Note: Message Transcripté à partir des Audios Anglais de Lee Carroll (use Google Translate).


The Energy of 2023 - January 4th, 2023

I invite you to close those beautiful precious eyes of yours, tune in to the light that is within your body, within your DNA, within your cells. At the moment of conception there was a spark of light that is known in biology.

So your whole biological structure was created by this magic of light at that very very moment of conception that occurred for you. So you have the light within you to radiate outwards and there's nothing really to do other than just reminding yourself of that deep connection that is in you and giving yourself permission to increase your level of awareness.

I give permission to increase my level of awareness so that my thoughts, my actions, my words can be elevated, can have a higher consciousness, a more ascended consciousness and it's as simple as that in your everyday words, thoughts, feelings and actions.

What would the higher road of consciousness do in that situation? I give permission to walk on that path, the elevated path, the one of higher consciousness that has the deep wisdom to know when to just hold fast and shine the light.

And so now let us hear from Kryon how we can continue to hold fast and shine our light. 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryeon of magnetic service. This is or would seem to be the first channeling of the year 2023.

It is actually not for there has been a channeling and it's happened before on a program which some of you know about called the double digit. It is there where I revealed the name or energy of the year.

I'm going to do that for you yet again. I do that because there are so many who see this is the demarcation point of something new. Well it is a new year. Would you be shocked if I told you that spirit does not have a calendar that we do not then mark years like you do, or we come out with revelations at a certain time as you desire them. One of the things that you saw just recently is how we have labeled the energy of last year and the year before.

We called it the years of revelation, and it didn't change at a new year. In fact, it stayed, again because times and energies don't necessarily mix. The clock does not necessarily then go as you would expect it to go along with the energies that you would expect to have.

Indeed, they don't. And yet I will honor you with a change of energy, a new word to look at. These four channelings for this month will all be about the new year, honoring you for the various attributes of what you expect, for the planet, for the world, humanity, yourself, perhaps, what it means, because these are significant changes going on.

Let's first talk about last year. Those who do numerology know that it is a complex science. Numerology identifies often the energies of numbers. And in certain systems, those energies will then tell you what it is that is happening around those energies.

And that is why when you look at the years numbers, the 2022 and 2023, you would say, well, what do they mean? Sometimes they don't mean what the numerology says they should and that's because of the numbers within and what they may mean.

Now don't get confused or complex, just remember that numerology in itself is a study of science. 2022 would appear to have been a very good year and the reason is because when you add those numbers up you get a 6.

In Tibetan numerology a 6 is divinity, harmony, love, beauty and what you got was a war. So you might say, what was wrong with that numerology? And I will tell you, now we have some of the complications of the numerology to look at. in the year 2022 what should have yelled at you if you were one to study numerology is the 22 because right in the middle of the year and the number sequence there was a master number and when you have that you must look at the meaning of the master number first and not the total of the numbers together all this to say that what was really the meaning numerologically of last year was the 22.

22 is a master number that has always been the one that puzzles people because it speaks of cosmic law and duality and both of those don't sound very enjoyable and they're not when you see a master 22 it's going to be about learning about change about things happening which force other things to go certain ways it's about struggle but cosmic law truly is more than just that which is karmic or that which has as a battle between the things that that are featured in duality it has results always that is why it is a master number it's a master number even of completion although that is also complex to talk about last year you got to see something spectacular in duality those who really believed that they could take something of 40 to 50 years ago and put it right back on you and you'd buy it and they felt that so completely because that's the way they grew up and it always worked before.

 And that is the way that things happened in their lives of the golden era of of what they wanted and what they were about And you got war Was it a shock to you To so many it was and you got to see the reaction to it. These years that have passed these last two perhaps even these last three Have all been about revelation. They reveal that which has been in the dark. They reveal agendas you never thought you'd see on the planet The revelation could be ugly it was It still is. But now you you go into something I don't misunderstand this. You go into a word I'm going to give you called recovery.

You recover from something, perhaps that has been injurious. Or you might have had a laughing fit in a theater, and you recover from that, and you catch your breath. But recovery means a return to something that you create. You recover to a normal that you create. Now perhaps it's a new normal. Recovery does not mean you return to an old way. It means you come out of something and you settle into a new way. This is the energy that starts now.

Now I might tell you that this energy is going to continue. And next year as I sit here, I may tell you the same word. You're still in recovery. But that is what the planet is looking at as a whole. Now you will say, well, wait a minute, Kryon.

