Note: Message Transcripté à partir des Audios Anglais de Lee Carroll (use Google Translate).

Krystal Adventure - June 7th, 2024

So, for this beautiful opening of the day, you are invited to maybe relax yourself where you are sitting, relax your body, soften your eyes. You are also invited to close them if you wish to eliminate any outwardly distractions.

And just bring in yourself to your center, the peace that's always peaceful inside of you, traveling to that place, that beautiful organ we call our hearts, your crystalline heart. Take a deep, slow, nourishing breath, connecting not only with yourself, with your inner being, but also with everyone that assembled here in this room, and all the unseen energies and family that assembled probably even hours and days before us in their multidimensionality.

Coming here to share with us these beautiful days, so just allow yourself to sink into that presence of your being, of your beauty, of your divinity and magnificence, embracing each other energetically with your merkaba, your vehicles, crystallings of light and energy.

Taking another breath, and even going deeper, feeling the area where you are. And even this historic, beautiful hotel, the Arlington, that I've seen so many, many, many, many decades of souls coming through here, events taking place here, lives taking place here, and allowing yourself to be, in some way, bringing your own energy to the journeys that have been here, preparing yourself for your journey that you are about to begin, laying a foundation for yourself, in your mind's higher high. in your higher consciousness and then expanding that to not only hot springs but this entire region of Gaia and Mother Earth Gaia beneath you with all its elements and elementals and of course the crystalline bed that is deep beneath it and finding a beautiful connection within it all.

Take another breath and with every event is always particular, sometimes maybe known sometimes not that pulled you that called you that message you to come here and be part of this specific gathering of old souls and allow yourself to feel that calling of what brought you here intuitively and if it's something that you came for to learn or something that you came to balance or to heal or to understand better see those days and time together bringing you those and new understandings new awarenesses new way of thinking and feeling assisting you in meeting that resolving whatever there is to resolve, or awakening to something new in your life, and growing, helping you to grow more your awareness, your consciousness, your deepest levels of compassion and kindness and appreciation and gratitude from a place of your soul, of your infinite benevolence and beauty that is always with you and always supports you.

But when we come together in a group like this, the energies amplify 10 ,000 folds and we can accomplish so much more and infuse, immerse, meld ourselves even more into our true source, our true origin and feel the divinity that we all come from, the oneness, the one soul, the one being, God, Creator, Spirit and Universe. Take another breath and gently, slowly, with a smile on your faces, thank yourself for being here and for the journey you have done and the new journey that we're beginning together.

You may bring your awareness back into your seat, into your bodies, to the room and softly open your eyes. Yes, beautiful. Namaste. I'm feeling guided instead of a meditation, that I would like to do some affirmations to prepare us for the channel, for the days ahead, for being here right now.

And so I'm just going to say affirmations and then I invite you to take them in as though you two are saying them with me. So I invite you to close your eyes and to be in a position that is super comfortable, that you are supported.

Whether it's in the chair, whether it's lying down, whatever feels the most comfortable support where you have nothing to do. And from this place of being supported and comfortable, we will affirm, I am in the right place at the right time.

I give permission and allowance for the energies that are around me to be transmitted into the cellular structure of my body. I give allowance and permission for our seed biology who are still on the planet.

To deepen their communication with me, I expect enhanced intuition. I expect the energy of my soul to come forward so that the energy of love and benevolence is the energy that guides me in each moment.

I give permission to connect with the systems of spiritual intervention that are being revealed to me. I allow my vessel, my body, my consciousness to be a conduit of love. And finally, I invite Kryeon to come forward and deliver a message as we sit in a very sacred place, the node of hot springs and Mount Ida, Arkansas.

Greetings, dear ones. I'm Kryeon, a magnetic servant. 35 years ago, my partner was startled at the energy. When I came in, he still is startled. Because the love flows in past a point. The love flows in in an intensity that is not possible with a human.

Mom, the first time you looked in an infant's eyes that had come from you. Tell me that bond, tell me the love, can you explain it? Now amplify that, and amplify that, and amplify that. And that's the love that's here for you, from the Creator of the universe, which included your soul in the creation scenario, included your soul in that creation scenario.

That means, dear ones, that your soul was created with the universe, and this is something you're not often told. The message is easy tonight. There is no accident or mistake that you are here, none at all.

And yet there are some who feel that there might be. How does it affect you when the majority of your culture faces off with you as soon as you're able to cognize anything and tell you about a God that had you born here dirty, not worthy, and that all your life you're going to have to look around and do certain kinds of things to warrant even speaking to that Creator?

That's a hard one to undo, isn't it? Difficult to undo. Well, I want you to undo it. The truth is different from anything you've been told, and that truth is magnificent. You were not born dirty. You were born magnificent.

Part of a plan, you're here on purpose at the age that you're listening to this, on purpose. I once told you, I don't see you the way you see yourselves. I don't see you with a name and a chair. Instead, dear ones, I see you as all of the lifetimes you've been on the planet.

I see your name, one name, your soul name. I view you as a culmination of the old soul that has gone through centuries and centuries and centuries of challenge, of joy, of laughter, of horror, of death, of birth.

I've always seen you as this, always seen you as this. And that's why there's so much love, dear one. There's so much love. I want you to leave this place in this one tiny section. I want you to understand.

Don't get up out of your chair without understanding the preciousness you have toward that which is God the Creator. The partnership that is there, the guides that are there, the system that is there, the beauty with your name on it.

And don't let anyone ever tell you differently. That is the greatest story ever told. That's the one you need to know. And from that comes everything else. What you're here for, what's happening next.

What you're learning. Some of the difficulties that you're going through. And why? It's a time that has an unsettling energy for the planet. Especially for old souls. You feel it, don't you? There's something here for you.

There's something you need to know. So I'm giving you part one of what you need to know. Relax. You are here on purpose. That all that follows from now on was actually part of your soul design. Yep, your soul design.

There'll come a time when you meet that which we have described as the family from the stars, and they won't be here to steal things from you or to capture your planet or to exterminate you. They'll come here when it's safe to come here and celebrate the fact that you've awakened and know who you are.

At that time it'll be a celebration of joining those who have been standing aside for thousands of years waiting for this moment. This is the beginning. of things you never expected would take place.

And they can't happen fast enough, can they? And I'll tell you yet again, don't measure when by your own lifetime, because old soul, you will be here. It's your graduation. You'll be here. You may look a little different, but you'll be here.

