agit d'un changement beaucoup plus rapide que prévu, et il semble qu'il ne reviendra pas comme avant. C'est correct.

Comment alliez-vous jusqu'au COVID ? Étiez-vous prêt pour cela? Pratiquez-vous une nouvelle énergie ? Avez-vous changé votre vie d'une manière ou d'une autre ? C'est vrai : les choses commençaient déjà à changer dans la conscience. Vous aviez un nouveau pape que j'avais prédit, et vous aviez le mouvement Me-too. Vous aviez commencé à changer toutes sortes de choses qui commençaient en fait à réécrire le paradigme d'un passé énergétique plus ancien. C'était déjà en cours. Certains d'entre vous disaient : "Eh bien, c'est la nouvelle normalité et nous nous préparons pour une conscience supérieure sur cette planète. Cette conscience supérieure nous amènera lentement dans ce qui a été décrit comme une conscience évoluée pour l'humanité." Puis il y a eu le COVID.

Maintenant, où vais-je avec ça ?
Je vais vous demander, Lightworker, ostensiblement :

Comment ça se passe avec le Grand Passage ?

Comment allez-vous avec la nouvelle normalité ? En ce moment, alors que je canalise ce message, le Grand Passage continue de marcher sur tout ce qui était normal dans de nombreuses vies.

Nous sommes en 2022 où vous avez toujours cette planète aux prises avec des confinements, des mandats, des manifestations, du malheur et une population polarisée. Il y a un grand clivage entre ceux qui ne sont pas d'accord et qui sont d'accord avec ce que font les gouvernements - c'est universel. Ce n'est pas seulement dans votre pays.

Il n'y a jamais rien eu de tel que ce problème de division, qui affecte ainsi toute la planète. Il y a eu des gouvernements qui ont fait des choses, et des pays qui ont ensuite réagi. Il y a eu des manifestations pendant des générations sur beaucoup de choses, mais c'est la première fois que vous voyez un problème mondial comme celui-ci.

Très chers, le Changement est un problème mondial. Commencez-vous à voir comment tout cela pourrait être juste à temps? La planète est maintenant à la jonction où elle doit prendre des décisions, mais dans le processus de prise de décisions, il y a une polarité. Cette polarité est : qui a raison ? Qui a tort concernant les règles du virus ?

Il y a une énorme divergence d'opinion.

"Écoutez, ils n'obéissent pas et leurs actions mettent les autres en danger." ou "C'est incorrect. Les règles elles-mêmes sont ce qui nous fait mal, tu ne vois pas?" Permettez-moi de vous demander : pouvez-vous regarder ceux avec lesquels vous n'êtes pas d'accord et dire : "Ce sont aussi des Travailleurs de la Lumière - et je les aime beaucoup ?" Ou non?

Comment ça va, Lightworker, avec le Grand Passage?

Ces choses qui sont présentées en ce moment sur cette planète sont vraiment le test décisif d'un Travailleur de Lumière. Avez-vous vu le test venir, ou est-ce qu'il vous a attrapé… et vous a fait en faire partie ? Avez-vous été pris dans le vrai ou le faux, puis êtes-vous allé droit au but et avez-vous ressenti de la colère ? C'est le moment, très chers, pour vous de commencer à prendre des mesures que seuls les Travailleurs de Lumière savent faire.

Mon partenaire [Lee] vous l'a dit plus tôt dans ce programme : Les Travailleurs de la Lumière savent que leur compassion et leur amour sont une énergie qui peut être ciblée - littéralement ciblée vers d'autres endroits. Votre conscience est énergie. C'est l'attitude de la façon dont vous pensez, et cela crée une énergie modelée.

Pour utiliser des mots que vous comprenez vraiment, pourquoi ne pas appeler cela un missile à motifs, avec un motif d'amour ou de compassion qui peut être envoyé partout où il doit aller. C'est un missile d'amour. Quand il arrive à la cible, il explose d'amour et de compassion, avec des milliers de cœurs qui en sortent. Il tombe et atterrit doucement sur ceux qui en ont besoin. Quelle visualisation ! Quelle visualisation où vous seriez capable de cibler la compassion et l'amour. En effet, cela peut être d'un pays à l'autre. Cependant, c'est parfois de l'autre côté de la rue. Peut-être de l'autre côté de la pièce ? Peut-être à l'autre bout du téléphone ? Avez-vous pensé à cela?

La prochaine fois que vous commencez à être excité par ce que vous croyez ou que vous vous fâchez du fait que les autres ne croient pas ce que vous croyez, quelle est votre action ? Pensez-vous simplement : "Ils ont tort ! Comment pourraient-ils penser de cette façon ? Pourquoi ne peuvent-ils pas voir la vérité ?"

Ou - peut-être, juste peut-être avez-vous écouté les attributs de maîtrise que je vous ai donnés ? Peut-être vous rappelez-vous que vous êtes puissant, au-delà des émotions de l'heure, et que vous avez la maturité et la sagesse pour envoyer un missile d'amour ? Il n'y a pas de meilleure façon de le dire lorsque vous ciblez la compassion et l'amour, et de l'envoyer à travers la pièce, peut-être à travers la table, à quelqu'un qui n'est peut-être pas du tout d'accord avec vous. Chers amis, l'amour ne changera pas d'avis ou votre avis sur un problème, mais il envoie un message : "Je ne suis peut-être pas d'accord, mais j'ai de la gentillesse dans mon visage de tout cela. Je sais comment être gentil avec ceux que je pas d'accord. Quand ce sera fini, l'amour gagnera." Laissez-moi vous dire ce qui se passe lorsque vous faites cela : Peu importe à quel point ils sont en colère, ils ressentent ce que vous faites. Comment ne peuvent-ils pas? Vous venez de leur envoyer un missile d'amour compassionnel. Ils le sentent.

La physique de la gentillesse

L'autre partie de cette équation ? Ils peuvent renvoyer un missile d'amour ! C'est comme ça que ça marche ! Nous en avons parlé même dans la guérison. Lorsque vous commencez un processus d'aide à la guérison de quelqu'un d'autre, cette énergie vous revient. Il y a une énergie réciproque reçue - toujours.

La physique fonctionne par paires. Toute l'énergie de la physique fonctionne par paires. La gentillesse, la compassion et aider quelque chose à guérir envoie de l'énergie. C'est de l'énergie et plus vous en envoyez, plus elle revient d'une certaine manière. Vous ne l'aurez peut-être pas verbalisé, mais je vais vous dire ceci : avec l'énergie de la haute conscience, l'autre sait ce que vous faites ! Il y a une compréhension que vous le faites par amour. Vous n'êtes peut-être pas d'accord puisque vous n'avez pas encore vu cela se produire ? Cela n'a pas d'importance, puisque l'énergie a été reçue. Les humains sont construits pour ressentir l'énergie. Vous ressentez tout de suite la peur et la colère, n'est-ce pas ? Comment faites-vous pour envoyer et recevoir de l'amour de ceux avec qui vous n'êtes pas d'accord ?

Comment allez-vous jusqu'à présent, très chers, chers Travailleurs de la Lumière ?

C'est la nouvelle normalité. C'est ici. Vous pourriez dire : « Kryon, est-ce que ça va toujours être comme ça ? » Bien sûr que non. Ce sont les tests dont on vous avait dit qu'ils viendraient. Et le virus n'est pas le test ! Tout ce qui entoure le virus et le vaccin est un test de votre conscience, qui vous est donné là où vous le ressentez le plus. Comment as-tu fais ? Allez-vous vous en sortir ? Allez-vous regarder en arrière et dire : « Je l'ai fait dans l'amour et la gentillesse ? »  Ou, allez-vous regarder en arrière et dire : « Comment peuvent-ils se tromper autant ? … ces autres amis artisans de lumière que j'avais l'habitude d'avoir. »

Allez-vous regarder en arrière avec colère et dire : « Eh bien, je suis content que nous ayons réussi. » Laissez-moi vous dire : vous allez être dans ce petit test pendant un moment. Il n'a pas encore atteint son apogée. Le virus a, mais il y a plus. Et ce sera pour plus de décisions et l'opportunité de missiles amoureux, ou non, et vous saurez quand il sera là. En attendant, vous disposez d'un ensemble merveilleux d'opportunités.

Maintenant, pour ceux qui écoutent et qui sont peut-être dans le futur, et c'est maintenant une vieille nouvelle - vous allez avoir quelque chose aussi : vous aurez toujours quelque chose à tester pour voir si vous allez utiliser votre maîtrise et votre lumière, ou vous n'êtes pas.

Chers amis, plus il y aura de Travailleurs de Lumière capables de faire cela, plus la conscience de cette planète s'élèvera rapidement au point où vous n'aurez plus à pratiquer comme ça à partir des tests. Il sera automatique que vous chercherez la gentillesse des autres comme test décisif pour voir s'ils vous appartiennent en tant qu'ami ou non, ou si vous voulez qu'ils soient votre partenaire peut-être dans n'importe quoi. Vous chercherez la maîtrise, la gentillesse et la maturité, et peu importe ce qu'ils croient. Écoute, très cher : il y aura toujours une séparation d'idées concernant ce que tu crois par rapport à quelqu'un d'autre. Un écart entre votre perception et leur perception est toujours le chemin. C'est la nature humaine. C'est la façon dont vous le traitez, c'est le test. C'est là que la maîtrise commence à se montrer.

Comment allez-vous jusqu'à présent ?

Ce sont les temps de test, très chers. C'est là qu'un Lightworker montre qu'il est un Lightworker. Ce sont les moments où plus de compassion, de gentillesse et d'amour sont disponibles qu'à n'importe quel moment au cours des huit dernières années.

Ce sont les moments que nous vous avons annoncés pendant des années. C'est Le Grand Passage… un moment où la conscience de la planète commence à changer.

Un jour, vous vous réveillerez, quand le temps aura passé, et vous réaliserez à quel point les sujets qui ont créé les arguments de 2022 sont insignifiants et petits. Le temps aura passé et les situations qui ont provoqué la colère ont également disparu. La grande question est celle-ci : vos réactions à tout cela ont-elles créé une victoire dans l'amitié et l'amour ?

Si c'est de l'amour, vos amis et votre famille sont toujours votre famille.

Comment vas-tu?

Je suis Kryon amoureux de vous tous.

Et c'est comme ça.




Cette retransmission est en direct.

C'est la troisième leçon sur le « Timing » que Kryeon a donnée. Celle-ci vous aide à comprendre le « timing sacré » dans votre vie. Vous êtes linéaire et l'Esprit est maintenant. Pensez-vous que cela pourrait affecter la façon dont vous pensez au moment où les choses arrivent ? Quel est notre parti pris et comment pouvons-nous voir tout cela d'une manière plus bienveillante ? Quand est « le bon moment » ?

Salutations, chers amis, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

En regardant la situation mondiale, nombreux sont ceux qui se tordraient les mains et diraient : « Je vois le mal tout autour de moi et l'inhumanité. Comment puis-je combattre les ténèbres ? »

La réponse que j'ai toujours donnée, très chers, c'est que vous n'avez jamais à combattre les ténèbres. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de créer de la lumière. C'est tout. Les ténèbres ne peuvent pas exister quand la lumière est là. Cela ne peut tout simplement pas. C'est la prémisse que nous vous présentons depuis des décennies. Il déclare que la lumière autour de vous que vous créez vous-même est bien, bien plus efficace que vous ne le pensez. Au lieu d'essayer de combattre ce qui est sombre, créer de la lumière autour de vous via la compassion, la compréhension et la gentillesse, va directement dans le CHAMP et l'obscurité commence à diminuer à cause de cela… d'elle-même.

Ce mois-ci, nous faisons une série de quatre canalisations qui portent toutes sur le timing. A terme, ils seront tous disponibles gratuitement sur le site de mon partenaire www.kryon.com/freeaudio.

Jusqu'à présent, nous vous avons donné deux attributs de timing dans deux catégories, et c'est la troisième session, et celle-ci est personnellement pour vous, en ce moment. Il s'agit d'un moment sacré dans votre vie, qui est essentiel et important pour vous.

Ce message spécifique a été enseigné par mon partenaire pendant des années. Cependant, il est conscient que les messages qu'il a enseignés n'ont parfois pas été vus par les nombreuses personnes qui commencent à se connecter, à s'éveiller à de plus grandes vérités et, peut-être, à écouter ce message spécifique aujourd'hui. Donc, nous allons vous redonner ce concept, et je veux m'assurer que vous le comprenez vraiment, car il est tellement inhabituel et différent de ce à quoi vous vous attendez.


Le sujet d'aujourd'hui concerne le moment des messages spirituels que vous recevez de quelque manière que ce soit. Beaucoup d'entre vous qui écoutent ma voix en ce moment, ou regardent ce programme, ou le lisent, ont eu des idées, des intuitions, voire des messages directs de l'Esprit sur votre vie. Ce sont des messages sur ce que vous êtes capable de faire à l'avenir ou sur ce que vous pouvez créer autour de vous.

Parfois, vous résonnez à ces messages et sentez que, pendant des années, c'est exactement pour cela que vous êtes venu ! Par exemple : il est peut-être temps d'écrire ce livre, ou peut-être est-il temps d'ouvrir une sorte de centre spirituel ou de pratique de guérison ? Peut-être, au sein de cette nouvelle énergie, existe-t-il un type de communication plus grand que vous pouvez offrir ou une nouvelle modalité de guérison ? Ce que je veux dire par « message retentissant », c'est que vous avez peut-être eu une intuition tout au long qui vous dit : « Oui, j'ai toujours voulu faire ça ! Je le savais! Oui, c'est pour ça que je sais que je suis ici. » Quand cela est venu, vous saviez que ces idées étaient un message direct de l'Esprit. " Oui, " vous pensez, " C'est ce que je suis ici pour faire. Merci Dieu! "

Parfois, il y a un merveilleux sentiment de soulagement, de savoir que vous aviez raison à propos de vos rêves. Donc, si vous avez eu la chance d'avoir cette validation, et que vous sentez absolument que vous avez reçu un bon signal solide qui confirme vos pensées, et que vous répondez par " Oui, c'est ce que je suis censé faire, " alors quelle est la prochaine pour vous?

Eh bien, la réponse pour vous est évidente : vous le faites !


Disons que vous avez toujours eu une idée ou rêvé de créer une sorte de centre de guérison ou de créer des programmes en ligne. Vous vous sentez bien d'aller de l'avant maintenant, alors vous commencez. Peut-être que c'est financièrement ambitieux et que vous louez ou louez un espace ou achetez de nombreux articles - tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Vous faites les plans, empruntez de l'argent et commencez. ET... ça ne marche pas. Il échoue en fait, rapidement.

Alors, qu'est ce qu'il s'est passé ?

Beaucoup d'entre vous ont déjà vécu cela dans une énergie plus ancienne, vous savez donc à quoi cela ressemble. Vous étiez certain que c'était pour vous, mais rien n'a « cliqué ». Vous aviez de l'énergie bloquée là où les gens ne vous convenaient pas, ou le financement ne vous convenait pas, ou vous avez essayé de le financer vous-même et cela n'a pas fonctionné. Tout cela est très courant en raison d'un parti pris que vous avez tous et dont je parlerai dans un instant. Avoir un tel échec d'action spirituelle, c'est comme avoir une cicatrice. C'est une cicatrice sur ce que vous pensiez être votre objectif spirituel : vous l'avez essayé et cela n'a pas fonctionné, même si vous avez reçu un message disant que c'était censé le faire.

Alors que se passe-t-il ensuite ? Souvent, il y a de la culpabilité ou des sentiments de "plus jamais ça" ou "l'esprit m'a trompé". Ce sont toutes des manifestations de votre propre processus de manque d'estime de soi et le produit de votre propre incompréhension du fonctionnement de l'Esprit. Il est temps pour une explication complète de ce qui a pu se passer.

Disons que ce scénario convient à certains d'entre vous qui écoutent et lisent en ce moment. Vous avez eu un grand message dans le passé pour faire quelque chose, et vous l'avez essayé, et cela n'a pas fonctionné. J'ai un message pour vous tous, et ce message montre la partialité que vous avez tous. Êtes-vous prêt pour ce message ?


La réponse que vous donneriez est logique : « Eh bien, bien sûr, je suis censé le faire maintenant ! » Le message a été donné maintenant. Écoutez : C'est là que ça devient bon, parce que c'est là que votre linéarité et votre humanité se mettent en travers de merveilleux messages et plans spirituels.

Dans votre vie, très chers, les signaux de toute figure d'autorité, que ce soit à l'école ou à la maison, ont façonné votre comportement et vos pensées. Si votre patron au travail vous a dit de faire quelque chose, quand pensez-vous que vous devriez le faire ? La réponse évidente est maintenant. Après tout, le patron aurait attendu plus tard si cette figure d'autorité l'avait voulu plus tard.

Quand ton père t'a dit de « ranger ta chambre », quand voulait-il dire que tu le faisais ? Vous avez été formé de manière linéaire pour répondre d'une certaine manière à ce que vous ressentez comme de l'autorité. Cependant, lorsque l'Esprit vous montre quelque chose, ce n'est pas ainsi. Voici le message que je veux vraiment vous faire passer aujourd'hui concernant le moment choisi pour ces choses pour vous-même. Voici le message :

La première étape lorsque vous recevez ce genre de messages de l'Esprit est : SOYEZ INFORMÉ. Vous recevez simplement la confirmation de vos propres pensées intuitives ou celles transmises par votre Akash concernant votre véritable travail pour la planète. Ensuite, vous commencez à trouver les idées qui entreront dans votre projet et ce qui sera nécessaire pour le réaliser. Alors ARRÊTEZ.

Lorsque vous achetez un billet d'avion pour un voyage prévu dans deux mois, courez-vous à l'aéroport et essayez-vous de monter à bord d'un avion ? Votre réponse : « Bien sûr que non, Kryon. » C'est un mauvais exemple de logique. Je n'ai pas fini, ma chère. Disons que vous achetez un billet d'avion sur une compagnie aérienne spéciale qui vous informera lorsque l'avion sera prêt. La compagnie aérienne vous promet que vous aurez tout le temps de vous rendre à l'aéroport. Mais la compagnie aérienne attend peut-être le bon temps, ou L'avion n'a pas encore été construit. MAIS… vous avez toujours votre billet et vos valises sont maintenant déjà prêtes. Alors, préparez-vous.

Toute la prémisse est que le moment doit être bon pour l'action que vous entreprenez, et lorsque ce moment est correct, vous serez prêt. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ont essayé quelque chose alors que vous pensiez que le moment était venu dans une énergie passée et que cela n'a pas fonctionné, il est beaucoup plus difficile pour vous de le refaire parce que vous sentez maintenant que vous avez échoué. Tout ce qui s'est passé, c'est que c'était au mauvais moment !


La question suivante est : « Comment puis-je connaître le bon moment ? » Voici une réponse géniale, aimante et intuitive : elle vous sera montrée ! ET… il n'y aura aucun doute là-dessus quand cela arrivera.

Quand le moment sera venu, la synchronicité vous criera dessus… GO !

Supposons que vous vouliez construire un centre de guérison. Vous étiez prêt à partir et rien ne s'est mis en place. Maintenant, vous êtes assis là à dire : "J'ai échoué !" Puis, un an plus tard, quelqu'un vient vers vous et vous dit : « Vous savez, j'aimerais construire un centre de guérison avec vous, et j'ai toutes les ressources. Pouvez-vous fournir l'expertise ? » Voilà comment cela fonctionne.

Ensuite, vous commencez à avoir une vue d'ensemble et vous réalisez que vous auriez dû attendre. L'intuition et la synchronicité sont les vecteurs du message. La plupart du temps, cela vous « mettra une claque sur la tête » que MAINTENANT est le bon moment.

Nous voulons que vous compreniez que la conscience humaine a le libre choix. Même si vous êtes censé construire un centre de guérison, il y en a d'autres qui peuvent avoir des réponses, et ils ne sont pas encore prêts. Peut-être y a-t-il des choses qui doivent se mettre en place et qui ne sont pas encore terminées. Il y a beaucoup, beaucoup de facteurs qui entrent dans les belles sortes de réponses que l'Esprit a préparées pour vous.

Il y a beaucoup de choses de ce genre que nous vous présentons, lentement. Lentement, car ils vont à l'encontre de votre formation à la vie et sont difficiles à mettre en œuvre hors de votre existence 4D. L'esprit vous aime tellement qu'il ne vous laissera pas vous asseoir, vous vautrer et vous émerveiller. Si vous l'avez fait quand même, alors vous avez abandonné et fermé la porte au nez. Lorsque vous avez quelque chose de vraiment bon pour répandre la lumière sur cette planète : des programmes qui fonctionnent, des cours à enseigner, des chansons à chanter, des livres à écrire ou des centres de guérison à construire, vous recevrez l'intuition et la synchronicité pour chacun d'entre eux. C'est pourquoi vous êtes ici, très cher.

Attendez que les bonnes choses arrivent et elles le feront. Ils le feront parce que vos talents et vos intuitions vous ont été donnés pour cette raison – pas pour que vous puissiez rester assis là et vous demander si vous avez échoué.


Maintenant, le plus important : l'Esprit vous aime suffisamment pour faire le deuxième tour avec vous, pour vous montrer ce qui peut arriver lorsque vous êtes à l'écoute d'une plus grande vérité et d'un plus grand objectif. En d'autres termes, essayez à nouveau, même si vous sentez que cela n'a pas fonctionné la première fois, et appliquez ces nouvelles idées que je viens de vous donner.

L'Esprit vous aime suffisamment pour vous donner des informations à l'avance pour que vous puissiez les regarder, réfléchir et les laisser mûrir et grandir. Ensuite, lorsque le moment sera venu d'activer ce pour quoi vous saviez que vous êtes venu, vous serez pleinement prêt.

Cela a-t-il un sens pour vous, très chers, qu'il y ait autant d'amour ? Ces conceptions et manifestations de vie n'ont pas à se produire toutes en même temps pour être considérées comme réussies. Ne laissez aucun penseur linéaire marcher sur votre rêve ! La prochaine fois que vous aurez une idée merveilleuse, ou, peut-être, qu'on vous montrera quelque chose que vous êtes vraiment ici pour faire, arrêtez-vous simplement et dites : « Merci, Esprit, de m'avoir montré ce bel avenir pour moi. Donnez-moi la poignée de main que je reconnaîtrai quand il sera temps de passer à l'action. Je suis en paix avec tout cela. »

Sachez ceci : Rien ne presse avec L'Esprit. Rien ne sera blessé en attendant les bonnes choses au bon moment. Le timing est la clé, très chers, et nous sommes avec vous avec le timing - complètement. Nous vous fournirons ce dont vous avez besoin pour accomplir les choses pour lesquelles vous êtes venu.

Il y a plus, mais pour l'instant, je suis Kryon amoureux de l'humanité.

Et c'est comme ça.




Cette retransmission est en direct.

Existe-t-il une chose telle que la « chance » ? Serait-il possible que vous puissiez influencer ce que vous pensez être de la chance ? Y a-t-il une physique réelle derrière ce que nous pensons être de la chance, qui montre que nous pouvons l'influencer ? Existe-t-il des affirmations ou des exercices qui peuvent nous aider à comprendre cela, ou à créer en son sein ? Kryeon donne de nombreuses réponses dans cette canalisation, à ces mêmes questions.

Salutations, chers amis, je suis Kryeon du Service Magnétique.

Le sujet de ce mois-ci et même partiellement du mois dernier, c'est le timing. Le moment dont nous parlons en ce moment est plus personnel qu'un aperçu. Dans cette chaîne en particulier, je veux parler de quelque chose qui fait vraiment partie de votre vie quotidienne et de votre existence.

Nous avons parlé à plusieurs reprises de l'énergie des attentes et de votre façon de penser, à la fois positive et négative. Ce sujet traite de ce qui se passe lorsque vous dirigez la conscience vers quelque chose. Nous allons maintenant parler de timing et de synchronicité.

Plus précisément, les énergies dont nous voulons parler maintenant sont les attributs qui vous apportent ce que vous souhaitez créer. Maintenant, vous pouvez appeler ce type d'énergie comme vous voulez, mais la façon dont cela fonctionne est très profonde. C'est presque trop profond pour certains, car ils vous diront que c'est impossible.

Comment la plupart des gens pensent la vie

Si vous pouviez interroger la plupart des humains de la planète sur la vie, ils vous diront que vous êtes né ici et, si vous avez de la chance, vous survivez. Si vous avez de la chance, vous n'aurez pas d'accidents qui pourraient mettre fin à votre vie ou vous paralyser - si vous avez de la chance. Bien sûr, si vous n'avez pas de chance, ce sera le contraire et vous ne survivrez pas. Donc, à un certain niveau, vous êtes alors victime du hasard. La plupart diraient que c'est tout à fait correct. Après tout, pourquoi ne le serait-il pas ? Vous ne pouvez pas contrôler l'avenir.

Vous ne pourrez peut-être pas contrôler l'avenir, très chers, mais vous pouvez contrôler le présent. Nous vous avons parlé de ce que certains appellent « la loi de l'attraction ». C'est là que vous mettez de l'énergie devant vous d'une manière ou d'une autre, de sorte que lorsque vous arrivez à cet endroit où vous mettez cette énergie d'attente ou d'intention, vous obtenez la synchronicité. La synchronicité, c'est que quelque chose se produise qui change votre chemin. Certains appellent ça de la chance.

Alors, revenons en arrière et parlons un peu plus de cela. Il y a quelque chose sur cette planète autour de l'énergie de la conscience qui n'est pas nécessairement ésotérique. C'est physique, et ça s'appelle Le Champ. C'est une soupe multidimensionnelle d'énergie, où la conscience de la pensée et de l'action humaines réside comme un type de champ.

Toute cette idée, aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, est étudiée et validée à tant de niveaux, qu'un jour, elle aura un nom bien meilleur que "Le Champ". De plus, les expériences déterminent si la conscience peut affecter le caractère aléatoire. En d'autres termes, pouvez-vous créer votre propre "chance" ? La réponse a été OUI !

Pour ceux qui s'attendent à ce que de bonnes choses se produisent et mettent l'énergie de l'attente et de l'intention dans Le Champ, la synchronicité commence à se produire beaucoup trop souvent pour être qualifiée de chance, et ces Humains ont beaucoup plus de contrôle sur leurs propres chemins.

Permettez-moi de le dire ainsi : lorsque vous voyagez sur des routes inconnues, vous ne savez pas où se trouvent les nids-de-poule et les rochers ni où se trouvent les zones lisses. Donc, dans la vie, c'est pareil. C'est comme si vous aviez les yeux bandés et vous pourriez trébucher sur les rochers ou marcher dans les nids-de-poule. Cela s'appelle le hasard et la chance.

Alors je viens vous dire que si vous deviez projeter l'énergie de votre chemin de voyage vers les zones lisses, il y a une sorte d'énergie qui vous y conduit. C'est la synchronicité. En effet, certains appellent la synchronicité chance ! "Garçon, as-tu de la chance d'avoir rencontré ce type", pourraient-ils dire. je vais aller plus loin. Je vais appeler cela la synchronicité créée. Ce n'était pas du tout de la chance.

L'envoi d'intention fonctionne dans les deux sens

Maintenant, la synchronicité ne doit pas toujours être positive. J'ai déjà discuté avec vous de quelque chose que vous ne pouvez pas entendre trop de fois : si vous êtes toujours négatif, si vous êtes investi dans la façon dont cette planète vous a victimisé et que vous n'avancerez jamais, vous créez votre propre synchronicité. Vous construisez en fait une énergie personnalisée qui vous amènera directement dans ce que vous verbalisez. Vous allez entrer dans chaque nid-de-poule qui existe. Comprenez-vous ceci? Ensuite, vous vous tournez vers quelqu'un d'autre et lui dites que vous êtes une victime de la planète. La vérité? Vous l'avez commandé à partir de votre propre "menu".

Ce n'est pas créer l'avenir

Vous créez votre réalité actuelle en marchant. Vous ne créez pas nécessairement votre avenir. Au lieu de cela, vous créez votre présent. Vous avez mis devant vous l'attente de synchronicité pour votre MAINTENANT, et vous lui avez donné une tournure positive. La conscience est énergie, et cela a maintenant été prouvé. Vous apprenez maintenant à utiliser cette énergie, en combinaison avec le Champ. Vous pourriez dire, le champ est ce qui vous donne des informations pour avoir l'intuition de l'endroit où aller pour rencontrer ceux qui sont là pour vous. N'oubliez pas que toutes les choses qui se passent actuellement sont dans Le Champ.