There's nothing to recover from. If you talk to those in the war, they're still at war. How can they possibly recover? This is the year that starts the energy of recovery for things that are going to happen that you have not seen yet.

That ought to give you hope for resolution, for solution, for things that seemed unsolvable. Perhaps a complete turnaround is going to occur that you didn't expect that creates resolution and that you recover from these things.

Think of this entire earth taking a deep breath and say, we're glad we're over that. And when you want to define what that is, means, the word that, it's not the war. That is an old energy of thousands of years of fighting, of killing each other, of low consciousness, of not knowing the kinds of things that are now knowable, of not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel which now is there to see.

Being a recovery is something that is planetary, not all at once, not for everyone, but cumulatively will be. Did you get that? There's hope. And I wouldn't give you this unless there was. For those who want to add up the bad things that are happening to you, to a planet, I tell you this.

You get what you expect. Why not add up the good things? Or why not expect those things which some feel are in the works that are going to happen and expect that which is recovery and solutions and answers that are on their way.

It begins now. There is hope for this year's energy I have given you now for three years. Maybe you have come from the worst of it. Maybe there's a few things left but dear ones, light is coming and the revelations of all of the ugly things and the darkness on this planet are starting to diminish because you're starting to see the darkest of the dark.

Now it's time to do something with it. I'm Kryeon in love with humanity for all you're going through, for all that is there, for all that will be there in love and so it is. 

Becoming Unstuck - January 11th, 2023

So what we'd like to do now is move into a meditation and then a channel from Kryeon. And so I invite you in this moment to close your eyes and allow all tension in your body to just dissolve. Just soften your face, soften your shoulders, soften your arms, your hands, your abdomen, your chest, your back, your legs, your calves, your feet.

Allow it to completely soften and be supported in either the chair or perhaps you're lying down. Wherever you are, feel the support that is holding you. And this is a moment where you're asked to just simply let go of thoughts, let go of any focus that you have had in that question that was asked a moment ago about whether we still get the benefit of spirit when we can't focus or concentrate.

Just allow all of that to drift. Allow those thoughts to drift away, any concentration or thoughts. Let them float onto a cloud that you're going to feel, sense or visualize floating above you, swirling patterns of clouds, that you can just throw any thoughts that are still lingering in your mind, your very active logic brain.

Let those thoughts and that intellect get released onto the floating clouds swirling above you and you can pick them up when you come out of the meditation and channel. Just allow yourself to surrender to the moment and give permission to have that warm hug come to you from the Kryeon entourage and so dear Kryeon we invite you to come and deliver your message to us. 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryeon of Magnetic Service. This is the second week of the month of a series for the New Year.

We told you that every single channel would have a different kind of subject but specific to that what you call your New Year. This is the time allocated by the entire planet. There are some exceptions and that has to do with those in certain cultures who do not recognize it fully but most calendars do.

It is a time that you would recognize making resolutions or perhaps taking stock of what happened the last year, looking at it retrospectively, saying what you wish, what you do not wish, and moving forward.

And you've done this year after year. And often, nothing much changes. It seems like a fun time to make these kinds of thoughts available for yourself, for your family, for others. For some, it's almost a fad.

Some, it is very important. Some, it is spiritual. Let's talk about it. How would you approach this one? Now, if you were with us last week, we did a circle of 12 which talked about launching two ships.

One was obviously, in this metaphor, a very old one. And in that ship were all of the old energies, the old ways, the old things. And in the new one, we didn't tell you. There wasn't much of anything.

You see, it hadn't been created yet. That's the way these things are, even today, in the questions and answers. The answer was given by my partner, you don't know what you don't know. And yet, we are always asking you to trust that that will be benevolent when it comes.

Because you've asked for it, because you've planned for it, even if you don't know what it is. Can you approach this next year with that attitude? Can you have the two ships yourself? Let's package this up in a way that makes sense.

If you look upon your life, right now. You would normally say, here are my resolutions, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do that, I want to do this, I want to renew that, I'd like to do this better.

And that's how it goes usually. What if instead in your mind you put things in packages just like the two ships of the ship, what is it that you would say you are stuck? And that resolution after resolution every new year you say I'll do better, but you still feel you don't, and you know what it is, and it can be so many things, but you know personally what it is, what holds you back.

Like, what holds you from Feeling good about yourself or self -worth what holds you from moving forward spiritually perhaps and Again, it can come in so many forms. It can come in that which is your emotions and your attitude Or your physical so many forms that will keep you from being you and you know what they are What if you visualize what they are perhaps even write them down Wow that is frightening To some you don't want even write them down.

