Note: Messages Transcriptés à partir des Audios Anglais de Lee Carroll (use Google Translate).


The Future - Better or Worse? - January 1, 2025


Within me is a piece of the Creator. I am divine.
My divinity means that I am loved and supported by a multitude of Holy Beings.
I give permission for spiritual intervention so that I am always guided by love and compassion.
I expect benevolence for all things in all ways.

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

How many people are telling you how horrible things are? How many are telling you that the future is going to be worse than ever? 

“I mean, look around you. Look what’s happening on the planet,” they may say. They may say that there’s no hope at all. It’s very, very common. Of course, it always has been and in a darker energy of this planet, there was a lot of it that was absolutely so. Dysfunction, it begets dysfunction. One thing leads to another, and it evolves into itself and it gets worse. This is the entropy effect. This is whatever it is and the system is going to go wrong eventually.

What about this planet? What about right now? Dear Ones, I am going to give you information today that many of you have heard before. We want to talk about the future, of course. This is New Year’s Day as this program is being presented in this particular place on the planet in this hemisphere and it’s common to have New Year’s resolutions. It’s common to look at the future. What does it mean? Where is it going? What’s going to happen?

There are so many who turn to those in the channeling world and say, “Tell us what’s going to happen.” I have another channeling coming where I’m going to ask you if you can change the future, or if the future is even known, or what to do with it, so I’m going to hold on that one until next week. But for now, I would like to give you an example that I have given many times, and that is the fact that this particular energy of this particular moment of time is different from any other this planet has ever, ever seen. And that is because of many things, but the predictions of this were always there.

The indigenous predicted it thousands of years ago that right now would be a time of choice. This is from the indigenous. They saw it from the stars, Dear Ones. The stars are, you say, a very common subject to look at, to see and what the energies are, but they looked at it from a bigger picture. They saw the precession of the equinox. They saw the end and the beginning of a cycle. And so many of the indigenous had a cosmology that worked in cycles that all seemed to culminate to right now.

What is your prophecy? What is your spiritual prophecy? What did your church tell you would happen in the year 2000s and beyond? They said perhaps it would be Armageddon. Perhaps it would be something else, but it wasn’t very pretty was it? These have always been changes that would occur about now. Dear Ones, you are in the now of the change, and so we ask the question again. What’s going to happen in your future?

Is there reason to look at it differently than you did before? And here comes that which I told you before to look at. Your history has stayed in a loop because the consciousness of the planet never got higher. Your history has stayed in a loop and many of you have represented this by the term “history repeats itself.” And you’d be right, and it does over and over. War has (gives) you more war, and it never seems to cease. You may have spaces between the wars, but it always seems to return to that. And this has been even your world, your grandfather’s world, and his grandfather’s world. Your mothers and their grandmothers all participated in their way, but it was a repeat seemingly of the same old dysfunctional energy that never got any better.

You sing about peace on earth because that’s what you want. You never got it. No matter how many times or how many generations sing the songs, “Let there be peace on earth,” and there never was. I want you to get ready for something. This is a new energy that’s never been here before carrying attributes that are not just hopeful but actionable. There are things happening, not only that which is within you; there are things external to you. We’re going to talk about them this month that actually play into the future you are now starting today. Actually you started it before today, but it’s a good time to talk about it on New Year’s Day.

I told you to think of a train track that went in a circle. I’ve used this for years as a representation of an old energy that never changes. And you want it to, but you can’t help it because it never changes. I mean, the track is a circle so you’re always going to go around, around, around and suddenly in this energy as prophesied, that circle breaks and there is a new siding. A track which you have decided to take as humanity, and that track is all by itself going forward, not in the circle but somewhere else. You can’t see where it’s going, but it’s somewhere else. And that’s the one that you have just started to take.

You’ve actually been on that track now for perhaps 15 and 20 years. Things go very slowly and you’re starting to see and feel the changes. Some of you have seen them in your society. What’s permissible? What’s not? What’s acceptable? What’s not? A manner of things that are changing right now: integrity, transparency. You’re seeing it and yet you’re reported in the news it isn’t there. The only things you get on the news is the bad things that are happening on the planet. You realize that don’t you? So it’s hard to get a feel of where this planet really is until you turn off the media, go inside and say, “What is truly happening here? What is happening?”

I will tell you, there are a whole lot of angels showing up. There is a lot of light on this planet starting to imbue itself into so many souls in so many ways. There are so many who are looking at revolution in so many different ways. Right or wrong, they want change. Now humans have always wanted change in hard times, but the changes usually gave them harder times. And I’m not talking about politics.

I am talking about the light and dark balance quotient of this planet. It has moved toward the light significantly and the snowball is starting to roll and you cannot stop it. That snowball we featured before so many times on this particular program is not fortune telling. You’re not a fortune teller when you say what’s in the snowball that might get hit. You’re simply stating the obvious when the snowball is rolling, and it is. Let’s call it what it is - the snowball of hope and the snowball of light.