« Kryon, est-ce une pensée positive ? Est-ce juste quelque chose que vous espérez ? »

En ce qui concerne la synchronicité, elle n'est pas créée en espérant, très chers. Nous vous avons donné des informations dans le passé selon lesquelles cette énergie d'attente est presque comme commander à partir d'un menu. Si vous vous attendez à des choses bienveillantes au quotidien, elles se produisent. Maintenant, il y a toujours ceux qui en doutent et qui vont dire : « Eh bien, c'est absurde parce que, si j'ai un problème et que je ne connais pas la solution, comment puis-je mettre devant moi, ce que je ne connais pas ? Kryon ? »

Alors, oh linéaire, laissez-moi vous donner la réponse à cela. Voici votre projection. Voici un exemple d'affirmation :

Au fur et à mesure que j'avance, je vais toujours entrer dans ce qui me donnera des solutions à mes problèmes.

En d'autres termes, vous n'avez pas à mettre devant vous les détails d'absolument tout ce que vous voulez ou recherchez ou attendez. Au lieu de cela, voyez ce qui est le mieux pour vous, quelle que soit la synchronicité du moment.

Cher Esprit, laisse-moi toujours marcher dans la lumière.

Cher Esprit, mets-moi dans les meilleurs endroits où je pourrais être.

Maintenant, il y a des choses que vous pouvez vous donner dans ces affirmations et intentions auxquelles les gens pensent rarement.

Quelques situations à connaître

Quel genre de contrôle pensez-vous avoir avec cette méthode ? Permettez-moi de poser une question. Avez-vous déjà vécu une expérience où vous êtes sur le point de faire quelque chose, quelque chose que vous avez planifié peut-être, quelque chose que vous attendiez avec impatience ou quelque chose que vous attendiez… et vous avez été arrêté ? Avez-vous déjà pensé que cela pourrait être une réponse à votre intention? Et s'il y avait quelque chose de mieux pour vous que ce que vous faites ?

Si vous demandiez à créer une synchronicité et qu'il y a quelque chose devant vous qui est inapproprié, l'intuition peut vous arrêter si vous êtes à l'écoute.

Je vais vous dire ce qui vous gêne, très chers. C'est quand vous fixez votre esprit sur quelque chose, quoi qu'il arrive, et que vous obtenez toutes sortes de signes et de signaux ésotériques et d'intuition que vous devriez peut-être attendre. Est-ce que vous « écoutez » ou est-ce que vous avancez simplement parce que vous le voulez ? Ensuite, vous continuez immédiatement, métaphoriquement, à entrer dans un nid-de-poule ! Je pense que certains d'entre vous ont vécu cette expérience. (Sourire de Kryon)

C'est l'un de vos meilleurs nouveaux outils

Nous parlons de l'un des plus grands outils de cette nouvelle énergie, et il est constamment amélioré. Certains d'entre vous qui apprennent comment cela fonctionne ont vu ces choses incroyables se produire plus d'une fois. Certains d'entre vous qui comprennent comment tout cela fonctionne s'attendent à des choses, savent ce que vous ressentez lorsque vous le faites et l'utilisent tous les jours.

Vous vous réveillez le matin et vous dites : « Peu importe ce qui m'arrive aujourd'hui, je projetterai les choses qui les résoudront. Je ne saurai pas ce que sont ces choses, mais je serai amené à être au bon endroit au bon moment, à rencontrer les bonnes personnes et à rester à l'écoute de la synchronicité que j'ai besoin de voir. »

Il y a aussi ceux qui commencent à comprendre quelque chose de très spécial : ceux que vous rencontrez en cours de route peuvent très bien avoir quelque chose pour vous, même si cela n'en a pas l'air. Ceux que vous pourriez rencontrer en cours de route, à qui vous pourriez normalement simplement dire «bonjour» et passer à autre chose, peuvent avoir des informations ou une direction profondes pour vous qui changeront votre vie. Donc, cela signifie que vous devez examiner différemment les situations que l'Esprit vous apporte, parce que vous les avez demandées ! Vous n'avez tout simplement pas reconnu ce qu'ils étaient.

Plus que de synchronicité, nous parlons maintenant de cadeaux que vous avez réellement projetés et demandés, qui parfois vous manquent. Tout est question de timing. C'est une belle pensée, n'est-ce pas, que, peut-être, vous, en tant qu'être humain, avez le contrôle de votre vie ou de votre chance ?

Je veux que vous réfléchissiez avec moi juste un instant, peut-être même projetiez-vous un peu votre chemin. Là, tu es assis. Pour certains d'entre vous, c'est nouveau, et peut-être aimeriez-vous avoir un peu plus d'idée de ce dont je parle. Alors, allons-y.

Il est si important que vous compreniez que cela est faisable. Plus que faisable, c'est quelque chose que vous pouvez utiliser maintenant. Ce sont des informations quotidiennes, pratiques et ésotériques qui fonctionnent.

"Cher Esprit, je ne suis pas sûr de mon avenir."

"Cher Esprit, j'ai peut-être ceci ou cela qui ne va pas avec moi."

Ensuite, projetez comment vous voulez que cela se déroule : dites : « Laissez-moi projeter devant moi ce dont j'ai besoin pour que ma vie soit fluide. »

Faites cela pour vous-même, pas pour les autres. Ils doivent le faire pour eux-mêmes, car c'est "spécifique à l'homme". Mais dans le processus, les autres verront en vous ce que vous avez fait, cela peut donc les aider également.

"Cher Esprit, laisse-moi entrer dans mes solutions."

"Cher Esprit, apporte-moi les bons scénarios, les bonnes personnes et les bonnes relations dont j'ai besoin pour avancer dans l'amour."

Et – le meilleur dont nous vous avons parlé à plusieurs reprises :
"Cher Esprit, montre-moi ce que j'ai besoin de savoir."

Si vous avez le courage de dire cela, alors ayez aussi le courage de rejeter les détails de ce que vous attendez. Et si vous attendiez « A » et que vous obteniez « B » à la place ? Et si « B » avait beaucoup plus de valeur que « A », mais que vous étiez tellement coincé sur « A » que vous avez suivi le chemin « A » et que vous avez manqué « B » ?

Ce sont des choses auxquelles vous devez vous habituer : rejeter les détails de vos attentes et être d'accord avec quelque chose de mieux. Vous ne savez jamais ce que l'Esprit va vous donner, surtout quand vous êtes plus ouvert à l'amour et à la beauté que vous ne l'aviez même prévu.

Tu es magnifique. Dieu vous aime tellement et est si désireux de vous prendre la main et de vous conduire directement dans la synchronicité que vous méritez. Mais avec le libre choix, votre intention est ROI !

Vous ne vivez pas dans un monde de hasard si vous choisissez d'utiliser cet outil pour un chemin plus fluide, très chers. Je ne vous dirais pas ces choses si elles n'étaient pas vraies. Il y en a maintenant beaucoup qui ont vécu cette chose exacte, et ils en dépendent maintenant pour leur vie de tous les jours.

Béni soit l'être humain qui comprend le pouvoir qu'il a réellement sur la vie quotidienne et les événements. Détendez-vous, très chers.

Et c'est comme ça.


Note: Message Transcripté à partir des Audios Anglais de Lee Carroll (use Google Translate).

Future Planned Incarnations? - May 25th, 2022

I invite you to close your eyes and feel into the joy that it gives you when you have given someone something and their excitement of receiving it, their appreciation for what you have done floods back to you in a way that you are so overjoyed in happiness that you were able to inspire someone, to help someone, to give a gift that was received.

And with that energy of feeling into that appreciation and happiness and joy of what you were able to give to someone, I am sure there is a memory of you giving someone a gift, or a kindness, or a smile, or something, and the reciprocation of receiving that gift, that creates an energy.

And so with that energy, let us now focus that into the feel because there are those who are ready to receive the gift of your consciousness, your compassionate consciousness to give to them so that they may feel loved, feel that someone is actually thinking of them in this moment.

And so release that thought, that consciousness, that intention into the field and have this trust, this knowingness. That there is someone right now on the planet that is receiving a wave of peace. Perhaps they feel a gentle hug right now from spirit.

Perhaps they're able to just relax and know that there is a solution for a problem they are looking at. And in this quantum soup of energy, know that it is being delivered exactly where it is needed.

And so there is nothing more to do except acknowledge the joy that this moment has rung to you. And with this attitude of gratitude, let us now move towards the messages. 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service.

This is the fourth channel of the month, and in this we complete this particular series of what I have loosely called timing. We have done many channels on timing before. The ones this month we have said is a drilling down for some specifics of things that we have discussed in general before.

There are so many layers when it comes to that which you call timing. The irony of that is that when you get to the other side of the veil, time is not what it is for you. Time is in a circle for us, and the circle becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes a dot, you might say.

And though it still exists in some way, all time is in the now. So whereas you see it as a long straight train track and the train is you, you see a past and you see a present and you see a future. But let me ask you something.

If that train that you see that used to be in the past and is traveling right now and is going to the future, if you see that in your mind as a straight track, would you be aware that there is no now because that train of yours is always moving from the past to the future?

It never stops. So therefore you have to redefine the now. The now is similar to us, always in motion, moving from one state to another. If you take that train that is a straight track, straight track and you move it into a circle and you make it smaller and smaller then the train simply goes around the same circle.

That is as an explanation of how we see you and how time works on this side of the veil. There is really no time. We see what you think is the past and because it is in your Akash you're using it and therefore it is in the now.

Are you going to use that for the future? The answer is yes and more things that you are learning every moment in the now. Therefore that future is also part of the now on that train that's in a little circle.

I show you these things even if you don't understand them. To set up a premise of a question and the premise of the question is that you are far more powerful than you think and the question is about reincarnation.

Now, we have talked about reincarnation many, many times and even the timing of it. Now, this is a little more specific, where it starts to ask a question, and here it would be. Dear Kryeon, is it possible that we plan our future incarnations past just who were going to be our parents?

That we actually plan on perhaps where we're going to be or what might even be what we're going to do? Or perhaps what will happen? Now you get into some very interesting esoteric questions. You have free choice.

This also goes into that which we would talk about, contracts, plans. Every single one who would teach you, who has been around and has the wisdom of the karmic, akashik, and other energies regarding past and future lives will tell you something.

This contract you feel you have or this plan you feel you have has come right from the past. It's you before you got here planning your life. So that particular question is already answered in some way, but how specific can it be?

Now, regarding those contracts and plans, almost everyone will agree who teaches the akashik records that these contracts or plans are simply the beginning. That when you get to the planet and you start on these things that you intrinsically feel you're supposed to do and that you begin with, because of the energy on the planet and your free choice, you can change them anytime.

I've even said they're written in invisible ink. you're supposed to do something but what if something better because of the energy comes along does that mean you have to stick with the old plan of the old energy or can you move that contract doing something completely different and Feel good about it.

The answer is yes. That is always Always your choice. So planning and contracts and all these linear things you think you do Always has the ability to change them But that doesn't answer the question Do you're crying how specific is it?

Can we plan the future? Let's talk about it This is something that the ancients have done for a very long time I Want you to examine this and tell me how you feel about it. Is it real or not? There are certain belief systems on the planet in fact one that is the original one And it measures its leaders and counts on a reincarnation in order to have the wisdom continue for its teaching.

Now what I mean by that is that the leaders perhaps of this particular belief system know who they're going to be in the next life. They know their gender, where they will be. And then the puzzle is to find them so they can continue on teaching.

So they fully recognize this idea of a school of earth. But more than that, they see the wisdom of a shaman who is then continuing on. And they look for them in the next life. And in this life, that particular leader or shaman will say, look here in this city at this time for this gender at this age, and that will be me.

I'm coming back, and I will give you signs that I am me. How about that? So not only do you have a plan, you can tell people what you're going to do and where to look. This is not old news. Let's take a look at the record of how that's worked.

Well, this particular belief system takes that individual when they're very young, six to 10 years old, finds them as they're supposed to, and then they'll train them. There has to be an intelligence there because they will send them overseas.

So they will learn multiple language. They'll come back. They'll send them to high educational schools so that they will be wise and educated. And every time that has happened, those individuals have taken on that task and been very good at it like they simply were remembering.

What are the odds that if this was random that you would have somebody who could do that? And that's what I want to show you. It works. Other belief systems that are similar to that have chosen the Rinpoches in the same way.

They go to the village and they look for the children who are reincarnate Rinpoches. Those are leaders and they train them and they teach them in the same way. This is a system of planned reincarnation and it works.

So let's go back to the question. How specific does it get? And the answer is as specific as you want. Dear one, old soul, listen to me. We have now new tools of working with the soul in this new energy that mimics even what the shamans were able to do so long ago.

I would like to tell you that your intuition right now as you live here may very well come alive with what you may do next. And what happens to you this time, when you go to the other side of the veil?

Well then temper what you do the next time. It's starting to be a lot clearer for many who say, I'm going to come back and I want to be in this culture or that culture. I want to do this and that. And that goes into the field, into that Akashic planning.

It's almost like you are again giving a menu to what you will do next time. The gender you will be, where you will be, and what you might accomplish. And it could even be continuing what you're doing now.

There have been so many cases where those creatives have done this, especially those in music, where they will come back into the planet and continue where they were. And someone will look at their work and their compositions and say, that looks a lot like an old master.

You have the same phrases, you're working the same way. And they may wink at you and say, well, that's how I feel too. Great artists will come back and continue being great artists. Some will paint in the same way they painted before.

This has always been the case. Some energies, especially those of creative ones and love, compassion, carry on to the next. Sometimes shamans will come back as shamans. It's more than that. Can you, as you sit there today, understand and think about the continuation after you're gone?

What a concept. There are those who will roll their eyes and say, well, crying, now you've gone a little too far. And I will tell you, just look at what has already been accomplished and what has already been done for hundreds of years in those places that do them and believe in them.

That is also your gift. Now in the circle of 12 tonight, I'm going to go further, much further, and I'm going to ask a question. Can you see the future of your own incarnation next time, and what you might do, and what your task might be?

Not the one you plan. Can you actually see yourself doing it? That would then perhaps even void out, can you control the future or not? We're going to discuss that in just a little while for the circle of 12 for the members.

Everyone can hear these channelings. They are complete as they are. Sometimes we'll give a little more into the circle of 12. That's why it exists, to help you understand yourself and your healing, and how magnificent you are.

And so it is. 

Love from Those You Don’t See - June 1st, 2022

I also have a feeling that many of you watching, like me, enjoy crystals. So I have some beautiful crystals with me this evening. I have my labradorite and clear quartz crystal. And so I'd like to use these crystals as an inspiration for a meditation because crystals have gone through a process in their creation.

The labradorite, for example, it came from igneous rocks. And it was a process of lots of heat and pressure that you had this metamorphosis of creating the gemstone and the crystal that we see. Our planet is filled with so many different variety of minerals and gemstones.

And crystals that they have gone through such processes and even being unearthed from the earth, they go through further processes of being polished and tumbled and smoothed. And so I invite you to contemplate what kind of pressures have you experienced in your life and things that have polished you over and over to create who you are right now.

Because life is happening for you and with you, not to you. Everything that we experience, we have the opportunity of looking at that experience and being polished by that experience when we overcome life's challenges.

We can truly speak to someone else going through that challenge with true empathy, with direct knowledge, direct experience of feeling. And so I ask you to also contemplate how many lifetimes you may have experienced being on the planet.

And how many of those lifetimes did you also receive those opportunities of challenge and change? And that well of experience is carried within the very DNA of yourselves. You have a gold mine of wisdom that you can access, that you can pull forward.

And so I can hear already the next question, how do I do that? It is through giving pure intent and trusting that you will receive exactly what you need. So let us just ask, dear cellular structure filled with beautiful information of my wisdom, of my Akashic experience, please bring out those lifetimes where I was able to hold wisdom, hold compassion, hold love, hold knowledge, and let those attributes come forward.

And just trust that the process has already been initiated and just observe things that will have happened for you in this coming week. And so from that posture of connection and love and support, let us now move into hearing the messages from Kryeon.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. This is the first channeling of this month. There will be four, just like always. And in this we title them. These four are going to be the love connection.

Dear ones, I cannot speak too much about something that is the core, the seed of the greatest energy that exists. And that is that which comes from the Creator. We'll say this again, perhaps in another channel.

But this great love is the image you hear that you are made of in the image of the Creator and that image is love and so each one of these channels will feature an attribute of love. All four channels available to everyone for free on my partner's website.

We're going to start this one with the love from those that you don't see or those those that that you think perhaps are even not there, depending upon what you have been told in this culture, depending upon the doctrine that you've learned, pretending it's perhaps that they're there or not there.

What do you think of guides and angels? What do you think of the invisible ones? What do you think of that which some say? You're foolish to think beyond yourself or that you're independent, no one's going to help you. 

Have you been told that the opposite is true, and it's true in a manner and an energy that is overwhelming in its truth and its beauty?

Dear ones, here is the truth. You don't come here alone, ever. No human comes alone. The soul is something that is a beautiful vehicle that comes with you. It does not stay on the other side of the veil, dear ones.

This multidimensionality of your soul is right now sitting in the chair that you are watching this in. It is with you. Now, perhaps that is a little less linear than you wanted to hear, but it's true.

And in this soul is you in many forms. That's the multidimensional you. The you that have been in the past lives that somehow still exist with you. A consciousness that never goes away that is you. And that which we have talked about before, a guide set which comes in with you and is the same every single lifetime.

The same guides, the same angelic presence is with you. Some have felt, well, it's an extension of me. You're a bit right about that. They feel like you. They're part of the higher self that you say is you.

You cannot separate these things into linear groups and faces and numbers. These belong to you in a multidimensional state which don't have singularity or shapes or faces or numbers. And yet it feels like it.

It feels like it because they are so personal. I want to tell anyone watching, this is the first time you've heard of this. love for you to sit alone tonight and just call them in. If you're there, show me.

Go ahead. Don't be surprised if you allow it and if you mean it when you say it that there might be some tingling that goes on and that is a yes. That cause and effect relationship of you opening your heart and asking that question is one of the most beautiful things a human can do.

I want you to understand that as they come in with you, there is a tremendous love they bring, the love for you, the soul that you are, the human being in the expression that you are. Their purpose is to help you.

That is why they are called guides. They are angelic. You don't see them. You feel them and in their feeling, They also shape your reality if you let them. They're the ones who are the way -showers. They're the ones who will help you to go to the right place at the right time or make decisions through intuition that they will influence that says, this door, not that door.

They're the ones that are in the field with you that we have spoken of before. They keep you out of chance, dear ones. There are those who still say, I'm in a turkey shoot, as they say, in my partner's country.

That is, I'm rolling the dice every day I step out of the house and anything could happen to me. Not if you're in touch with your guides. Not if you understand the purpose of angelic purpose, the reason you're here.

These guides are the ones that often keep you safe. But not unless you acknowledge that it's possible or that they're there. Why is that crying? Why do we have to do things in order to activate, if you want to say that, the guides?

And here's the answer. You have free choice not to. Did you hear that? All your life, if you want to ignore all of them and do your best, when you come back across the veil, we're going to have the same party for you as the one who engaged them when they were four, four years old.

Do you hear that? That's no judgment. There is no judgment. But there is opportunity, and that is for those who want to understand that there is love when you come here and they come with you. I want to paint another picture.

I've done it so often before. I want to paint a picture. Here you are on this planet doing the best you can to survive, trying your best, perhaps, to be a compassionate individual. trying to dodge that which you call chance.

Sometimes it makes you feel like you're a victim of the energy all around you because perhaps things don't go well. And here are guides who are sitting looking at you doing nothing because you've never greeted them.

You've never said thank you. You've never said I want you to help guide me. I want you to push my intuition. I want you to help me listen. You've never done it. Perhaps because you've been told they don't exist or that's silly or that you have to trust in something else or perhaps there's a profit or perhaps you've been told you have you can't even talk to God.

Somebody else has to do it for you. All of those things get in the way of this perception that you have come in with divinity. But because you have free choice nothing's going to happen until you activate that.

Activating means that you sit again and say I want you in my life. You're real. I believe it Thank you for loving me. Can you imagine the love they have for you to watch you flail Around believe what you want to and all that time. Figuratively, they have their hand out saying take my hand, take my hand.

Just do it. Don't you feel us? Don't you understand? Don't believe anyone else but your own core energy. Drop into your heart and see if what you've been told is right and we will come in if you wish. All your life, they may sit there, with their hand out. Perhaps to your last breath. That's how much they love you.

They never give up. They never give up. They're always there because that's why they're with you. They come with you. Did you know that there's a meeting between all of you before you step into the wind of birth and you come here?

That says this time, please feel us. Don't believe everything you're told, follow your heart, believe us and let us then help guide all the things. To take you into the good places where there are no potholes.

An intuition will help you meet the right partners and people. So there'd be a lot less of the issues that perhaps you had the last lifetime. Let this be a lifetime of beauty.

No betrayal of compassion and love, and good things. That's why they're here. There's so much love, your guides your angels are real, they even have your name on them, the name we sing in light that you have. They belong to you.

There is a system dear ones of love. There is a connection with the love of the Creator and part of it comes in with you. Always with you, waiting for you to acknowledge. So you can move on into a divine reality that you deserve as your lineage of an old soul.

I wouldn't tell you these things unless they were real. There's no reason to sell you something when you already have it. I am just telling you to take it. See for yourself if it's real or not. Open that beautiful, beautiful area that will flow into that which is your mind and your heart with a grander truth perhaps than you've ever been told.

That's why I'm here. I'm here to give you information perhaps that you've not heard before that is for you, that is loving, very loving. It's not a doctrine we're asking you to follow. It's love we're asking you to follow.

The love of God I'm Kryeon in love with humanity continuing to give these lessons so that some of you will have a life change and understand that you're always loved and you're never alone and so it is.

The Love Connection - June 8th, 2022

We're going to move into a meditation now and I continue to be inspired by the beautiful crystals that I have on the table. We gave a meditation last week focused on crystals so I'm going to continue because we have a labradorite and I love labradorite crystals and in finding the meaning about labradorite I discovered that they were first found by geologists from labrador in Canada and there's an inuit story that talks about the northern lights known as the aurora borealis had somehow become trapped in these stones and that a warrior came to free the northern lights because they had disappeared and he struck that stone with his spear and the northern lights went back up into the sky but some of them remained trapped within the rocks and they represent the connection to the ancestors.

I love that story. I love the fact that we have a physical representation of something to help us connect with the energy of our ancestors so I invite you to close your eyes and contemplate what does it mean to you to connect with your ancestors?

Who are your ancestors? What connection do they have to you? Perhaps you feel you don't know your ancestors and you would like to so you can ask dear ancestors Let me feel you, show your presence to me, let me connect in a deeper way to the energy of my ancestors.

I am here sitting here in this time of shift as a result of my ancestors. I ask the wisdom and love of the ancestors to come through to me in a way that I can feel, sense or recognise. And now that that request is being made, just trust that it will be revealed to you in exactly the way you need to receive it.

And now let us receive the message from Kryeon. 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. The series for this month, perhaps my favorite so far, is called The Love Connection. This is the second of four small channelings regarding love.

Dear ones, I could tell you so many things about that which you call love, and none of them would carry the impact, the strength, the enormity, the splendor of truly what it means. Let me give you a hint.

I may have said these things before, but they cannot be said too many times. In fact, this entire month we might say we are then reinforcing, revisiting, if you will. So many things that we want you to know and understand, especially with that which is happening in the world right now.

The hint that I wanted to give you is that if you looked at all of the things that might pass between the other side of the veil and the one you're on, when you're born, and there are many, we've told you about some of them, joy, laughter.

But the biggest one is love. You can have wonderful compassion. You can have kindness and a joyful attitude, but the greater of all of these things, and the greatest, is love. We speak of a different kind of love, perhaps, than some of you are thinking about.

Love for the human being, it's wonderful. And you express it, perhaps, for one another and mean it. You express it for the animals, perhaps. that are with you, you love them and you mean it. You express it perhaps even to the planet.

But the one that has no greater size or influence is the love of God. And the one that we have told you about even that is completely and totally misunderstood is the love of self. But the one I want to talk about is the one that is ingrained in you from birth.

Do you remember we have said over and over, made in His image is something you have read in Scripture, and not just in the Scripture perhaps that you're aware of, but in so many words it's in many Scriptures, made in His image.

This is a very poor set of words, to talk about that which you were made in. It's the image of the creative source. It doesn't even have a gender. It is the biggest thing that ever exists. The image that you're made in is love.

That means as you sit there, as you listen, as you watch, perhaps, love is in there at its greatest source, its greatest energy. And there are some who say, I'm not feeling that. There are many who are born, and as we have said even on this program, you've had love talked out of you because no one showed it to you.

Not like the love of God, not in an unconditional way. So many parents, this is what they wish to give their children, but they end up with these blind spots, giving them something else that is close to it, but not the love of God.

This encompasses you. It puts you into, it puts you into, dear ones, a presence that you can feel and know that takes all fear away. If you are there in that space, the space which we are wishing so much to create in the circle of twelve, nothing matters at that moment, nothing.

This is the love that we love you to rekindle, revisit, and you again will say, how do we do that? Let me start by telling you this. There are many things that will cover it up completely. Fear is one of them.

Are you fearful right now for anything? And the answer is normally with humans, yes. You're fearful or you're concerned perhaps. It's borderline fear, but you're still concerned. You're concerned with each other, perhaps with your lives or those of your children, those of your parents, those of your mates, those perhaps and the rest of the world who are going through so much. It is affecting their lives and that is concerning to you.

Well, that's a form of fear. You'll say, wait a minute. There's a difference between being very concerned and being fearful. Not to your body. Fear of ones, the same chemistry is involved and that chemistry Will negate love. What about those who say : "well I am concerned enough to love those around me, I'm concerned enough to what this is all semantics." Will you get out of that the three -dimensional arguments of the of the esoterics?

That some people want to pick apart with words and instead get to the basic energy of an unconditional love for all. And it doesn't matter what condition they're in or how concerned, you're in you can drop into your heart and take away all that fear for just a moment or two, you do that often.

That's an exercise and you can do it all the time. So you don't have to pinpoint something that's wrong on the planet and then pray for it. You don't have to be concerned or fearful for someone else and then pray for. Instead you are that which can that creates love and that then is sent as love, and compassion and kindness to anyone who needs it.

That is the power you have. The intellectual esoterics will say no I had to identify them and put them in a list. No, you don't that love that passes to you as the creator. Not only is it interesting it is in you all the time, but it's you who covers it up and you may not even know that you cover it up. Why not have your next prayer right now. Dear spirit help me see the things that are covering up the image of love from the creator that I am.

 That is every single cell of my body Help Me to understand as I drop into my heart and send love to humanity or anyone else that it just doesn't have to be with concern or fear. That it's generic so beautiful and strong is it that it's gonna go exactly to who needs it. Therefore if I put myself in that place and generate that that beautiful beautiful emotion It's more than an emotion.

It's an energy that goes everywhere If you only knew what one person in coherence with the field and with others could do for the whole. You get two or more doing it, and it's awesome. Unbelievable. This is the energy.

You call it, if you wish, a force, that you push upon that which is darkness. And when you do that, all manner of things happen. Getting out of that intellectual idea that you have to have a prayer list.

I tell you, I've asked my partner and his partner, Monica, to put together miracle moments. And you might see or think that we're asking you to single out the people and their issues and pray for them.

Let me tell you something. That is the 3D. Example, that is the paradigm that is set up so that everyone will understand. But now I'll give you the truth about it, the secret, if you wish, about it. And that is this.

When you drop into your heart, whether you know their names or not, or you know anything about the list or not, all of them are represented. There will be those who put their names on the list, and a few months from now that list will grow so long, or it may have been resolved, or it may have been refined, or some of it may have disappeared for length reason, it doesn't matter.

The entire list and everyone who's ever been on it is included in that multidimensional experience called love. And that love pushes to all of you, and in that there is solace, there is healing, there is beauty, there is aha moments.

I'll tell you, you're dealing with something that is bigger than anything that is L -O -V -E. It is that which is from the Creator, something that you cannot spell or describe or define, bigger than anything that exists in this, that is the universe of your mind, even of your soul, that is the essence of the creative source that made this planet, that made you, that made this universe, and that was always the intent, that eventually you will peel away all of that which is the onion of humanity, of fear, of concern, and turn right to that which is the most dramatic solution, love. 

There's nothing like it. I invite all of you to drop into your heart think of nothing but the beauty and the warmth, the solace, the healing, the energy, the perfection of love.

It's all there. I would love to give multi -channeling just on that, just to have you sit and feel it and be with me. Beautiful it is, dear ones, I'm going to give it to you often. This information is too good, not for you to revisit.

In other words, visit it now. I am Kryeon in love with all of you, in love with all of you. And so it is. 

The Missing Piece - June 15th, 2022

Well, it's hard to believe but we are now needing to move into a meditation and a channel but to help us get into that space, I want to share with you some miracle moments that have happened from two people that reported them on our Facebook group.

So just tune into the energy of these two stories of some miracles that people have experienced in their life. This first one comes from Pulo. Pulo says I was diagnosed with depression in 2020 after my husband left me.

Then my younger sister introduced me to Carol and Kryeon. I started listening to Healing Wednesdays and Kryeon Channelings and I have never had to take any medication again. I am now a healer through my healing.

How beautiful. And then we have Amir. Hello. It's a pleasure to share with you. This is my miracle, a miracle that changed me completely. One night I woke up to the warmth and overflowing in my soul.