You don't want to give them energy. But what if you wrote them down on a piece of paper. These are the things that keep me where I am. I don't want to be where I am. These are the things where I will say I'm stuck because they keep coming back.

They keep coming back And what if you were take figuratively those things or that list that you're building and You wrap it up in some kind of a package And if you did write it up and put it in a package this that's lovely.

It's a nice package. It's gonna be a gift. In a moment, you'll see why. And another list you might put not what you don't want but something new that you do. Don't make this a list that's always the same as it has been year to year.

Try to alter it slightly so it sounds better to your own ears. Instead of writing what hasn't worked for you and has kept you away from things, you might say I want to discover things that will increase my own. My own self -worth my own belief in me. Try not to make them specific, dear ones, because if you do, you will limit that which Spirit can bring you. Make them general and beautiful. I want to feel better for reasons I don't know why yet. I want to awaken with a smile every day for reasons I don't know why yet that will come my way.

This is what I see for myself in this year. You are always safe to say, I want to come closer to the creative source. I want to know more about love and that will help me. What a beautiful list you would create which doesn't sound like I want a new mate or I want this or that or I want to live in a different area.

All of those things are so linear. What if those things could be incorporated in that multi -dimensional list that I just told you about, that you're saying, I don't know what it will be. But I want to feel better about myself.

This is the key. This is the key to you allowing what's going to happen next to be anything, as long as it creates that which you've asked for. You see the difference between that linear list and that multidimensional list.

Now, the linear one we ask you to create is the one of things that stick and that are stuck and are not working anymore. Go ahead and write them down. Make them specific. I don't like the way I do this or that.

I'm tired of vowing to this or that or doing these things incorrectly. And I've done them for years and years and years and years. Put that list and write it up. And I want that list to go in a package.

Go and wrap it up, perhaps like you would even at a holiday package or a Christmas or a birthday or make it lovely because you're going to make an offering that's coming in a moment. The other list you have made, dear ones, I don't want you to put it in a package at all.

I want you to put it in your pocket because this is the one that you put next to you. You don't wrap it and send it away. You keep it next to you all the time. You might even keep it by your bedside.

You might even look at it. You might refer to it on a regular basis just to remind yourself what might happen, what is possible. Now for that lovely little package you made with all those linear things that you don't like, I'm going to ask you to do something.

The psychologists all over the world will nod and say, You're right. It's a ceremony of sorts, you might say. You're going to take that gift and you're going to offer it for destruction. The best way, dear ones, would be into a fire because then you watch it being consumed and your mind sees it as burning up, your mind sees it as destruction and it goes away.

It cannot be retrieved. And in that you are saying to the universe, to spirit, to everyone around you who watches you do it if you choose to do that, you're saying it is done, it is finished. And those thoughts that I had and those things that are stuck will not have to come back.

They're not me anymore. They belong to the fire. The things that are me are these more general requests that I have for myself, for spirit, that are in my pocket. Let things happen for me, which will create self -worth, health, beauty, kindness, compassion, and put a smile on my face.

I don't have to know what they are, but I'll know them when they occur. And the old things that I wrote on the list and put into the fire will no longer be stuck and will allow the good things to come to me from now on.

It's more than a resolution, dear one. It's a commitment. Yes or no? Do you mean it or do you not mean it? These are the times when you put together so many kinds of promises to yourself, to others, for this renewing as you have it on your calendar, a fresh start as you have it on your calendar.

And that's why I give you these things now, to do that which I've just said. And any time you doubt, just take that list out of your pocket or off the bedstead and remember this channeling, or listen to it again, or read the things that you wrote for yourself.

Nothing is more personal than this for you. I give you these things and this exercise because I know it works. I know who you are. Old soul, light worker, listening to me now. All these things are possible.

I'm Kryeon in love with humanity. And so it is. 

The Past will not Repeat - January 18th, 2023

I want to invite you to, you know, rub your hands together and then close your mind and without kind of thinking about it, put your hands on an area of your body and they can be anywhere. There's just your first intuition, where do you want to put your hands after rubbing them onto your body?

And in that area where your hands are on your body, just focus in, is there a message from that area? And what is that message that that area of your body wants to communicate to you? Just allow a few moments for any messages, that area of your body and say thank you.

Acknowledge that part of your body, thank you. We acknowledge you, we love you. You are such a beautiful part of our body. And so now, release your hands, let's rub them again, because we're going to have fun with this.

Place it onto another area of your body. And you might find that your hands are not together, they're separated. They're on separate parts of your body, because there's no right or wrong with this exercise.