And you'll know that everything that I am telling you right now is true, is true. I want you to understand that love is the king energy, if you say the queen energy of all energies, anywhere. So expect that, which is the crystalline grid of the earth, to start absorbing more of that than anything else.

Tomorrow you'll be among the crystals. What if it was a two -way communication? What if they knew you were coming? What if they could recognize a lightworker? What if? The reason for the naming of a Lemurian crystal, a new kind, was because that is the name of the age you are in.

In the right place at the right time you are, we'll be back with a time just like this in a moment or two, where some of you are going to feel an energy you didn't expect.

 Beautiful, it is. I am Kryeon in love with humanity, and so it is. 

On the Crystalline Bed - June 8th, 2024

So just allow yourself to flow into, from sound meditation really, into deeper meditation that Andres has so beautifully created a space for you to connect here together, collectively. In this beautiful land, on Richard Wagner's home, we are guests here on his land, among the beautiful trees, feeling the wind, brother wind blowing on your faces, the warmth of the Sun, of course Mother Earth beneath you.

Some of you even taken off your shoes and you can feel her loving you, caressing you from under your feet, filling you up, infusing you, merging with you, energies of the earth, energies of healing, energies of crystalline energies, because you are in one of the purest places of crystalline energies on the planet and you can feel that love, that dimension that communicates with you here so strongly now.

So allow yourself to sink in, fall into that place of the crystal that you are, that is inside of you, from the smallest molecules in your body to there. energetic and little crystalline templates and temples and geometrical patterns and frequencies and energies and resonances.

Allow yourself to expand your crystalline structure with the help of the crystalline land that you are sitting in, bathing in, in this energy literally. Before we come ever to earth we are first energy and energy creates us and energy is what make us.

We are a bit more dense now in our bodies but we are pure light energy comes here to experience a beautiful day in a beautiful land. And maybe when you were now this morning and when out on your little personal excursions to find the crystal that is calling for you, with the message for you, with the feeling, with an intuition, with a certain consciousness, that's another way that Gaia communicates with you, and also reflects back to you the beauty and the source and the instructability that you are, that you are an infinite, beautiful crystal, has no beginning and no end, and is always after you clean it up, you know, and you go home, you can see how shiny, sparkle, full of light and beauty it has.

It's a reflection of us. So, again, we are invited to take those deep breaths with all this pure Prana oxygen energy that we don't always get an opportunity to be in this kind of an environment, especially when we live in cities and places.

And this is an invitation to find that beauty, stillness, deep place of peace and coherence and appreciation and benevolence and harmony and balance and all the benevolent attributes that are filling up this place and filling up you, loving you and the love yourself to open and expand your being even more.

Loving yourself and allowing yourself to be loved even more because Spirit already loves us beyond measures that we cannot even comprehend and many times, all they ask us, is to learn how to love ourselves while we are in these bodies for this period of time to learn how to love ourselves even more and, through that love, through that unconditional love, then we bring it forth and we share it just by being that love reflecting that love sending that love feeling that love wherever we go.

We don't have to use words, we just use our love and that love sips in and soothes the hearts and minds and and beings that walk in, and out of our lives through our lifetime and they don't have that necessarily awareness and time to do the things that we come here to do to connect with Source, and to immerse ourself in this beautiful soul collective family that we know where the Source is coming from.

But when we are embodying it that in our way of living, in our conduct, in our day -to -day awareness and consciousness, they feel it. They may not know exactly what we are doing or what we are being and it doesn't matter.

Our presence alone, our presence alone feeds and shows them and gives them hope and gives them love and gives them peace of mind, peace of heart and knowing that they are safe and all is well because we are lighthouses and we have this purpose in a way to to bring that light at crystalline that is inside of us back to our homes, to our communities, to our families, to our cities.

So breathe as much as you allow yourself to and immerse yourself more as the teachings and the channelings that will continue. you I am so super excited about that. this new homes all these crystals are going to and so with your crystal and again this is just an invitation you do what is guided by you to do but I feel a really lovely way is to blow three times the breath of your mana onto your crystal.

So if you feel inclined to do that ha you blow onto your crystal three times ha take a breath ha take another breath ha and you're invited to tell your crystal I am here and I exist as a part of the earth.

I am here and I exist as a part of the celestial realm for my DNA is terrestrial and celestial at the same time. I carry within me a piece of the Creator. My soul is entangled with the energy of the earth.

And therefore I am also entangled with the energy of this crystal that has found me. This crystal that has been in the area, the energy, the potency of the Pleiadian portal of Mount Ida Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Well before humanity was on earth, at this point was chosen as a place where unique energy would be deposited and placed should humanity ever decide that it would choose the path of ascension. And certain things had to happen and align for this place to have those unique energies come online if you will with a matched pair.

And in this instance that matched pair is Mount Fitzroy in Patagonia. The area, the region where the whales come to birth their calf. Generations of whales will be birthing in waters that have been recalibrated to earth.

A different frequency because of what humanity chose on earth. Those who sit here are invited to feel the push -pull energy that is happening even as we speak between these nodes and nulls designed to fast track humanity into graduate ascension status.

Your DNA has an antenna that both transmits and receives information and this antenna that is transmitting and receiving is designed to work with benevolent consciousness of compassion and the ones who created this system the Pleiadians the star mothers.

That divine feminine energy, they are still here in a non corporeal form. They have been waiting for you to come here so that you can feel closer and closer and closer to your own seed biology, and the closeness does not come from the location, the closeness comes from your remembrance of what you carry inside and the invitation is to leave this place with that essence, take that essence of the star mothers, benevolence, compassion, wisdom, guidance enhanced abilities home with you. 

So we wish to finish out this segment with one moment of silence so that each of you can experience a personal connection, without any other influence outside of you other than what is here indeed it already. I invite you to bring your awareness back in your body, open your eyes, give gratitude so much gratitude for all of the magic of today.

And so beloved, over to you. Thank you, Monica. One of the things that Monica and I have wanted to do for some time is one of the most difficult things I can think of to teach because I didn't really truly have the concepts finished.

So I wasn't ready to teach something that I wasn't fully comfortable with. And Kryeon said, do it anyway. And it's intuition. So we started a course on intuition. And there are four sections. And I'm going to give you a hint of four scenarios that Kryeon gave me to teach so that we could show the difference and then start analyzing what was there and what was not there in order to understand intuition in ways that perhaps people don't think of it.