We gave you a prophecy last year that these 24, let’s call them the mastery chromosome set, that is your 24th pair of chromosomes which actually biology never saw or thought you had, but you do have, It’s a multidimensional pair that is starting to come and activate itself for so many reasons. It’s working with the planet. It’s working with that which is your soul. It’s working with others. It’s starting to open up. What is in it? It’s mastery instructions for the old souls coming into this planet. That’s one of the big things that’s starting to happen for those who are starting to reincarnate differently. We’ve told you that.

You’re watching a spiritual channel. If you don’t understand what I am saying or you don’t agree with it, you’re in the wrong place. I am telling you there is hope for this planet in esoteric ways that have to perhaps be explained and we have many times. There is more than hope here. There are changes already going on within many, many lives that never were on the old circle track that only could have occurred on the new track that you’re on. There’s light at the end of this that you think is a dark tunnel.

And there are those on this planet who want to keep it dark, and you know what I’m talking about, that want you to stay in fear, that want you to go back to the old ways, and they would love to have another war. Dear Ones, these are the ones who will not win this battle, but they want to. They say, “Let’s not change anything. We had a good control over it when they were in the dark and they couldn’t see what else was there.”

And what else is there is majesty. It’s bright. It’s beautiful. This is the potential future of this planet and we have been here since 1989 to tell you that exact thing. That is why we came, and that is why we’re here and we’ll continue and we’ll continue. 

Dear Ones, I am in love with humanity for this reason. You are on track! You really are! And so it is.

Can God tell YOUR Future? - January 8, 2025

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

What a question! Perhaps you’re going to remember this particular channel, this particular time, as something that is ultimate confusion because some of you will not understand what’s to follow.

The question is future telling. And that always is something that is difficult to explain to anyone at any time because you absolutely live in a beautiful structure that makes you comfortable. The past is the past. The present is what’s happening right now as you listen to me. And the future, well, it hasn’t happened yet, so of course, the question (answer) would be no one knows the future. Even God doesn’t know the future because it hasn’t happened yet.

Now that is a perspective that belonged to your dimensionality. In other words, your paradigm of life, of living, is all based upon those three kinds of concepts: past, present, future. Added to that, spiritually you’re always told that every single human being on the planet has free choice. So if you have free choice, nothing is predetermined. 

And if you have free choice, you can make any decision you want to at any time, therefore the future would be impossible to know. After all, billions of human beings making free choices all the time, no one can then go in there and say, "here is what you said or here is what ‘s going to happen or here’s what it is for a week from Thursday." It would be impossible to do that. And the answer is, yes it would if everything was in your structure. If everything was in 3 or 4D as you live, it would be impossible, but that’s not the way it is on the other side of the veil.

Now here is where it really gets confusing. You probably have heard these words so many times, especially if you are metaphysical or spiritual, or even perhaps you get this on your own, that everything is in the now. Those are beautiful words and they carry a sentiment that says if everything is in the now, then all that exists is known. Did you think of it that way?

Well, if all that exists is known, does that mean the future? Come with me now just for a moment as we investigate something that you may not have thought of in the way I am going to give it to you. And I want to be non-confusing if I can be. If it’s possible to let you in on a whole different idea of what reality is when you’re not in 3 or 4D.

Dimensionality - confusing, not definable, different perhaps for every teacher or channel you might hear. But just to say this, is that as soon as you step out of that which is your paradigm in your reality, you step into something else that does not have the same kind of attributes as you have, and one of the ones that specifically is missing is your idea of past, present and future. Spirit lives in the now, God lives in the now which has none of those things. Everything that happened to you all your life is happening now to Spirit.

I would like to say yet again to you, I know who is here. And I’m going to say to you, it’s not the name you think that I know. You are seen by Spirit as one soul, and that one soul of yours has a journey, and that journey may have been thousands of past lives, Dear Ones, encompassing many, many, many years. And yet Spirit sees you as one beautiful soul, not the journey. That is an expression of the now. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been here, the one soul is all that’s seen. All of the names you’ve had, the genders you’ve had, the participation in wars you’ve had, whatever, it all comes down to one soul, one light name.

Project that into the future. It’s the same. It doesn’t matter what happens next, you might say, or even if it’s known, you might say, you’re still one soul to Spirit, known by one light name. This is going to give you an example of how past, present and future just doesn’t apply to Spirit, not at all. Here is the question: Is it possible for God to know the future, Spirit to know the future? Yes and no, depending upon how your perception looks at it, your perspective and your dimensionality. Let me explain.

Pretend for a moment that Spirit is in your dimensionality taking a peek at you and the idea of past and present and future, and you make decisions a week from Thursday. God sees that. Spirit sees that. You make another decision in a year, one that would impact your life big time. Maybe it’s even the wrong decision. Spirit sees that as it happens. Now you’re fine with all of this because it’s going to take place someday and Spirit is there to watch it.