We're just having fun and spend a bit of time. What is the message that's been communicated? Why did your hands go to those particular places? And as you receive the message, acknowledge those areas your hands are, thank you.

Thank you for being a part of this. beautiful part of my body. You are working as a whole and the job you do is so important, thank you. And one last time I'm gonna rub our hands again and without thinking about it, that's why I asked you to close your eyes as you rub so that without thinking about it you can then put your hands on another part of your body.

And what's the message that's being communicated? What's it sharing with you? And let's acknowledge that part of our body. Thank you for the role you play, the function that you bring, for working together as one whole beautiful vessel that contains my soul, for making my journey.

here possible. Thank you. And so with that you can just now release your hands from your body. You can place them wherever is comfortable. On your lap, on your heart, wherever it is that's the most comfortable for you.

And now we're ready to receive the energy of Kryeon through the words that Lee is going to deliver. 

Greetings dear ones. I am Kryeon of magnetic service. And how many times in the past thirty years have I told you to love yourself, the parts of your body?

You go through them each organ. Perhaps you put your hands over your heart. They're all part of one functioning system controlled by the boss. And that's you. The very beginnings of all of the Kryeon sessions always talked about talking to yourselves.

The ability for you then to control things that you were told you couldn't control. So that's a little bit of the subject in this particular channel. Controlling things you don't think you have any control over, only it's not parts of your body.

This one is a hard one. It has to do with what you've been told, what you've been programmed, what you've seen, and the way you think things work. This is the third channeling of what we will call the New Year's Month, 2023.

And when you look at this in a larger way, there are always those who say, what is this year going to bring? And we've looked at some issues perhaps that are personal and overview, the way you should look at the numerology, but this one will deal with the future.

Eons go by. The New Year's happened over and over. You have been part of so many of them. The first month of the year is the one that this... this celebration occurs and you have participated in this in every past life.

You realize that. Whatever the calendar was for whatever tribe you were part of, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, this was the way of it. In general, you hoped a new year would be better but often it wasn't.

In fact, there were certain parts of history that it simply got worse and worse. So no matter what things were said, what ceremonies were done, what wishes for the good year and the new year were given, things never changed.

Now this has been addressed in channel and it has to do with time repeating itself. Now if you have not heard this before, you'll hear it now. If you have heard it, I want you to stay with me because it's important for what's coming next.

There has been an expression for a very long time that says that time repeats itself and that certain things regarding the episodes of time over years, they tend to repeat themselves. You go through a war, the war gets solved.

There's a winner, a loser, but not for long. It then raises its head again to those winners or losers and participate yet again in another war. Now you have seen this, even your grandparents perhaps have seen this.

It would lead you to wondering, is there something that would cause time to repeat itself no matter what even though war is never an answer even though there's such a horror in it why would you ever do it again and the answer is you always do there must be a reason that reason is an old energy an old energy that does not see the dysfunction of one civilization or one generation and enough time goes by and they try it again and enough time goes by and they try it again and so what you have is your history packed with conquerors it seems like almost every country has taken turns at this and you look at the future and say here we go again.

Told you some time ago that something changed the time was like a Railroad track of a tiny toy train around a Christmas tree And it just seemed that when it was done running over one part of the track as it came around again The new generation had had had come and gone and it didn't even notice itself Didn't see the dysfunction or what happened on the track and went over it again.

I went over it again And so the track was just filled with lessons never learned Part of that is the old energy. But part of that also is because time does seem to repeat itself And then I told you this that this shift that you're in right now is like a track siding to a train a Siding an offshoot a new track that has never been there before And The train itself decided to take that track.

It was tired of the other tracks and that was 2012 and we made that comparison before and so when that siding was viewable the switch was thrown and the train that is humanity took the track onto another circle and That Circle had no history That circle had had no wars that circle had a bigger track another color That circle invited the train to be different and all those on the train knew it somehow something had changed We have said this over and over this is not your grandfather's world That you're starting to see things happen now that shock and surprise you What is the future going to be like 2023,

your train is on a new track, not the old one, dear ones. As I speak to you now, there's a horrific war. There's suffering, there's death, there's sorrow on both sides. What's going to happen there? This was a war that may have shocked and surprised many of you because it was predicted.

I told you, not specifically about a war, but there would be those in important places invested in taking you back to the way it was. This particular episode, this energy of this you call war, will not last on this track.