Scenario 1
Okay, here's number one. A mother is asleep in her home. Her newborn infant is in the room which is next to her in a little bed, a crib, only been home a few days. Everything is quiet, the infant has gone to sleep.

Just recently, the mother has gone to sleep, she's gonna get what sleep she can before she knows the infant will awake, and she gets an intuition. Get up and go into that room. Now, mothers in this group will understand this.

This is classic. You don't say no to that kind of an intuition, and you get up. She found the infant was struggling with a plastic wrapper on the mattress, one that had not been taken off properly. She turned the infant over, probably saved his life, looked up at the ceiling and said, "whatever angel you are, thank you".

That's scenario number one. What just happened? If you start doing the research on it, it is so common between mother and child. It is a bonded intuition, they call it, and they will say that it is almost an entangled intuition because of the mother and the child's proximity, biology, everything, you name it.

No science is ever given to that. It only is there for you to analyze and say, well of course that would be the case, because they're bonded together in some way, and then they leave it alone. And if you're a science -minded person, it leaves it completely blank.

How? What is the mechanism that was involved in that transmission from the baby to the mom? 

Scenario 2
Here's number two. Identical twins. Two brothers. This is real. I have talked to them. One in China, one in California.

The one in China was visiting, and the one in California, the intuition was, call your brother. Now. He called his brother on the cell phone that he knew worked from the one who was in China, was answered right away because it was daytime, and the one said, "What's going on"?

And his brother said, Mom has just passed. I was trying to get ahold of you. Instant, the same instant between them. What just happened? Now we get a little more scientific, because the only thing they have in common besides being brothers is what?

The DNA. This is the first inkling that perhaps DNA is a transmitter and a receiver, and you just heard it here. If that was a case, it also explains mom and infant having just been born, having shared that not just intimacy, but the chemistry portions of the DNA, mitochondrial.

What if that was what was going on? So we're getting closer perhaps to understanding until the next two. 

Scenario 3
Number three, woman is driving on the road at night. Her young son is asleep next to her. They're traveling on a freeway, all is fine, all is well, weather is okay, and she gets the signal, pull over, now.

Almost as strong perhaps as a policeman may, but it pulled up next to her with a loudspeaker, pull over. That's the way that she describes it, and she pulled over. Then she realized there was no policeman, there was no loudspeaker, and she was, she heard it in her head.

And nobody else is pulling over, and she doesn't know why, but she's visibly shaken to have such a message given to her in that manner. So she stays for a moment, calms herself, five minutes go by, maybe seven, she feels it's safe to continue, she goes out, rounds the bend, and she sees the overturned truck with several cars that have plowed into it.

She would have been one of them. What happened? Aha, whose DNA is involved? The truck driver? No. What else is happening there? That nobody is thinking about, but I will tell you, this is also an exceptionally common occurrence with people who are tuned in.

Scenario 4
Number four. This was before Monica. At 9 -11, we were on a cruise around Hawaii. We got news like everybody else did. At some point, we were in Hawaii. Turn on the television. Turn on the television.

We did. We saw what had occurred on the Twin Towers. Of course, our reactions were like everybody else's. We wanted to get a meditation together, just to help those people to deal with this. One of the attendees in the group that we had with us for the cruise had a daughter who actively worked on one of the higher floors of the Twin Towers.

You can imagine what she was feeling like right there. She had been calling, no answer. Calling, no answer. Now we understand that you couldn't call New York at that point, not at least Manhattan, because all of the lines were tied up.

It was overdone. There's a limit to what a cell tower will be able to. If everybody called it at once, it would fail. That's what was going on there. People reported that, that it took hours and hours before any calls really were able to go in and out, especially from those relatives who were concerned.

It was later in the day that we saw her crying. Oh boy. I didn't know what to do. Do I approach her? Do I not? It's just difficult. This is difficult. Then I saw a smile and I realized she was sobbing in relief.

She'd got a hold of her daughter at home because her daughter never went in for work. Because something, when she woke up at 6 .30 in the morning, getting ready to go to the Twin Towers to go to work at nine, something had said, don't go today.

And she didn't go. Where did that come from? You see why I was so interested? I want to know a little more about it. So I'll give it to you and tell you that this course, a little bit scientific, a little bit more practical than you would think, not as esoteric as you'd imagine, deals with how do we connect with the field?

The field is a consciousness of everything that's happening on the planet all at once. It's been measured. That's what Lynn McTaggart's book is about. We use it all the time. Can you have intuition not just with your relatives and friends or children or twins?

Can you have it with the earth, with that which is around you, with circumstances? Every single one of us needs intuition just to get to the next step. Should I come to this conference? Should I not?

What's next for me after this? I've got some things pending. Maybe some of you are buying property or whatever. You're unsure. You have to rent something. And what are you counting on? Well, in an old way, you count on facts and logic and this and you check this out.

In a new way, you're relaxed and you say, "it doesn't matter. I'll know at the last possible moment. It'll be fine". That's intuition. Is you connecting with the field? Monica and I had that in ways that it's just difficult to describe to you because it all sounds miraculous.

Well, we had to move into a new place that everybody else wanted. Over a hundred emails had come into the owner for the renting the place. He was exasperated. It was a Sunday morning. We saw it go online.

We saw it being offered within an hour. Monica said, let's call him at home. You don't call the owner at home on an online service, but there was his number. And she called him at home. And he's, and he was just listening.

She said, basically, we're the people you're going to rent to. It's not like Star Wars. And she said, you must be frustrated. I got over 150 emails. I don't know what to do. And she said, you don't have to worry.

Talk to Lee. I said the same thing. And I said, "whatever you're offered, we'll be fair with it". What were your tenants? We'll take care of your place. And we did that very day. We signed the lease that Sunday.

This was the intuition that we count on intuition that is an issue. touch with the field. What are the attributes? What are the steps? How can you be helped with it? That's what the course is about. I wanted to just share that with you because most people won't get the inside information of, you know, how the course was developed or whatever.

It was channeled. There's one more section, number four, that we're doing in a week. I haven't written it yet. And you'd think that it's like writing a book. Well, you've got to write it because you're going to record it.

It's going to be out and the team that wants to sell it says, well, I've got to have it now. I've got to have it now. You get it when you get it. And when crying says go, I pay attention and I write.