I actually saw that a bird flew out of my soul. I got up and I followed her. She flew out the window and flew high into the sky and she became a star. This is a joy. I feel a boundless and great love.

These divine visions are healing me. I will be cured and healed in my soul. This is my healing, love and awakening to all. Thank you dear Amir. Please feel into that message from Amir. Love. and awakening to all and if you are connecting here with us you already are in that bubble of love and awakening that we sit in as we now welcome the message from Kryeon.

Greetings dear ones I am Kryeon of magnetic service. This entire month we are examining a very very large subject. It's the love connection. That connection dear ones is so profound it goes so many ways.

We've told you that the energy which you call love is far larger than you understand or believe. So many of you can see that, understand that, but until you've experienced this love, this love from spirit, this love from your guides, as we've discussed, and all of these things, until you've truly experienced this, it's difficult to talk about.

There are so many things that I could bring to you that tell you about the beauty that is there, almost for the taking. We told you last week that love is intrinsically there. It is built in and comes from the other side of the veil.

That when you arrive on this planet, the image that you are of the Creator is love. And then the humanness starts to kick in, depending upon what you've been told, what your parents show you, the amount of love and care that you're given, all part of that growing up process that sometimes takes that essence away from its majesty.

Most humans are learning it again in certain ways. This program is designed for that, a safe place for you to be in and learn what that truly might mean from spirit. Again, as you drop into your heart, what is it that is there, that perhaps is grander than anyone told you, or perhaps there is an experience that will fill up that part of your body that needs and craves it so much to say, I want it all, I want it all. 

A month and a week or so ago, I gave a channeling, a channeling in that wonderful place in Gaia called Monument Valley, beautiful to look at. serene to be in, a place where when the wind stops during the day or the night, sometimes you hear nothing, a silence that is so compelling that it draws you in to the majesty of the earth.

Its precious land, its sacred land, its part of the Navajo land, it's a Navajo nation and a place that we go to often now, but I gave this channeling in that pristine place and I want to share it with you and review it with you.

Even though this channeling is currently now available for all, in a place where this is free for all in social media, in a website, in YouTube, perhaps even other places eventually, I want you to hear that which I said.

And I want you to ponder the age that you're in and the shift that is beginning. You see, there's another love. There is a great missing piece that so few have truly found. I know who's listening, dear ones.

There's an expression preaching to the choir. I may be telling you what you already know, but you're not the only ones to find this channeling. For this will also be all over for those to hear, for free.

The missing piece. If you take a look at the doctrines of the planet, the ones in the spiritual systems of the planet, there's a missing piece. And that missing piece is so obvious, and yet in your modern times somehow you've cast it aside.

I spoke back then about the experiences that my partner has had on tours. And one of the biggest ones that sticks in his mind is where the shaman reaches down, picks up a handful of soil, holds it to his lips and smiles.

And when my partner asked him, why have you done that? He said, I have just been in touch with all my ancestors, for they are in the soil of the earth, all of them. I remembered even in my scripture that I learned as a child, dust to dust.

My partner then realized how profound that truly was. The idea of the ancestors being in the planet is not what you were told, and yet they are. Multidimensionally, that soul energy that you have goes so many places when you're not there.

Here the wisdom the crystalline grid all of the things that we've talked about that are part of this earth and this planet are built to enhance you. This planet knows who you are, it truly does, it's a sentient knowing and most of the doctrines, of this earth right now of this planet of all of your cultures and societies, almost all that have the doctrines never mentioned it not one time.

What if, dear ones, there was a great and grand love that pours from the earth from so many sources? The creator of all things made this planet specifically for you, designed it so that it's self -sustaining with water for you, so it tilts on an axis for your seasons, the engine of hot and cold for you, all of that on purpose like no other planets, even in your solar system designed for you.

If you think about it, it was not an accident. This was a design so that when you arrived, it would not only be prepared, but there would be an energy of this planet for you to sense. And what is that energy?

Go ask a tree hugger. Does the Earth have a message? And that tree hugger will come back to you and say, every time I hug Earth, there's bliss. I smile. I'm overwhelmed with the energy it has for me.

What if we have missed this, the we being, all of those on this planet who wish to be spiritual and connected? And there's this feeling that when you pass from this place, the souls go high up in the sky to some other place, it's unreachable.

What if instead it goes everywhere? What if all of your ancestors, the wise ones, and not the wise ones, but all of them, when they pass over, take that mind of God and become their original soul beings.

And that's what's in the planet as well. Have you ever thought of what I told you last week? The cave of creation that we have described so often to you is within the planet. Isn't that odd that your Akashic record would be in Earth?

Why isn't it somewhere in the sky? As you might say, that's a metaphor for not being here. That's a metaphor for perhaps being in heaven or wherever else that you might think. But it isn't. It's here.

There are three places we have described that contain your Akashic record, and two of them are on the planet, and one of them is not. that ought to tell you a lot about what is in the planet. All that ever was and the consciousnesses that ever were are still in this planet.

I described the crystalline grid so many times in past channels. It's a grid that's designed to feel human emotion. It was actually designed for you so that there would be places that you could go and feel past experiences that were wonderful.

That you could know from the planet perhaps a love that you thought you only got then from the sky. That is a metaphor for the love of God. It's everywhere. There is so much of it. Have you heard the expression, as above so below?

That wouldn't mean that it comes from both sides, that the love of spirit... That what you call God, that eternal source, that beauty is also available, pouring from your planet. There are so many who have trouble with this.

They would say, dear crying, I know you've said that before, but I've never really been able to feel it. Let me ask you, how do you attempt to feel it? There's a great way. It's a simple way. I tell you, whether it's night or day, take off your shoes.

If you live in a place where there is not a forest or a guide, then go to a place where there is. Almost all of you have some places that are parks or whatever. Take off your shoes, take off your socks, put your foot in the soil, the grass, whatever, and connect consciously to the earth.

At this particular time, there's intent, there's grounding, and then listen, not for words. Listen for love. Crying, how do I listen for love? Dear ones, don't make it complicated. Don't make it complicated.

If love is in the air, it affects you. You hear it, you feel it, you smell it, you taste it. I've just given you full body experience for the love of earth. It will embrace you. And the thing it may say to you is this, finally, you found me.

There is so much for you, for all of you, that perhaps you have not taken advantage of in the area of love. It comes from so many sources, including right next to you, the guides with you. The image that you were created in, and now even the earth, you're surrounded with it.

There's no excuse, listen, truly, there's no excuse for being a victim when there is so much that is trying to get through to you. Why don't you take my hand? Have you heard that before? As you cross into your soul, take my hand and feel the love that is all around you pouring into you that will completely and totally eliminate all of that which doesn't belong in the light.

I am Kryeon, in love with humanity, and so it is. 

Love Beyond Death - June 22nd, 2022

So we're going to move into a meditation and channel from Kryeon and I snuck in a little crystal onto my table earlier. It's this tiny little crystal which is actually citrine. Citrine is beautiful crystal for abundance.

And so if you're like me where you enjoy the energy and vibration of crystals, you may wish to grab a crystal and put it in your hand. It's not essential, but it's an invitation to find a crystal that you're attracted to.

And as you hold a crystal in your hand, I invite you to contemplate the journey of this crystal. Our earth was created about 4 billion years ago. And all the materials that are on this earth and in the crust have been laying dormant for a very, very long time.

And over time, these minerals were created and some had changes occur to create the beautiful crystals that we are able to enjoy today. And contemplate what was happening for those crystals just 200 years ago.

What was happening on our planet and what information was being communicated to the crystals simply 200 years ago. And think about what things are being communicated to the crystals on our planet right now during this time of awakening and shift.

And think about all the crystals that you you have been able to influence with your thoughts, your actions and your intentions. And here is where I wish to invite you to think about what thoughts, energy and consciousness do you wish to place into a crystal right now for the future, for the coming future?

What is it that you wish in the future that if someone picks up a crystal that's been in your influence? What are the attributes you want that person to feel when they pick up and hold a crystal that you've had the ability to influence?

And so I'm going to share with you Some of those attributes I wish to place into my crystal that to be a joy, celebration, happiness, unconditional love, wisdom, knowledge and a deep, deep connection to the earth and a deep connection to each other.

And so with that, you can continue holding your crystal or you can place it aside as we now receive the beautiful, loving messages from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. All these messages, the last three of this month, all about love and this one as well.

This time I bring you a perception that perhaps you're not truly aware of. It is all about love. It's a beautiful, beautiful love and yet so many of you miss it, you don't understand it. It's even controversial even in metaphysical circles because the idea that I'm going to present yet again as I have had many times doesn't truly get understood.

But you are a singular three -dimensional being. What this means is that you tend to think in a singular way. There's one of these, those, nothing is ever the same, there are no duplicates truly of humans or any of these things that everything is unique and everything is individual and everything is whole the way it is.

What if that was not so? Since there is so much multidimensionality around that we have talked about including in your very cells, including the soil of the earth and you only recognize a small dimensionality of it, you are not necessarily tuned in to what truly is going on.

What might be happening or what is the reality of perhaps that which you think you're seeing? Here's where I'm going. What have you been taught, even at the most fundamental level of spirituality? And what you've been taught is you come to this planet, whether you've lived before or not, you come to this planet, you live out of life, and you're taught that when you leave, then there is a soul, and it's separate.

And we have told you this before, that you have been taught that your soul is somewhere else. You visit it, you come from it or go to it. But there are very few who will tell you that your soul comes with you, and we have told you that even this month, that your soul is with you.

But there's more. We talked about something in the past called soul sharing. And this is confusing because people will say, anybody else share my soul? And I say, how three -dimensional of you, because when you get to the other side and realize that your soul is shared with every other soul of the universe, you'll have a good laugh.

There is a way that your soul can also be shared with so many other souls in certain ways that are so beautiful, so beautiful. I'm going to take you back to the wind of birth. We've given this before.

You're sitting there at some level with the souls of your parents, and you say, I'm coming in now, I've chose you, you're already on the planet, and I'm talking to your souls, and I'm going to go in just as we planned I would.

Now you get into that other messy, if you would say, proposition that you chose your parents, and you would say, no, I didn't, I never would have chosen those parents, some of you. You say, that's ridiculous, I'm not going to believe that crime, because I know myself, I would not have chosen that abuse, I would not have.

What if you were their teacher? What if they were new old souls and you're an old old soul? Big difference. In other words, what if you came in on purpose? Not just to learn something for you, but for them.

Did you ever think of that? There is a system here of helping one another. That's why you pre -plan some of these instances such as those who will be with your birth. Now, if you plan this with your parents, let's say parents, brothers, sisters, do you think it ends there?

What about when they leave? And this is where it gets good. Here is what happens, I have told you many times, but there are those hearing this for the first time. When they leave this planet, when you leave this planet, there is an agreement to be with the existing alive person until their last breath and share their soul because there's love there to show. What if you've had truly a horrible experience with your parents? What if there was abuse? What if they were unkind? What if you got out of your house as soon as you could?

You realize that when they pass over the veil, none of that passes with them. That was their free choice. That was their learning. And suddenly they are sharing your soul, but they know everything. They know what was perceived, unperceived, they know what they did, all of these things.

And now it's time for them to love you. What if you had wonderful parents and you really missed them? Now I'm speaking of parents who have passed, and this is so you'll get ready for all of those who perhaps will experience this and you will miss them greatly.

You may have a funeral for them or whatever is your culture and they're gone. And there's grieving because of that. What if they were just beautiful best friends? This is their opportunity to continue the love affair.

Do you see where I'm going with this? There is a kind of love that is not really truly been taught to you. My partner was born to his parents when they were older. They were gone. They were gone way too early in his life.

He didn't get to know them as best friends, not really. So as he was beginning his 30s, they were gone. And yet, today, as a senior, he still feels them. It's not a memory. Dear ones, you can still smell them in certain cases.

Are you aware of that? There is something there. Sometimes he will feel his father in the room saying, good job, my son. Now that could be in the imagination, but it isn't. The souls of those parents have been with him in some form, sharing his experience, looking at him, helping him, loving him.

I speak right now to those of you who have lost children. There is a grieving time, and when that is appropriately past, there are still memories and tears. But what if I told you those children have an agreement to be with you all of your life, to love you as a soul -sharing child?

Who has come and said I am with you till the end mom dad I know what happened, but i'm still here. I'm still here in the purest form to hold your hand, hug you at night. Help you to remember we're all in this together this thing called the shift called the world called life. The love doesn't stop what a system. The love doesn't stop. We've even told you this is. This is true with your with your pets you've lost and the animals you've lost we told you this years ago. That they want to continue the love affair, but instead of sharing your soul they come back. 

They show themselves asking you to find them and continue the love affair. That's the power of love Oh Can it really get any better than that? The systems put in place by the creator whose essence is love those systems feature love. They don't feature punishment. They feature love And there are so many aspects of this to lift you up. When you're not feeling like you you could be lifted. To take you out of depression when you don't think you can. To give you hope when nobody's around and you think you're alone because nobody told you. This is the truth And then all you had to do to feel it is acknowledge Start talking to them.

Perhaps see what happens. When you start having dialogues with those you've loved and lost. And you start understanding it's more than just psychology. That there is something more at the cellular level that's going on.

They're still here and make this even better. When you look at those around you who you love, all of them, that you're invested in emotionally and love, all of them, you can look them in the eye and say, I'm not leaving you, physically perhaps, but I'll be there all the time, looking at you, loving you like I always have, and being a partner of a different kind, a partner that loves you, ready to help you, and sometimes you'll be able to hear me and feel me. 

That is the system in place you're staying with those you love, and they will do the same. This is a little reported system that comes with those who can understand more than they did before.

As that which is the consciousness of humanity starts to raise, become more enlightened, and we can teach these more, I would say, advanced ideas about who you are, when you're here, when you're not here, when you're gone, and a system that is beautiful beyond words, that rings with the love of God.

A system created for you, so you'll never be alone, or have a reason to be sorrowful. There's so much more here. Dear ones, I am in love with all of you. And so it is. 

Planting the Seeds Part 1 - Higher Self - July 6th 2022

So we're going to do a brief meditation before the channel now and earlier this week I woke up where I was feeling less than. There's some things where I've been working on such as my weight and you do all of these things and you wake up sometimes thinking that all your efforts are not doing a single thing and you feel discouraged and hopeless and as I said before you feel less than and so as I was sitting there in that victim stage I started to think well how can I shift this and so I invite you to join me in this process that I did for myself in hopes that you can shift whatever it is in your life right now where you're feeling less than or hopeless about whether it's not having enough money or whether it's not having the health you want join me in this and just see how it feels for you and whether it shifts things and so I invite you to close your eyes and think of those things that make you feel less than those feelings that you have and those feelings are very very real and what we're going to do is grab those feelings and we're going to give them a shape we're going to give them a color or we're going to give them some kind of identifying connection and we're going to place that feeling down onto a piece of paper that's in front of us.

I'm just going to put that down because it's real we're not going to try and get rid of it it exists and then if there's another feeling that you feel like a hopelessness feeling we're going to give that a shape and a color.

Color or a dimension and place that down into the paper as well. And just trust that your own innate wisdom knows the types of feelings that you want to release and if there's any other feelings throughout our system that we want to release we're going to just grab them all now and put them onto that piece of paper in front of us and now what we're going to do is wrap up that piece of paper, we can even put a string around it and tie it up.

And so now we have this package we've created of our very real feelings and emotions and we're going to gently hold them up and release them to our entourage that's made up of paper. of our loving guides that are there to help us.

We can release them to cry on. We can release them to the angelic realms. Spirit is always ready. All we have to do is ask. So dear spirit, dear cry on, dear angels and guides, I release this package unto you.

And as they take that package from you, it's gone. You've released it. It doesn't belong to you anymore. And now that that package is gone, feel into that lightness that accompanies releasing that. And with gratitude and thanks, thank you.

Thank you, dear spirit. Thank you, Kryeon. Thank you, guides and angels, for taking that package. We are now in a posture where we can receive something that they wish to give. And so you may even wish to hold your hands out as they metaphorically hold up a jug that they're going to pour over you and shower you in the blessings of infinite love that they have for you.

All you have to do is receive that outpouring of love and blessings and benevolence being given to you so that every cell in your body in this moment can feel that sense of peace, feel that sense of wholeness and well -being.

And in love and gratitude, we say thank you. Thank you, thank you, for giving us this love. And now that we have received that gift to ourselves, we know we can do this any time of the day that it is needed.

And in gratitude, we now say thank you, cry on, for delivering your beautiful messages to us through late.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. For many years now, we have been talking about what is happening on the earth currently.

Not specifics, but in general, a shift of energy that would affect everyone. Everyone on the planet in some way starts to understand things have changed and not just that which is in your culture, they've changed worldwide.

And if you take a look, you'll see that the new normal is here. We spoke those words, the new normal, many, many years ago before anyone started using it anywhere. But we saw that as something that would be different for you.

But we saw it in a light that the change before you would result in a grander earth. Now this has always been the controversy, the controversy of almost any of those who would watch this particular program or have followed any of the channelings I've ever given.

The controversy is this, how is it possible, Kryeon, that you could say that this planet is receiving light when you take a look at what's going on? And so for those of you who perhaps are new to this entire concept, I have spoken of the shift that the ancients have predicted and it's here.

It is not from Kryeon. It's astronomy. It has to do with the Mayan calendar. It has to do with all those all over the planet for hundreds if not thousands of years who saw this coming in the precession of the equinoxes and it's here.

Some of you have related that to the 2012 experience, it's bigger than that. It's a 36 year window of change, of shift and it's here. You're in the heart of it now. And all of this, dear ones, is the result of a changing consciousness because light will win.

But light will win and in the process as it starts showing itself, that which is negative, that which is old, that which is the old way of things will object and it's objecting right now. You see that.

There are those who want to pull you backwards and this isn't just going to be that which you see between countries perhaps on the world seed at the moment, it's internal even. There are arguments within yourself.

How do you like the new normal? How are you doing with the new normal? Did anything happen in the recent year or so that you lost friends over? Were there arguments? Were there angers that you didn't expect?

All of these, part of the tests that are here when light starts to occur, how do you treat it? Well, I want to speak to something that is regarding the purity of all of this, that is lurking under the cover.

Of all that you see going on in the planet and it's for old souls who are studying this and know what I'm talking about. This is for you old soul. I'm going to call this series of channelings for this month which is available to all of you for free.

The audios are there on my partner's website. They will be produced for everyone. These four are going to be called planting and harvesting the seeds of our time. Let me make this premise clear. What if on this planet you were a farmer and what if you did your best to plant and harvest on a regular basis but suddenly something occurs that you've never seen before?

That spring that does more things than it ever has done that planting time, does more things that ever has done that harvest time. Suddenly that which you expected in the plentifulness that you would have had all of your lives for the crops that you plant is doubled or even tripled.

Think of this that on that playing field of what you would call, I would say agriculture, that it all changes because the planting time is more profound. The harvesting time is more profound. It's almost like the weather changed on the earth that lets you grow things that you never were able to grow before and faster.

That is the metaphor right now for what's going on with the old soul. You are being given seeds. Then the seeds that you're being given right now are for you to plant and harvest in a very fast return that you've never seen before, you're still in an old energy where you go someplace and expect a result instantly.

I need this, I need that. Let's talk about one kind of seed. There will be many and I'm going to extend this into the circle of twelve. This planet, you, your life, everyone around you needs to start seeing and recognizing benevolence.

Benevolent change in the way things are, the way they work, the reactions to people, a higher consciousness. I want you physically to see those seeds that have been planted in you as an old soul that you came in with now suddenly are released.

I want you to visualize if you choose something that every child has seen. you punch a seed into the ground, you cover it with dirt and you water it, and in your case those seeds are the seeds of high consciousness on this planet that you alone can visualize putting them into a wet earth perhaps and covering them with dirt and rich soil and watching them start to germinate and grow instantly and you water them with intent, with love, compassion, kindness. 

And when they start to grow along with all the other old souls that are doing that certain thing, this planet is going to see that they represent the food of truth. And you're going to start understanding that the harvest from them will start to be seen not in months, not in even weeks, but almost instantly.

These are multi -dimensional seeds and they're of a kind that I want you to see as something new for you in your life, that you came in with this but now you can plant them figuratively, metaphorically, anywhere you wish to, but as you plant them in one place, they harvest everywhere.

That was the subject, was it not, of the questions of the day that my partner and his partner just took for you. A seed that is planted will harvest everywhere even though you punch it into the ground, perhaps even in your own life.

Start to visualize if you wish to. Start to think about if you wish to. A planet where benevolence starts to occur. And the benevolence is a result of the light that is coming in, that so many are afraid of because it's causing so many problems, it's not causing the problems, it's just exposing what was already there.

You see any agendas that might have been advanced because the light is coming? Yes. Have you seen anything else that you think happened randomly on this planet, including diseases or what, that may have actually had a source that you didn't expect because the light was there?

Anything to slow up the planet because the light is coming, have you seen it? This may start making more sense to you metaphysically, dear ones. Maybe the things that have started happening since 2020, they had something else going on, a result of a little too much light on the planet to push you backwards, to make you angry, to make you afraid, to make you fearful, it won't work because light will show through all of this. But now you understand you are carrying the seeds that can be planted.

Think of it that way and you won't feel useless. Think of it that way. Is there something I can do for the planet? Yes. Start pushing those seeds into the ground and visualizing benevolence everywhere you walk, everywhere you are.

Benevolence in every system on the planet starts to arrive. That's what old souls do. It's time to sow those seeds. It's time to push them into the ground. This is the shift. 

I am Kryeon in love with humanity and so it is. 

Planting the Seeds Part 2 - Mastery - July 13th, 2022

And as you connect with the energy of your loving heart, you may even wish to acknowledge it, thank it, have gratitude that your heart is always with you, automatically beating in the background. It is deeply connected with your soul energy, it is deeply connected to your intuition.

And as you soften your breathing to a place where you are inhaling perhaps for a count of four or five beats and then exhaling for an even slower count of five to six beats. You bring your awareness to your heart and to gratitude and from that place we ask that question, dear spirit, tell me what it is I need to know.

And in that silence, let us turn our attention to the message from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. What a time this is. If you heard the channeling from last week, I said these words, it's here.

This is the shift. We told you what's coming. This is the light coming to the planet. Although it looks odd in so many ways In these last two years has been a major shake -up of so many things There have been decisions to make how did you do?

There have been so many things presented to you and now it even continues as I said it would. This is a time that you were born for. We gave a channel not too long ago. It had to do with that which you experienced even before you got here. We spoke of that beautiful consciousness of your soul. Before you ever get to this planet. Deciding to come and.

 Almost all of you listening to this program, even the ones who casually are listening, had a choice to come or not to come during a time that might be volatile.

Those of you who are seniors, you had a choice, even during that which was the Cold War, thinking perhaps, perhaps there would be truly a nuclear war, an Armageddon, the end of times, even that which was predicted, perhaps, even by many scriptures, and you came anyway.

And I told you that there was a chance that the ancients had called it, that this precession of equinoxes that moves you into the 2000s instead of being the end would be the beginning. Did I ever mention to you that the ancients were enamored, you might say, over this time, this this precession of the equinox time?

They all had prophecies over it, and they all gave prophecies that could go either way. You see this even in that which is the Hopi prophecy rock, a split would occur. You would have a choice to go one way or another just about now.

This was foreseen. I told you about it and have been for many years. You knew this was going to happen before you got here, the potential of it going either way, and you came. That's why we love humanity so much.

Those listening to this now, all of you, we know you're here, and you're listening at whatever time you've chosen to see this. Knowing this, that the love you have for humanity, for the earth, for each other, you came, old soul, because you knew you could make a difference.

This particular channel, last week's, and the ones to follow on this month, we'll all have this one, theme. It's here. It's time to start planting the seeds that you came with. Last week we told you it would be like a farmer who had one set of circumstances all his life, time to plant, time to harvest, and that something shifted on the planet energetically or maybe weather -wise that gave him a perfect scenario to plant and harvest like no other.

And it gave him crops that lasted longer and were larger and more abundant and it was amazing. Same seeds perhaps. That is what is occurring now. Everything you did and tried in the old energy that was sacred, metaphysical, now can blossom in a way that never has been seen on the planet.

If you've put this together, it had to be this way. For even though light comes out, and we call it light coming to this planet, what it changes is you. It doesn't fall upon the soil of the earth. It falls on you, old soul.

And the tools that you came in with start to expand. This has been the theme if you figured this out. For all of these years, since 2012, this is the time. But suddenly it is in your face, as you would say, because the changing earth, the changing times, are right here for you to see everything I told you.

That when light starts to come out, the darkness objects. And that's what's going on. So it's time for those seeds you came in with to be planted. Now this is a metaphor. Don't look for your seeds. The metaphor is this.

You had them when you got here, truly. But you might say they were on the back shelf. You might have tried to truck them out and use them earlier on in an old energy, and there was disappointment, disappointment.

They simply didn't work the way you thought. You wanted to do this, write a book, build a healing center, do all of these things that were ingrained into you, old soul. And it didn't work. And now we tell you this.

You did it too soon. Try again. Don't be daunted by it didn't work in the old energy. It's almost like you were on another planet. You tried it and it didn't work, and this is a new planet. This is a new world.

This is one where the light is starting to come out and manifest itself right in the pockets of the old soul. who are currently listening, what a deal. I want you to think for a moment, what is it that you would plant?

There are many kinds of things for yourself perhaps, for others perhaps. I will give you an axiom. The seeds of spirit are not things, they are concepts. So every seed that you carry, every one that you carry, that metaphor, the thing that you have that you can then plant and manifest on this planet is a concept.

Now some of these concepts are personal, but in planting the personal seeds they harvest for the world. Let me explain that yet again. When you change, the things around you change. It's the example we have given many times of how the field works.

What you have that changes in you affects everyone. And it's not just perhaps those around you and your family or your partnerships or your businesses. These things that you have that you place upon yourselves and develop yourselves go into a field that literally surrounds the planet.

You might say that individually you change something which is much, much greater and bigger. Individually, the drops in the ocean, they change what the ocean is. If you think about how many drops there are, the salinity of them or whatever, it happened many times for them to be what they are, but each single drop made a difference.

It's different with the field because certain kinds of drops affect the field in a greater way than others. For instance, you'll say, well, there are those putting anger in the field. Yes, there are.

And there are those putting compassion and kindness in the field. Yes, there are. So here's what I'll tell you that has been told to you over and over. One is greatly more powerful than the other. One is an emotion.

The other one is magnificence. Can you guess which is which? It's time for you to plant something. Let me make a suggestion on what it might be. Each one of you are magnificent. Each one of you carry the attributes of mastery.

What would it be like for you and the planet if you took out those seeds of mastery and planted them right now? And here's what you can think to yourself or here's what you can conceive of you can conceptualize this The seeds are of your own mastery.

I Have defined what what is involved, in this will you think differently, you act differently? You're more mature, things in your life start to change, you're more relaxed and you start to plant those seeds right now, and you see yourself pushing them into the ground, covering them with dirt, watering them and the Sun is out now, in a way It never has been before, and you start to see results almost immediately.

The harvest Happens simultaneously with the planting, that is extremely multidimensional, no time is involved and Immediately you start seeing the results in your own life. You've taken in action that you conceived of mastery. What happens with mastery?

Mastery is a slow development inside you of your magnificence. And you start to feel it. It comes through intuition, changes in the way that you see others, the changes on how you act when certain things take place, and what you see that you wish to do that might be different from last year or even last week.

That's mastery. And what happens next is the start of something grand. As you begin to harvest that energy that you have planted, that you brought with you for this time, right now, when the light is starting to come out, that energy goes everywhere.

It's designed to, dear ones, those seeds, those metaphoric, multidimensional seeds of mastery, they zing out of the ground and they go into the field. They go around the world. And it makes a difference.

It makes a difference. This is the invitation for you right now to conceptualize taking something that came with you, that you know you brought. This is the seed of magnificence of mastery. And you decide, I'm going to plant it now.

See yourself pushing it into the ground, covering it with a soil, watering it, and up starts coming something beautiful. Perhaps the first thing you hear is music. Maybe you feel the benevolence of your guides hugging you and the kindness pouring into your heart, perhaps that you've needed all along.

And you start feeling a change in you, in your body, in how you think. Welcome to the shift. Welcome to the change I told you about that you came here for.

You're the ones it's here, it's time you're the ones, this is why I told my partner to start this show. It's for the time, this particular streaming episode, all of this designed for you, the ones who would watch this kind of a show and be the members in this kind of a show, an organization, a program for the very ones, the old souls with the seeds.

 I'm Kryeon in love with humanity and so it is Thank you. 

Planting the Seeds Part 3 - The 24th Pair - July 20th, 2022

 Well let's move into a meditation and channel from Kryeon who has been giving us a series that's talking about having seeds that you plant and then harvest and we were just talking about the rose bush.