The world didn't want it, the world won't want it again. This is a new track. Get ready for some startling changes. Not what you think. If you take a look at many of the other things that have always repeated themselves that were unjust, out of integrity, not right, that's not on the track either.

So what I'm telling you is this is the greatest opportunity humanity has ever had. You've taken a new track. 2023, more than any other year that you've had on that track since 2012, is filled with promise.

Now, indeed, there will be still those who want to take you and rip you back to the old track, and you'll see it. You'll say, that's not right. This is an old interview. Look what they're doing. And so many will say, no, it cannot be done.

I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to agree. I'm not going to vote that way. I'm not going to say yes. That is coming as well. You will slowly start to see in this 2023 year things that start to show you that a general consensus of a civilization is starting to change.

That they want certain things, and it's not death and destruction. Not that they wanted it before, but it just seemed that it always went that way. But this time, they'll speak out. That they don't want suppressive governments.

Now, no one ever did. But this time, they'll speak out. Now, these things always bring issues, and sometimes more death. But dear ones, I'll tell you, they become benchmarks of change. Where there are so many who will rise up and say, not anymore.

Not this time. 2023 filled with surprises in both directions, but so many of them will be for you to look at and say Look at that Crying said that would happen. Look at that. Oh my things are Changing I give you this message because it's hopeful and You need that It's a message that says the train on this particular track does not have to repeat a time of before That the old energy of the old track so used so that you're so used to is gone and It's in the hands of the old souls the Lightworkers those who would listen to this To see it and not just to see it but to acknowledge it and say look this is happening It's going to happen in my life,

Too, perhaps I should participate and that is I'll participate in loving that track I'll participate in the kindness and the attitude that's going to change the train I'll do things that I haven't done before because I didn't think there was any hope before. No, I do This is what we wanted to tell you the future is not what you think. You were in control over something you didn't think you were in control of there it is.

 It's a tough one, is it not. When you're surrounded by others who will say well, it's the same old same old Things won't really change here. It comes again What you can say to them is this Well, maybe this one will be different because I feel things happening and you might even invite them to look at some of the things Not making them wrong but perhaps inviting him them to to look at that which is is is Is a changeable earth?

Not one that always stays the same one where there's there's hope and there's promise Because you're in charge of it This is my message you might call it the main new year's message. Oh, there's another one coming as well Blessed is the human who truly understands this is a different time It's a different time with different energies.

That you came for I'm Kryeon in love with humanity and So it is.

The Raising of Consciousness - January 25th, 2023

So, what are the tests of love that have come your way? Perhaps think about things that may not have looked like a test of love at the time they happened, but you've come to realize now in the fullness of time of that experience that you did indeed have a choice as to where you would take that test of love and you took the higher ground and you found a higher plane, a higher awareness of that love test.

And perhaps there's people that come into our lives that may be pushing our buttons, but maybe that little push on the button is another part of a love test. And if we can be on the higher ground and have that miracle aha moment for ourselves, oh, I recognize this as a love test.

And perhaps that miracle you have for yourself becomes two miracles because when you recognize that love test it also changes that second person. That with free choice they may also see that it has been a love test for them and now there are two miracles that are unfolding.

And so let us just acknowledge that spirit loves us so much, knows us so well that we are always being given love in the face of every situation we encounter. And so in the energy of love, let us now invite Kryeon.

Thank you. Greetings, dear ones. 

This is Kryeon on magnetic service. It always is. I talk to you about love. I talk to you about compassion. I talk to you about the times that is changing. The meditation is saying, take the higher ground, take the love test.

Do you see what the message is? It's always about love. The word has been used so commonly that you're truly not aware of the impact, the profundity of the love of the Creator for you or that which has been put inside you in these days so that you might take that higher ground.

I say this because this is indeed still. a channeling in January and that means we are still celebrating the new year. It's the new year celebration month, January 2023. We have covered several aspects of a new year celebration of what you might do that you would be a little different for you, that you might do something that would be not just different for you, but something you've never done.

In the attitude of the new year, we started by telling you some weeks ago that we realized this is a celebration of a calendar year. It is a new year for you, not for everyone for there are many different kinds of calendars, but it's very common in your society.

And so let's go all the way with it. Let's carry it even to another level. This is a new energy on the planet and the majority of those listening here are old souls. My partner has explained old souls many times to you and he did that just a moment ago.

It is a recognition of a human being who's been through many lifetimes on the planet like a school, indeed, and comes out with a little higher consciousness knowing a little more than they did the first time around or the second or the third.