That's being in touch not with Kryeon, but with the field, with yourself, with that which is around you. Timing is everything. This is the other thing. We have free choice, all of us do. So if you're working with a problem or a situation where you've got to do something within our culture, rent a place, buy a place, anything, or all the pieces are moving around, that's why it only happens at the last moment because that's when spirit sees the hole that you're supposed to go into and work at because everything is set.

Before that, it's not right. Does that make sense to you? Thanks for listening to that. Let's have a Kryeon channel. Thank you. 

Greetings, dear ones. I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. It's not often that we sit outside and channel for a group, a soul group that knows each other, knows each other.

And I'm not talking about that, which you would think, that you've met those and you know their names. I'm speaking of a soul knowing. What if I told you that the potential of the exact ones who are here was known in advance because it fell together perfectly, that you would be here under the trees with me.

Under the trees, sitting on a mountain of crystal, an energy which has no scientific proof but that affects that which is you call consciousness. It talks to you. And some of you know you can talk back.

There are those people would say, "well, this is silly and this is nonsense and it really doesn't work that way in the real world". Oh, really. I will tell you what happens in so many countries where there is a strong emphasis on the ancestry's belief systems that are modern countries.

One of them is Ireland, where they're very, very careful when they draw property lines to steer around the fairy trees and never disturb them. Never pull them up. This is the government's decision, and this has been the way of it.

There are other officials and governments who will go out of their way when they build something to be careful that it is appropriate With that which is the energy of the land the shamans all of that That invisible fairy stuff that so many say is ridiculous Ends up in Parliament when they have to draw the lines There is a subtle acknowledgment still to this day of some of the ancestors wisdom When it comes to the energy of the earth The energy of the earth where are you sitting?

The crystalline remembers. This mountain of crystals will never forget you being here. And I'm giving you a truth. A truth the crystalline grid remembers who visits where because of the energy. That is developed in consciousness that you have. But it is amplified If you recognize it. How many of you are willing?

Internally to say I love you planet earth. This is understood, it is heard, it is acknowledged and the ancients all knew it they knew it. We've lost that you'd say as humans, you're right, you have. But that doesn't mean you cannot rekindle it, because it's inside you dormant ready to be rekindled.

You don't have to learn it again. You don't have to learn love. You come in with everything intact, sacred mastery is there, and then it's trained out of you, and then your culture has its way with you, and then you learn what's appropriate and not appropriate, and then it goes and hides in the back room.

Maybe until today, how many of you are willing to say: "I believe that there is an energy a life, kinds of energy in the crystalline of the planet that knows me", and you don't have to say that out loud to anyone, it's about allowance inside you. 

Back to Ireland, the group that was there, much like a group here, was sitting around a group of rocks, a sacred group of rocks, and the meditation began by an Irish woman who was born there and lived there and knew of the energy, and the first thing she said is this phrase:

"The rocks are breathing". 

In other words, they're breathing in her accent. The rocks are breathing. The rocks are breathing. This was her acknowledgement of a belief that they have had all along, that there is life in the elementals of planet earth, that we think are dormant, that have no life, and that these elementals know us.

Not just know us, placed here for us, for you, for all that is humanity, for me too. And so what I am giving you here in this brief time is a lineage of belief that says this planet of yours has a kind of multi -dimensional life that knows you.

Now the next question is, how do they feel about you? That's a hard one. There is no consciousness like yours, but there is something else. You should know this. This planet is here to serve you. Take a breath.

Go ahead, take a breath. That oxygen was given to you by the trees, by the moss, by the lichens all over the planet. Pour it into the atmosphere so you can survive. As you exhale, you realize that you are giving the trees, the lichen, the moss, what they need to survive.

A symbiotic relationship which science simply takes for granted and says, "isn't it nice? Isn't it interesting" ? Could it be? It's part of another life form. besides trees and lichens. What if it's the earth itself?

What is its attitude toward you? I will tell you no matter what you are told you have done to this planet which is awful and there's been a lot of awful stuff this planet is here to love and support you I have just given something that is extremely controversial, it's a benevolent planet for you wherever you go all you're going to find is support.

That's the design, dear ones, that's the design a partnership with Gaia, a partnership to the extent that the ancients all knew it and used it, worked with it, counted on it, and in there, somewhere, is all that you are starting to reawaken to.

Is it possible that there's more going on here than you think? Is it possible the planet itself has a kind of sentience, maybe even an attitude that says, "please come back. We miss you". And what are they talking about when they say that to you?

When the crystals look at you here sitting and say, "please come back. We've missed you". What they are saying is that your ancestors old soul knew who they were. And you don't. It's almost like they're holding their hand out.

The elementals, the rocks that are breathing, you might say, that say when your alliance is complete with us, that is the beginning of mastery for you. And that has to make sense. Can you imagine the frustration of the ancients who are still alive, who look at the civilization and say they threw away their partner?

None of their religions even mention it. This is the shift, dear ones. Many things are changing right now. But the most that is changing is your relationship to each other, to spirit, to your soul, and to the planet.

It's almost like welcome back. That's what's changing. And that's why I wanted to sit here on this mountain of crystals as they talk to you today and they're smiling. As the teacher Monica said, there is no such thing as digging into the ground and finding a doom crystal.

Doesn't work that way because this planet is in love with you. I am Kryeon. I am in love with you. And so it is. 

Krystal Adventure - June 9th, 2024

And as the resonance and frequencies of the blue whale continues to percolate through your body, we have a question. How is it possible that here in Hot Springs, Arkansas, you can connect with the energy of the whales through the musicians, Kachina and Anders?

Is it possible there is a oneness that exists where you are connected to everything, everywhere? And if it is true you have this oneness you can connect to, what is it that may prevent this connection?

Ah, this is what it is to be a human. To come in with filters that prevent this connection given in a test of love. And those who move through the test of this love test discover that there is indeed a oneness that exists.

And so let us give an affirmation, I release any filters that prevent me from this oneness that exists. I invite the energy of my soul and the love consciousness that is there to permeate through every cell of my body which is vibrating still with the sound from home.

And in this resonance and this sound from home, we wish to invite a message to come forward now from the energy of home given by Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. The music that you hear, that you've posed to yet this day, is beautiful.

But there is so much more. For the human being, it has been written in so much poetry, in so many stories. Presented behind so many scenes and movies, it's soothing. It takes your heart somewhere. It speaks in ways that the words do not.