So let's use that in our meditation where I invite you to close your eyes and feel the energy of the earth beneath your feet and allow your feet to meld further into the earth as though you have tendrils and roots coming out of your feet into the earth and that is giving you this strong foundation and this deep connection with the energy of the earth and then feel sense or imagine that within that earth you are now accessing some beautiful fertilizer and the fertilizer comes from the crystalline grid.

It also comes from your own Akashic record within the crystalline grid and the things that you're going to pull up through the roots that connect to your feet are those fertilizing elements of love, compassion, kindness, benevolence and all of that is flowing up through your body and it is now creating these buds of a rose flower that through that nutrition of love and patience kindness peace, benevolence, understanding, tolerance, is now creating this beautiful rose bud within the fibres of your being.

 And now just imagine some of those buds because you now have many within you. Some of those buds have already bloomed open and you have one flower that's now blooming open from your hand that is kindness.

And these flowers are now going to continue to bloom open with all those different elements that were fertilising you just a moment ago. Even after this meditation and after the channel as you walk around you'll have little flowers blooming from you, as you interact with others, some will be compassion, some will be kindness as we just mentioned, some will be love, some will simply be just there to hold space as you allow someone else around you to just unfold whatever it is that they need to say, speak, do, act and you just stand there in a place of non -judgment, just observing and allowing your flower of love to bloom.

And so with that we're now going to invite Kryeon to continue to bring us more information about the seeds that we plant and harvest. 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. There is no question of who I speak to today and this is going to be important in the channel.

I am so aware of those watching, listening. These particular channels will be heard by everyone. The message of today, profound, perhaps more profound than many we have given because of the timing. This particular message is given to light workers and members of this program first.

Indeed it will be given to everyone eventually as are my instructions to my partner on what to do with the channels. But this is first given for those light workers who are here. There is an assumption that those who would give of their reason sources, to be members, would be those who are interested in their lives, in the planet, in esoteric things, those perhaps who have listened to the Kryeon messages many times, or perhaps if they haven't, they wish to.

 There are many subjects we have given, but this one is profound. Now, this has to do with the seeds that we have been talking about this month. This is the third of the channelings that we have been talking about planting the seeds from spirit, to have the seeds planted and harvested, the seeds that you carry in with you.

Now let's talk about that for just a moment. There is a metaphor that we are using of seeds, of growth. from both those are horticulturists and farmer, let me ask you, is it possible for those who deal with plants to carry around seeds for a very, very long time?

And when they're ready, they can plant them. And the answer is yes, that's one of the attributes of many kinds of seeds. They can simply be dormant until they're ready. There's also many indications on the planet that life is far different than you think.

There can be those places on the planet that are barren and have been barren for decades that have no water at all, where nothing grows until there's water. And then suddenly the things which were always there under the soil will pop up.

I give you these examples because that's exactly what is going on on the planet right now. You have carried seeds with you and so have your ancestors that are profound, that never were able to be used, like the drought of old energy on this planet, they just were there.

You carried them in at the wind of birth as an old soul. Here's the profound part, your life right now is a life that knew the potential of a change on this planet that is occurring. The change on this planet, profound, I say that a no more than this time.

This is a time of shift and change. There has been information that would say that you must do something in order to get out of this which you are appearing as chaos on this planet. of dark and light is here, it's what we told you would be and that there's something more that is missing, something that you need perhaps to be part of.

I'm going to give you one of these profound things now, today, tonight, depending on when you're watching right now as you listen. Are you aware in your biology, in your body, of how many pairs of chromosomes you have?

Most would say, yes, we know there are 23. Has that ever been a puzzle to you? Have you ever scratched your head and said, that's odd, that there would be an odd number because everywhere we look around us in biology and physics, everything is divisible by four.

Now, my partner has talked about this before, and he is right. Even the mathematics you use in everyday life is flawed. It should be base 12. If you have a mathematics divisible by 4, it reveals things that a mathematics divisible by 5 would never reveal.

You have yet to see some solves. I would say revelations that solve puzzles, even puzzles in physics that base 12 would simply show you. You have 23 pairs of chromosomes. It's odd. I'll tell you something that some biologists have seen.

It's a head scratcher to many. 200 ,000 years ago, according to those who study anthropology, to those who study your DNA and the DNA of those before you, it's a puzzle. They have seen that you had 24 pairs that changed to 23, and that change occurred, again, approximately 200 ,000 years ago.

Those scientists who look at it, actually, the ones who are brave enough to say it will tell you it doesn't look like you came from anything here, meaning on planet Earth, and they're right. Dear ones, you carry a DNA, a chromosome scenario from the stars, not from here.

And what is hiding? I might even say lurking because it's never been seen, truly. You have a 24th pair of chromosomes. You actually have a 24th pair of chromosomes. 24. Only 23 are visible in all the instruments that you use because number 24 pair is multidimensional.

I have talked about this before as well. You still do not have the instrument that would see multidimensionality for what it is. It's coming, but you don't have it. When you start to measure what is multidimensionality anywhere, whether it's biological or whether it's physics, everything will show up that we have been talking about.

You don't have it yet, you will. There's a seed in you. It's your 24th pair of chromosomes that has come from the stars. And I want to tell you what it's for. Are you ready? It's for now. That's to see I want you to visualize being planted that you have carried for humanity all of you Profoundly it is now You need to plant it This earth needs that now.

It's a return to the core information That was taught in Lemuria. It is the sacred core information from the stars Information that will tell you about the things that we have given you for so long About whose spirit is about compassion and kindness not a judging God, but a loving one It's one that will identify the higher self that you will feel the guides.

It will be something that this planet will need. You see why I'm giving it to you first. It's for old souls is for those listening. I want you to visualize if you choose, or see or actually do it so you'll know what it feels like pushing a seed into the ground and saying this is the multi -dimensional pair.

It's for humanity and all of us came to put that in the ground and water it right now figuratively. That's what it's about, this planet is in trouble as this planet scrambles To find out what it wants.

I'll tell you there's never been a time ever been a time like this one Where the majority of Humanity would raise its hand in a vote and say we want peace It hasn't to do with with East and West anymore It doesn't have to do with countries and their attitudes toward each other anymore or the associations anymore Or the languages it has to do with what humans want now.

There's never been a better time. This is the time to infuse the glory of the majesty of compassion and kindness and where you really are from, core spiritual truth is going to save this planet and guess who has it. 

You do in all humanity you have the 24th pair but you can activate it and that is done truly by visualizing its time now, because the planet is ready. Never has there been a time like this where, if you could take a vote of all human beings, they could stick up their hand and say "this is where we're going to demand peace and all that isn't, we will vanquish we want peace", you will say and that is the order of the day and you come along and start to activate that 24th pair. That's gonna make a difference, dear ones.

That's who you are. That's the information of today. That's perhaps the most profound message that I've given so far to light workers, to those of you who need to hear it. That's why you came Are you getting this?

I'm so in love with you because the key for the future Is you? I'm in Kryeon in love with humanity and so it is.

Planting the Seeds Part 4 - Transformative Energy - July 27th, 2022

So we're going to use that rewarding with love as the basis for our meditation and the fact that Lee answered the previous question of something that you do, you talk to your cells every day. So let's use this opportunity to communicate to the organs of our beautiful body.

I invite you to close your eyes and as you allow your breathing to become more relaxed, it communicates a signal that you are in a safe place. And in that safe place, focus your attention and your awareness on your heart, your beautiful heart that continues to beat whether you consciously think of it or not.

And we're just going to send a wave of love and gratitude to our heart. Feel, sense, visualize, imagine a bubble of love surrounding your heart. And let us move to the lungs of our body. Each breath we take comes from our lungs.

And I ask you to feel, sense, imagine or visualize a bubble of love surrounding your lungs so that you can send that wave of love, appreciation, gratitude to that organ. And bring your awareness down to your kidneys.

Your kidneys that are filtering out through your body, eliminating through the water and working with you in that water channel of your body. Visualize, feel, sense or imagine a bubble of love surrounding your kidneys and sending them a wave of love, gratitude, appreciation for the role they play in purifying your body.

And let us shift our attention to the liver. How amazing is this organ? The liver that filters our body from the toxins that may occur. It's constantly working behind the scenes for us and I invite you to feel, sense or imagine or visualize a bubble of love surrounding your liver and just send that wave of love, gratitude, appreciation to your liver.

And finally, let us shift our awareness and attention and focus to our brain, our beautiful brain that has the wonderful synapse and communication to all the other organs within our body. Our brain is the supercomputer processing all the information and we're going to surround our brain with a bubble of love and in that wave of gratitude and love that we send to the brain, we also ask now that this bubble of love surrounding that brain softens the intellect and logic so that we can now receive intuitive guided messages from Kryeon without the filters that normally accompany a brain, the filters of survival, the filters of knowledge, the filters of logic. That brain we have is surrounded by that bubble of love and through that bubble of love we now allow that full body experience to receive the message from Kryeon.

Greetings dear ones. I am Kryeon on of magnetic service. In light of the answer to the question that has preceded this channeling and meditation and in light of what was presented in the meditation, it is all metaphoric.

The right time, the right place for what I am going to tell you now. It has to do with transformation of one thing to another. In the real world, the liver protects you. It takes the toxins and transforms them so that you can continue living.

Your brain interprets energies, helps you to survive. All of these things would be transformative organs, perhaps more. What is needed on this planet right now? is transformative energy to go from something that is toxic to something that is love, something that is beautiful.

I'm going to speak on that. I have another request for those who are just hearing this channel, perhaps, for the first time. There are three others that I wish you to listen to before this one. It will make far more sense to you, dear ones, if you do.

They'll all be available for you to find. This is a series that I have started, and the series is working with the seeds of the Creator. And those seeds, as we have told you, are currently inside you.

They this is all metaphoric. Those seeds aren't really seeds. They mean something else. What they are are beautiful, core, divine concepts specifically designed to be planted when it's right. Did you get that?

They represent concepts of core truth, you might say, given by the original starseeds, the benevolent ones, the ascended ones that are part of your DNA. This particular channel will not make sense unless you have heard at least the one before this.

We invited you to realize that you have more than 23 chromosome pairs. You have 24. The 24th one has been hidden from you because it is seemingly invisible to three dimensions. Like all things multi -dimensional, you cannot see them.

One of the greatest, I would say, effects of your life is invisible. You cannot see it. Gravity. It's enormous. It affects everything you do. It affects walking from one person's place to another. Every person knows this.

You can't see it. Even scientists have struggled to identify its structure. It's a multi -dimensional source. Gravity. There are many multi -dimensional things on this planet that you cannot see, but they are acknowledged.

Another big one, magnetism. You cannot see it. But it is part of all that it is, all the motors that you've ever designed. It's involved almost everywhere in your technology. It's invisible. You have a 24th pair of chromosomes.

It's a multidimensional. It's invisible. It represents that from the star seeds. And last week we asked you to plant those seeds on this planet so humanity would start to realize, activate and wake up to these truths.

And why did I ask you to do that then? Because it's time. There has never been this particular energy on the earth. You might say this earth is pregnant with light, ready to birth light. And in the process there must be a transformative energy that comes from the implantation of the 24th pair.

Imagine for a moment that you have a seed that is planted that gives you the ability to understand a language. If that seed was not planted, if you didn't have that ability to understand the language and then someone came along speaking that language, you wouldn't know it.

But if you've had the implantation of the teaching of the language, you would understand them. That's what this is about. This fourth channeling of the month. That's what this is about. You must have planted the language instructor.

You must understand that you have this 24th pair and that it starts to open up and blossom and have the light and understanding where humanity itself may not understand the particulars or the spirituality, but they will certainly understand that they are now in a place they were not a few years ago.

What's next is to plant the seeds. transformation taking the language of the 24th pair that is the core spiritual knowledge that infuses itself to humanity slowly and then you start to filter that which is toxic that which is toxic toxicity dear ones is the negativity the energy of the past the old history, war is toxic to humanity, all the other things the non appreciation of the earth is toxic to humanity, and so you're going to right now visualize implanting seeds that you have had with you all along which is just awakened due to the 24th pair activation from last week and you awaken to starting to filter out, convert, transform thoughts, actions, ideas, concepts which were part of your grandfather's world. 

And instead they are starting to be replaced automatically with concepts that go beyond what anything ever thought that humanity would do.

A race war, have a consensus of what they truly want on the planet. That they don't want that kind of thing that they've had. The divisions that are ruining lives. The divisions of ideas that create wars.

Humanity will never be of one ilk, of one thought. There will always be some who want this and some who want that. But in general, you can count on humanity all raising his hands and saying, we know what we don't want.

We don't want what we had. We don't want what our grandfathers saw and their grandfathers and mothers saw. We want the softness of love that we equate with the feminine. We want mother earth to be a mother to us, not a thing we walk on.

We want mother and father sky and earth to mean something more to us than just words. We want the ideas and the elements of love, perhaps, to imbue themselves into our everyday lives so we look at people different and things different and ideas different so there is more kindness.

That's what you're doing. Dear ones, that doesn't simply come with the territory. That has to be worked with. You are planting the seeds right now of transformative energy so that humanity itself will start to filter out the toxins of the past.

This is a new age, dear one, and that has nothing to do with religion. That is a new way of thinking about your own planet, about your own world, and starting to realize what is toxic for your mind and for your body that you will leave behind because now you have the tools of understanding and filtering and that will change everything.

This whole series about planting the seeds that you had from birth, that you simply carried around waiting for the time, this whole series, I would love you to listen to more than one time. because I'll say it again right now for you right now is a time that has never occurred on this planet like this never it's why you came expecting it to be the way it is and so it is .

Influencing the Akash - August 3rd, 2022

So with that, let's go into a meditation and hear a little more from Kryeon. And I invite you to close those beautiful precious eyes of yours and allow yourself this moment to be completely internal moment for you, free of distraction from anything that was happening during the day, and free of distraction from anything that is going to come after this program.

Just let all of those thoughts go into the background. You can still observe them if your mind wants to be busy with thoughts and intellect, but don't attach yourself to those thoughts. Just let them come in and go out.

The more you can keep your eyes closed and focused on the inside, the more your body can start to relax and realize that you deserve to have this moment where you can reconnect with the core essence that is within you.

That unconditional love you feel from animals, it comes because it's connected in you. It doesn't come from the animal. They're just a conduit of you connecting with that whenever we need it to come back to that core essence of who we truly are.

You can just simply be closing your eyes and doing deep breathing and just remind yourself to do that regularly through the day if it's needed particularly when you're with certain people that pull you away from that core source of love that's within you.

And from this beautiful posture of love, let us now move into a channel from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. There are so many of you who have asked the question, how much influence do I have?

And so many of you are asking about yourselves, not just the planet. Some who are esoteric thinkers say this, how much influence can I have as an old soul about the baggage I came in with? This is a subject and it's all about what some are calling the Akash.

If you've not heard this before, it's a very popular subject these days and even psychologists are beginning to realize that you come in with certain kinds of influences that are seeming to be baked into your consciousness, that they didn't come from anything you experienced on the planet.

Somehow your personality comes in a certain way and then it's also shaped by what you experience. If you're an esoteric thinker, if you believe perhaps in in past lives, like two -thirds of the world does, you realize that there is a system called the Akashic record.

What happens in certain past lives seems to then come in with you and there's a reason. Some have called it karma and we have told you before that this is something in this new energy that we've asked you to drop completely, it's no longer needed but you still have that which is the Akash and the Akash is what you have experienced in past lives that comes in with you.

In the past this has a reason so that you will then settle it or perhaps act on it or do something different to dismiss it. That has been the thinking and it's been for centuries. This has started to shift and change.

There are those who would be critical of that statement and say no, these are because of some kind of axioms of esoterics. they never change. They do change, dear ones, because you change. If the energy of consciousness is becoming more benevolent and the shift on the planet is before you, do you see how that would then change how you learn and what you learn with?

And so what I'm going to tell you, I have said before, but you need to hear it again, how influential can you be on the baggage you bring in with you? Sometimes that baggage controls your life and you don't even know it.

Lifetime after lifetime perhaps of sorrow, lifetime after lifetime of dying early perhaps and you come in not expecting much from the planet. You come in and you don't smile much, very serious wanting to know when the other shoe is going to drop.

That's what it creates. And that's just something you come in with and that's something that your parents deal with and your teachers deal with. And yes, your spiritual leaders deal with how to get beyond that which is seem to be baked in to a consciousness when it arrived.

That's the Akashic record. How much influence do you have on that? What I'm going to tell you next is known by the ancients masters. You have full influence. I want to take you to a place in India called Varanasi and for hundreds of years in a teaching about karma, the Akash, they know that if they go to the river there and bathe in it, the belief is this, that they can influence that which was baked into them when they came, the Akash, the karma. And they can be free of it to a certain extent so that they can proceed with their lives or the next time around it'll be different. In other words, their belief is what I'm telling you.

So for those who are critical of this message that you have power over your Akashic baggage that you bring in, I'll tell you this, it's not a cry on statement. This is historic. It's part of the belief system of millions and millions of people already.

But this may be new to you. How much influence do you have over what you think is something that is part of you and never will go away? The answer is this. This is a new energy on the planet. I've talked about it already.

My partner has talked about it even in this program. We are going to start to see a change in what some call the light and dark quotient. Right now, even as I give this message, there are some listening to this, perhaps for the first time, and say, what is he talking about?

There's war. We haven't had war for a long time. Suddenly there's war, and Christ says, it's getting lighter. I'll say it again if you haven't heard it. Isn't it interesting that we suddenly have a war?

Who expected that? And the answer is, this is from those who wish to pull us backwards, pull you backwards, pull us as your guides backwards into a very old energy of war on this planet. It's the old circle of time.

That's what you're seeing. And you also have seen the reaction to it from the planet. This is all new. Are you seeing this? If you're only simply seeing the news and seeing the horror of war, you've missed it.

There's something bigger going on. This energy, this lighter energy, is going to be of compassion and kindness like never before, a world that's starting to see one another as they see their family instead of some foreign individuals in a foreign culture with a foreign language.

The internet has really helped that, but more than that, the collection, the coherence of consciousness where you start to see one another so differently than you've ever seen each other before. And in that there are new tools.

The toolset that I'm talking about is the one that's starting to blossom in every human being. The DNA is changing and we've told you that before. Some of you are starting to accept it, realize it, and move forward with it.

Some who have felt nothing is possible in my life, I cannot change who I am or what I am, are starting to have an inkling to change your mind about a toolset that you might have that you never felt you did before.

And you do, you really do. And part of that toolset is to fully and completely change that which you came in with that might affect your life. And the next question, and I know those of you who are listening and saying, okay, I believe that, it's true, how?

Those in India said, well, you go to a certain place and do a certain thing. It's actionable things and it still is. But you don't have to go to India. You don't have to bathe in the river. And even those things are limited compared to what you can do today.

Would you like to drop inappropriate karmic things? Drop inappropriate, I will say, for the time Akashic remembrances. We have given you examples of this. The circle of twelve has done the same thing.

But I'll tell you this, there is so much power in intent. If you're really interested, you can start that process. Your intent to do so is seen as permission for you to change that was inside your DNA.

That's where it's kept. I've told you that. Did you know that pieces and part of your DNA come with you from past lives, carrying certain things, the Akashic record for one? What do you do? Dear Spirit, I have intent to drop these things that I don't need anymore in this lifetime.

Can you say that? Dear Spirit, right now I am dropping those things that do not. propel me into kindness and compassion and keep me from joy and peace. Dear spirit, I am in charge of my own biology. My soul and I together drop the inappropriate things that would get in the way of peace, joy, compassion, and happiness or the rest of my life.

I now have that power, that ability, and I'm doing that in front of all who wish to watch. I am changing my DNA. And with that I proclaim a new lightness of spirit, a new kind of kindness for myself which will occur.

One where I can look at myself in the mirror and say, I am indeed beautiful in the eyes of all that is because I have God inside, because I no longer have a stone to carry around or pull me backwards.

I am that I am. That is your power today. An empowerment that we are telling you is new and different and belongs to you. That is your lineage. That is why you came. Congratulations, dear ones, on what you are becoming.

And so it is. 

Equipped for Mastery - August 10th, 2022

So how do we find that place of joy when we're in distress or we're empathically feeling into a situation? For me, the image of a dolphin automatically dispels anything else I was thinking of before.

So I invite you to close your eyes and pull towards you the image, feeling or connection with a dolphin. And each one of you has a different interaction you'll experience with that dolphin. Some of you will be standing on the shoreline watching a dolphin or even a pod of dolphins playing in the waves.

Others of you will find yourself in the water swimming with the dolphins, being a part of the dolphins. And no matter what situation you find, the dolphin's presence is enough to convey to you a feeling of dolphin bliss, a joy, a happiness just by being in their presence.

And that's all we're asking to do in this moment for us to connect and feel the blissful, joyful, playful, happy state that dolphins are in and dolphins provide to us. And in this connection with that, already your energetic imprint is going into the crystalline grid of the Earth and it is also...

So going into the crystalline grid of the dolphins and whales, they feel this connection. They feel this excitement of sharing this moment of joy. And it ripples out into the field that everyone on the planet is connected to in this moment.

And just from you alone, spending time to connect with a beautiful animal, the dolphin, you've already made a difference. And so now we step aside so that we can hear the messages from Kryeon. 

Greetings everyone, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service.

There are so many things that I'd love. To discuss with you in these new times. The things that have occurred just even recently not only on the planet but with you are miraculous. And you might say well, I haven't seen any miracles on the planet really. Light is starting to shine itself. Darkness is reacting in. In ways it never did before we've said this before. That's a miracle.

It's a miracle because it changes the status quo, a status quo which has been the same for hundreds of years. This is the beginning of a new planet but more than that. We've given you some things in the past to consider including the seed planting that we gave you in the circle of 12. We're going to start developing some ideas around those seeds. Some a bit obscure perhaps some that will be targeted to what you already know. This one is something you should hear. For many many years we've talked about your magnificence and the potential of mastery on this planet. How many of you can define mastery?

You might say well the only model I have is What I've read and been taught of the masters on the planet of old. Many of them walked here and they did miraculous things that's mastery. It goes way beyond that. Look at your favorite master.

We've said this before What have you been told? What's your intuition? What would have been like to sit next to that person he or she? One who was called a master or saint perhaps, one who was seen as someone who could do beautiful miracles, but more than that, I told you once that where masters walk, flowers grow.

Where masters walk, animals come and sit at their feet because there's nothing like that which is the consciousness of an ascended master. It's not by their works that you know them, it's by who they are in their consciousness and how it feels to be around them.

Whatever master you can conjure up that you know of or perhaps at one time have worshiped or to this day look up to, they all had that. A consciousness that was so high that humans simply wanted to be with them to sit at their feet. What was in common with all of the masters? I'll tell you, if not something historians will necessarily tell you. All of them laughed. All of them, they were joyful. Dear ones, I was there.

There are some secrets of mastery that you've never been told. They're put on a pedestal, you hear about their works, you read it in Scripture. But do you know the human? I'll tell you, if you could see them, if you could sit next to them, talk to them, you'd find out that they emanate a field of love.

It's so strong that anyone in that field is affected in a most beautiful way possible. Some are healed simply by sitting next to them. Because the cellular structure of a human is then filled with their love, it's dissolved into their DNA, you might say.

That's mastery. Is it for you? Now there are those who will say, mastery will be attainable someday on this planet because crying has said there will be an ascended consciousness eventually. I want to give you a secret, a hint.

Consciousness does not ascend by itself, it's pushed. It's pushed and accelerated by old souls who start to understand mastery. You start to understand that who they are, what they do and how they act goes right to a field around them as well as the field we've talked about for years and changes it and that it sticks.

I'll tell you something else that we have said over and over that light cancels dark. And here's what I want to tell you about that. If you have negativity in a room and you felt it, it can be dissipated almost immediately with light, with laughter, with understanding, with forgiveness.

And that light and that understanding and forgiveness, that stays there. Very few can stay mad. You have to try hard to stay mad. But it's easy to stay in love. It truly is. When love is always there and love is seen in all of its majesty and its glory and its beauty and its joy, it stays there.

It sticks to the walls. It sticks to the floor. It sticks to you. It sticks to others around you. That's metaphoric, of course. But what I'm telling you is that mastery, you've got to work on it right now.

Do you see yourself in a potential suit of a master suit? More metaphors. The superhero of mastery, with a cape included, if you want to. Anything you can visualize, do you see yourself or not? The first key to becoming anything other than what you are.

The first key to seeing mastery in your life is to see yourself as part of it. There are so many who say, well, it's unattainable. Why should I try? Or perhaps you've been taught that you shouldn't try.

Perhaps you've been taught that you are a lowly human. And then only masters who have a godly self could do these things. And perhaps you're not able to because you've been taught that you have that which is a darkness, a dirtiness, it's a human trait and you came with it.

That's trained. That's not truth. That's trained. That's not how it is. You come equipped with love. Your soul that we take you to so often, it comes in with love. Your society is very good at training out of it.

Not the kind of love that a parent has for a child, dear one. That's beautiful. That's lovely. And so many of you were fortunate to have that. Love in your life from a partner, from a pet. So many of you so fortunate to have that.

Now I'm talking about what comes in with you, with your soul, which tells you you're beautiful. That from your soul, which tells you that the next step as you grow up is to create mastery in your life.

That... intuitive that is who you are did you know that if this is the first time you heard that I want you to take that in right now you came in with the equipment of mastery most of the masters on this planet they didn't walk around saying I'm light and you're not didn't say that almost everything a master said or told you or wrote or told their disciples was look at me. This is what you can be look at me look at what I am and what I do. I'm a human being just like you this is you if you want it you all come in you might say as sons and daughters of the creative the creative source. You are a soul first and a human second somehow the training has been all the dirtiness of the human that cannot somehow get to God.

Who constructed that for you? I want you to think about deconstructing that in your life. You are masters, the potentials of the future, every single one. Tonight in the circle of 12, I won't give it away completely, but I'm going to continue this in this meditation of the circle of 12 and what you can do about it and how to proceed.

Every single one of you have mastery in your future, if you wish, some kind of mastery, a change of life that then will affect others around you. The beauty of love will seem to penetrate everywhere you go, like a bubble.

Wherever you move, wherever you stand, people will see it's safe to be around you. It's a good thing that you're there. They'll laugh, they'll love with you. That's the beginning of mastery. When you have that, everything else is possible.

Is that for you? Do you see the master suit hanging in the closet, dear one, or not? That's the first step. See yourself there, see it as you, and then it will happen. I'm Kryeon in love with humanity, and so it is. 

The Lineage of Your DNA - August 17th, 2022

So I invite you to close your eyes and let us ask for our star parents, the Pleiadians, to come closer, come closer, come closer, come closer, let us feel your love. Let us ask for those ascended beings from the stars that identify with Orion, come closer, come closer, come closer, let us feel your love.

Let us ask those Arcturians, the star beings we are descended from to come closer, come closer, come closer, let us feel your love and let us ask those from Sirius to come closer, come closer, come closer, come closer, let us feel your love.

And with the energetic presence of our galactic lineage, let us say thank you, thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for loving me and thank you for being here as Kryeon delivers a message. 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service.

The joy it is to communicate with you in this fashion for those of you who listen to this and believe it. To believe that perhaps there is a voice. That the veil is getting thinner and this voice reaches you at a way it never did before. Some of you are realizing that the human being is like an antenna. That there is more that the human being picks up in its consciousness. 

Than just what you've been told. This is how you receive intuition and we've discussed that before on this very program. We've spoken of beauty of what intuition is and how it comes from your consciousness not your brain. And there were those who say wait a minute. Consciousness comes from your brain.

No, it does not. There is a meld between consciousness and your brain. Your brain reacts to the things that you imagine and and the things you think, and and the Consciousness puts upon the brain something that helps it to work. But if you ask so many who have been to the other side and back, perhaps in what you call near -death experiences, they will tell you that the brain ceased to function and the consciousness did not.

It seemed to take over. When the brain was clinically dead, the consciousness gave wonderful information. Some were very close to the other side where the consciousness was almost ready to explode into the soul energy, and they came back.

This consciousness of yours I will call soul consciousness and it allies itself to your body. The reason I am discussing this at this time, this is simply a reminder. And we haven't talked about your DNA, not your entire package of DNA for some time.

Let's review what humanity now understands in a nutshell. Not scientifically, not medically, but just in summary and in a general way. What does this culture today called Earth know about your DNA? When the human genome first started to be discovered, there was a realization that it was like looking at galaxies within galaxies.

That there was so much there that there were those who would say, it's going to take a lifetime to even reveal how much is there. Well, it didn't. They came up with clever methods of seeing DNA and starting to identify what is there.

There were a lot of repetitions there that would then lead them to see what the repetitions produced. And that gave them this wonderful picture of what DNA was. What was astonishing is that this DNA of Earth, of yours, they discovered there were over three billion chemicals, three billion parts attached to it in an orderly fashion, doing things they didn't know, but at least they had the blueprint, you might say, or at least they knew the chemistry. 