The lightworker is the same. These terms are used synonymously. My partner also rightfully said that there is a new energy here that says is what the old soul does is starting to be seen and acknowledged by those who are at a lower level perhaps in that Akashic lineage.

They haven't been here as many times. And what my partner said is this new thing that he is starting to see is that they can absorb the wisdom, starting to see the compassion of those who are wiser and start to learn from those while they're on earth rather than having to go through cycle after cycle and coming back.

This is new. This would be perhaps controversial to those who say, well it always has worked a certain way, therefore it never changes. And that's not accurate. This new energy has changed the very system, if you want to call it that, that we look at.

for those who are gaining knowledge and how they do it and how wisdom is transferred and how love is seen. What if this particular New Year's celebration, you ask yourself something, perhaps you've never asked yourself before.

Number one, the energy is different here and it's never been like this as long as you've lived. 2023, the energy has never been like this as long as you've lived, no matter how many lifetimes you live.

Therefore, instead of having a New Year's resolution or planning something that would then go into that same train track or that same path as you've always done before, there is an acknowledgment it's a different train, it's a different path, it's a different ocean as we have said for any boats going on it.

It's a different energy so you cannot navigate the new energy like you did the old. But the old soul knows what to do. What is it that would make this energy better for others? What if this New Year's resolution time right now, this particular channel, was you saying, what can I do to enhance the rest of humanity in this new ocean that we're going to, to float a new boat?

That came from the circle of twelve some weeks ago. What is it I can do for that new train track which has just been put here to go where it has no history on it. Now that just came from a couple of weeks ago.

These are metaphors to going into a new energy that has never been experienced. What can you do, old soul? You have the tools, you know what to do. One of the reasons is because you've been in the old energy.

You know what works, what doesn't work. You also have seen what we've said over and over can change the planet. You have the power to send forward into this new energy. You have the power to send forward concepts that you already have as a human that are multidimensional and can be projected on that new train track.

That's what you have. Now the old souls who are listening to this right now, the Lightworkers can all do this. You wouldn't be tuned in to this program otherwise, honestly. You know how to do all these things.

What are the few things you know that could change the world? If you could paint a broad picture of civilization and you could place upon that broad picture concepts that you know how to do, what would they be?

Thank you. In an older energy when somebody comes up to you and they don't like you or calls you a name In an old energy the instant is a reflex of defense But the old soul over many lifetimes has learned something different They don't respond with defense they look at it and they know something is wrong Within the person who is telling them or calling them a name that they're upset And so rather than having a defense there's immediate compassion It's almost like we're sorry you're having a bad day Do you see how this is turned around and an old soul would do that?

What is this? What do you call this? Tolerance perhaps, kindness perhaps, wisdom perhaps? Take that one thing that you see there and say I project this into the future because I can Because I'm an old soul here for that reason I take and put this on that new train Tolerance, wisdom, I project this kind of wise reaction like a master would have would come with the new energy for 2023 Just a little more of it would help everyone What are other concepts that you know would change the planet if more people had them?

We have given you them over and over. A higher consciousness, well, that's just a little obtuse. It's a higher thing to say. So let's give attributes, number one, compassion. A more compassionate civilization where they look at one another and they emote.

They're compassionate to one another and they have compassionate action toward each other because they love each other. So let's put compassion on that train. And you might say, as an old soul who has earned the right to do this, I put this compassion on this train and I send it forward for 2023.

And you say, I can do that because this is my lineage. This is why I'm here. Let's pick up some more. As an old soul, I'm going to send more kindness, more kindness at the... at the family level, all the way to government.

More kindness is needed. And I push that into that train and hoping that it will blossom and become coherent and we'll see more and more of it. You see where we're going with this. You also, listening to this, have the ability to do this.

To push these things forward in a multidimensional way into 2023 so that your actions start making it a better year for others. Finally, the big one, you might say, dear spirit, I put love on that train, the kind of love that the Creator has for humanity so people can stop and drop into their heart and calm themselves and understand that there's more than they were ever told, even without having anybody telling them that.

That people would realize from this love that there's a grander, greater truth, a bigger one, perhaps that they were told, that they would go forward. At the moment somebody in the future is thinking about taking their life, that this would then occur to them.

I push this to them at this moment so they'll feel me loving them and they will change their mind and say, I'm gonna look around a little more. I'm gonna make some decisions. Do you see what I'm saying?

You can do this. You're putting these things on that 2023 train and that's why we're here, old soul. Did you know that you had the authority and the talent, the ability to do all that? Well now you do.

You might sit for a while and think about that. I'm Kryeon in love with humanity and so it is.