Sometimes it enhances the words, but it's special. And I'm going to tell you some things that I've told you before, but take it to another level. Music is vibration. That has been shown to you even today, even in the graphics that you saw here.

There is a limit to how high the frequencies are that a human being can hear biologically with their ears. But there is no limit to what a human being can be affected by in music. In other words, there is no frequency limit for a human being's affectation, how it works with you beyond what you can hear, way beyond what you can hear.

And some would say, well, "how could that work when the presentation of the music perhaps has a limit itself" ? And this is where it gets good. Discoveries that start to be made will show that combinations of frequencies unexpectedly create multiples of themselves, which you cannot hear, but you will be affected by.

You saw some of it on the screen today, so let me go to the next level. Can your soul hear music? Let's say the human being is no longer on the planet Does all that go away because there's no music being played because you're not here anymore We've said this before Where do you think the concept came?

Or the harmonies that you hear now or the music on this planet, where did it come from? It's been there from the first child of a human, even with 24 pairs, didn't matter. It was intrinsically here, it was innate, it was built in to the human being, where do you think you got it?

The soul carries it in, it's in your DNA, it's in every child who is born, who smiles when they hear music for the first time, or the curiosity that you can see in their eyes, when they hear rhythms and sonorities, and they smile.

Well, it came from that which is the Creator. Not invented by humans at all, but continued by humans. So what is it you hear when you're not here? Hearing begins to change in its definition, doesn't it?

Because you don't have ears, as that which is the creation of a soul that is around, that which is what you call the universe, the galaxy. But what is there? I'll give you something to think about. We have told you repeatedly that this universe of yours, the physics of the universe, how it works is related to what you describe as a base 12 in mathematics.

And what that means is that the structures that you can see, and count and work with. The cycles that you can examine are in a plethora of fours and sixes and eights and even threes. Base 12 is the mathematics of the universe.

What you're hearing right now with your ears in this channel is a music that is base 12. 12 half steps between octaves have always been the case in the kinds of music that you enjoy. There is a correlation, a relationship.

What a kawinky dinky! That the universe would be base 12 and so is the music you're hearing. It's a setup. For you to understand that when you're not here, you hear everything, everything. So follow this.

As you cast your eyes in the best telescope you can into the galaxy and the web telescope and you see beyond the beyond the beyond, light is everywhere. Guess what light is? It's a frequency, pretty high, but it's a frequency.

What if you could stand as a soul on the brink of the galaxy looking into it, being able to see everything that exists in a multi -dimensional way and that light you could hear, what do you think that would sound like?

Because it's base 12. There are harmonies, sonorities, frequency clusters that create the music of the heavens that you have always heard, always since the beginning of what you think is time. That's music.

As glorious as what you think you might have here, music that would make you swoon, touch your heart, I want you to think about what it might be in the heavens when you can hear light. When all before you there is an orchestra from the stars, that's music.

It was given to you to then project upon this planet in a way that you have, but there's more. I will now reveal for the first time, in this shift there is the beginning of the instructions for mastery.

Mastery could be defined in your terms as the slow growth and maturity of the ability to work with multidimensional things. As you become more multidimensional, your senses start to increase. You are aware of more.

We have told you this before, but is it possible that in that awareness, You also get a compliment of something you didn't expect, the ability to sense that divine music even within the music of this planet.

You start to be able to perceive a different kind of result from the music. What if I told you that those who are in the mastery training, that is to say, those who are coming to this planet and receiving this, what if I told you this, that part of the absorption of this higher end of music also is the guarantee of disease not being able to touch you.

Because disease is lower frequency. Therefore, what I am telling you is a summary is that which starts to mature into that, which is the training and teaching of mastery starts to let you perceive a higher result or perception or influence of the music.

Even that might be playing right now that will never let disease into your body. There will be those who laugh at this and say, the human is the human. We have studied it for eons. Disease is disease.

You are going to have to have a lot more than a perception change. And I will say to you that someday there will be research because there are a group of you who will not be getting sick and it will be noticed, and it will be studied.

Why are they living so long? Why don't they catch the modern diseases? Indeed, what I'm telling you now, someday, will be on a screen like this. When they are more complete with themselves, who smile even in adversary, and are not afraid of what they're told to be afraid of.

There is so much hope in so many layers. This planet will change. one person at a time. You've heard that before. That is the secret to a changing consciousness of the planet. It's not an evangelistic belief that has to spread.

It's an intrinsic interior, you might say, belief you've always had and innate gave it to you. It's self -evident that you are a piece of the Creator. And now you have to start gathering the other pieces, put them into you, and see what's next.

Don't be fooled by a system that tells you, because you're a certain age, this or that cannot be. You are forever. You're part of the plan. You're part of the light that's coming and is here. Oh, listen.

Does this touch your heart? That's by design. That's from your soul. I'm Kryeon in love with all of you. And so it is. 

Ancient Sounds for Ascension - June 9th, 2024

There are voices in the galaxy that sing your name in light. There are voices in the sky who know you. And these same voices in the sky, these same voices in the galaxy, they came here on purpose. And also birthed you on this planet.

Again, singing your name in light. And those ones that came, those star mothers, they remained with you for a while. And again, each time you came and went, these voices from the sky, they sang your name in light.

And you carried that remembrance with you, coming and going, to and from home. And each time you came and went, the voices from the sky continued to sing your name in light. These star mothers remained for a while, giving you sacred instructions for life.

And then by design, they went into a non -corporeal consciousness. But as we heard a moment ago, consciousness remains. And that consciousness from the star mothers is here with you now. But it exists in a non -corporeal form.

And so we invite you to move into a place that allows you to see non -linear communication. For they are here with you now. and wish to be invited a little closer. Do you invite the star mothers to come a little closer to you now?

Oh and that resounding yes we invite you to come closer, come closer, come closer is all it takes. And you're invited to feel a warm embrace for those who sang your name in light thousands of years ago.

They are with you now. You carry that song within your soul for it emanates from that place. There is that membranes, that memory, that golden thread that entangles you with the bigger you. This bigger you is what is starting to emerge.

We do not say evolve because it has always been there. The evolvement is your awareness and understanding of the greater presence of the "I am" that is you. And the emergence of this bigger you is so that you can always walk with a song in your heart.