They saw and revealed the double helix, what it looked like, and then the permutations on it and all that it did. They saw what it might do, but they didn't know what it did.

Now this was exemplified by the results given shortly after the Human Genome Project when they said, we have revealed the chemistry of DNA over three billion parts, but we only know what approximately 3 percent of it actually does.

They said the coding of 3 percent was pretty obvious. This was the gene -producing portion of your DNA. So immediately you see what your DNA is there for. It is there as a dashboard, you might say, as a control, perhaps as instructions, but it makes so much of who you are and continues to.

One of the things that they discovered right away was that your DNA was responsible for approximately or over 26 ,000 genes that you have in your body. Those genes continually being made or perhaps produced at the right time for the right things, your DNA doesn't just sit there as something you had from birth, it is always active, it's always working, and it does things.

Three percent of it got identified. Now what about the rest? The overwhelming majority of all the parts, and they said they had no idea. They could not figure out any codes. And therefore, it's so interesting.

If you're a smart scientist and you can't figure out something, what do you normally say? Well, someday we will. Well, perhaps we just haven't arrived at code breaking yet. But instead, almost universally, they threw up their hands and they said, it's junk.

It must have been left over from past evolutionary processes. That is interesting to me. So if you can't figure it out, therefore, it's junk. I have a little exercise for you. It's one of your imagination, it's something fun.

You're in the 1800s, and a trying, A time traveler appears, and he says hello. And it's obviously that he's traveling through time, and he made a mistake because he opens his book and some pages fall out, and bam, he vanishes to the time he wanted to go to.

And on the floor, after he's gone, you see the pages he's left. And you look at it and go, this is stupid. It's ridiculous. What he's left is a QR code. Now, some of you know what a QR code is. That's the code that you might point at with your smartphone, and you get a menu at a restaurant.

Not all that profound, perhaps. But if you were in the 1800s, and you happened to be in a laboratory, and this had happened, and you'd seen it with your own eyes, you'd say, an angel appeared, or somebody from the future appeared and has left us a message.

Have you looked at a QR code? Where do you begin? Without any idea of the five, or six, or seven inventions that have to then build on one another to finally create a code, understand the code, and then translate the code, including that which has to translate, which is, of course, the smartphone, and all that it does with the artificial intelligence that it has.

How are you going to look at it? What code breaker in the 1800s do you think could figure out a QR code? Who do you think could do that? The answer is probably no one in the world. Because they didn't have access yet to things that had not been discovered, or invented, or figured out.

I like to pretend that they could figure it out. This is me being funny. They figure it out and they say, Oh my goodness, those from the future gave a menu to Sam's restaurant. What is the meaning of this?

Do you see my point? Junk DNA, you couldn't figure it out, so it became junk? Well, luckily, in 2012, they figured it out. Perhaps you didn't know that. There is no such thing anymore of junk DNA. They found out what over 90% of DNA did.

Dear ones, it didn't make anything. It was an instruction manual for the rest. Everything they saw there had pieces and parts of language in it. The kinds of code breakers that were most, I would say, ready to help figure this out and did were linguists.

They showed that it had to be a language. So it became something like libraries filled with books, so the instructions, what is in your DNA, and here are the instructions. And here is where I want to tell you something that you probably are aware of now.

In that place is revealed. If you could read those instructions, which they cannot, they simply now understand what it might be. When they start reading the instructions, when they start breaking that code, I wonder if they'll release it.

It'll talk about your Akash, what you've experienced in other lifetimes. It'll have the feelings in the codes that you now are working with, but the big one, it'll talk about the multidimensional 24th pair of chromosomes that you have from the stars.

Very well seen and identified if they could look at the codes and they knew what they meant. That will come someday. This, dear ones, will be the proof of all the eye -rolling things that I've been telling you for so long that there's so much more to the human being than biology.

There's a lineage that belongs to the stars that's beautiful, and this lineage is starting to open. This twenty -fourth pair of chromosomes is starting as a time capsule to be opened. Not that you're going to remember you were from the stars.

You're going to start remembering what they gave you, a deeper wisdom, knowledge of things that are to come, an understanding, perhaps, of why you're here, a feeling of peace when you don't have one now.

This is the beginning, just the beginning. My prediction, someday they will be able to read that code. Right now it's just like a QR code to them, but when they can, revelation will be here and they're going to have to think very, very, very hard before they reveal it, but I think you're going to be ready for it.

This is just another channel to show your magnificence of who you are, what you are, and what might be coming. Congratulations on making it to this point of light. And so it is. 

Redefining Higher Vibration - August 24th, 2022

And so I invite you to close your eyes and take a deep breath in through the nose for a count of maybe five beats and then very slowly release the breath for a longer count of six or seven.

And take another breath in through the nose a count of five beats and then very slowly release the breath for a count of five to six beats.

And one final breath in through the nose for a count of five beats and very slowly release that breath for another five to six counts.

And I invite you to continue that breathing cycle as we now hear the message from Kryeon Greetings dear ones.

I am Kryeon of magnetic service. I Like a discussion on Something that you have grown up with.

Oh metaphysical one. One who is interested in higher vibration higher consciousness. The discussion is this. I want to talk about those who wish to raise their vibration and I want to redefine vibration. Perhaps all of your lives or as long as you have been interested in.

These esoteric things you have heard the words vibration and you've heard it in so many contexts. There's going to be a higher vibration of consciousness on the planet they say. There's a higher vibration of thinking they say. The planet will vibrate higher .They say And the day has even been me.

So many times I will use that expression because it's the one you relate to. What if I told you that none of that was correct? Not really. How something moves back and forth and vibrates truly has nothing to do with how elegant and loving they are.

It is just an expression. The other thing you see is that if something is higher, it's better. For instance, sound, higher, better, really? But that's how you perceive it. If it's really good, you can't hear it.

Only dogs can. I'm just showing you how you've used this terminology in an interesting way. Light, if it vibrates high enough or changes its waveform, it becomes invisible. Or only certain creatures can see it.

A vibrating sound or a light... is not necessarily all that great, and yet that is the way you and I have been using the term. Perhaps it's time to rethink all of that. Why am I giving you this? Because it's time to vibrate higher.

Let's talk about what that truly might mean. This way you word these things is always a metaphor. This is a metaphor, and so if you rethink what it might mean, you start to get deeper, perhaps, into what truly it might mean.

What could a higher vibrating consciousness mean to you? If I say it, it means this, a consciousness that would think out of light and love and compassion. Instead of a consciousness, it would go right to fear.

So what does that tell you? Is that really a higher vibrating consciousness, or is it something else? And the answer is it's something else. What if we replaced the whole idea of higher vibrating with deeper wisdom?

I want an earth, you might say, that has a consciousness that has deeper wisdom than the past. I want a planet, you might say, that has a much deeper wisdom and love -compassion quotient than before.

You see, I didn't say vibration. It comes with the territory that you would want to use the metaphors you always have, but if you start redefining them to what is actually the case, it gives it a much more profound meaning.

It's much more elegant to think that a planet won't just vibrate higher, but you can start to identify what that means. Why am I telling you this? Why are we going here? Again, what are you going to do to accomplish this in this new energy?

What is this for you? Over and over we have told you that the closer you become to the core truths that exist, the higher you vibrate. So let's change that. The closer you become to that beautiful core truth that exists, the deeper your wisdom will be.

One with deep wisdom is one you want to hang around with. Someone who has very deep wisdom is somebody who probably understands a lot more of the planet than you two. You see how that works. Each one of you has a choice right now.

Do I wish to go with this new shift? Do I wish to accept that which is mastery? We've covered that before. What if I want deeper wisdom? How would I achieve that? And we always return to the same kinds of things.

There is a toolbox, you might say. It's the toolbox of the light worker of the old soul and that toolbox has in it, you'll call, tools of achieving deeper wisdom. I didn't say higher vibration. Deeper wisdom.

What do you do to make those tools work? I'm going to give you again an answer that would seem ultra simple but that's the way it was designed. Humans would have you climbing steps, going through all kinds of machinations, doing this and that in order to receive that which is divine.

I'm going to tell you yet again, all you have to do is open the box but in order to open that box, old, deep, wise soul, in order to open that box you have to intend it, you want it, you have to see yourself wise in the future.

You have to give yourself permission. You may even have to verbalize it which you've heard us start to do more and more. You might stand there all by yourself alone with your hands perhaps held out to anyone who would listen from above and you might say, dear spirit, dear God.

Show me the wisdom that I should have, I give permission to go to the next level. And that's when it starts to change. What have you just done, O wise human being? What is it? Think about it. Because we teach this over and over and over.

You have free choice to go any way you want, to the light, to the dark. You do. But when you face off with your soul, with spirit, and say, show me a better way. When you face off, you might say, with yourself, let me open the box where the solutions are.

Show me the next level. I want deeper wisdom. Show me where it is, where to go. Push and pull me with my intuition so that I'll do the correct things. Dear spirit. That is when the wisdom starts to show up.

That's when someday somebody will look at you and say, you know, I think you're vibrating higher. You see what we're doing today, a play on words, but we're defining what it means, what it truly means, much, much more elegant than simply something vibrating at a certain level.

So what does the wise old soul bring to the planet? Oh, how about peace on earth? Wise human beings don't repeat what doesn't work, dysfunctional human beings do. Wise societies don't return and return and return to the things that make no difference and never worked in the past.

Elegant, wise societies, they move on. I'll tell you, I have seen this. This is what is happening on the planet slowly that some of you are not even realizing is happening. Starting to become wise in what you want and how to achieve it.

Instead of going back and repeating a history that didn't achieve it, that's wisdom. You might say, if enough old souls do this, the whole entire planet may be wiser. And then there will be those who say, well, yes, it's vibrating at a higher level.

Wisdom is the key. Wisdom gives you better choices. Wisdom is what you're asking for. Dear spirit, give me the wisdom to know what I should do. How about that one? Dear spirit, give me the wisdom to know which choice right now to make or what I should do in this situation.

Don't get it, then push me there. You have just given permission with your free choice for a whole bank of angelic beings and guides to surround you and help you with the next step you make. You see where I'm going?

That is vibrating higher. Wise old soul, I'm in this. There's value in this, that this perhaps is wisdom speaking. I'll leave that to you. And so it is. 

Are You in a Box and Don’t Know it? - September 7th, 2022

Let us now move into a meditation where we can give our gratitude and thanks to Gaia. I invite you to close your eyes and focus on a water body near you. It could be the ocean, it could be the sea, it could be a river, a lake, a stream, it may even be a glass of water in front of you.

We know consciousness can change the water molecules. And so let us send gratitude and thanks to Gaia and the water she provides us. Thank you Gaia for the beautiful endless supply of water that you give to us.

We honour your existence. We give deep thanks and gratitude. And it's as simple as those words. And Gaia hears the message. And now let us continue to hear the message from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service.

It seems as though the subject of today is about things that perhaps you can reframe in your mind that perhaps were not given to you fully. There is so much hiding. Hiding because it hasn't been exposed yet.

Or you haven't been aware of it. And yet it's always been there. Like a child who grows up breathing air and then one day he studies. what it is. He took it for granted and nobody told him about the molecules in the air where they came from and the symbiotic relationship with the rest of the planet.

It was just air he breathed. There are many things like this. I'm going to give you a metaphor today and it's one that some of you, most of you, will understand and have seen. You'll understand also as we go what the metaphor eventually is about and what it means.

We have done the circle of twelve. We're going to do it again today. And what this circle of twelve actually is about is you discovering the bigger you. Even religious leaders, spiritualists, and Have put God on one side of the veil and you on the other. And there are all kinds of processes that somehow then allow you to touch that face of God in some way that is not here. It's across the veil and the circle of 12 is one of the first times I have given you a metaphor that continues.

That tries to show you. That actually it's right in front of you that veil Is actually the bridge between you and the bigger you your soul. Now some will say well, what does that have to do with the veil between us and God and I'll tell you your soul is part of the creative source a major part If you can touch that which is your soul you are in that space. That mostly is on the other side of the veil a multi -dimensional space where like angels and guides and the love of spirit is right next to you all the time. And we've given you this example over and over and over.

That really truly spirit sits on your lap. But that hasn't been the paradigm has it. Let me show you something I want you to visualize with me something that most of you have seen. That visualization would have a number of nested boxes. Now sometimes you will see this depending on your culture In decorative boxes that are nested one smaller one smaller you open one.

There's another one. It's smaller open one. There's another one Sometimes it's with with eggs That are made and manufactured one egg is big you go open it, it is smaller, smaller, smaller and they're all decorative and they're all beautiful.

So visualize that for a moment because you've seen it. When you get to the smallest one, it's cute, it's fun. Wow, I went through 10 of those to get to this cute little guy. I wonder if he knew he was really in there, if you could talk.

So here is the first part of this metaphor, the little box, the littlest one, nested in there, all put together with all of them assembled. That little one is you. You have no awareness of the box around you.

It's in the dark, of course. And if somebody told you there was a bigger box you were in, you'd go, I'm not really sure. I'm not sure that you're right, but if there is, it's the veil and God is on the other side.

Well, then they say, well, not exactly. There's a bigger box around that. What could that mean? These nested boxes are an awareness, they are boxes of awareness and we have told you all along, that the biggest one, the one that that god sees, the one that I see, is the real you, the little one is the nested you, and here's the invitation, and it was always there.

We want you to understand that as you start to accept what I am telling you, perhaps instead of what others have told you, is the limit of your spirituality or your thinking is simply surrounded by another box.

We have talked about peeling the onion of your reality, where you start to peel it and find the core you. This is the opposite I'm talking about release. How many of you are willing to say, dear spirit, if there is a bigger box that I men show to me and that awareness alone starts to to disappear the internal boxes, you might have 10 nested boxes and suddenly you've got three because you're so much aware of the love of god, of the tools that you have as a human being that that the energy of Gaia is alive and well and that you actually are control of your reality, you just dismissed three or four boxes.

Now what are those boxes? They're what you've been told. Every single one of them represents that which you have been told you are not just inaccurate, dear ones, some of that was on purpose, some of it was also the best that humans had at that moment, but it all told a story of a great big god and a very small you. 

That part was correct but no connection, a wall between you, that's what you were taught if you are involved perhaps and invested in in some of that which is the organized spiritual systems of the planet.

That they will tell you right away you're small, you're not supposed to be able to touch the face of God, you're not worthy and so they have all manner of rules that will then help you be worthy or or at least come to God not filled with unworthiness. And I you start listing them what do they ask you to do what?

If I told you those are boxes, those are boxes which keeps you from seeing the big one and you start disappearing them and disappearing them.

You get to that place and you say : "what if I could cross the bridge to the real big one, and that one is the soul?" Let me tell you something else about this metaphor, which is magic. As you start to dissolve the boxes around you, you become the box around you.

You get bigger. So a nested set of ten becomes a nested set of five because the box in the middle is starting to dissolve the boxes around it. It's getting bigger and bigger and bigger and now you've got perhaps just one.

Welcome to the circle of twelve. So if you follow this, here you are a much bigger box nested in one other. There's the soul of the human, which is the big one, and you, the one that's in three dimensions that you know well.

But you're very close and you can feel it. You've dismissed all the limiting things that you've been told and here you are. Crossing that bridge is something we'll do today and we do it every single Wednesday.

And we've done it for almost a hundred episodes all the time. This has been the metaphor of you touching the bigger box. But more than touching it, what happens to you, and I'm going to paint you a picture.

When you cross the bridge, that three dimensional box is dissolved temporarily. You have to live in 3D, that's who you are. But it doesn't mean that you can't meld with the bigger one or go there any time you want.

Crossing the bridge, going back and forth, finding out some of the most beautiful things that Spirit, the Creator, has for you. Basking in the love. 

That has always been there, without rules, without things you have to do to deserve it and you start to understand the real picture. The actual core truth is this God is in love with you and created you in love and has given you free choice to find that. 

Not a bunch of rules to say that you're not supposed to. Not a bunch of rules to say you're unworthy. Not a bunch of rules that say that you're you're doomed as you're born. That was never ever the core truth. that's the humans making their truth apply to you. 

That's all human stuff, dear ones, that's humanism 101. Punishment, reward, bad good. All of those things have nothing to do with the love of the Creator for you. So here you sit and stand perhaps on the bridge.

Perhaps you finally understand that bigger box is you in an alliance with the Creator, your soul. That is the truth. Any time you want the Creator has its hand outstretched saying, why don't you come to that bigger box for a while?

And sooner or later they meld together so every day of your life you're walking between and inside until they meld together and that is called ascension. This is where you are right now in the scheme of this planet.

You might say in the planning that you set up a long time ago before you got here. What if this was all true? I want you to sit and feel that love I'm telling you about. Tonight a little later we'll go across the bridge.

I'll take you there again. And so it is. 

Receiving Messages from Spirit - September 14th, 2022

For me, I think one of the places I really enjoy spending time in is in nature, in Gaia, in the silence in Gaia. And so let's take a little journey right now to connect with Gaia, to be in the silence where we can feel and communicate with our intuition.

And so on this journey to Gaia, I want to ask you to feel, sense or imagine or visualize taking off any shoes you have and then walking on the most amazing, soft moss. It's like a green, velvety carpet that is so delicious for your feet to be walking on.

And as your feet wander on this beautiful, velvety, mossy green carpet, you find yourself traveling on a footpath and you lead your way through a beautiful forest and you can hear the birds singing and chirping through the trees.

You may even hear a bubbling brook of a stream with crystal clear water flowing through and this beautiful mossy green carpet of a footpath follows this beautiful bubbling brook, this stream, and you meander through this incredible forest scene and eventually you come to a clearing and each In the middle is the dappled sunlight coming through, inviting you to sit down.

And as you sit down on this area that's illuminated with a glowing warmth of the sun, you realize that in front of you is being presented a golden angel with iridescent rainbow shimmering wings. And it's ready to deliver to you a message.

And so we're now ready to hear this beautiful message from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Surface. 

This magnetic service that we talk about has to do indeed with that which is consciousness and relationship to the change of the magnetic field which is going on that starts to what we would call have a deeper wisdom in consciousness, more elegant consciousness and awakening is occurring.

Intuition, communication from spirit, that was a wonderful question that my partner didn't do well answering. So I'm going to take over. You've been put in a beautiful place in Gaia that meditation puts you there where you can listen and be quiet and be that person perhaps which is with an alliance of that energy of Gaia.

There is no more perfect place. That is one kind of place to put yourself in for intuition to start blossoming. Dear ones, there is a premise that we use that is called humans have free choice. The premise we have used from the beginning is that a human being will get information if they ask for it.

If there is no asking there is no receiving but when you put yourself in a position of wanting intuitive thought that comes from a soul consciousness and when you put yourself in that position then it starts.

Everyone is different, so different. There are those who will go and travel to places that are so quiet and magnificent. They'll meditate for some time, and in that slot, you'd say, of time and in existence for them, in will come instructions for them, and they may flash by in their mind as intuition seems to do, but it'll be clear, and they'll come out of that and they'll say, I was in a quiet place and I got information.

Now stop. Did they ask for it? Yes, they did. When they sat in a quiet place, it was a signal to us that said they're ready to receive. With free choice, they went there and they got information, and they got it through their intuition, through their consciousness, through their alliance with their soul, which is allied with spirit.

But then there are others of you who are not meditators. And we have discussed this before as well. There are so many types of humans and what they do to soothe their soul. Some will meditate and that is their soothing amount, I'd say, of space they need.

And others will busy themselves. It seems to be the opposite, but that's what soothes them. They must be productive. They're doers. If you look at some of the most amazing inventions on your planet, they came to the inventors when the inventors were not thinking about them.

This is what the doer wants. The doer says, I will do this and I'll do that and along the way, an intuitive thought will come when I don't expect it and I'll know something I didn't before. So have they asked for it?

Yes, because they were doers and they said, by doing this, I'll receive something I need, an intuitive thought which will push me into an area I didn't expect. Here's what I'm telling you. Every single human being who wants to have intuitive thought from spirit, messages, if you wish, from spirit, from your soul about the new direction you're supposed to take, it requires the free choice of you saying,

this is what I'm going to do. I want this kind of message. Dear spirit, put me in a place where I'll have the intuitive thought that I need so I'll know what's next. But that's just the first step. The next step is interpreting intuition.

Here is an axiom of interpretation. What happens first is the message, not how you then bias it. with the interpretation. Did you get that? Sometimes you may receive a flash of intuition and you'll say, well, that's not right.

Well, that'll never work. Well, that's not even me. You be right. It isn't you. And that's the whole point. It's pushing you to a place you would never have gone. It's an idea or a concept that's something you didn't expect.

Or perhaps you have a little quick vision of a beach or something and you're nowhere near a beach. But this is the message. Go find one. There's somebody here to meet. Go stay somewhere that you would never stay before because something is going to happen there.

That is how we communicate. Number one, your free choice to say I want it. Number two, to put yourself in what's comfortable for you, whether it's a meditation or being busy. or disengaging your mind or something that you know is a time when you receive things.

You put yourself there on purpose and wait. And in that, even busying yourself, you're waiting because in the cracks of that not thinking about that what you want, it'll happen. Dear ones, this is the magic of the intuition.

That's how we speak to you. There is a connection, a beautiful connection between you and your soul. In your consciousness, which belongs to your soul, not your brain, that is where intuition lives. And every so often, it talks to you.

There are so many examples of beautiful intuition. My favorite is the mother, who is about to go to sleep and has an intuitive thought that her child in the next room needs attention as she gets up. And indeed, that child is in need of some kind of attention.

And the mother then goes to sleep and says, what a beautiful thing we have as mothers. It's not just as mothers, dear. Your consciousness tweaked you for a moment and gave you that information. Get up and go to the next room.

Now put it in a scale that's much larger. This is available to every single human being who puts themselves in a position of asking for it. And the mother may say, well, wait a minute, I didn't ask for it.

This leads you to that expression that is so often given of women's intuition. You were born for this. It is part of that which is raising children, intuitive thought of what they may need. This is asking because you having the child was just that.

Dear spirit show me how to work with this child, how to have this intuition. It's a little different when it comes to spiritual information but the process is the same. Your soul is in connection with you at the times that you want it or the times you don't expect it but the times that you ask for.

That is the answer to the question of how spirit works with humanity especially with the old soul and that opens another subject. How long ago was it that I told you your 24th pair of chromosomes that you have that had been multi -dimensional that you cannot see under a microscope, they're starting to awaken.

I just did that last month. I told you this. This enhances everything when it comes to communication with spirit. I would love to have you go back and listen to the circle of 12 where we gave you this information, the channelings that followed about the planting of the seeds, specifically the second channel of the planting of the seeds.

This gave you that information about what that 24th pair of chromosomes is all about. It is time for them to open figuratively to be planted as seeds. And that is your new toolbox. And in that is an enhancement of the communication that was just asked about.

Dear ones, it's the beginning of a whole new paradigm for the old soul. Should you want it? Should you ask for it? To go to that next level, if you want to say that, of receiving even better communication and intuition, which is your legacy.

It's a time capsule you've always carried, dear old soul. And now it's opening. That's the answer that I wanted to give. And so it is. 

Does Spirit Ever Interfere with Free Choice? - September 21st, 2022

I invite you to close your eyes and drop into the core of your being, that place of stillness, in the silence and tranquility, that resting place that is your natural state of being. You may even wish to visualise, feel or sense being in your favourite place on our beautiful planet, that one place where you feel complete relaxation and peace.

It may be in a grassy field under a tree, it may be by the ocean, it may be by the rivers and streams, it may be with some animal companions, and feel the loving presence of our planet Earth. And as you connect with this natural state of the Earth, which is peace, feel, sense, imagine or visualise radiating out from your heart centre that feeling of peace and relaxation.

And as this radiates out, I invite you to contemplate how many others in this moment are doing that exact thing, both now and in the future. And as you connect with everyone else on the planet in this posture, this energetic posture of peace, imagine the amplification of this radiating field of peace across the planet.

And so really the statement from Kryeon is that what you do individually can change things around you is then enhanced and amplified when many of you come together with this intent. And so just trust that this wave of peace that we've now sent around the planet will continue to build and amplify in the weeks, months and years to come.

And so from this place of tranquility, relaxation and peace, we now invite the beautiful loving messages from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. 

International Peace Day. Dear ones, there are probably more on this planet at this moment, in this month and this year, giving prayers for peace than in all of the past years, perhaps that I have been channeling.

It's on the minds of so many people. There are those who would go to their knees and say, "Dear Spirit, please help us to do something about this planet so there would be no more war". I will tell you that you're closer than you think to that goal.

And there would be those who would hear this and roll their eyes and they would say, "Oh yeah, sure. There hasn't been a war like there is today in so many years and now we have one. How does that bring us closer to anything, Kryeon?"

Perhaps, dear ones, you're not really seeing a bigger picture. This planet has been fairly quiet in the War Department. Oh, there's always something going on. There's always some kind of smaller war.

But when it came time for this war that is currently on the planet right now, it made this planet have to take sides, did you notice? And like no other time before, those decisions were different. It was almost like most of the countries stood up and said regardless of the reasons, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of why this is not acceptable.

This is not the way to solve things. Some felt that it was a return to the 40s. It was blatant. So negative it was, so awful, so horrific it was. And you got to see something perhaps very few were really aware of.

It was almost like you had to stand up and take a vote. And most of this planet did. This is not what we want, you said. This is a channel to address something that many have asked. Is it possible for intervention by spirit in these times?

Wow. Let's talk about peace. Let's talk about what's next. Perhaps the entire reason that this has taken place was something that I gave you a long time ago. Something I told you at the beginning of the shift, even before 2012, when I told you that when the light appears and begins to shine upon this planet, it will affect the consciousness of humans everywhere.

not just old souls. All humanity would start to then reflect the change in the grid because consciousness is now freer to elevate. Do you want that in easier words? Do you want that more simple? Consciousness is starting to raise.

That's why I came. I didn't create it, dear ones, you did. But I have allowed it through the physics of the grid, starting to change an alignment, allowing consciousness to raise. Earlier in this program, my partner just told you some of the reasons and then some of the science.

It's happening. But I also gave you this advice, that when the light started to appear, darkness wouldn't like it. Now you might say, well, "that's oversimplified". I'm doing that on purpose. There is darker energy and you know that.

There is also lighter energy. You know that. There's higher and lower consciousness. You know that. When a civilization starts to raise itself up and make these kinds of peace decisions, there are those who are invested in war and they'll want to pull it back for so many reasons.

It's their comfort zone, dear ones, regardless of the death or anything. That's where they want to bring it back. Perhaps they'll have a world that they will recognize a little better. That's what's going on.

Is it possible that there's intervention by spirit at any of these places and any of these times? So I want to address that question because there are so many right now on their knees begging for it.

Dear God, they'll say, "please allow this to stop, please stop it". And I'm going to give you an axiom that we have given you many, many times. You have free choice. You have free choice. But part of the freedom of your choice is to change that which you see in your own future.

Now let's go back to that. How many times if I sat here perhaps or other places perhaps or with or without other channels and told you this, you create your own reality by what you put before you as your consciousness in the future.

If you're on your knees asking for peace, let me ask you, are you afraid of what's coming? Do you then picture something awful for the planet? And that takes you to your knees. And if it is, I'll tell you, you have just put that into your future.

Thank you. It's almost like you have ordered it with your imagination or your fears. But perhaps you're on your knees and you're thanking Spirit for the future that's coming. And you don't know how it will be there.

But you can visualize a future where there are no wars, that there are still disagreements perhaps, and there are still conflicting ideas, and there always will be, but it's not solvable by killing. And that is the definition of war, is it not?

You kill those in another land or another place so that they will bow to your wishes because you're the strongest perhaps. That is a very old, old paradigm, and you've had it for thousands of years. This is the shift, it ends now.

It's in the beginning of an ending. Is there intervention? I will tell you this, you are the intervener. And Spirit will then take that which is in the field and the first thing you're going to see that you never saw before and you'll know it's coming.

When do you see the new inventions that are coming that will be here because you'll be less likely to weaponize them? They're here, they're here now. They're available now. They're like on the shelf perhaps.

They're seeds waiting to be planted perhaps. Is that intervention or is it not? Some will say, well, it's a blurry line. God does not come down with a massive amount of angels and stop a war. But what does happen, dear ones, is the implantation of hope and a different kind of praying perhaps where one or two or a few other people will get together and see a future which is benevolent and beautiful and go to their knees and say, "dear Spirit, let this be what is going to come next. Not in fear, but in joy for the feeling of change", and then saying, "bring it sooner than later, dear spirit".

I'll tell you what happens. That's when the true intervention occurs, because that paves the way of light from old souls and others to start appearing on the planet in the form of new ideas and new inventions.

A change of mind in leaders, perhaps, and the way things are done, perhaps. You're already starting to see that. Is that intervention? Some will say it is, and I'll tell you they're right. Spirit gives you the things that you put before yourself.

Like you have a menu of peace, and you open it, and it says "peace on earth". And you say, "well, it's not here now, but I can envision this menu being the one that I'm going to have in my lifetime. And for my children's lifetime".