Now I want you to come back to where Spirit lives in a multidimensional space that has no future and no past. Here sits Spirit, God. Spirit knows the decisions you are going to make with free choice. Do you see that? So this is not an interference with your future. It’s simply a knowledge of the now of what you might do, of perhaps the decisions you’ve already made, because the future is really the now to Spirit. Now if you really want to make this complex, I’m going to introduce you to a term that even is used in physics. And this now is a term that might explain something that is ultimately confusing to you if you’re not already confused.

Question: If what you do today is in the now, could it also effect the past? Woo, wait a minute. The past has already taken place. You can’t change the past. It’s the past. It was over there. It took place over there. Now that is the human talking. Now let’s hear Spirit talk for a moment. And Spirit says, “Even the past is part of the now. The one entity that you are, the one beautiful soul that you are, it’s all wrapped up in one event called you, your life. It doesn’t represent the past.”

Physics knows about these things. Physics understands that there are complexities with that future and that now and that past, so it has a term you should hear and it’s called retrocausality. Things you do now affect the past.

“How is this possible,” you might say? How is this any kind of a practical you might want to even know about? It’s just way too confusing. It’s not just practical, Dear Ones. It’s beautiful. It’s miraculous. If you as you, and when you become multidimensional, more and more on this planet in this you call the study of mastery, as you become more multidimensional there starts to be a blur between that which is the past, the present and the future.

So many times we’ve talked about a woman, perhaps who has gone to that beautiful place where she is in her soul and she has a miracle of that congenital disease that she had, that her mother had, and her sisters have, and the ones that go back and her grandmother had, perhaps and even her mother had that seems to follow her lineage. She heals herself and the miracle is there and her DNA is changed forever and she stands healed. 

And then an angel will come up to her and say, “Do you understand that you have simply not only healed yourself, but also in that simplicity of the now, you have healed all of the past and all that will come. There is no such thing anymore as a disease that belongs to your lineage. It will not happen again and you even changed the past.”

You cannot figure it out because the human being is linear, but let’s talk about the future. If it’s true that Spirit, God, knows the decisions that you will make in free choice, do you see how your intuition might then be changed so that you won’t step in the pothole perhaps that you were about to? Here is the big question. Can you sitting in this now, change your future from what you already decided in the future that Spirit knows? Follow me! Follow me! And the answer is yes.

Your free choice remains your free choice no matter when you do it, so whereas Spirit may know you made a pretty poor decision a year from now, as you get toward more mastery, Spirit is able to push with your intuition so perhaps you won’t make that decision. Remember, it’s not future telling, it’s just remembering, you might say. Spirit knows what you did because Spirit is in the now which encompasses all that you think is separate: past, present, future; past, present, future all in one piece known. Known what you will do. That’s not fortune telling. That’s simply Spirit knowing and remembering perhaps what’s going to happen that you decided, and you can change it. You don’t have to make that decision.

This all flies in the face of all the movies you’ve seen about what happens in the past, or present, or future, or if you can time travel. It isn’t anything like that, nothing like that. It is so much grander than anything you can imagine. Dear Ones, I’ve just given you a puzzle haven’t I? It’s the most beautiful thing I could have told you.

Spirit knows who you are; knows decisions you might make and has that which is intuition to give to you. Pay attention! Pay attention! As you live as the one studying mastery because that pothole you might have stepped in that Spirit knows you might have stepped in because of the decisions you made can be switched right now. 

“Dear Spirit,” you might say, “give me the intuition I need so that I will always be guided correctly with the mastery I’m learning.” 

I am Kryon. I would not have given you this if it were not so. And so it is.

The Indigos are HERE! - January 15, 2025

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

I wish to explain this and I think many of you have heard of the indigo children. I want to tell you something that is quite exciting. The series we’ve been doing this week, this month, last week, maybe even next week is about the future. You sit in a new year. 

You give New Year’s resolutions, and we are starting to tell you about a new future. More than one that has the intent of your resolutions, or more than one where you’re asking the angels to help you as you move forward onto a new track, which we have been discussing. There is something else.

How many of you have heard the term “the indigo children?” You’re looking at the source right now of the term as given in 1999. My partner was involved at that time, speaking to a woman who actually originated the idea of seeing another color energy coming into the planet. Her name was Nancy Tappe, and she introduced that indigo color that she was seeing around children. And at that point my partner said, “Is it okay to expose this to the world, to say there is a new consciousness that is here?”

The woman was a synesthesiac, that is she had synesthesia. That is a brain enhancement where you see things perhaps that most brains do not, and sense things that most brains do not. She would sense personality types, and the one that was starting to come into this planet was indeed called indigo. A book was released called, “The Indigo Children.” The first time the planet-wide had ever heard the term and the rest is history, for the book was a bestseller indeed because so many parents were wondering what was up with their kids. School systems were wondering what’s up with their kids.

The appearance of ADD and ADHD came along with this, like they never were there before. And then finally even the drugs to help the parents were there as well. It was a phenomena and it was real. And there it sat because these children were indeed different and had to grow into the societies they were in all over the world in order to take a position that I said back then, in 1999, when I told you back then that it would take a generation for them to grow up and make a difference for the future of humanity.