And when you always walk with a song in your heart, you realize you are never alone. You realize you are dearly loved. And so we ask that you keep these star mothers with you now as we move to the divine love that comes to you from Kryeon.

Thank you. You Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryeon of Magnetic Service. I have a story to tell you. I wish to reveal something that I've never revealed, even to my partner. Perhaps it's the timing of what you had given to you today about music.

about tones, about frequencies, about some of the mysteries of how these things are evolving in science, in esoterics. My story, well, it's a very old one. I'm going to take you back almost 5 ,000 years to a place that has become very familiar to my partner, Ancient Egypt, and there's a reason we're going there.

I want you to visualize something in a reality I'm going to give you, a snapshot of the past. First and foremost, the philosophy, the perceptions, of those in the earliest part of that Egyptian dynasty, they had a purity of belief, one that would surprise you because you're not always given all of it in history.

I say that it is a purity because as this beautiful Egyptian time progressed and progressed in the thousands of years it changed. The philosophy changed. What you would call their belief system changed.

Not just with the conquerors, but with other pharaohs who decided to stamp their own ideas upon it. And you can see that reflected even in the hieroglyphs over time. How they built their temples and what they did and what they considered to be sacred or not over time shifted and changed.

So we're talking about the early days as early perhaps as the fourth dynasty with a pharaoh called Khufu. Khufu, this is not the way it sounded in the Egyptian tongue, just close as it gets. He decided he would build a pyramid.

Unusual it was for most of the tombs were underground and that would be the way it was from then on, for the exception of the few. But he built a big pyramid, the biggest pyramid. And when he was a younger man it began and he had ideas of what he wanted to do there.

Let's talk about tombs in general, all through Egypt, especially in the early dynasties. Did you know that they believed that anyone could go to the other side, not just pharaohs, not just royalty? Everyone goes to the other side.

However, included in that was a scenario of how you get there and perhaps how you present yourself, or how you prove that you are worthy, and of course, the more you can take with you, the better time you'll have when you get there.

And this is why when you open some of the oldest tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the Queens, you'll find the accoutrements that they wanted to take with them. One of the most famous, perhaps, the Tutankhamen.

The boy came, cut. When it was opened, you got to see the original intent. There it was, the chariot, the boat that would carry him across the river, all of the riches he would need to survive as a wealthy on the other side of the veil.

And that was the intent. All over the walls, you would find in the tombs the story of the one who was there, what they had done, the gods that they had pleased and talked to. It was all depicted on the walls.

Hieroglyphs, they tell story after story. Perhaps the king's relationship to the giver of life, the Nile, all on the walls, the story of what was accomplished. And it didn't need to be a pharaoh. There were tombs discovered way later, just of wealthy individuals with the same philosophy.

You put on the walls who you were so that when you got to that place where decisions were made, they could see your life. That was the idea. That was the philosophy. Today, they opened the tombs, they realized they were all done in glorious color, something you don't often see.

Beautiful they were. All to honor the one to get to the other side with the most, with the proof that who they were. Some of the tombs were quite large. Almost all underground. But not Khufu. You see, he had an idea based upon what advisors said, based upon the philosophy they had, an idea I have never told you about, And today is not understood.

Here you go. Khufu was dying. The pyramid, it had been finished. Oh, what a sight. It glistened white in the desert. Beautiful it was. Gorgeous. Not anything of what it looks like today. It had taken 27 years and millions of workers.

Workers who came from all over Egypt because they loved their pharaoh. And they put in several months of work. Accommodations around the pyramid that you can still see were built for them there. So they could spend their time there in comfort.

They were fed. And they gave to their pharaoh and their king the work that the architects had put together for the building of the pyramid. It was done. Khufu was sick. He was dying and they knew it. And so the preparations began for something I've never talked about.

Something you won't find in the history book. And it happened. It's interesting. Most of the tombs entrances in Egypt were hidden. They hide them because they don't want the grave robbers later in history than to disturb all that went into preparation.

But this pyramid, oh, it had a really big door right on the side. Huge. Because that's where all would happen when they went in to celebrate Khufu and his death in a different way that he had planned, that he had been advised with, that they knew about.

Interestingly, that door, they later sealed with the same blocks that they built the pyramid with. It's not one you can open anymore. In fact, those who went in finally had to go in another way. But right now the door is open, not blocked.

There were some beautiful rampways and stairways that went up the side of that pyramid later removed for the hundreds that would go in and participate in something. and they would participate in it for a number of days taking turns, and I'll tell you what that is now.

If you went into that door, you would not have an empty pyramid that was grand beyond belief and huge. They built some very special areas and a chamber for the king that was just almost too small, just big enough for a sarcophagus and a pew to stand around him.

It wasn't huge. There was something else. Come with me as those hundreds flow into this pyramid in a very special room that is not the king's chamber. It's an unusual looking room, not all that huge, but carefully designed.

The walls are flat, and they go up quite a ways, you can see, to almost a point. Unusual looking it is, but the most unusual thing is there's no hieroglyphs. There are no accoutrements. There is nothing like what was in all of the other tombs in Egypt.

It was almost barren, very unusual. And when it was time the first set and the first group went into that room, the king was taken literally through them and put into the sarcophagus. In a very special way, and then it began.

They started singing. And the sound that was created by that group was amplified and amplified. You could almost hear it from the outside of the pyramid, and they didn't stop. And when they were exhausted, the others came in and replaced them, and the singing continued, and continued, for the king was told by his advisors that better than anything that he could carry with him, or right on the walls, he could be sung to the other side by hundreds for days, and he'd go right there, because sound was king, and that's what happened. And when they were finished, it took several months later to seal that entrance completely to the extent that even dynamite would not open it, which was tried.

Now let me continue the story over 5 ,000 years later, when my partner Lee first went into that pyramid. Odd, it seemed to him. He expected something grand, he expected hieroglyphs, he expected so much more.

It's a puzzle. It's a puzzle to every single visitor or tourist that goes into the grandest tomb of all and finds almost nothing. Rooms are small, except one. Those that In the early days, finally made their way into that pyramid and dug their tunnels that they needed to get into it and crawled up the ramp they needed to get to in the place that things started to open up and there was a chamber with very smooth walls in a cone way that you could see going up to the ceiling,

very high it was. And there were no hieroglyphs. My partner did something he could do for he was the leader of the group and he took the guide who was there with him. The guide was a senior, a very special guide, one that he had gotten to know and they loved and it's a guide that told him something.