And that's the menu I want on the table right now before me. And you'll put your hand on the menu and say, "let this be the way of it". It's so different than dropping to your knees and sobbing in fear and horror and all the things that you're so used to or you're told to.

And instead, it's just the opposite. You go to your knees and hope, enjoy, and saying, "this is going to be the way of it. Peace for our future today. And if not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, the next day, but you will see it coming".

That there is light at the end of this tunnel called civilization on this planet. And we have told you this now for years and years and years. Now you're starting to see what I'll call the machinations, the workings of the engine that will create it.

You'll see things you don't want. You'll see things that are happening by those who would perpetrate them to get into that comfort zone that they want so much of pulling it backwards into an older time.

You don't want that. No one does. None of the countries involved want it. They don't want it for their children. They want what you want for your children. A peaceful planet where there's no poverty.

A peaceful planet where you can talk to your neighbors and enjoy. And you all want the same thing. That's what humans are like, dear ones. That's the real human. When you all talk to each other and you ask, what do you want?

That's what is desired. Peace on this planet. Lack of poverty. Health where there was no health. Where a son is starting to die. starting to come out on inventions that you've only dreamed about to can solve some of these problems that you've always had with you, but that were always solvable.

It's coming. How do you want to pray? How do you want to create peace? I just told you. Then stand by for the intervention. I'm Kryeon in love with humanity. I know where this is going. I've seen it before.

And so it is. 

Can you say, “SHOW ME” to Spirit? - September 28th, 2022

So what is your party mode? What gets you fired up and excited? Let's use that as we, I guess, go towards a meditation. What do you think? Okay. All right, so let's use that energy of excitement, that celebration, that thing that just gets you so fired up.

And focus on creating that into, we're going to play now. So focus on creating that into this little glass bubble. You could even be creating a crystal, a party crystal of celebration, or you might just want to call it a celebration crystal.

Whatever it is for you, I ask you to feel, sense, or imagine, or visualize in your hands right now, creating a party crystal, a celebration crystal, and some of the magic ingredients that we're going to infuse into our party crystal, our celebration crystal, are the moments of excitement and joy that you have experienced.

So just trust that there is right now a multi -dimensional process of this imaginary party crystal getting infused by the memories of your joy, your moments of celebration. It could be the birth of a child with that unimaginable, sheer bliss and joy.

It could be that moment where you felt it. in love with someone. It could be a moment of celebration, of a graduation, where you achieved something. It could be just a moment of experiencing someone else's joy and sharing in their success.

Whatever it is, let that just build and infuse. And there's more than one joyful memory. So just allow your innate wisdom that whatever joyful moments you have, some you may not even remember, but they're in your field.

So just give permission now that we're going to send all those bubbling, joyful, exquisite, heartwarming, joyful celebration moments. It could be weddings, anniversaries. All of them just, actually we're getting bigger and bigger aren't we?

This crystal's getting really big now with all that joy. And so just hold it a little longer and then now what's going to happen is that from this crystal it's going to now break apart and you have two crystals from the one crystal filled with exquisite joy, happiness, celebration.

And now I invite you to place one of those crystals into your heart so that you now have this amplified crystal of joy and celebration flooding your entire body and radiating out into a field that descends out to the planet.

And with that other crystal I ask you to visualize placing that into the crystalline grid of the earth, into Gaia. Because Gaia is included in our joy and celebration. She has witnessed every single moment where we have had that party, that celebration, that joy.

She too is included so thank you Gaia. We're going to infuse you with our joy crystal. And now that that's done you can gently place your hands in your lap and allow that joyful uplifting feeling to continue to carry you as we listen to the beautiful words from Kryeon.

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. Blessed are those who understand that what you call joy, or the attitude of joy, or even the chemistry of laughter, that you also understand you'll live longer.

Just that statement tells you so much more about how Spirit works with you. Did you know that laughter is one of the things that passes over the veil? Did you go both ways? Did you know that? Most would say, no, no, it's not sacred enough to come from that which is on the other side of the veil where the angels are.

Did you know the angels regularly laugh? And they laugh at things that are marvelous. They laugh at your successes and your joys. Can't you tell when you laugh that these things are good for you? Wish to celebrate a number of things.

But I think the thing I want to celebrate the most is when a human being gives allowance for the unknown. Today you're going to hear a story. My partner will be interviewed and he's going to tell you the story of crime.

Now the reason I'm giving you this channel is that I was there. You have no idea how much the angels smiled when this man decided. And all of his 3Dness and all of his unbelief for a moment, he allowed the possibility that it was real.

And what brought him to that he'll tell you. But this was the design. A design to make him look if he wishes to, if he said yes. If he had said no, others would have done what he's done. That's free choice, dear ones.

But what I want to tell you about is the process that we, on this side of the veil, spirit, if you wish, that process of talking to you about the "and if". And the idea, if we could make you look with free choice, you might just change your life.

You are so much bigger than you think and there's so much going on more than you think. And we have mentioned that so many times in the past. We've given you so many opportunities to understand there's a bigger you and that you've never been taught about it or told about it.

Truly. There isn't anyone at this moment on this planet that has a full circle of truth with organizations that are teaching you your magnificence. Not really. They all come with something else attached to them, which you either must do or must perhaps worship or whatever in order to understand.

There's more than just the love of God. It's a two -way love. It's love that's incomprehensible. It's unconditional. What that truly means is that you have to do nothing but accept it and then it bursts wide open.

We saw the man who sits in front of you today in all of that which he studied and knew and he was set up literally for love. For early on, he felt, in certain of his spiritual organizations, he felt the love of God.

He knew what it felt like. He motivated to that early, but it wasn't the big picture, and it didn't satisfy him for long. And he saw some inconsistencies, not just that. He saw some dysfunction, and that turned him away.

In that, he became the engineer he is, even still today. And in that, the logical mind often throws away things that don't make sense. And in your reality, dear ones, multi -dimensional events, processes, happenings, don't make sense.

And so there are so many that feature this logic that we talk about that would never turn and ask, "are you there"? What we use, dear ones, to make you look is your own personality. So whoever you are right now, whatever you're interested in right now, we know you.

We know you in love so well that we often put unbelievable synchronicities in front of you to see if you shake your head and say, "I'm not going to look, or whether you go, what was that" ? Maybe I should look into that.

And it happens all the time. Dear ones, this happens to everyone. They may not talk about it. Some see it and relegate it to the spooky world. Then they don't want anything to do with it. And you know why?

Because they were taught, if you see these things, they're evil. Because they're unusual. be an evil thing, never understanding. It's an angel who is giving you opportunities to look at something. Made you look.

That's what we've said before. The opportunity was there to make the man in the chair look against all odds. He did truly against all odds. For he had to throw up his logic hands and say, "I can't believe in certain things that I actually saw and heard".

Therefore, then he did something that I encourage any of you do. He threw down a gauntlet as they say. And he said, show me or else. I love this. We love that. An invitation to walk in and show. And we did.

And what we showed him only he and his personality would have understood because we know him. We know what to show, what it is he would relate to, what it is that he would understand. We know that about you too.

How many of you said, "show me. I don't believe it, but show me". How many of you would listen to a program like this, perhaps it's your first time? And even doubt that this is real, a channeling from the other side of the veil.

Why don't you throw down a gauntlet? Dear spirit, if any of this is real, I am willing and I give allowance to be shown. And make it an easy show. Say, show me some synchronicities that can't be. Show me some things that I don't believe are possible.

Show me those. Make some things happen here. Let me steer me right or left so I'll run into something that I never thought I would see or something that I'd ask for. Show it to me. And in that, you'll take a deep breath and go, oh my, what if all of this was real?

What if all of this was real? My partner took three years. The man in the chair took three years to actually come out of that closet of logic and say, it's real. And the three years was him getting used to it.

We're not wanting others to think he was strange. That didn't work because when he came out, they all thought he was strange. All of these things, based in fear, it took him three years. years. But once he knew the truth, you couldn't stop it.

The snowball was rolling down the hill of love and divinity, of purpose in his life, and the future of what you now know and what you see in front of you, called cry on. Dear ones, this is the way it works.

So I want to tell you yet again that even as you sit there, those around you, anyone you know, we have a way of suggesting perhaps there is more. You have free choice. So if you're not going to look, that's your free choice.

But it doesn't stop us from poking a little. And we do, in love, take a look. Do you really think this could have happened? unless there was another energy involved, you might ask. Some are quite happy to relegate all of this to the spiritual organization they are in.

And dear ones, that's honored because that also features the love of God and the love of spirit. And perhaps that's enough, but the true old soul knows when they get here, there's something more. My partner was ready as an old soul on this planet, a Lemurian, he was ready for it all to bust wide open and a greater truth to reveal itself.

He was slow at it, but all we had to do was poke a little and show him some things that he couldn't believe and that's what he said, showing. And he also added, by the way, if it isn't there, you only had one chance.

One chance is all we need to show the incredible love for you. Did you know this? You all have free choice, but every once in a while, if you want to go to the next level or perhaps beyond the next level to multi -levels, we may show you some other things and ask you to look again and ask you to surrender a little bit and allow things to be certain ways that you perhaps weren't all ready to allow.

It happened in my partner's stair steps for him as he found out more and more of how it works and who he was and what was possible. This is the message of today. It happened to the man who sits in the chair whose voice you hear.

It has happened to so many. When we poked a little bit and finally they said, "are you there"? And we loved them and it was never the same. We loved them and it was never the same. 

I've been Kryeon in love with all of you and so it is. 

WO, and the Second Floor - October 5th, 2022

Well, with that hopeful message for a bright future ahead, I want to invite you to a brief meditation before we listen to Kryeon. And so I invite you to close your eyes and just allow all thoughts to drain away.

And if you have an active mind, just imagine those thoughts getting pushed out onto a cloud and it's just going to float by, you're just going to observe it. And there's nothing to do in this moment.

In this space, we are simply going to relax and be in this moment. And as we relax and be in this moment, we can now hear the beauty of the teachings and wisdom and love from Kryeon. 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service.

What a treat it always is to come before those, especially for the first time. The messages I have are always those given in love. You might say that the intention of this entire process that you're watching right now is the intention of love.

So that it might break through a barrier, if there was one, that you might have. It says that these things perhaps are different than you thought they would be. Or that there's an agenda there. The agenda, dear ones, is light.

That you might see things you've never seen before. did not see before. That you might suddenly be able to enjoy something that you thought was elusive. Maybe the feeling of health, of well -being, of being joyful in your life no matter what is happening.

Knowing that almost everything you see before you is something that you can work with, that you can change, that you can improve. Dear ones, you did not come here to suffer, or to be in stress, or to worry, or to be fearful.

It seems to build its own hole, doesn't it? Worry and fear? It seems to make the hole your end deeper. Well, just the opposite of that. If you can train that, which is your countenance, to look at no matter what it is, and be thankful for what you have.

You start a process where the whole starts filling in and the worry and the fear drop away and solutions starts to appear instead. I have another story of Woe. Now this is a parable and Woe is often the character in the parables that we have given in the past for 30 years.

Woe is not a man or a woman but we make him a man at the moment because it's easier to talk about a person in a story when there's a gender involved. Woe, he is actually a woe man. You can see where this is going.

So Woe has no gender but again, for this story Woe is a he. Woe knows about himself to the extent as he sits there in his life that he needs to go to that higher level. And in metaphoric terms even Woe knows that he needs to go to the second floor.

He's tired of the first floor. Everywhere he goes he is told that ascension of consciousness is possible. And that the way of it is through intent. Now this may sound like we're continuing the answer to what does the saying of cry on mean and we are.

And this is the parable that goes around it. Woe is frustrated because nothing is working. He doesn't know where to start. He sits and says, 

"Dear spirit, get me to that second level. I'm sitting here and I'm tired of the first level and I've been told that I can have so many things if I'm more aware on the second floor. But I can't have that awareness if I'm stuck to the first level. first floor. Not only that, I've got something in my life I've had for some time. Dear Spirit, it's about my boss at work. You know I'm not supposed to sit here and be abused by this boss.

That's not why I'm here. Over and over, I've been told that I'm not here to suffer this. So I want only, there's just only two things. I want to be able to go to floor number two and I want the boss to go away".

It's not too much. I believe that I can create these miracles in my life and this is Woe. Woe is a good thought. Woe is actually on the right track. Then Woe has a guide walk in. Oh, he's always wanted a guide.

Now actually his guide is multiple guides by being a singular guy. Woe kind of likes one Person giving one kind of advice. It's a one -on -one and that's what he expects and that's what he has and in walks his guide in a dream Well, I see you there.

I see what you need. I see what you want Everything is possible Well, I'm going to give you a vision and I want you to repeat this vision every time you have intent and Here's the vision. Well, I want you to be a a camera watching other people do this And in order to go to where you want to go you've got to get on the elevator Do you like it so far?

The wind division whoe watches Individual after individual many of them women and there's some men there and It doesn't matter and they go up to the elevator. And he sees them press the up button and it illuminates just like it should, and then they speak their truth and they give intention for what they want.

 And he listens, but it's it's not that important because their intention is not his intention. So whatever they say is is whatever they say and then the door opens and they get in and it closes. And that's it and He says to the guide you mean it's it's that simple and the guide says kind of:

"Well, I want you to go to that elevator in your mind and I want you to practice it", and the guide then disappears so the next night. Whoe goes into that vision, he sits and he he puts his hand on his heart and and he says I'm into that vision now. He sees the elevator and there it is it's just for him and he said could it really be this simple the answer truly is Yes. We have told you Spirit listens to intent give it in love. And he goes up to the elevator and he puts the button and it illuminates.

And he says, "Dear Spirit, get me to the second floor and get rid of the boss. Give it in love, Spirit. This is what I want. In love, Spirit, do this". And he's so happy that he now knows how it's done and he sits and the door does not open.

The light on the up button stays illuminated, but the door doesn't open. So, of course, he repeats it. Now, this is very common, dear ones, you do this all the time, seeing perhaps that God didn't hear well.

And so, you have to repeat it. Well, maybe God wasn't listening. He was doing something else at the moment. Dear Spirit, get me to the second floor and please do something that would eliminate my boss.

Thank you, Spirit, for I know this is going to happen. the door doesn't open. Woe comes back from this vision. Of course he's disappointed. What's the guide wrong? Did I perhaps invent all of this? Was the guide a real thing or was it just a dream and it was just me pretending I was getting advice?

And of course that's what everyone seems to do with intuition. You doubt it. The guide comes back in the next night and says, "Whoe, did you do as I asked" ? And woe says, "of course I did". I went to the elevator, I pressed the button, the light illuminated, I asked for what I wanted and nothing happened.

And the guide said, "well, Whoe, did you really ask for what you wanted or did you specify what you think you wanted" ? And woe said, "well, what's the difference? I need these things. I'm asking for these things".

And the guy said, but you limited yourself, Whoe. Think about it. What could you do perhaps to change? How you ask it? Will it get you the same thing or more? Try again, Woe. Woe thought about this for an entire day.

He came home for work, having to suffer the boss again, and went into the vision again. There he was. There's the elevator. Went to the elevator, pressed the button, light comes on. Now he's more careful.

And he says, dear spirit, get me to any floor that will work for me. Dear spirit, about my boss, whatever is correct for me. the door opened. And Woe got in. Woe. He said, that was his name. Woe. The door shuts.

He's in the elevator alone. And he noticed there were no buttons on the elevator like you'd expect with many floors. There was only one button. His name was on it. Woe. And he pressed it. He felt the ascension, the feeling of a lifting.

And there he was, and it went, and it went, and it opened. And there was a bit of disappointment because when it opened, it was the same floor. Woe got off on what he thought was floor one. This is where he wanted to turn to his guide right now and say, what is this?

I'm back on the same floor. What would his guide say to him? Well, perhaps you can invent something at this moment. Is it the same floor? When it looks the same, but the energy is different, I'll leave that to you.

Woe realized immediately he was lighter, meaning he felt different. He felt more joyful and what was to come. He realized that whatever floor he had been taken to was something for his countenance, for his soul.

It wasn't going to look different. There weren't going to be angels walking around. It was still floor one, but a new Woe. And then he went to work. Oh, when he got to work, there was a celebration happening.

There was the boss. Oh, he's still here. Maybe it didn't work very well, but there was a celebration something. Something was happening. There was something was going on when they saw a Woe come in. Everyone was joyful and they said congratulations to all of you.

And Woe said, what's going on? And they said, well, it seems the boss has been promoted to the second floor. And Woe, he was laughing and laughing. The floor that he was asking to go to where the boss was going to.

And in the process, Woe, you are now the boss of the first floor. Are you getting this, dear ones? Spirit knows what works for you. Spirit knows you don't. You really don't. You're only making things up that you think will work.

Dear spirit, as I press this button, give me what I need. Don't specify what you think is the answer because that limits everything. Instead, intent and in love. Dear spirit, I love you. I'm in love with myself enough to ask for. all the things that are good in my life and the others around me to slowly evolve and I'll get in the elevator and I won't complain that I didn't get exactly what I asked for. I got more. 

How about it?

Are you okay being on floor one but having an ascension consciousness? Get used to it. This is the future. I'm Kryeon in love with all of you and so it is. 

The Love Channel - October 12th, 2022

And so I invite you to close your eyes and allow this moment to connect with yourself, connect in a deep way where you're really just tuning in without any outside stimulation. And I want to ask some questions.

How do you feel in this moment? What is going on for you in your life? What are the amazing good things that you have to be grateful for in your life? What are some of the things that you may be a little uncertain about or anxious about?

Or have doubts, fears and worries about? Is it possible that you can place those fears, worries and doubts into a little package and just give them to your higher self and ask your higher self to take care of it for you.

You can always pick them up if you want when you come out of the channel, but for now let's allow our higher self to hold that package of any fears, worries and doubts we may have and allow that to just completely go outside of where we are in this moment.

And now as we continue focusing in terms of What is it that brings you joy in your life? What brings you happiness? What are the things that make you smile and laugh? And perhaps I'd like to ask, how many times a day do you go to those things that make you laugh or bring you joy?

And perhaps in your answer, you may decide you need to spend a little more time in your day finding that joy and that moment of laughter. And as you are introspectively peeking in, what other things are there?

that come to the surface for you and what are the ways that you can deal with them? That too is an answer that can come to you. And so all of these questions are simply to highlight that the answers are not outside.

You can receive guidance from outside, but the true knowledge and answers are going to come from your own higher self, your own intuition and follow that, follow that thread. And we now extend that thread to continue into the beautiful loving messages from Kryeon.

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. I would like you to continue that feeling just presented to you. Those who have followed the work of Kryon know that the channels that I give you are all given in love.

We don't give you advice and then tell you you have to do something. We love you enough sometimes to beg you to do it, but there's no have obligation. But the advice that I would give today is different perhaps than what I've said in many weeks.

It has a lot to do with the meditation you just heard. I'm going to call this the love channel where I just sit and love you, where we have a talk, you and I. What you come here for? What's going on?

If you could just talk to me, I'd like to hear it. And when you're done, I'll give you some advice. If I could throw away everything you know. Everything you think you know about yourself, everything you learned, and understand that you can wipe away the slate.

And to those who are invested spiritually, you've learned a lot of things from a lot of people. And those things often presented to you are the best those people had, those leaders had, for an older energy.

where truth and love and compassion and kindness didn't rule the energy as it's starting to now. That's one. It's called a reboot to many, a technical current term. Number two, get ready to become renewed, refreshed.

And go to work, you'd say, on yourself spiritually in an entirely different way than you ever have before. In order to do that, there will be many who will give you this advice, and I'm going to give it to you as number three.

Stop everything you're doing and relax. Relaxation is going to be the key to so many intuitive flashes that you're going to have. Again, I'll tell you something I've said before, that some of the greatest inventions on this planet by very famous inventors whose names you know have all come when the inventors were not thinking about it.

So they'd be in their workshop puzzling over a question, an issue, a how to, what if, what's the solution. And then they go home, and then they're reading a book or they're at dinner, and in comes the solution.

What did that take? It took them to relax and be for a moment out of the puzzle themselves, removed from everything, almost in a daily renewal cycle. Eating a meal, having some sleep, waking up with an answer they did not have before?

This is the way all of consciousness works. There's a reason, dear ones, why you have to sleep. Now biologically there's one reason, metaphysically there's another. Psychologists will debate what happens and why when you sleep.

Metaphysically it's all a lie to many things a psychologist may not agree with. It goes into who you are, what you've experienced in past lives, what you're experiencing now, the subconscious programs and patterns, they all surface.

Some have asked well if that's the case sleep is often not the answer. You're right. Enter. meditation. And that's why a meditator does what they do instead of counting on sleep as the refresher. And what is meditation?

If you'll ask those who teach it, or who do it often, and there are many who do and some who never need to, they will tell you, it's a rest time. It's a time where things occur to you, or they wouldn't during the day when you're at work, or around the house, or doing the things that you need to do simply to survive.

Have you ever heard somebody say, "well, I was cleaning the house, and all these things came to me" ? The syllabus of my next teaching, and all I was doing was watching a window. And you'd say, "well, how does that work"?

It works in the same way. So that number three, which is to relax, can be anything. But I'll tell you what happens when you relax. Whether you call it meditation, or you decide to sit there, drop into your heart when it's quiet around you.

Outside is wonderful in case you can, and there's no sounds to distract you. If not, inside is fine. There's no rule of how to relax except to find that best place and time for you so that you're not distracted.

And you can go to this super place if you want to call it. When they say drop into your heart, this actually means you find an energy that flows within you that's loving, and peaceful, and safe. I created the Circle of Twelve for that.

Some of you recognize it. How many of you realize that when you cross the bridge, that's what we're doing? You relax. Now in a circle of twelve there's also teaching. There are those you meet. There are tables and chairs and theaters and all these things that we presented to you.

But right now I am telling you that these things that I am giving you are critical and easy, truly. It's not relearning any kind of a protocol. It's not having to start over and have to then go through some things that are difficult or to memorize.

It's just the opposite. Try to wipe out those things that would irritate you or you think you have to do and realize that none of that is important. Not really. Not really. And understand that there is a reset going on in your life if you wish.

How many of you have felt this intuitively? Something is happening to you now in these years that you didn't expect that actually you could define as a reset, a paradigm shift, a new you. Old soul, that's why you came.

Old soul, if you are feeling that, that's what I'm talking about. There are so many who start to feel those things and worry about them. That is very human. The true answer for you to intuit what is next for you is to relax in the arms of spirit and don't plan anything.

Don't plan anything. Relax and know you are part of a grander love plan. Relax in that things will be shown to you in the way they should be. Quickly, slowly, it doesn't matter. All of these things I tell you so that you will understand relaxation is the key.

To knowing what the next step is. What if you, when you are relaxing, find the solution to an invention? And the invention is you. Going to that next level or beyond as we have said before and what that might feel like.

Or what if it's a relaxation that says not yet? So just relax until we get there, until the timing is right. And don't fear and don't worry. And in the process, feel that love as a healing love. so that nothing will interrupt the next step.

I give this, this love channel to you. It's simple, isn't it? It really truly is. I think that you reinventing yourself is as easy as dropping into your heart and saying, "everything I learned, I am now ready to put away and see instead a greater love and a beauty I have not experienced yet".

I don't know what it is, but I'm okay not to know what it is. And just sit and feel the love of God. Can you do that? Oh, it's so beautiful, isn't it? And so it is. 

Two Rooms - Three Scenarios - October 19th, 2022

And so I invite you to close your eyes and soften your face, soften your shoulders, arms and hands, soften your abdomen, your chest, your back, legs, knees, calves and feet. Let your body in entirety just soften and be in this moment of receptivity to a loving force that exists within you and around you at the same time.

And let us ask a question or a statement, dear spirit, show me my magnificence, bring me greater awareness, bring me greater awareness. And so with that intent, you've already sent it out, giving permission for the entourage to now enter your life and show you your own magnificence and bring you greater awareness.

And with that greater awareness, we now are ready to receive some more awareness from Kryeon. 

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. Once again, we come to you in all love, appreciation, joy.

For those who would listen to this, for those who care enough perhaps about themselves, others around them, what's happening on the planet. And we often give the kinds of channels that perhaps are planetary channels, what is going on in the world and the cycles and all that, but today it's personal.

This is about you. This is about the society you live in, about you. And I'm going to call this particular channel the two rooms. I'm going to give three scenarios of two rooms. The scenario is a metaphor, always, and you'll see that quickly.

And the two -room scenario, the three times as I say, the first one will be what you're taught today about the two rooms. The next one is the discovery that many are making about the two rooms. And the third scenario, the truth about the two rooms.

Let's discuss what the rooms are. The metaphor goes like this. Room one is you. As you sit there, your name goes here. And it's your reality, how you feel, all of the senses that go into what is going on right now.

It's an easy one. Room two actually could be next to you or could be within you. Now we put them side by side because that's the way you're taught they are. The second room is your body. What is going on?

Now the reason we separate them is this because you really don't know what's going on. You have that which is a way to tell with the senses in room one. How much does it hurt? What does it sound like?

What's going on? But room two kind of works by itself, if you noticed. Your heart keeps on beating. All of the that which is your organs, they keep on doing whatever they do, whatever their specialist is, they continue doing it.

So here is what you're taught between room one, you, and room two, your body. The teaching of today is that this is a firm and complete disconnect. You don't know what's going on, therefore you have those who do.

Now this is not an indictment of those who do. The doctors that you have, have, very, very important for you to have. Dear ones, they are the ones who have studied that which is you, internally, the second room.

They know so much about it. But you're taught in your culture that they're the only ones who do. Therefore, they're the ones you go to. And they will then tell you what to do about your room. And this is where the prescriptions are assigned.

And this is where the operations occur in order for you to correct those things which you feel are wrong with your second room. If you understand where I'm going, these three scenarios I'm going to give you, this is the first.

This is the way you are taught from birth. And there would be many of you perhaps listening right now who are not aware of the client channeling or even of what I talk about who would say, "well, This is good because we have the wonderful doctors and they can take care of room two".

Now if you've listened to this program long enough, you know the second scenario. And here's how it goes. Room one is still you. It's all your senses, it's how you feel. It's you living there, it's you sitting there listening.

Room two, your body, is now seen as something that you can greatly change and affect. There's so much information that hides that now is being revealed about how your body has some kind of an intelligence, a smart body, that not only can you tap into to find out how it's doing, but also it can give you information about perhaps things that only would be discovered later when you have a disease.

In the first scenario, if you got a disease, you realized you didn't know it. In the first scenario, you could know that if you had a disease and it was racing through your body and that all the alarm bells were going off and white blood corpuscles were racing to scenes and the sirens were going off and you're just going to lunch as usual.

It's only when something hurts that you go to the doctor. Scenario two, your body starts to give you information because you now know how to measure it. You also find out that things in your consciousness affect that which is your health.

You find out that even the inherited biology from those which your parents had before, perhaps even past lives can affect that which is number two, that room number two. That's where your body is. That's amazing, amazing.

Now you're able to not only sense it, but have control, you might say in some ways you can diagnose many things. Now it doesn't replace the doctor because when you're in an auto accident it doesn't help you to be in touch with your body.

That's when you need the doctor. But up until then, dear ones, you're finding out that you can work with your own health. You can ask your body to give you signs and signals of the kinds of food you need in order for it to be at its maximum based upon your inheritance.

You'll find out what subconscious programs that you might have. And your body is there. And it's there as a thing to work with you. And finally, you get the idea that you're not isolated. There are not two rooms that stand apart.

How could it get better than that? Dear ones, this is what all these programs are about that I asked my my partner to put together. And he has. And how to take something you didn't believe was even possible and suddenly it is.

There's reasons for these things so that more and more of you will realize it. And they will, there will be books written that are not today about the reality of it. But in some day this will be normal.

The children will be taught that there is a way to get in touch with room number two and live longer. What could be better than that? Let me give you scenario number three. You sit there, dear ones, as you always have, box one is the same.

Except that box one is now fully and completely aware that it can change box two. Not simply work with it for better health, but change it. Oh, there's more. Changing it could mean that it can change it so it will never ever be susceptible to the diseases it might have gotten in scenario two.

The awareness, the ability to change box two so that you might live twice as long. That your consciousness is now fine -tuned to change the chemistry of box two. So you wouldn't even recognize it in the scenario one or two.

Box two is now at the beck and call of box one. But there's more. You assign something in scenario two called a smart body. It's used for many things, kinesiology of course, that is the muscle testing.

Many kinds of processes where you actually talk to the body and it talks back. This is like having a telephone to box two. But scenario three, you find the door to box two and you open it up and go inside.

And that's what I want to tell you that you don't know yet. In box two, there isn't just a smart body. There isn't just the intelligence that you would use to muscle test. There's the biological you represented in your DNA that loves you.

Box two has been begging for you to open the door. Box two has had its arms outstretched saying, "when will you find me? I am part of you, I've always been part of you". Why do you separate the consciousness and your brain from what you think are autonomous systems that work by themselves?