Well, they’ve arrived. They are starting to grow up and take the very positions that they can make a difference to from that point of view that they have in consciousness for the planet. You see an indigo grew up seeing a dysfunctional system. And you might say, “Well, which one?” And the answer is all of them. The first one was perhaps the way they were taught in school; another one, perhaps the way they were parented. Another one is they grew up perhaps they saw is when they went to work and how that was managed or not managed. Another one was in politics where everyone seemed to hate each other instead of doing something for the people.

These are the indigos and they focus, you might say, on the dysfunction in front of them, and they have better ways! They really do. That is the difference, Dear Ones, between an indigo and a non-indigo, where they would see that which is in front of them, not just object that it seemed dysfunctional, but know exactly what to do to get to a solution that was not dysfunctional. This got them in trouble.

ADD, ADHD, you can call it what you wish. Sometimes it’s just mistaken for overactive personalities, and other times it’s because the one they label that simply won’t calm down with their ideas. They get in trouble a lot. Imagine being forced into school and realizing everything you are being shown and taught was dysfunctional. It could have been done much, much better. It actually enforces a system where bullies reign. It enforces a system where learning is slow. It enforces a system where there is really no individualism and everybody is asked to sit in the chair and do a certain thing.

This is what the indigos rejected. This is what they rejected on and on, that’s why they were sent home over and over. “Well, your son, your daughter, well, they’re disruptive.” What if they recognized dysfunctionality and refused to work with it? What if they just said no? The problem is they were kids. And the answer is they couldn’t do anything. They didn’t have, of course, their means. It was all the parents. They didn’t have the means to go anywhere or do anything. They weren’t anything but kids, and so they had to fit into a slot that didn’t work. It just didn’t work. Go ahead and ask them.

The future is filled with the emergence of the indigos because they are now here. Now I ask you, for those watching me online perhaps in a way that is apart from the membership that would watch me, perhaps you are watching on a social media such as YouTube, I want to ask you. Have you seen any young people do podcasts that would surprise you? 

That they would be very young; they would be under thirty and they would be talking like they had the attributes of mastery. Well, what if they were asking the questions that only would come for instance for those who were older and examining their lives and asking about what’s next and asking about the idea of past lives and going into these things that almost no young people did? Have you seen that? Oh, it’s everywhere. If you have not seen it, go find it and you will.

And the thing is they’re not young people talking to old people. They’re young people talking to young people. They’re starting to ask them perhaps, is there something called an oversoul. They’re starting to ask the question: What is God? They’re starting to ask the question: Is the teaching that they learned that was divine and spiritual all through their young life, is it actually true? Does it have an application that’s practical or is it –are you ready – mythology? Coming from indigos, coming from indigos!

Some of them are now in line to be principals in schools. A few of them are going to be principals in the schools they used to be in and that they caused trouble in. We told you this would be the way it was. And in those positions in school, in education, the indigos will be able to start asking the questions to those who fund the schools, who say it has to be this way. And then they can push back to a higher source. 

And they may very well be able to change the school systems into what they know is not dysfunctional. It is starting to happen.

This is the future. It’s slow, Dear Ones. You’ll start to see these children work their way into young adult, and then into adult, and then into mature adult. You think, “Well, how long is that going to take?” And the answer is as long as it takes because this is the future that I told you was coming. This is a future that has more hope than if it was always the same if you simply had history repeat itself and repeat itself, and dysfunction kept going and going and going. I told you in 1999 that was not going to be the case. And here you are in 2025, a generation later, and they’re here, and you can see them on your social media asking the kinds of questions that young people never asked before.

What happens when they’re old enough to make a little bit of noise in politics? What happens when they look around and they say, “I know you’re on the other side of the aisle, but you’re my age. Let’s get together for breakfast. Let’s start something new. Let’s not hate each other.” Oh, it’s coming, and it’s going to be an indictment for the seniors of Congress who have no idea. 

They don’t even like each other anymore. They don’t know what dysfunction is because they’ve lived in it. It’s a habit. It’s a habit. And the young people will see it, recognize it, know it and change it. There will still be two, three parties, whatever you want to, except they’ll look across the aisle and have lunch together finally or say, “I don’t agree with you at all, but I still understand you’re a patriot. I still understand you’re trying for your country. So am I.”

This is coming. How many of you have been told that what’s coming is a disaster instead? How many of you have been told that doom is inevitable? I want you to think again. First of all, stop watching the news because that’s where you’re hearing it, and start watching some of the social media instead of the young people starting to ask the questions on their podcasts and having many with them answering them.

I told you it was coming, and it’s here. It begins now. The indigos have arrived. And so it is.

Is there a method to LONGEVITY? - January 22, 2025

This is something I would like to talk a little more in depth on today, and I will just give you a warning in advance. Some of these things may be controversial to what you’ve learned, to what you’ve been told, even to your lifestyle. 

As you hear this right now, I will tell you that human beings are being given literally an energetic dispensation, you might say, and an energetic placement, so that you as a human being can live longer. Live longer than you would have otherwise, and that’s the point.