And he heard something, this particular guide like no other guide in Egypt who knew what he knew even before the university started teaching it. He said the hieroglyphs in the tombs are meant to be sung.

Oh, who told you that? This guide says, I sing them, I know the tunes. And I said to him, what is this room all about? He looked around because he didn't want any of the other guides to hear him say this.

Not that he was afraid but he didn't want to offend those who had gotten their degrees from the university and were told what to say. And he looked at my partner and he looked up and he said, well, I believe.

it had something to do with sound. Then my partner started to look at it a little closer. My partner was an audio engineer. In the days before digital, there were things that were necessary to build in studios in order to amplify sound in a beautiful way to add echo.

Ambience. So special rooms were built and he had built one. My partner had built one in his third studio. As you look at this place in this pyramid and you looked up, there were nodules on the walls and he laughed because he realized this was the sound design he had to use to build an echo chamber.

Non -parallel sides make them as flat as possible, install the nodules to keep certain frequencies from amplifying. All of that was there, all of it. About sound, indeed, indeed. Today, for those of you who go there, look for that.

Look for something so unusual, the biggest pyramid of all, the biggest tomb of all, with no hieroglyphs, where they didn't really find much of anything to go to the other side, and instead they found a sound chamber where Khufu was sung to the other side.

What do you think about music? What do you think about sound? I will end this channel now with only one statement. Please listen to the channel that you got earlier today to understand this statement, and here it is.

Egypt is one of the very few societies or cultures known to use base 12. They knew about it. They knew all about it. Dear ones, I give this to you freely in a reality, hopefully, that you can carry home.

To understand what might be coming, discovery, frequencies, sound, music that no one really expected. I'm Kryeon in love with you all, and so it is. 

Krystal Adventure - June 10th, 2024

So, just find your space where you are with the breath that will lead you into that sacred place of gratitude and honoring and peace and deep, deep love and compassion that is within your hearts. You may even feel the gentle calling to place your hand on your heart for a gentle connection.

Reminded you that you are with family, you are with soul family, you are loved and honored by our galactic soul family beyond measure. And just allow yourself again that word that keeps being reminded of us for many sources and allowing is simply a gentle invitation to open ourselves more to expand our awareness and consciousness to the magnificence and beauty of our true source which is our soul that connects us with the Creator, with God, with spirit, with an universe, with whatever name that you have for it or no name at all simply love. 

You allow yourself to once again in a collective, beautiful, contentious world. influence of hearts here, creating a beautiful coherence between one another, honoring one another, feeling the love between one another, feeling the sacredness of the journey that each and every one of us have on earth this lifetime.

And it wouldn't be a mistake to say that many of us here probably encountered each other on other lifetimes. And there are reasons for us to be here that we may not even be aware of consciously, but we can feel them intuitively and deeply in our hearts.

So allow yourself a little more loving journey to your soul, to your beingness, to the oneness that we all share, to the magnificence of creation that we all come from, that we call our home, our real home, a place that is timeless, a place that has a magnificent, unimaginable support of our family from the other side of the veil, which are really present with us here right now, although we cannot see them, maybe not all of us can see them with our physical eyes, but we can feel them.

Allow yourself to feel them with your presence, with your energy, with your hearts, with your deeper inner senses and frequencies and vibrations and resonance, maybe the songs that they are singing to you, the light that they send you, the light language speaking from your multidimensional layers of DNA, and the 24th pair of chromosomes speaking to you in ways and forms that you learn to develop.

Even more when you are gathering together, listening to profound teachings, to profound music from the stars. So just for these moments, take yourself deeper, expand yourself, allow yourself, love yourself and meld and absorb and immerse.

And in this fourth day, there may be some more tuning and alignment or adjustments that you feel in your body and in your own overall energy field. that needs your attention right now. And energetically, you lead yourself there.

And you feel, and you give intention, and you give energy. You visualize. You're being present with it. Whatever it is you, help it feel safe and whole. And bring it to balance and harmony and peace.

And these tools that we use energetically, they're so simple. And all they require of us is to just sit in silence and stillness. And use our higher intention, heart, even the mind, the higher mind. And the energies that flow through us from the divine source into the sacred earth beneath you.

And bringing more peace, more healing. And within that space that we are together, just creating this beautiful, balanced, healed, crystalline energy. And even for those who may hear this meditation later in a different time, you are invited to bring anyone that can help you.

That is in your own personal circle, in your own life, that needs some soothing, or some healing, or just love, just feel the love that is in your heart, or in all the hearts together. And in a quantum state, it doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter if they know or not.

You just bring them into your field, and they feel that we share together. So they as well may feel the energy that we are sharing now, that we are creating now. So it may soothe their hearts, and bring peace to whatever situation they are in, and feel that they are loved, and cared for.

And this energy is as real as you want it to be. It's all with your allowance. This is even a place for a moment. If you feel you need some of you here, maybe for a deeper healing, a deeper forgiveness, not always for someone else, but maybe to yourself, and transform that energy into an energy of gratitude and honoring and celebration for your journey, not just this lifetime, but all the journeys and all the lifetimes you have done from wherever that began until this moment, and see for yourself a new journey from this point in time, moving forward, that will bring new opportunities, new synchronicities, new adventures, new joys, new loves, new places and new people, souls that you wish and that you want to see and invite in your life.

And they will enter and be there for you in the appropriate time, a spirit working with you, making all these arrangements that we cannot see but they have the higher over -soul look and we just allow for it with trust and that all is well.

And from this space of no beginning and no end, gently, slowly, lovingly, with a smile and happiness on your faces and gently bring your awareness back into the room where you sit. Beautiful. Namaste.

I think this is a good time to ask the question. What is the point and purpose of meditation and can anyone do it? I feel the point of meditation is to connect with the state of peace because when you are in a state of peace, you have peace with your situation.

You have peace with things that are happening around you that are beyond your control. You have peace and harmony with the planet because the natural state of our planet is peace. There are times when turbulent things happen but the planet returns to peace.

There are moments in your life where chaos and turbulence erupts and comes forth and yet can you return to peace? Because the state of peace in you comes from inside you. It is not generated from what is outside of you.

There are moments in time where you can go to a place of refuge that is peaceful. And by being in the ambience of that refuge, that peace, you have an alignment and an attunement to that and immediately drop into peace.