Well, they only work by themselves because they're designed to. But if you had control, if you walked through the door, you could manipulate them. You can tell them they're beautiful, you could love them.

And you're gonna last a whole lot longer because when you open the door, love will pour in to box two. I just gave you the future of humanity. That's coming. There was, there's so much that you're going to learn beyond just the fact that you can affect your own health by how you think. 

Using the Wind of Intuition - October 26th, 2022

And I invite you to close your eyes and imagine, feel, sense or visualise that you're about to enter a gift shop and you open the door and within the gift shop there is one gift that has a label that says the box of joy and next to the label is your name and you're going to walk over towards that gift, the box of joy that has your name on it and as you hold that box I want you to feel and sense the cells of your body in anticipation of opening that box of joy. What is it?

What's going to be in there? What is that surprise that is waiting for you in that box of joy? And just connect in with your innate and your highest self and your akash and your entourage, your guides and angels. They want you to find your joy, and as you slowly pull off the lid to that box of joy just go with whatever that first intuitive hit is that is inside that box of joy. Some of you are going to feel it instantly and recognise it immediately. And for those of you who may be disappointed that it's a black empty box,

There is no such thing because that is just a filter that lies on top of a joy, a deep joy that exists for you. And then give the intent that you will receive help to remove that filter so that you will find your joy.

And then in these coming days and weeks look for signs and synchronicities to show you what that joy is. Or to confirm when you find your joy. Thank you for finding my joy. Bring me more. Bring me more joy.

Thank you. and with that simplicity of that message to just bring us more joy I would like to have my joy come in the form of the Kryeon Channel. 

Greetings dear ones I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. There have been so many questions of so many questions about how to.

But the one that even was covered this day by my partner how do you know? How does intuition work? How does the field work? I gave a channel some months ago that I'm now going to repeat in an abbreviated form for you.

And it contains a metaphor which is the best kind of explanation for some of you. When we talk about how do you know? We have spoken of the field many many times that when you sense the field around you you're actually sensing everything that is happening at the moment.

It exists in that form. You might say it's a soup of consciousness which is energy on the planet which doesn't necessarily tell the future to you although some things are there which might point to it.

It's basically what's happening now. Think of it as all the thoughts of all the humanity and that somehow the ones that perhaps would pertain to you, your life, your family are also available through intuition.

The reason? So that you'll be able to move left or move right and perhaps Dodge the obstacles that might be in front of you. Those obstacles and the things that perhaps would be pitfalls to you, did you know that there's intuition that will push you out of the way of them?

We have told you before that a light worker does not have to depend on luck, ever. Because you have the ability to change your reality by sensing the field. Those who have been doing this for years have friends who will say to them, "boy are you lucky", luck has nothing to do with it.

It is you tuning in. Question today, there is so much out there, how do you know? What works, what doesn't, what's right for you? My partner, he explained a portion of it, let me give you the full story.

There are those who don't like this, who don't like the idea that you're going to trust something completely and totally invisible. You'd rather have a person in front of you giving you advice because they're wise old souls and they may actually have wonderful advice, but they're not connected to the field like you are, they are connected to the field for them.

You have the ability to read for you which direction to go. Both reality direction, that is, you pick yourself up and go left or right, also decisions you might make, directions in your life. Isn't this the crux of almost everything?

Should I or should I not? I have equated all of this to something that some of you are very, very familiar with. Something on the planet that you deal with and have been dealt with forever. I want to point to those who sail the oceans.

Not just those who sail the oceans, but the ones from the past that had a path that was the only path they had. In other words, their survival was how well they could sail. It wasn't something they did on the weekends, it wasn't for fun.

It was in enormous ships that carried not only themselves, but others that they were in charge of and responsible for. Cargos that had to make it to a certain place and they had to read the wind. So we're going to use the metaphor of the wind as the field.

A sailor has some... very interesting choices and some difficult kinds of things to do. Let's say that he wants to go straight ahead. And straight ahead is where the port is that he needs to be. He takes all of his measurements, he's got his compass, he kinda knows where he's going.

In fact, there's no question of what he's supposed to do. But he needs wind to get him there. Now, in an ideal world, he would simply set his rudder for that port, set the sails at the right angle to catch the wind, and sail right in.

But it didn't ever work that way. Because the winds, they seemed to shift around a lot. Sometimes the winds would come from a direction that was really quite far away from where he wanted to go. Now, what do you do there?

And so he had figured it out. Sailors know. They go in whatever direction the wind is, and they tack, and they come about, and they sail in the other direction so they may zigzag and zigzag because the wind isn't blowing the right direction at all for their goal.

Are you getting this? So the first thing the sailor has to do with this invisible force is to sense which direction he has to move in order to tack. That direction, which will take him left or right, seemingly a far out of his way bearing he has to go to so he can then turn and go to another and turn and go to another.

And although it may not be very efficient, his goal is achieved, and eventually he'll get into the port. And so picture yourself for a moment with this metaphor. You sit and you have decisions about which way to go in order to get to that goal.

Now what is that goal? Let's say it's a goal of continuing the love in your life. The goal is to continue survival. In other words, it's a basic goal, the goal of health. Something that you have to do that's going to get you there, and yet the wind is blowing in the wrong direction.

And what I mean by that is somebody comes to you or there's an interesting situation that occurs. You say, "well that's not really what I had in mind, and I don't really think that that's going to take me in that direction, but I want to do it".

Becoming The Wand of Light - November 2nd, 2022

I invite you to close your eyes and allow your breath to become softer and slower so that as you breathe in, it's a count of five or more and as you breathe out, it's a count of six or more so that you're breathing in and breathing out becomes a slow rhythm that signals to your body that you are in a safe place that you can completely relax and in this safe relaxed place.

Let us put a question into the field, dear spirit, show me my magnificence dear spirit, bring to me things that remind me of my magnificence, dear spirit show me the magnificence in others and now that we have set that request just be observant to what things will unfold in the day ahead in the week ahead, in the months to come, things to remind you and show you of your magnificence.

Greetings. Dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. This is the beginning of a month of series of channels of subjects as we always do. The particular subject, this particular month, will be four lessons, if you want to call it that, of a change of paradigm.

Now, let me start this with a message that you've all heard before. There's something going on in the planet right now which we are calling the shift, something that was foretold by the ancients and something that you can see even in your news.

Things are changing in ways you didn't expect, and some of those things that you don't understand and you think are negative and are changing what's happening on the world to a negative way, you're misunderstanding.

Brian, how can you say that? War is here, yet again. Is that not a step backwards? Indeed, it would seem to be. But if you'll recall the messages and the predictions that I gave all along and even recently up to this point, I said when the light shines on this planet, it will expand those things so much that are light that there will be objections from those invested in the dark who will try to pull it backwards to your grandfather's world.

Have you seen that? The answer is yes. Many inappropriate things are gonna start being seen in this way. Things perhaps that were always there will now show themselves and react because there's just a little too much light.

Perhaps there's a little too much peace, perhaps there's a little too much of what is a changing world that is not comfortable to organizations, countries, systems that counted on being in the dark or out of integrity and suddenly there's reaction.

That's what's going on. So there are paradigms of shift, even in spirituality, in metaphysics that we talk about that are going to enhance that which we have told you you can do. For many years, many years, even before consciousness was proven to be energy, there was the idea that human beings can create a coherence of thought and that they could do it in a non -linear way, almost a multi -linear way. 

A dimensional way that would affect other groups of people. And in that, there have been many times where groups have assembled to pray for peace and ask other groups around the planet to do the same at the same time.

And the idea is that you would have then coherence between the groups, no matter how far they were apart. And the results have been amazing. It's only been in the last 10 years or so that you've been able to then measure those results.

And indeed, those measured results were amazing. It worked. But the premise is still linear. As good as the premise is, a group of people coming together can create a specific light energy. that can be sent then and felt by other groups around the planet who then also in coherence will create other light energy.

And the idea is that all of this together will spill off into those perhaps not in the groups and help create coherence in the decision makers and those who would be voting and perhaps those who are just part of the planet and it would spill over into them so that there would be a coherence and you would eventually have peace on the planet.

Healing would be the same way. Now this has been done for a very, very long time and only in the last 20 years or so it was seen as very effective, profoundly so, unexpectedly so and that's where it stands.

But I can tell you something, a change in this paradigm of how it's done but moreover what to expect is at hand. Using the same principles, the same paradigm that you did in that linear way with a new idea infused into it can make it tenfold what it is.

I give you this example. Let's pretend that in this, the old way of doing it, a good way so far, the only way, is that each of you has a wand of light and you hold this wand of light in your hand and the coherence that you produce with the group you're in lets everyone have that wand of light.

Now they're in coherence of light and they all have the wand. It's beautiful, it's powerful, very powerful, the wand of peace you might say, the wand of awakening you might say and as they meditate in this state.

Others on the planet in other groups, they see this and they get that wand as well. And all of them are then suddenly able to hold their wand of light. Now this is the old paradigm and there's nothing wrong with it, it's beautiful.

And the idea is that if enough people carry that wand of peace and light and awakening, it spills over. But there's something that also happens and it's very linear, very linear. You can call it the law of diminishing returns or the law of the inverse square or whatever you want if you want to get physics into it.

And here it is, that when you stop the coherence and you stop the meditation, the wands go away. What you hope is that enough people got the wand to help the peace on earth or the healing that you're trying, and so you do it again.

And so you do it again. Nothing wrong with that. But what if you could enhance that experience by another paradigm, a Complete change and yet it's the same. It's a little a little non -linear. 

I'll give it to you now. The person holding the wand says "let this one be me". And inside of you, you become the one. Now there's something different here. Instead of you holding a wand, that is a tool that you can use here and there for others to have for others to see. There's eventually a time when you put the tool down. But if you put it inside yourself Are you listening?

It's forever. It goes into your DNA, into your cellular structure into your consciousness, and you become the light, and you share that with the others around you in that group. So each one of them has the opportunity to either carry the wand or become the wand. To have light infused into them, so that their consciousness emits it and It stays there.

There's no putting the wand away, because now It stays there till their last breath, it stays there. Light inside of them is created, and you have in a coherent group a combination of some who have become the light and some who are still holding the wand, because they're working on how that works.

Another group across the planet is in the same situation and are seeing it. Be the wand is the meditation take the light inside is the meditation not just hold it. But then, when you have the other group from across the planet, they become light themselves, some of them take it inside and some of them hold the wand.

When the meditation is over, listen to this. When the meditation is over and the exercise or the experiment is done, what are you left with? You're left with so many people who are now light. The wand is not put away.

You don't have the law of the inverse square, which is to say a lessening. When it's put away, it goes away. No. Instead, it remains. Against all linear rules, it remains. And that then spills into others.

And they then see the light, become the light, and it remains. And slowly, over a period of time, as you do this again and again, it's not a law of diminishing returns anymore. It suddenly starts growing.

Its own. And people see the light and they want to be that light. They see it in beauty. I want that beauty inside. I want that peace inside of me. Do you see how that might spread across the planet in a way that was non -linear?

That we're enhanced instead of diminished? That's a new paradigm of you creating groups that think about peace or think about healing or try to heal this or that. Suddenly you have something that says it grows.

It doesn't them this stuff and and then you have to do it again and you hope it sticks. It grows by itself and there are more and more who say, ah yes I get it now my wand that I have that I got. I'll pass it to other groups but suddenly it becomes me and now I am the light walking this planet for the rest of my life.

I hope you start to understand these new tools are needed to battle that darkness that wants to come forward right now and beat up anything that's new or any light that's starting to occur any awakening that says I want a different earth.

I want an earth with compassion and integrity. I want earth to matter. I want nature to matter. I want a different paradigm of life where light makes a difference and I can see it everywhere. That's the message for today.

It's doable dear ones. Give it a try you'll see. I'm Kryeon in love with humanity and so it is. 

Addictions to Predictions - November 9th, 2022

And with that, I invite you to close your eyes and contemplate the statement Kryeon has given us. There is no sting in death. There is only joy. Is it possible that passing can be one of the most joyous things you experience when you go back to home?

And if that is so, is it possible that in that joyful state of returning to home, you would wish to let those you have left behind know that all is well? And if that is possible, perhaps right now in this moment, you have an entourage of all those who have passed before you right now who want you to hear and feel a message that all is well with them and they want you to know they are pouring so much love to you right now.

Can you feel it? Can you receive it? Will you allow it? Will you accept this beautiful love from all of those on the other side of the veil? And from this place of unconditional infinite love, let us now welcome the message message from Kryeon.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. We told you last week that these particular channelings will be about perception, rewriting perhaps certain paradigms of how you feel when you see things.

The planet really truly is going from a linear position of consciousness to one that is far, far more, I would say, multidimensional, you might say, more aware. When you move out of the linearity of consciousness where things are a certain way and you do things certain, certain ways and you, You react certain ways and you've done it forever.

When you move away from that position, truly, it is an awareness that is taking place. That's the best way we can describe it. But whatever it is, it's different. That's the subject of these four weeks, different paradigms of reaction to certain kinds of things.

This particular lesson, this particular channeling, what I want to talk about is the paradigm of your reaction to predictions. Now, you may not think or say even that you're aware of any reactions. Oh, yes, you are.

You just don't think about it much. You simply react a certain way and it's very, very linear. I'll give you an example. Even before the teaching begins here in this particular channeling, it was in 2021 on one of the social media platforms that I then identified the name of the year.

And I said it would be the Year of Revelation. And then in 2022, it was time again for me to reveal the name of the year, as I do every year. But it was the same. I said it was the Year of Revelation continued.

Now, that should have triggered some kind of response. But instead of an awakened response, here is the kind of response I got. And you said, wait a minute, it can't be the same. You have to change it every year.

That's a linear response. side, it said, "well, you keep talking about revelations. Where is the revelation" ? That is a linear response because you're expecting an event, a oneness of something that happens that you can point to to say, oh, "that's the revelation".

Let me ask you something. You see any changes in integrity or how people react or what they want that has happened in the last two years, 21, 22. And if you say no, you've been in the closet, dear ones, because the entire world has been in a new paradigm of reaction to things that are happening.

Are you aware of what happened this year, the first part of the year? where the entire planet, you can say almost voted for no war. It's the first time when war has begun, where the earth has not polarized itself and turned into a world war.

Do you realize that? Would you consider that a revelation? A revelation of consciousness that's changed. This planet wants peace. That's what you want. This planet is invested in no war. And when it happened, it was such a shock.

That's a revelation. I told you some years ago that when the light started coming out, there would be those who want to pull it backwards to the way it was. Did you see it? Did you see it? Have there been any other things that nobody ever expected or they said that could not happen in the fact of integrity on this planet?

Or the fact that the things matter more than what you're seeing in a culture? What about the women who have started an uprising a month or so ago because of the death of another young woman? Because things simply were not right in that country.

They were being suppressed in that country and they reacted. And what makes that revolutionary a revelation is you just don't do that in that country, especially women don't do that. And suddenly they are.

Would you think perhaps for a moment that was a revelation? It's all through your society. It's beginning. Things are starting that mean things to people, that never meant things to people before, and the reactions are there.

This isn't right. That isn't right. We've got to do this or that differently. This has got to stick this time. That's what we're seeing. And it doesn't happen on a monthly schedule. And it doesn't matter where there's a new years coming or going.

This shift that you're experiencing, dear ones, is massive. You've had two years of revelation. Perhaps this next one, I'll identify a little differently. Perhaps I won't. Maybe it'll continue. Now you know why I said what I said.

Now what about your perception of predictions in general? I want to talk about that. Because you're having such a linear reaction to some things that are happening on a regular basis. And I want to discuss it with you.

If just to make you think about it. There's some wonderful things happening on this planet. And yet, there are those invested in telling you that bad things are going to happen. And some of them do it on a regular basis.

And some of them, in the guise of spirituality, have been doing it for some time, and it goes like this. There's going to be a collapse of this or that. There's going to be an event happening a certain city at a certain time.

Stay away from this, beware of this. And there are some syndicated programs, perhaps. That would be a program that is seen in many places. Where they will come on and tell you these things. And almost every time they'll say it, the reaction is fear.

Now, that was planned. Whether they know it or not, that was planned. So you'll keep watching. Are you getting this? And then tell me what happens next. I'll let you talk, listening. Oh, really? You mean those things didn't happen?

They didn't happen on a regular basis. How many of you are aware of all of these predictions? Most don't happen. And yet, and here's the reaction I want you to examine. You go right back to the source and listen for more.

I think that paradigm is going to start to change. I would like to speak to those making those predictions. You're going to have to be responsible if they don't happen. Especially if they're doom and gloom on a regular basis.

And they don't happen. It's time to hold those responsible. And there are a few ways you can do that. to ask them why it didn't happen, and the second one is to unsubscribe. You see where this is going?

I want you to examine the whole idea of those who wish to frighten you so you'll stay subscribed. If you now perhaps see that pattern, you might treat it differently. It's something that this planet is working on even as I speak now.

There are certain news, I would say outlets, that are starting to rethink how they give the news. It's starting to occur. Look for new news outlets that will be different because of how they give it to you.

The it won't frighten you. As frightening as As these things are on the planet, there's always some things that are not. There are always some things to give you which are good and promising, hopeful and heartfelt.

What if the news started with something heartfelt instead of something awful? If you ask them why they don't do that, they'll say, "well, we wanna grab everybody early so they'll stay tuned. So they'll watch the commercials".

Is this really what you want? Is this the way of it for you? Here is that new perception. Start listening to the way things are given and not the information that is given. Start looking at patterns that you may not have seen before or recognized in those who you watch regularly or listen to regularly.

One of the patterns that you'll see here for 33 years is this one. There is love on this planet. I'm gonna tell you about that. And my partner's gonna continue until his last breath that will win. That light is gonna win eventually on this planet, but it's time for you to take the reins of your perception and your perspectives and start seeing the patterns that are there and understanding the agendas that might be behind them.

Love is an agenda. I have that. Beauty, kindness, compassion is an agenda. I have that. And that has been the way of it since we began all those years ago. When we wanted to tell you a truism, dear ones, the shift is here that we were talking about.

And part of that shift is an awakening of perceptions about life as you know it. I'm Kryeon in love with you all. And so it is. 

Are Fears Programmed? - November 16th, 2022

And so I invite you to close your eyes and at the same time put a big big smile on your face. It's hard to feel sad or angry or any of those other emotions when you are smiling. It sends a message to the body.

And if you can manage a laugh, manage a laugh. Be joyful. We are here to experience joy. And so with this joy and this laughter continuing inside where every cell feels it, let us now in this joyful celebration.

Invite the message from Kryeon. 

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. In this particular week, we again examine perceptions and paradigms. And we encourage everyone listening to understand one premise.

The shift that is going on in this planet is one of consciousness, period. It's how human beings are starting to awaken to different kinds of thinking. It's a corner turning event, you might say, in humanity.

Socialists will see it and someday it will be in books. They'll have different names for it. But we just call it an awaking to integrity. But more More than that is an awakening personally for every single old soul and person who wishes to watch this that is even not an old soul, because it starts to rewrite even human nature.

Every single week in these channelings this month, we're bringing a little bit of a different subject. So far you know what we've been covering, the perceptions on how you might react to certain things or maybe even more how you might be able to reframe certain things in your life so that you don't get the same results every time that you'd like not to.

That's what it's about. But is it possible that this awakening that is going on on the planet, this elevation in consciousness that even is slight, is it possible that it could help with individuals and their lives and the things that you experience every single day.

We keep speaking of a worldwide event, this shift. And you've got to see it in many ways. It's different from your grandfather's world, dear ones, very different. But now we're trying to pull it to you personally, to how you might be able to then reframe some of the things that you experience on a daily basis in your culture.

One of the biggest ones that you all have at some level is fear. Now in another time, this month, we were talking about worry. But it's even related to this time. The main thing is fear. You all have it.

You all have it. Now there will be some who say, "I don't have that crying", yes you do. You all have a certain amount of fear because that keeps you from jumping off a cliff, for instance, or being cognizant of stepping off a curb.

It's more than just being attentive to your life. It comes from a basic fear. But that kind of fear is survival fear. But sometimes that survival fear will overlap into manifested fear from what you think.

Every single one of you has a program. And depending upon what your parents did, or told you, or what happened to you as children, you are programmed to fear things. And these are the fears we talk about.

There are some of you who are afraid of life, not all of you. We have so many old souls who have figured this out, but so many of the fears today are because of your culture. You will call them survival fears within your culture.

Example, fear of losing your job. It's a big one. Fear that your children will have an accident when they leave for the day, whether it's school or something else. Fear that something will happen unexpected because you've watched the news and seen it.

Fear that perhaps they'll be in an accident in traffic. And so every time they walk out the door, there's fear. Now, some of you, again, don't have this. This is, you'll say, now, wait a minute, cry, and that's not me, but it's many people.

Now, the ones who watch this particular episode and this particular channeling, you also have the option to share this. These channelings are all then repeated later in another place for free. And you can then refer to them if you choose.

It's about those who fear life. What do you do? Before I came into my partner's life, he was similar to this, for there were many things that he had within the business that he had that would cause him anxiety and fear.

And you might say, well, they were small things. To him, they were not small things. Any more than to a mother, a small thing is what's gonna happen to their children that day. It's fear. And I'll tell you something that we have said before.

Fear, anxiety, and worry will shorten your life. You just heard an excerpt today, planned for today, about the inner child. And that is one of the solutions, is to be able to create laughter for yourself or funny scenarios or things that you can reframe into something funnier than it is because you know better.

How many of the fears that you have on a daily basis, like I'm telling you about, how many of those do you think you have created? You've created them to think perhaps that you're helping by being like concerned, but it really is fear.

And the answer is most of them. Whatever happens to the child that day happens. 99% of the time they come home, and they come home and you drop your fears because they walk in the door. What has that gotten you today?

You know, how was it for fearing today, mom? How did you do? Knowing that you'd shorten your life just a little bit as they left the house, and that's what we're talking about. My partner has done something when he found out this truth, that most of the fears he had were manufactured by his own consciousness of things that he was afraid of because he was told to be afraid of them, or because he projected what might happen that day.

And what he did was to first, number one, recognize the fear, I'm afraid. Or, my goodness, I have, I caught myself complaining about something, but really it's a fear. What if that happens? Oh, my goodness.

You get together with other people and talk about, oh my goodness, what if that happens? And that's a shared fear. We're here to get together and have a fear committee. And some of you do that as well.

And that just enhances the fears. My partner did something. And that's this. When he recognized the fear, he gave it a personality. And the personality was the fear of the big ball of fire in the Wizard of Oz movie.

That's fearful. The big, the big voice that, that pounded out from the walls in the Wizard of Oz movie when they met the wizard and then they found a man behind the curtain. It was just this little man.

And he turned around and say, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". And it was funny. And every fear from then on, he saw as a joke, he said, "I see you there. You're trying your best, aren't you" ?

Ah, yeah, I know I manufactured you, but it's really kind of cute. You're pretty small. So why don't you just go get in the back seat for a while? I know you're there. I can't really, really totally get rid of you, but I can sure make fun of you.

And it worked. It worked for him. Every one of you has a process of reframing that which you yourself have manifested into a false fear. Wait a minute. Kryeon, are you saying we shouldn't be concerned when our children?

No, there's a difference between being concerned and being afraid. And that's what we're talking about. Are any of you in constant fear over something? The loss of this or that worrying that this is going to happen because it happened before or your dad or your mom said it might happen.

Do you realize what you've just done? You've etched a program into your own mind and now you're working with it. And when I say working with it, with it. You're manifesting it, you're massaging it, you're telling others about it, and there it is.

And it's fake, completely. Reframing fear is the subject. That is a new paradigm for so many of you to hear this. First recognize it, and you will. It'll come flying out of your brain and out of your mouth, and you'll go, oh, that's me.

I actually was programmed to fear this, because perhaps I was told to, or perhaps I had friends that had something happen. It is reframable. You can work with this, dear ones. This is a new tool for an awakened soul.

You chose to fear, you might say. Now you can choose not to. The choice is always yours in this life of yours of awakening. 

What would happen if you loved the fear and you would say "well maybe that's going a little too far" and yet that is what many have done : they throw love at it because they recognize it first, they throw love at it and it goes away snickering and saying "well I tried maybe next time", and you go "yeah try again but you won't make it".

This is the answer the inner child don't lose it don't lose it because that's going to be needed that's going to be needed when you take away fear. 

I am Kryeon in love with all of you. There are so many new tools dear ones that'll help you to live longer and so it is. 

Perceptions of Healing - November 23rd, 2022

What I'd like to do is have fun with the field and so I invite you to close your eyes and send out a bubble of request into the field and we are asking in this bubble for the field to bring us a gift in this next coming week and it could be a gift of someone buying you a cup of coffee.

It could be the gift of the most beautiful smile you receive from a stranger. We're simply asking the field in this next coming week to send us a gift, one that we will know, see and recognize and remember, aha, we asked for this gift and now we've received it.

And so with that fun little experiment that we've already set in motion, let us now receive the gift of Kryeon's message. 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. This entire lesson so far, the entire program so far, has all been about something that many people don't understand at all, this idea of the field.

This is one of the missing perceptions I would say to you. A paradigm that people don't actually believe in that exists and has always existed. It has a name, but so many of you watching this now who call yourselves healings, healers and intuitives, this is what it is, you know it.

So often the healer will go in front of a person, and get the intuition, in Lemuria this was called "sensing the codes". The codes simply were an intuitive idea that that person had represented in Lemuria because there was no written language there.

There were codes instead. You might say a code is like the kanji, the language perhaps of some of the Asians that will have this and it's a conceptual language. One symbol means many things. It's like that and that's what they had in Lemuria.

So don't confuse this with something you have to know about codes. You have it already. It's the thought group of the group or a thought group of an individual that is before you. Walked into a room, have you, where somebody was arguing?

Did you feel the codes? That was the intuitive code that was being transmitted to you, to the room, to whatever that was hanging in the air when you walked in. So many of you know this. You felt it. Now reverse this.

Have you felt the code of love around certain people, perhaps, or situations? When you go into a meeting where many people are praying for others or there is something compassionate happening and you're celebrating, it's thick.

You know it is. It goes right to your heart and you feel it instantly. This is similar to all the overlapping circles that the star mother was drawing around these young teenagers to show them a principle you're all connected.

There are so many perceptions that you are now starting to understand and learn more about. It's the reason that I have asked for this class to be taught so that it will have reasons and perceptions that you can now identify, understand, expect, and use.

I'll give you one now. Here's something unexpected that again calls upon the linearity of the human being. The linearity gets in trouble with you, with everything around it because this is your reality, a linear reality.

You go from A to B and then from B to A. The idea you can be in B and A at the same time is not in your, I would say, ideas or reality or thoughts or belief. But actually, here's what I'll tell you. When you think about B, you're already there.

Then you take your body there. Dear ones, there's something... in your society. In the healing, I would say, department that I want to clear up. There are so many of you who have gone through amazing, miraculous healings.

And these healings, sometimes books are written about. These healings often deal with one of the most pervasive and awful things happening to your culture, cancer. But when you receive that healing and you see that the remission is there, you're always told, well, you better check it.

You better check it because you know it comes back, don't you? What kind of healing is that? Is that a healing or is it a temporary healing or is it a semi -healing? I'd like to tell you something. Your society affects your subconscious.

You may have a complete healing. But your society tells you it isn't. And that is then absorbed by your subconscious. It tells you it isn't. Therefore, you've got to be watchful because it's coming back.

Now, you can do all the tests you want to, and I'm not here telling you not to. But I'm telling you this, what do you expect? A healing can be absolute. And the disease knows it can't revisit you again.

It can't, because you told it to go away. Or because there was that magic that you might call it of spontaneous remission, or healer helped you. Or perhaps there was chemistry and healer, whatever scenario, and you got rid of it.

Here is the paradigm shift. Get to a place where you know it's not coming back. Do you understand this? This is a shift of ideas. It's a rewriting and reframing of the subconscious that always tells you, well, yeah, but that's just for now.

And it'll come later, you know it's coming back, don't you? Well, what if it isn't? This is a rewrite of a linearity. The way you learned it, the way medicine works, has nothing to do with the magic of a real healing that you deserve, that you got, or you may get.

You hearing me? Some of you are sitting here, wishing you had this healing. What have I told you? It's in the field. Claim it, go there, do it. It's for you, dear ones, it's for all of you. The field is like that.

You can sense things before they happen. Even the outcomes of certain things you're not certain of or aware of, and here's why. Because the potential of the outcome is already realized at some way and being celebrated.

Now that's not telling the future. That's just tuning in to the highest potential that is there. Imagine something beautiful happens. You're hoping it will. Please God let this happen. You're hoping it will.

Something beautiful happens. And the potential is so great for that beauty to happen that it's already being celebrated in that which is the potential. And you pick it up in the field and that actually enhances what's going to happen.

It's like a circle of potential reality being realized. I just gave you multi -dimensional talk. Was it confusing? Perceptions, paradigms. Get out of linearity. And start to expect wonderful things. that others tell you, eh, that can't happen.