Yes, is the answer; yes, is the answer. There are ways for the human being to live longer. And I could categorize them, and I still would not get your attention like I will the first one, so let’s not categorize them. Let’s just say there is a way that everyone knows, it’s obvious, but we’re going to talk about it anyway before we get to the one that’s less obvious.

There are those who are understanding now, for ten years or more there has been a push toward better eating, a push toward better food, and in that there are many diets for you. And we have said before that not one of them is for all of you. Did you get that? There is no one correct diet for every single one of you. It doesn’t work that way.

Have you noticed how individual you are, every single human being? What if that individuality went all the way into your ancestral DNA? Now careful, I want you to understand what I am saying. What if you had ancestral DNA that actually works with and controls your metabolism, your life, all of the things that you are as you move forward? Ancestral DNA is the placement of energy for your ancestors. Where did you come from? That’s the point.

You cannot ignore it. In so many of those in this, my partner’s country, the United States, who don’t have, really, ancestors who worked here, they are someone else. They’re from somewhere else and they become someplace else and someone else that you don’t even know. You may even not have had contact with them. That’s the way so much of the immigration has worked in his country. So what were they like? Maybe you should find out, and here is why.

Because where they were placed, where they were born, where your grandfathers and grandmothers had their grandfathers and grandmothers and it kept going back and back, you’ll find yourself in another country in that lineage if you look at it. And you might say that how they ate and how they sustained themselves in the environment that they had is in your DNA. Now you’re going to come along and decide to do a diet that’s missing one of the four food groups or concentrate on one ignoring all of the others, and in a way you’re saying, “This is the best thing for me,” ignoring all of that which is your ancestral DNA. How do you feel about it?

So, I am not making diets wrong. I am saying be careful. If you go on one that does that, make sure it feels right. Don’t be surprised if one day there is something that is wrong or you feel something and you go to a physician and they say, “Well perhaps you ought to eat this other thing for a while.” And they say, “No, no, I don’t do that.” And what they’re telling you is your ancestral DNA is objecting to your health for what you’ve done.

Eating is a big one, isn’t it? And so we tell you yet again, eating correctly for your ancestral DNA will allow you to live longer. And the reason is because you’re balanced. This body of yours is designed to regenerate. This body is designed to work within the DNA you were given by your ancestors. It doesn’t change simply because you were born here. That’s number one: food.

Number two: One of the things that so many of you miss is that you will live longer, much longer with a stronger immune system. Now here we go because there will be those who will object to what I’m going to say because you learned it differently from those metaphysical teachers who say, “You must do this. You must do that. You must do that.” And they’re as guilty as the ones who give you a diet that say, “There’s only one way to do this.” There are many ways to do things, Dear Ones, depending upon your energy, your contact with Spirit, all of the things that you call the metaphysical experience that you would have.

How close are you to the Creator? A stronger immune system will allow you years more, because a stronger immune system will not catch the flus, the colds, or all the other things common to humans. And where one will have one of those things happen every year, you might have it happen every ten years. because a strong immune system will keep you balanced and strong in that department.

Listen. Even if a pandemic should occur, and one did, those with stronger immune systems will survive where others with weaker will not. It has nothing to do with some of the things that you’ve been told, Dear Ones, maybe what you would call the antidotes – it has another name I won’t mention. It has nothing to do with that. Nothing. It’s just that a stronger immune system will help you survive and that is simple logic.

Dear Ones, there are several ways to have a stronger immune system. So as to let you know what others have told you, can you create that through consciousness? Oh yes you can. In fact, the last thing we’re going to tell you has to do with that very thing.

Can consciousness alone create a stronger immune system? Yes. And here is why. Consciousness is energy. Your chemistry in your body, all of it, responds to consciousness, all of it. It’s the most powerful thing you have, but it’s difficult. It’s difficult for most of you because you live in a modern world and you do not yet have the tools to target that which are parts of your body to work on daily in order to balance this body of yours for beauty, for longevity. It takes a meditator, Dear One. It takes one who knows how to focus on the cells, on the DNA, and work together in a way that so many find difficult. Often you don’t even have time.

So I am telling you the best and most efficient way is through your own consciousness, through the affirmations that you would say daily when you talk about the strength of your own immune system and you tell your body to behave basically, that you’re the boss basically. That’s number one.

There are several ways of working with your immune system. The second one of course is food. There will be certain kinds of food substances known for their nutrition, for their vitamins, for their minerals that you can then take in addition to what you eat that help your ancestral DNA with a stronger immune system, but often they don’t taste very good. And so when you get the idea that you will take these and you will ingest these and these, pretty soon you go, “Blah, this is not necessarily what I would like. It doesn’t taste good.” That’s very common, Dear Ones. It is common because you didn’t grow up with it or perhaps your ancestral DNA doesn’t like it because you didn’t take it before.