But again, that alignment, that attunement, it comes from your own core of dropping in to the well of peace that is within you and that well comes from an infinite source. That infinite source is the Creator.

For you are designed to have that flow of peace, the river of peace that flows and emanates out from the Creator is always flowing to you and you are the one in control of whether that tap is open, and the river of peace flows through you or whether the tap is closed, and you erupt into chaos and turbulence.

It is always within you and it is simply a moment of turning on that tap, that connection, that release of the infinite river of peace that is so soothing, and tranquil and serene that it flows in you and all around you and can even transmit to the person beside you.

And that truly is the purpose of meditating. And the next purpose of meditating is to always be in this state of meditation. And in this state of meditation we truly connect to the divine and the message is always the message of love.

There are different words, there are different information, but the sentiment is the same, love. And from this place of love let us invite another delicious nourishing message from Kryeon. 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryeon, a magnetic servant.

There would be those who would say why is this entity named Kryeon even here? What is the reasoning? Or a human being would sit in a chair and get messages from the other side of the veil? I'll give you the reason, because I see a bigger picture.

I know your soul. There is so much hope here, and you're not getting it from anything here, except those who are in touch with that which is at the soul level. It is so peaceful. You might say peace without there being a reason to be peaceful.

Peace. that passes that passes understanding they say. I'd like to revisit the message that was given a moment ago on the stage, on the screen in this conference. 

I want to revisit because this channeling will be heard by thousands and not just those in the room, and so I say to forgive me to those in the room because I want to give this again perhaps in another way, the hope of the planet from what you're seeing, to what may be a bigger truth, it's true, and those who would look up and researched my partner's background, that he fell in love with God through his church, a love that he has sustained to this day. 

There was nothing wrong with that. A bigger truth occurred, God got bigger for him, and he moved away from the doctrine, but the love remained.

And while he was there, he studied the scriptures as a young man, and he saw the prophecies that were there, contained in that book called Revelation. The prophecy was there about or within the years of 2000, which seemed a long way away at the time.

There would occur something spectacular. Some called it the second coming, others called it the Armageddon. It would be a war, perhaps it would be a time that the master of love would return to this planet, and the planet would shift greatly into benevolence and love and kindness.

To this day, that is what was expected. As my partner drifted away from the doctrine, drifted away from the scripture, he started to look around to see what else there might be. It was a greater truth, and he found it oddly enough from the ancients, the ones even before those who wrote the scriptures that he had studied.

And as he interviewed them, and they would speak to them, speak to him about their cosmology, He started to recognize the same story. There would come a time on the planet, a time that was oddly similar in the years of 2000, where there would be battles of dark and light, and there would be a refreshing perhaps of consciousness, but the result would be a compassionate planet.

Wow. The cosmology of one group of indigenous then became so similar to another who had never met the first. On opposite sides of the planet, they spoke of the procession of the equinoxes. They spoke of that which could happen to the planet which was a choice of humanity, somehow a choice that would allow darkness, evil, lack of integrity to meld away to a place where it didn't matter how many humans were here, they all understood something they didn't understand before.

There was an awakening to the mechanics of kindness. of compassion, of helping one another, where inventions would race forward to be able to feed the masses, to have water for everyone. Because you can't do that when there's war, and you can't do that when the races are diametrically opposed to one another and always in turmoil.

You can't do that, but you can if it's a loving planet. Oh, there would still be turmoil. I've said that before, there's always disagreements, but you don't have mass killings of one another. Could it be that this could be real?

And the more my partner looked, the more he found to reinforce that. And then he realized something was going to happen. Indeed, that in these years that you sit in, listener, there would be a battle of dark and life, and it's here, it's among you.

And you can recognize the subtlety of it or not, but there's a bigger question, the reason for this channel, and that is the question I'm going to give you now. Is it an accident that you're here now?

Biologists will tell you it is. You're one of billions on the planet because of biology, that's it. And you make your way the best you can, and it gets harder because there's more of you. The earth is reacting in ways that they can't explain, and basically there is no hope ahead.

Some of you have seen the documentaries that say the earth is doomed. Get ready. One country in particular has decided to cut birth rate by denying certain genders. Are you an accident in all of this?

This is hard for some of you to understand. Souls are precious, every one, every single one. It's why it hurts your heart to see so many lose their lives in war. They seem to be born on the planet, and then they're snuffed out.

Pretty soon you become deadened to the numbers, perhaps. Every soul is known by God. Every one is here on purpose for this moment. I'm talking to the ones that are listening to this channel, wondering the same thing.

Is it possible that I am here for a reason I feel I am? That's why I'm listening to the channel. Every single soul is precious, magnificent. If you want to go into your soul and start asking the magic questions, why are things like this?

What about me? What am I supposed to do? There will be a gentle voice that may actually show you a visualization of what you said right before you came in. When you were in a different form, a form of love, attached to the Creator in a different way, not human, filled with wisdom, knowledge, and the grand plan and before you stepped into the earth you smiled and say I'm going to be the light that everyone expected I'm going in.

I don't want to tell you there's a difference in that statement from what a human would have said. A human would have said "I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna be important or I'm gonna write books or I'm gonna be a teacher and I'm gonna be all these I'm gonna be all these things" and you didn't say that you said I'm going to be the light that they expected for this time.

You are all here on purpose no mistake you your name goes here. Are here on purpose. God knows you and the expectation is that you would relax, drop into your heart, feel the love of spirit, and change to become more compassionate, more understanding, so that those around you would see that, and they would change.

That is spreading the light. The light is love, the light is kindness, the light is compassion, and it sounds trite as though it could end a war. Well, it has in the past, and it will again, where humanity decides, light is the way.

It's contagious. It really is compassion and kindness. People who don't have it, who experience it, back out for a moment and say, "well, it's a sign of weakness", and all these things you've been told in your cultures, those who smile too much are weak, they're hiding something, and then they understand, they see the smiles are accurate, and then they say, "I'd like some of that".

I'd like some of that, please, I'd like to smile more often. You turn on the light in that dark room, and the room gets brighter, and others discover it, and the room gets brighter. Slow it is. There are those who do not want you here, those who represent an old energy that's very profitable, who don't want you here.

It's too late for them. They've already lost. Light is winning because you're here on purpose. That's why you came in, to just sit and hold the light, to love those around you.