And then you know you're thinking it correctly. When enough people object to what you say may happen, or what's going to happen to you, when they start objecting a lot, you know you're on the right track.

Because they are linear. And you've just put one foot in a multi -dimensional paradigm. You might want to listen to this channel again. There's lots of concepts. A lot of sentences that string together that you don't expect in that way.

Here's the bottom line. All of you are involved in the shift. A beautiful change in perspective and paradigm. That's why you're here watching this particular show. This particular Circle of Twelve event.

I am Kryeon. In love with you all. And so it is. Thank you. 

Fear of God - December 7th, 2022

So let's do the very, very basics. I invite you to close your eyes and allow your breathing to be a slow, rhythmic pace where your ingoing breath is deep and slow and your outgoing breath is equal or longer than the inhale.

And as you breathe in and breathe out in this slow, rhythmic pace, it transmits a signal to every cell in your body to relax, surrender, trust that all is well and you are indeed in a safe place.

And when we are in this relaxed, deep, safe place, let us remind ourselves that inside of us is a piece of the creator and that this creator is biased in love and that this bias of love of the creator is hooked to a field of potentials where all our needs are known and that the perfect synchronicity to all of our needs are being made manifest even as we sit here with these slow, deep breaths and that being in the energy of the creator which is biased in love, it means that we are continually walking in a bubble of hope and hope benevolence. 

And as we walk in a bubble of benevolence, all good things can come to us and move through us to give out to others.

And so in this place, in the bubble of benevolence, let us now invite the loving, benevolent messages of Kryeon to come forth. 

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. A reminder, all of these messages that I give you on this program, these channels, will be available to everyone.

They're available on my partner's website. Everything that is in these channels will always be available for free. This month, we wish to start another series. And the series may sound a bit like one that we did in 2021.

Back then, we gave you some explanations of the four faces of fear. And this month, we're going to do four fears as well. But these fears, I will say, are exceptionally practical. They're what those are experiencing right now.

They're not as esoteric or generic as the ones we gave you before. They are closer to home. The one that I give first of these four is controversial. You may hear me and say, well, "what's controversial about that" ?

And others will say, "I don't even believe you. How could you say these things" ?

Because your consciousness and what you expect and what you think and what you've been taught will posture how you receive this particular fear, this particular message, or these instructions.

There is great sorrow, you might say, in some areas about how this planet has taught and perceived that which is the creative source. Who is God to you? What I've even told God is : is that even the correct word?

Is that which is the creator of everything that exists? Is it to be feared? Well, that's what you're taught. So the first few. fear that I want to tell you, that people have, that gets in the way of love, and compassion, and healing, and life is the fear of God.

What have you been told? First, I'm going to give you the scenario that I have given so many times before, but perhaps it's the first time you ever heard this. God does not have a human's consciousness.

How do you define that which is the pure love that surrounds everything that is, that is unconditional, it has so much love for you that this God knows your name, that you are part of that creative source because your soul will... was made by God, and your soul is eternal. 

Love is so much that you are part of all of this, and then you come down to earth. And in a lower energy, for eons of time, human beings have decided that God is a human of some kind.

And you would say, well, that's crazy. No humans ever said God was a human. Oh, yes, you did, humans. Every time you made a doctrine that made God angry and vindictive, and had rules of punishment, that's a father, dear ones.

That's a human father. That's not the creator of the universe. I think you got that wrong. And yet in the energy of creation, it starts with that which is kindergarten, growing up into the first and second, third grades, and it's the same way with energy.

So you might expect that kind of thing on the planet, but it never got better. And even right today, you'll go into places where they'll say, "God is love, and God will punish you if you don't behave, if you don't do this and that".

And by the way, you did something that you don't even know about thousands of years ago that you're being punished for. And it goes on, and it goes on, and goes on. Do you really think the creator of this universe, the definition of love and compassion, can punish you?

How convenient that those who will say you only have one life and you're living it. And it better be a good one, because at the end of that life, your soul will be tormented, they'll say. And there's plenty of pictures of that tormenting in the churches, so all the children can take a look at it.

You know I'm right. I didn't make that up. Fear of God. You're programmed to fear God. That's a big one. What do you do about that? My partner had the same thing.

So he started asking the questions. That God answered immediately. But you have to be able to ask them. Dear God, dear spirit, I believe in you. I was always told you were real. I love you. Is it possible that I was not told correctly?

Is it possible there is a bigger story that humanity has just started to learn? Is it possible? that you are so beautiful and so wondrous and so glorious. I don't need to worship this that is you because it is part of my soul that you are so beautiful and wondrous and good you could never ever punish or anger or any of the things that are human nature that are assigned to the creative source.

Is it possible? And almost immediately my partner received the love wash that I gave him indicating there is something here. What if, dear ones, you are never ever truly given the truth? And it's not a conspiracy, it's because that truth is now simply starting to come out in a much, much better light that in an older energy, that's the best they had.

The doctrines that you have perhaps learned and been programmed in is the best they had. You take a look at the ancients, even the Greeks, I've said this before, they made their gods dysfunctional, so they'd be just like you.

This has precedent if you've noticed it. Study it a bit and you'll start to realize that the whole hierarchy of the idea of God doing this and that and requiring this and that and worshiping and then punishing and having your soul go to a horrible place with a fallen angel that is all allegory, its story, and its human story.

It's not divine, it's not real. And all your life, that's what you've been told. So of course you would fear God. The creator of this universe who loves you dearly is not to be feared. The creator of this universe who loves you beyond measure is part of your soul, all of your energy, is allied with you, and is waiting to give you and teach you compassion, kindness, beauty.

Let's do an exercise together. If you want to feel this, I invite you to put your hand on your heart. If you want to understand more, I will tell you that in this energy, answers come quick, especially the questions about your own perception of your own divinity.

Dear Spirit, dear God, I want to forget everything I've been told about you right now and wipe the slate clean. and let you tell me who you are. Dear Spirit, show me the benevolence and the love that's there.

Let it fill my heart with peace and understanding so that I'll understand totally that perhaps you're different. Perhaps you're not a father at all like a human is. Perhaps you are far beyond any consciousness that I can conceive.

Perhaps you love me so much that I'll never be alone, that you'll always be with me. That there'll be guides and angels helping me through this life. Perhaps I'm here to learn that love, not to fear you.

Show it to me. Show it to me. Dear Spirit, dear creative source, show me a bigger picture. One that nobody ever showed me. And do it in a way, not with pictures on the wall or in books, but in a way I can't miss it.

Give me the synchronicity, perhaps, of others who will give me the same message in another way, or perhaps in my dreams, or perhaps right now, fill me with such love that I will never fear that which is God again, ever.

I'll know you so well, and love you so much, and feel your compassion and kindness like I never have before, that I can just sit back and laugh at the allegory that I was told, like a child being told about a fairy tale that never exists, and when they grew up, it got corrected.

It's time for the correction. There is no reason for any human ever to fear that which is God again. the creative source who would never punish you, who will never ever treat you any different than you would treat your children, dear ones, that you love so much.

Be aware that this creative source that is responsible for everything you see as you look up in the sky day and night knows your name and wants to fill you completely with love. You are not a small dot on a moving planet.

You are an eternal soul, and there are purposes and reasons for you and your consciousness and your life, and they ally totally with God's plan of love, compassion, and change on this earth. If you do this, you can start beaming with the light that is yours, and you will never fear God again. ever. 

I'm Kryeon in love with this family, giving you truth today. Truth. I want you to feel the reality of it. And so it is.

Programmed Fears - December 14th, 2022

So, I'd like to do a short meditation now before the channel of cry on and I invite you to close your eyes and slow your breathing. And as you slow your breathing, you're sending a beautiful message to every cell of your body to relax in the arms of God, relax in the arms of spirit.

In the relaxation is where you give the allowance of the purity of God to come through. And so we remind you that the purity of God exists within every molecule and cell of your body. And so it's not an allowance of an outside source coming in, but rather it's a relaxation and an allowance of an inside source going out.

And the more we can sit in this state of relaxation, that is where the intuition will come in. That is where the allowance and permission for love to come onto you, embrace you, hug you, wash over you, and then it transmits to those who are around you.

It transmits into the dirt of the earth. The animals will know it. The plants will feel it. And they are connected in that alliance of relaxation allowance. and peace. And it is in this energetic posture of relaxation that you will then get the third language of love that is being transmitted by Kryeon as Kryeon delivers this next message to us.

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryeon of magnetic service. This is the month that we're going to talk about something so familiar to so many, and especially something that is happening on the planet right now that is current.

We told you that this month we are going to talk about fear. And perhaps in a different way than we have talked about it before. In 2021, again, I'll tell you, we did the four faces of fear explaining to you some of those things which all of humanity has on a regular basis.

And they've had the things that we talked about for eons, but suddenly we come across something a little different. The current fears, the ones that we're looking at that make no sense, the ones that are more germane to the culture, perhaps, that I am in, my partner's in.

And that's what we speak about today. This may seem controversial to some of you, but it isn't. It's about fear. In this particular case, like so many of the other fears we have, these are programmed into you, sometimes from birth and sometimes from events.

And it's the kind of thing that we'll call consensus reality. When you hear things a certain amount of time, whether they're correct or not correct, and they say to afraid of them, you are. Last week we talked about that, which makes no sense at all, the fear of God.

Why would anyone fear the creative source that loves you beyond measure? And the answer is because there are so many of you who have grown up with doctrines that actually say to do that very thing. And after a while and hearing it for so long, that's where your mind goes.

And you end up fearing that, which is love. These are the kinds of things, dear ones, that will keep humanity in a box that they cannot escape from. They can't escape from it without someone saying "did you think perhaps it could be bigger" ?

Or did you really analyze what they told you? And most of the time you don't. Now this is, I would say to you, an attribute of the energy you've come out of. It's an energy that comes out of old energy thinking, three -dimensional living, and the way things have always been.

Suddenly on this planet, there is a change. If you start to ask those who have channeled, like this, and you go back to the indigenous and ask them about their wisdom and what the shamans will say, there begins to be something we'll call connecting the dots.

And that connecting the dots brings you to this. Right now, you are here with an Earth that is changing paradigms. Real paradigms. Paradigms of thinking. And if these paradigms are going to be changed and accurate, that means that's going to be a little bit of re -examination of what you've always felt was a truth.

What I'm about to tell you may seem controversial to some, but don't let it be, please. Just listen. It's about fear. There will be those who wish to hold you back from light by the way they treat you, even in emergencies, where they handle you even though you're in need.

They will give you only what you need to know, perhaps, and then twist a little bit so you're afraid. Dear ones, this is the old way of things. This was always the way of things. It has to do with control of the population.

It has to do with control of consciousness. And it's not conspiratorial. Look at it this way. It's just the way it is. It's just the way it's done, because it's old energy. So let me ask you this. Have you seen any old energy paradigms in the emergency that you've just gone through on this planet?

COVID. I sat with a group in Iceland when COVID first came. Soreful it was with the number of deaths that occurred. an emergency, indeed it was, but I told you when I sat with that group when it was first exposed, I told you this, that there would be those who make it more fearful than it even is, as awful as it was, and the deaths that were there, and as sorrowful if it was, rather than uplifting and help, you would have those who would take it down and make you even more afraid. 

I said these words back then, you'll probably be those who wear masks for the rest of their life, because they are afraid of any virus, and that this pandemic would change their lives forever instead of for a few years, and that's exactly what has happened.

And if you look around at the way it was treated, the first thing you saw was this. that those responsible for informing you, for keeping you safe, for instance, would only report the deaths and how contagious it was, and how careful you had to be.

And what was missing was the recoveries. There were no lists of recoveries, only deaths. And so in that psyche of yours, there was an implantation of fear. Again, this has nothing to do with the controversies of that, which is COVID, that you may have heard of.

It has to do with the programming of fear. Dear ones, this is an old, old paradigm. These two years later, what you're seeing is exactly what I told you, that they have frightened so many, so thoroughly, that there's no logic or sense to what you see them doing today.

The fear has been implanted. So there are those walking around who will always be afraid of a virus, always. You'll see the ones in their automobiles wearing a mask where their windows rolled up and the air conditioning on, not aware of any of the science that a virus could not be there.

But they're so afraid, because of what they've seen, and what they've been told, and how they felt about it, the deaths they saw, that they'll never take that mask off when they're in their car. A desert island, a man walking his dog, with his mask on on the beach.

Realizing the virus isn't 1 ,000 miles from him, but he's safe, isn't he? Because of the fear that has been implanted into, nothing to do with masks, it has to do with fear. This is new, and I'll tell you, it's right on schedule, not COVID, not the virus, not the controversy.

Controversies, but the fear that was implanted into a population that stayed. Do you see how easy it is to manipulate those with fear? And it's not over. You will see it continue. This is an old energy that doesn't want you to awaken with any kind of light.

This is perhaps, just perhaps, there are other ways. When you get through the pandemic, there are other ways to see this, even without seeing those who have recovered. And I gave you those too, and I'll give them to you again now.

You've got light. You can turn to that, which is your light and your consciousness. And after this pandemic has gone, you can say, "Dear Spirit, let nothing touch me. that's inappropriate for my body".

"Let that which is my immune system be strengthened because of a higher consciousness that I have. And if that is something I should have a virus in my body, let it be just like a cold or the flu which you've had before, and then I recover, and then I move on".

And that, dear one, is the common sense approach at this point in time, at the end of the pandemic, where you would not then be afraid for the rest of your life. And there are those who want you to be, because if they can control your fear, then you will not have light.

And I will tell you yet again, and if I had so many times, that the way you shut down light, is by creating fear. There will still be those who want this to be controversial. You see, you mean those who told us this and that were not right?

That is not what I'm telling you. I am saying to you that they used fear as the tool. And they could have used compassion. They could have had a compassion of kindness and accuracy. In order to get through these things in a better way.

Masks are no masks, it doesn't matter. They could have handled it differently. They handled it in an old paradigm method, which has made the planet afraid. If and when this happens again, I would hope that there would be light workers in places that would say, here is what is happening, here is what you can do.

Here are all the ones recovering. Here is the hope so that you won't have the fear for the rest of your life. And as we said in Iceland, when this all started in the beginning of 2020, that there would be those afraid till their last breath.

And there were and there are. And it's not needed. It's not needed. How many of them were robbed of their light at that moment in time and still are and walk around afraid. Viruses are alive. Dear ones, I've told you they have a consciousness not like yours, but there is.

There is a survival within a virus. Did you remember what I have told you before? That when your consciousness meets theirs. There are ways of mitigating them and reducing them to the attributes of a common cold or perhaps a week or two of discomfort and not death.

That these things are controllable by consciousness and it's been done over and over. There is so much more here than you were ever told. Don't be frightened of the biology out there when you have so many tools that can thwart them, mitigate them, make them like a just a common cold or a flu even though there are those who will tell you they're deadly get away from them and wear a mask for the rest of your life, no matter where you are.

It's time to wake up and see that which is an agenda by those who would give you fear in so many layers and so many reasons so many and so many ways so that you won't show your light. I warned you that there would come a time when the darkness would start to battle your very light and sometimes they'll come at you in ways you don't expect and they just did.

Don't let this be controversial. Just listen to me and understand. Don't let anybody make you afraid. It's not worth losing your light. The God that created you knows your name and created light in you which can then just expand so much.

Now that you're through this let the light shine. Let the light shine. And so it is. 

Fear of Abandonment - December 21st, 2022

I invite you to close your eyes and contemplate the question, what does love look like? Dear spirit, show me what love looks like. Dear spirit, bring love into the presence of my life so that I may see love in action and that I may demonstrate compassion to every human that I encounter.

For every human I encounter is exactly what love looks like. Dear spirit, please remind me that we all have come here as a test, a test of love with free choice. Can we love each other as we learn to love the Creator that dwells inside?

Dear spirit, help me find that love connection. Dear spirit, let that love connection guide every action that I take. Dear spirit, let that love connection be enhanced and deepened and bring me deeper wisdom in my daily life.

And so now with those statements and intents delivered, we will see what things will unfold in the coming days. and weeks. And for now, let us relax even further as we welcome in the message from Kryeon.

Greetings there ones, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. This is the third week of a theme. And quite often we do this, giving you four aspects of some kind of subject. And if you've not seen the other weeks, let me just review.

We've talked about fear so much. We even had one month where we talked about the four faces of fear in 2021. Another time we've given fear in other aspects, and we're going to do it again. This month, if you've listened to the other channels, you know that we're talking about some very...

very practical, current fears. Not the generic ones that I could say that humanity had, these are the ones perhaps even for your culture as you hear this. And this particular one has many layers and many aspects, but it's so real.

I gave you two others, perhaps one which was even controversial depending on how you listen to it. It's current and so is this one. And this has to do with both men and women. It doesn't draw a line.

I'll tell you what it is. And then I'll start listing the attributes and then I'll do something that I've done the last two times and that we're gonna call on some help. But fear of abandonment. Now in the past you have said perhaps to me, well cry on this particular fear we've heard about you talk about before, mostly has to do with one of the genders.

That's not what we're talking about. What happens, dear ones? When a son or a daughter decides to discard you and they do and it happens constantly. And sometimes it's simply out of youth and sometimes it's out of sickness and you can't contact them.

You might have spent 15 to 18 years of your life shaping them and then suddenly they're not there. That is abandonment. The abandonment of a child. What do you do with that? Parents, what do you do with that?

Let's leave an emptiness in your heart they don't appreciate you, or perhaps they're gone in some way, and yet they're not. But there's another one. What happens when you lose somebody? And whether it's family, or whether it's not, and suddenly they're gone.

There is always the fear that you will lose that person, or you lose the love, and it's a very, very real fear. And you don't talk about it much, because you don't want to create it. And that's another thing, the fear of creating things that you think about, which you fear.

And it's always there. This abandonment can have many layers. You lose a partner. You lose love. That's on both sides, dear ones. And the sorrow of the heart comes from both sides. That's another layer of it.

All of you carry this, and you may say, well, I'm never worried about it, I don't think about it until it happens. And then it's a wound, especially that of death. That is abandonment of some kind, because they're not there anymore, and you can't talk to them.

So what are we going to do here that's different than before? I'm going to explain this every single time, this month. We have had something happen. I gave you a circle of 12 episodes on this very thing, and if you are unaware, I invite you to go back and find it.

There has been something amazing happen within this energy on this planet that creates a difference of the way people think. It is an evolvement, dear ones, that we expected and planned for. It's when you got that 24th chromosome pair that you can't see under the microscope.

Why would you have just 23, dear ones? You have 24, and we told you about this. And the 24th one is exceptionally special. It is multi -dimensional. And this is the time for its activation. We also gave you information that with this activation of the 24th chromosome, something else was taking place.

The ones that come in to be with you. which you will call perhaps guides or angels, or even pieces and parts of your own soul, are enhanced at this time. Now there's a marriage going on between the multi -dimensionality that is out there of all the pieces and parts of your soul, and that which is in the human body, which is the 24th pair of chromosomes.

This is a marriage, a handshake, where literally you are waking up to something larger and something bigger than you ever had before. What is the theme of Kryeon? For 33 years, you are never alone, and now you know why that's there.

Because in these days, these days of the sun, these days where the energy is shifted where consciousness is raising and evolving. These days have mechanics to them, and I just gave you one. Your DNA is starting to awaken, to shake hands with all that is around you that you didn't know about.

You might say, you have awakened the team that is here for you, and now that you have this multi -dimensional part which is also awakening, the two of you match the team. And in they come. And what does that mean to you?

And where am I going with this? You have these beautiful, beautiful helpers that can hug you, hold you, whisper in your ear if it's necessary, to hear all the wonderful things that perhaps you're not hearing or you didn't think you could, and they can soothe that, which is a sorrow.

And that's what they're here for. These fears that I've told you about so far, this is the third one, they'll be a fourth. Each and every single one, even separately, could disable you, could keep you from moving forward in the light.

Especially in a time when perhaps you're losing a lot of human beings on the planet. And that seems to be a focus. It can shut you down with sorrow. And so that then leads to the fear of another one.

Now what's gonna happen when? And that leads then to another one. And pretty soon that giant light worker that you thought you were a few years ago, sits there in fear. and worry. And that was not the design.

And that is why in these times this 24th multidimensional pair of chromosomes that you have, built for now, are starting to come alive. Shake hands with with those who are around you and suddenly these guides that you think you have, that perhaps you've heard or not heard of or seem elusive, all of a sudden they're in your face.

And they're looking at you and they're saying, "let us take this burden. Because we need your light, we don't need your fear". Because this can shut a human being down completely. It'll make them have no light not want to be with anybody, want to be by themselves in a closet.

How does that help humanity? And some will say, "well, I'm just dealing with my own process". Well, how does that help humanity? It doesn't. What will help humanity is for you to awaken to a grander truth, and that is you have help, all by yourself, because you are never alone.

Oh, think of this. Make this real. Now, I said this before, and I said it before. The last two weeks, I'm going to say it again next week, you have so much help right now. You can go right there and say, dear guides, dear angels that have come with me, I activate you now to such an extent that my fears and my worries and my sorrow can be sucked away, dissipated so that I can honor those perhaps I've loved and lost or honor even the fears that I've had and said, well, that's very human, but I am beyond that. I am a multi -dimensional being.

And those guides are going to then take it all. They're going to take it all. Imagine they were a giant vacuum cleaner, and they could take away all of that, which is dirty and ugly, that keeps you from light.

That's why they're there. But for the first time, again, I'll say it, it's because of the time, because of what you've done with this 24th pair that has made all of the difference in the world. This is new, and we have told you that it is for you.

Perhaps it's why you're watching this program and this episode. It's always been there, but now it is enhanced. You came in with this. You just never knew how to activate it. But now that all the nodes and the nulls are connected, that's another story.

Story, these things begin to come alive and become real to you, so you can call upon these guides any time you wish, because they are you. They are a bigger part of you that is now inside you, in your biology, increasing you to a multi -dimensional being like you've never been before.

You are not alone. You don't have to act alone. You don't have to carry the burden alone. You have help. And they're here. They're not in the clouds. They're here. Dear human being, blessed is that one of you listening here right now who will take this and work it, understand it, cognize it, and come away differently.

It's not just for this meeting. This is the rest of your life. Maybe that's why you came. I'm Kryeon in love with you all. Can you feel it? And so it is. 

Fear of Death - December 28th, 2022

So let's use that and I invite you to close your eyes and feel, sense, visualise those images of beautiful, coherent patterns when the word love is spoken. Let us now address the pieces and parts of our beautiful body with that word love.

I love my hands. My hands are so beautiful. I love you, my beautiful hands. I love my feet. My feet that carry me everywhere. They are so magnificent. I love you. I love my feet. I love my knees. My knees give me support.

I love my knees. I love my legs. Every piece of my leg is amazing. It's a miracle in itself. I love my legs. I love my stomach. My stomach is amazing. I love it so much. I love the organs of my body.

My organs are so miraculous. They continue functioning even when I'm asleep. They are so amazing. I love you. I love every single organ of my body. I love my smile. I love my eyes. I love my ears. I love my nose.

I love my eyelashes. There is every single piece of my body that I I am in love with. And so, dear innate, listening to me, here are your instructions. Send love to every single cell and molecule and DNA particle within my body.

Let love flood my system. And in this soup of love, we now welcome in the third language from Kryeon. 

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. Indeed, everything you learn about your body, we say, create the light.

Love yourself, love every molecule that is yours. It's not an egotistical thing to love the creative source so much that went into the miracle, which is you. The love of self we have talked about many times and we've talked about it in a way that hopes to straighten out that from those who think that this is egotistical, it is not.

You are loving the Creator in you. What do you think would be a fear? One of the greatest fears that so many have, even though they say they don't. If you have spent a lot of time working on this beautiful body of yours, if you brought it to health, if you had healing, if you're feeling light, if you are pleased with your life and peaceful with all that is, what would be the worst thing that could happen to you that you might fear?

And that would be that it all stops. The word is death. Death is our final fear for this month. Now when you speak to many light workers, they'll tell you this. I'm not afraid of death because I have a greater idea of what happens after I go.

And that particular statement is very, very true and they're very kind with themselves in saying it. And they're being accurate to a certain degree. But I'll tell you this, dear ones. No one of you wants to let go of the creative energy that is in you.

Because at all, at sometimes all of these things will occur to you. Did I get it right? You know, there is no place where you can pick up a communication device. and talk to those who have passed. Instead you will have the intuitives who will help you with a channel that opens where you can get not voices and not clarity but intuitive signals perhaps to the other side of the veil.

And all of this comes together so that it doesn't seem to prove anything to anyone. There's no religion on the planet, no organized religion anywhere who can point to the afterlife and prove it. All of these things in the doctrines that we've talked about, whether you're going to be punished or not punished, where do you go, what do you do?

And this is all on purpose, dear ones, so that you cannot reach across and be certain. And that requires you to have faith. But more than that, it requires you to have intuitive thoughts about your own death.

One of the greatest things that's going to happen in this shift will be that which is the increase in the science of longevity. And through the next few years, you're going to see ways of staying healthy longer, staying on this planet longer.

And you're going to see a marked coordination between short life and fear, worry, and anxiety. And there will then be those set up to help clear those things specifically for you so that you will not waste a life in so many short years by not understanding that what you think can create your own demise.

And what you think can also create tremendous longevity, going way past the charts and graphs of any medical association or doctor where they will look at you and they'll say, I don't understand why you're living so long, look so good, and why your body doesn't know you're older.

That's what's going to happen. But in the meantime, it doesn't thwart that last fear. Did I get it right? When I go, when I pass over, what's the first thing that's going to happen? I want to return to the only evidence that truly has ever been seen, and it comes at a funny place.

We have spoken of this before. We'll speak of it again because the ever comes right from the operating table in hospitals and major institutions where a person seems to have died and their heart has stopped and their body starts to be cold, the pronouncement is almost made when they're either resuscitated or by themselves they come back to life.

And when this person who has gone through that particular state, some call it near -death experience, we call it near -life experience because of what they saw and what they say. Quite often that patient will recover in the recovery room, face off with a surgeon and in all seriousness and anger say, "why did you bring me back"?

And this has happened over and over. and over. And when you say to them, why would you say such a thing? You're alive now and you were dead a moment ago. They will say, and I'll paraphrase it. I'll paraphrase it.

This way they'll say, "you didn't see what I see". Imagine taking that last breath and being transmitted and transformed into the most beautiful place you have ever, ever imagined in your life, where everything is beautiful and perfect and you realize you're with the Creator, you are back into your soul, and you are the best place you could ever be, home.

You start to hear that beautiful song being sung yet again that we have talked about that is always there. It's always there. And the next moment you're back in 3D with all the needles stuck into you and all the fluids pouring in and out, and you go into the recovery room.

That would make anybody angry, being ripped back from home, ripped back from paradise perhaps. Think about that. And think of the irony that that's one of the only places truly that over and over you get proof of something you didn't expect.

Is there life after death? It's not that way, dear ones. It's not that you continue a life after you die here. You go home. You go to the natural state after having a trip to this planet that perhaps wasn't all that great to some of you.

Perhaps it's been difficult for some of you. And then you go home. What can I tell you about death? I'll say that you are purposely programmed to fear it. But at some level, some of you have to know that it's OK.

And the ones that I would speak to are anyone here, anyone listening, who would have this marginal fear or dreadful fear of their last breath. It isn't what you think. And perhaps in order to prove this to yourself, you should find the books to read or the reports from those who have gone through this and have had to come back.

And I want you to feel the glory of it, truly magnificence, the splendor of going into the arms of your own home soul. Dear ones, all of you are programmed to stay. There is so much work on this planet to do, and I want to remind you of this.

Why else would we have longevity start to increase? Some of the ages you read about in Scripture, hundreds of years being lived by some of the prophets and some of the masters, that wasn't a typo, dear ones, that was true.

That's because they had that consciousness to keep their cellular structures healthy and alive and well and looking good for as long as they needed to be here to accomplish why they came. And suddenly what is the task of all of you here now?

And that is mastery. You start to pick up the wisdom of the masters so you can start living it. And the entire reason is to create a planet that is not always in trouble. We have told you that gradually things start to happen on the planet through wisdom, consciousness, new technology.

New technologies that will not frighten you but feed you and quench the thirst of a very thirsty population. There will do so many things that are wonderful that you've always wanted and the technology has always been there.

That's part of the future. To make a healthy world, not an unhealthy world, a world that works with itself, even with the disagreements, they would not kill each other. A world of peace that works together to try to figure out things through the new wisdom.

That is why you're here, to start that. And whatever you do that starts it, I'll tell you. It doesn't go away when you pass over, because when you pass over and take that last breath, and you dance into that paradise, I'll tell you what you do.

You put on a new skin and come back and continue in even a greater way, remembering everything you've done, never making the same mistakes again, and continuing, only this time, with much longer longevity, with youth, with health.

There is a system here which is glorious. Do not fear death, dear ones. Do not, for it's just about going home and returning to love. I'm Kryeon in love with humanity, and so it is.