You must have the ability to strengthen your immune system in a world where you’ve decided to put yourself in harm, and you have. You live in pollution. What do you do about that? This then draws down your immune system. Did you know that? Of course it will. You’re breathing in pollution. Your immune system is struggling, struggling, struggling all the time. You may be one that has decided to live in a place that you rarely see the sun. You go to work. All you have is central heating and air conditioning always blowing all the chemistry upon you, and you breathe that most of your life. Do you think that is going to strengthen your immune system? No. It’s going to weaken it.

If you have a stronger immune system, all of those things will work fine if you wish to supplement them with the vitamins and the minerals that you don’t get; the substances that you should have had in a normal ancestral DNA balance. Then you get down to supplements. Yes indeed, I will tell you that your planet has provided some very pure sustenance in supplements that is safe. Look for them, which will be the ones to help those who cannot do it naturally and cannot do it through food, and so you will do it through the supplements.

In your civilization that probably will work best because again so many of you don’t have time. You don’t have time to live longer, Sad, but it’s true. So that was that one way I am telling you about. There are three ways. There is consciousness, there is food, and there are supplements.

I have a story. It’s one that repeats itself constantly. I want you to listen carefully. There’s a man and a woman, husband and wife, and they’ve been married together, partners, joyful partners for 50 years. And as it is in life, one is taken early leaving the other one devastated. And in that scenario you often see something that is going to tell you everything. In the grief that the one feels after the other one leaves, the chemistry starts to change in the human body. The ideas of life itself and what it’s worth starts to change in the human body, and often within months the other one passes over. What just happened?

I want you to pay attention. The consciousness of the individual who was left could not cope with the grief that changed the chemistry and created death. Better to leave than to stick around. That means that consciousness actually controlled lifespan. Consciousness does this in both directions. In other words, it can terminate your life early and it can extend it way beyond the place where it would have been. Consciousness can extend life. That is the biggest new thing I could tell you, that in this energy is the best thing you can ever do to have a longer life.

And here we go. Some will say, “Well, I do have good consciousness. I’m listening to this program. Of course I have good consciousness.” Let me ask a question. 

Do you fear the future? Are you one that has been told that this is not going to go very well these next years and so you ought to worry about it? And you do. If you’re one who perhaps turns on the media and they say you ought to worry about it, and you do. If you are in fear of the future, you’re barely keeping up and the chemistry of your body is pressed upon. It does not keep that immune system of yours strong. It does not keep the balance of your body strong. It even frightens your ancestral DNA because you’re afraid of life, afraid of life. And you might say, “That’s not me. That’s not me, Kryon. I’m not afraid of life.”

Really. Do you complain? Do you complain? Do you go to places where others complain with you? You have a complaining party. When others come over, do you decide you believe something in common, therefore you should complain in common? I’ll tell you, this diminishes your life, diminishes your life.

And the reason, the chemistry of your body reacts to these kinds of things: negativity, fear. Complaining is that which then actually digs into that which you think is wrong and exposes it. That’s fear. You may not think it is, but it is.

How do you sleep at night after you go to a complaining party? This is common to humanity. It is common to your society. And here is my message. Get out of the habit. You have the ability to live an exceptionally long life. Your body is designed for it. It’s designed for it when you don’t beat it up. It’s designed for it when you don’t give it bad chemistry and fear and worry. It’s designed to repair itself, rejuvenate and last a very long time.

I am telling you something you need to hear. You want to live longer? You can. You can! Make sure you eat something that’s common sense and not something somebody just gave you. Try it. See if it works. Don’t believe somebody because it works for them. Support your immune system in many ways so you always have a stronger immune system. Measure it perhaps with how many colds you get and you’ll see them start to diminish. You’ll know that your immune system is ready. That will give you added years. And finally, stay out of fear; stay out of worry. Don’t have complaining parties.

I just gave you some secrets, some really good ones. And you can stay around a lot longer on this planet, perhaps for your partner, perhaps for your children, perhaps just so you can spread the joy of who you are to the human race. 

I am Kryon in love with all of you. And so it is.

Are you afraid of love? - February 5, 2025

I am a living example of love.
I allow myself to receive the infinite flow of unconditional love from the Creator.
I am a conduit of love and light, which radiates all around me.
I walk in beauty and glow with the purity of love consciousness.

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

What a question. And you might say, “Uh, no, I’m not afraid of love, Kryon.” Really! I’m going to tell you a story, and the story is going to emphasize what love might be. We speak of love in a way that perhaps you have haven’t heard before. 

There’s many kinds of love. In fact, there are languages on the planet who have many words for love, depending upon how it’s used. The biggest one is the one from that which you say comes from above; in your language that means from the Creator. Some say it’s the love of God, the love of Spirit. Would you be afraid of that? And I’m going to tell you something – most of you are and you don’t even know it, because it doesn’t sit well with what you’ve been told or what you think.

The story I want to tell is when I first came to the man in the chair who sits here now channeling, this you hear which is Kryon. I am so in love with all of you even as you listen to this. This is his story from my side.

When he finally sat in the chair, this engineer, in his mid-40s, he gave an ultimatum you might say. He was tired of what was going on in his life and what he was being told, and the synchronicities that would put him in the chair, but he had to see for himself if there was something there. So what he said to Spirit, as we all gathered around, figuratively holding our breath you might say, the guides, the angels, all of us. He said, “If you’re there, show me.”

I have no words in your language, but I have a lot of love. That was the point at which we had permission to show him. We knew who he was. We couldn’t do it subtly. It had to be something he would remember for life that would either change him or put him in permanent denial forever. He sat in the chair and we smothered him with the love of his soul, the love of the Creator, the love of his ancestors. We smothered him. He melted. He sobbed. He went into a state he didn’t expect and he popped out of the chair angry, and we knew we had him.

We had him with the love that he’d never experienced before, and this is what I want to talk about. From his standpoint, he may even have had a trip to the other side of the veil for just a moment. He may have felt home. He may have felt the ancestors. He may have felt everything there was to feel. And every cell of his body was awakened with love.

And what happened is it made him uncomfortable. He would say later before he sat in the chair, “Don’t do that again. Give it to me slowly because I can’t take it.” And so we did, but we got his attention. And every time he sat down, like he sits today, we come in immediately, quickly, without question, and he can feel what he feels now. He is in a different place, you might say, filled with safety, filled with a love that is permanent and unconditional and unchanging. That’s the love that Spirit has for you.

The rest is history with him in that he took three years, Dear Ones, to assimilate the reality from who he was to who he would become - three years. Now in that time of 1989 and in those conditions and in the culture for its day, this is understandable. There are many today who are awakening in this fashion almost overnight. They start to see that the love that they felt and are feeling and that is new was always there, and so they are welcoming it in and saying, “I knew it was possible.”

Are you afraid of love? Your culture does not embrace such a thing. It wants you to be a little more serious perhaps, even if you’re a fun person. They don’t want you to be suddenly spiritually filled with so much love you’re going to change on them. There is a cultural pressure not to awaken. Some of it is created by your institutions, the ones that are spiritual who say, “You have to be in the corner. You’re not worthy. Don’t do this. Don’t do that.” Therefore this love can never get to you. And you have then believed that and it keeps you at bay, you might say, from saying, “Show me.”

You’re not afraid of love perhaps from an individual - romantic. You’re not afraid of love that would come pouring at you from an animal, your pet, and you’d welcome that. But boy when it comes to receiving the love of the Creator, you’re very careful. And some of you said, “I want to go everywhere but there. I don’t want to do that.”

Because what are the fears is that you will change. That’s what you’ve been told. You’ll be changing.

I would like to tell you the truth right now. Will you change? Absolutely! But the change is going to be a benevolent, beautiful one that you will never forget that will take you into a peaceful countenance; an existence that is different from the old you. One that does not have worry all the time. One that is not in fear all the time. One who sees a perception of others completely differently than you might before that time when you said, “Show me.”

You’re afraid because you’re told you should be. And then there are those of you, you old souls, who are starting to say, “What if, what if I always had the ability for this love? What if it’s always been here inside me and that I’ve sheltered it. What if I have closed it in with the filters of my time and my day? What if it’s bigger that I thought?”

This month is celebrated for love. It is indeed romantic love, but it goes so much further. It’s permission to talk about love. In the Circle of Twelve tonight, we’re going to continue this idea that there is so much love around you that you are not necessarily accepting or aware of or - are you ready - taking advantage of. In other words, what if love itself, especially from the Creator has an energy that can permeate yourselves, your cells, your very biology?

What if this love can settle things down for you in that which is your consciousness or the things that perhaps bother you? What if it’s more than just sitting and being loved? What if it’s a salve, an ointment you might say of peace for you, that flows over you, pours over you, that you can sit and go, “Oh, if I’d known this was there, I would have done it when I was a kid. If I’d known this was there, I would have done it first thing, as soon as I woke up. If I’d known this was there, I would have been a different person a long time ago.”

That’s what we’re telling you, Dear Ones. You are magnificent. You are dearly loved - all of you - from that which you say is God, the Creative Source. Maybe it’s time you said, “Show me.” And so it is.

Is earth receiving help from the stars? - February 12, 2025

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

This particular statement some of you have the answer for because you have heard that which I have given you, the teachings of many, many times. There are many who are just starting to realize things. They have an awakening of their own; perhaps things are bigger than you’ve been taught or told. That is always what we ask you to consider.

And one of the things that we have told you yet from the beginning is that your very 23 chromosomes of DNA shout at you that you are different from all those before you on the planet who had 24. We’ve told you in the past that something happened 200,000 years ago that you should know about. We’ve told you something that is perhaps eye-rolling to many, except to scientists (who) also are scratching their heads. 

What happened that would take you out of the normal mammal configuration of 24 chromosomes suddenly to 23? We gave you the word: intervention. In this particular case, it was intervention from the stars.

Here is the premise that you should know and hear yet again. This galaxy of yours is alive! There are so many with high consciousness, low consciousness. There’s life everywhere! Right now as I sit with my partner in this chair, you have discovered multitudes of other planets around stars much like yours that have atmospheres, that have temperatures much like yours, perhaps even water like yours. And the longer we wait, the more are discovered and discovered until you’ll realize there are millions, millions of earths. Eventually you will see that.

What are the odds that a few of them, a percentage, maybe a few thousand even, have life? What are the odds that its life before yours started? All of those things, the odds are tremendously in favor of all of that. And this leads me again to tell you this, Dear Ones. Those who seeded you, changed your DNA, and created that in you which is compassion, and postured you for a 24th pair of chromosomes that have enlightenment, that are multidimensional, that are the avenue you might say or the window to the Creator.

That’s what happened. And here you sit, a human being that has changed from the stars, has been changed from the stars. Why would that be? And who was it? We have given you this information before. It’s not that critical that you count the stars and know who the personalities were, but instead that you would know that from that Seven Sisters area there was love given to you. And those that came down, who knew they could never leave, came down in a multidimensional way without spaceships, which is the way of travel, and they stayed.

And they stayed because they are in love with humanity, You, you might say, are their lineage. In a reverse way, you are their future and lineage.

Dear Ones, they have been here all along and there is great love for you. How they have helped you in the past is a story we wish to tell, but more than that is how they are helping you now. In the past, they were your teachers. For thousands of years they spent here giving you the essences of divine purpose, the way things worked, how compassion worked, how Spirit worked, how love worked. 

They taught for a very long time. You might say they taught like mothers would teach. If you look at them, you would say they are all feminine. And they have a gender which appears to be that way. It is that way. You might say they are mothers from the stars – Star Mothers.

There is so much love coming to you in addition to that which we have talked about from the Creative Source or from your soul. There is so much love coming to you from that which is what you would call the star family. It doesn’t stop there. Roll your eyes some more because they were seeded by others. There are ascended planets, lots of them, who have gone through the test that you have, but have an extra million years or so on you.

Not a technology advancement, a consciousness advancement. Someday you will realize that all of your technology is cute. It helps you, kind of. But the thing that you’re really developing is high consciousness. That’s the highest technology in the universe - high consciousness where you can change physics literally with your own consciousness and desires. This is not only available. I have taught about it for 36 years. It is reality.

Suddenly on this planet during the shift, you’re starting to see it. You’re starting to see consciousness raise itself.

You’re starting to feel the love from the stars. Some of you are aware that you are not alone.

Now there are many out there, but I am speaking specifically now about those who created you, helped you, taught you. And when they were here, they did something else for you. They put into this very planet a system, so that when you arrived here you would have help. Call them time capsules if you wish that would open around the earth and help push the dark away and help accept the light, and actually change the fabric of dark and light, and it wasn’t going to happen unless you did something. And you did.

Through the Harmonic Convergence, you made a decision in 1987 that there would be no more World War III, II, I – no more world wars. There would be no more Armageddon. Instead you would have an avenue on a new train track you might say of the old one in history that kept repeating itself and repeating itself going around and around. You went on to this new train track, and all manner of things have already happened. Some of them you may look at and say, “How could that be positive?” Change can often be this way.

What if I told you the wars of this planet may be the final ones? Would that change your attitude about this new track? What if I told you on this planet there would be remarkable inventions soon that might change that which is hunger or the lack of water? These are all in line to be given to you when you stop warring. This has always been the plan, Dear Ones. You have those from the stars who have helped you for thousands of years and that are stepping up now to help you in even a grander way.

Can you give thanks right now for the Star Mothers? Can you perhaps say, “I don’t know, Kryon. That sounds like pretty wild stuff.” Why don’t you just not decide if you wish and wait a while until it shows itself in your reality in 3D when you meet them? And you will! Dear Ones, it’s closer than you think. There will be some kinds of contacts coming sooner than you think. Maybe not the final ones, maybe not the Star Mothers, but enough for you to know that this galaxy is teeming with life.

There is something else that they have done. These ascended planets, they are your family. They know you. They stand over you. There’s actually some protection of earth for you. I would not tell you these things, Dear Ones, if they were not true. I want you to sit for a moment and ponder what if I’m right. What if, as you sit here, you actually have DNA from the stars, combined with that which evolved from humanity a long time ago as humans?

This is the way of all things at the moment human. That you do have DNA from the stars, and that means that each and every human is enabled. Each and every one of you is enabled for an awakening of what is already inside you: to a grander truth, to communication with those who came early and taught you that which is the information that is the source of the Creator.

Would you like to retrieve that information? Would you like to know more about the love that is for you from those from the stars? It’s not that difficult, Dear Ones. All you have to say, “Dear Spirit, if this is so and this is true, in some way show me. In some way, give synchronicities so that I can see that perhaps this is not just one message from one channeler.” 

Dear Ones, there are indigenous all over the world who will give you the same message that I just gave you. It is well known.

Where do you stand here? Will you receive the love from your star family? I am Kryon in love with you all. And so it is.