Note: Messages Transcriptés à partir des Audios Anglais de Lee Carroll (use Google Translate).


Can anyone really tell the future? - January 3rd, 2024

So I invite you to close your eyes and let us make a statement. Dear Spirit, I affirm that there are things I do not know anything about. Help me to change my perception on things that I don't know anything about.

Help me to release judgement on the things I do not know about. Dear Spirit, I invite the energy of allowance for positive expectations and benevolence. Dear Spirit, show me how this can be achieved.

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

Is it possible for anyone to tell the future? Anyone? Can it be done? This and other subjects about the future are what the series will be about this month.

I'll give you four channelings that talk about things of the past, the future, the present and that whole issue of time. What it could mean? Is it possible? Is time really something that exists? Can you move forward into it and tell what's going to happen?

Can anybody give you that? So the subject of this first channel is exactly from that question. Is it possible to tell the future? for so long, about the free will of humanity, about the linear aspect of time that says that anything can be changed at any time through the consciousness of humanity.

That if humans have total and complete free choice on what they do and whether they go to the light or doubt or if they awaken or doubt, if cultures change, if that's the case, how could anyone go to any place they call a vision and come back with what's going to happen?

Because humans can change it. They can change it tomorrow. That's a puzzle. So again we ask, is it possible for anyone truly to give you the future? The answer may be complex, but I also want to make it clear.

If you go back in time, there it is again, you'll find that shamans of old often told those around them about what might happen, and then it did. There have been those in your cultures and your societies that might have done the same thing.

Some of them accurately, and some of them not, and some of them what you might call hit and miss. Were they simply lucky, or is there an avenue that someone might take that actually might give them good answers about the future?

Let me ask you this. If you go to visit the Hopi Indian Rock, and you see scratched into the surface lightly a complete description of what is happening right now, how did they do that? It would really seem that this ancient rock was them giving a future way far away from anything they even knew about that is happening right this moment.

If you talk to some of the other indigenous cultures about their cosmology, they will describe the shift we are in. How did that happen? How are they then giving the future? Because they did. And the funny thing, the peculiar thing, is this, that so many of them gave the same story and they never even met each other.

This would seem that there are those who can tell the future. How does that work? In order to explain this better, I would like to bring it into modern day. There is a gentleman who didn't start out to be metaphysical but became that way because of the visions he had.

His last name was Scallion. And the gentleman had powerful visions that were given to him about the future. And when he had the visions, they were so real to him that he came back and told his followers or anyone who wanted to know what he had seen.

So profound was it that he... He gave a map of the future that was popular for some time. But it wasn't a pretty map at all. It showed much of the United States under water. Something was going to happen, either natural or not, that would create earthquakes, would create turmoil.

There were many who believed him, moved away from the West Coast, and then it didn't happen. You see, he assigned dates to it. This first happened in the late 80s, into the early 90s. And when the dates did not produce that which he had seen, he would go out again supposedly to generate another vision, although I think they came pretty naturally to him.

And he saw it a little differently, but it was still going to happen in a certain way. So vividly was he seeing this. He came back and even altered his map. He gave a date, and it didn't happen. He became wise in this, and he realized something.

Was I seeing the future, or was I seeing a future? There is a difference. What you've heard about time is true, that in a multidimensional state, you are always in the past, the present, and the future.

And if that's the case, and time is giving to you in a very linear form when it's actually a multidimensional thing, it kind of messes up the thoughts you have about everything about the past, the future, the present.

Can you get into the now and tell the future because of it? And that may be the secret. What if there were many futures? Because of this possibility, maybe there were many timelines, but you're only on one.

So here is the question again. Can you tell the future that is coming for you? And the answer is, at some level, yes. And I'm going to show you how. I'll tell you how. It is all wrapped up in what is happening now.

Based upon what is happening now, what might happen next? And how does it relate to the visions of the indigenous? That will give you a far grander, greater idea of what's happening on this planet than anything else.

There are many who will continue to go out and have visions and come back with catastrophe and horror. And you can look at it and go, well, that's... That's the future you saw because you're on some timeline of your own.

That's not necessarily the future being developed from what's happening right now. So again, I give you the metaphor so you will understand how somebody could possibly tell the future, including the indigenous.

And here's how it works. Consciousness is energy. And if you imagine the consciousness and the attitude of this consciousness, the attributes of it, is it dark consciousness? Is it light consciousness?

What is it? Imagine it starting to develop into a huge ball, like for instance, a snowball. And it starts to roll slowly down the hill of a snow -covered bank on its way in time. Perhaps it's not going to get where it's going for a generation, but it begins.

And as it goes down, how do you see it? Does it collect more of its own energy? For instance, the energy of enlightenment, kindness, compassion, is the snowball that I told you about in 1989. That's the snowball.

The book was called The End Times because The End Times was the collection of that snowball. That snowball would bring you to a place where there would be no World War III, and I told you that in 1989.

I published it in 1993. There would be no Armageddon. There would be no World War III. And you didn't get it at the appointed time in the year 2000, did you? The snowball rolls down the hill, becomes bigger, and pretty soon you can look in front of it because of the elements of gravity, and you can see where it's going.

This snowball is going to roll down this hill, and it's going to dispense the energy when it lands wherever it lands. And you can't stop it. Is that telling the future? If you saw a real snowball rolling down the hill, would everybody be amazed if you said it's going to go over there?

And well, I invite you all to see this future that you can also tell. This snowball is rolling right into your future. It's going to change that which is the outcomes of the wars that you see now. It's going to change whether there's ever going to be another one.

It's going to change how people think about what they're seeing now and what they might do with their leadership to prevent it from happening again all over the world. not just in one or two places. Dear ones, yes, the future can be told, your future can be told, when it's so obvious where it's going.

That is the information I gave you 34 years ago. I told you that the shift was coming, and the shift would bring a difference in the planet's thinking about what they wanted. It doesn't mean everybody gets religious.

It doesn't mean everybody gets enlightenment. It means that there is a far -sweeping, more powerful energy of compassion and kindness to one another, and an idea of what you want to do while you're on the planet.

Trade with each other, not war with each other. Clean up the planet so you're not destroying it. That is actually something that is in progress. Have inventions given to you that will stop pollution.

That is in progress. All of these things in the snowball of the future that you know about. That's the answer. Yes. I'm going to talk more about time. I'm going to talk more about the future in the future channels to come.

The future channels. Do you see why I'm in love with humanity? Can you see this? I am, and for good reason. And so it is. 

Can you influence your future? - January 10th, 2024

And so I invite you to close your eyes and place your hands on your heart area. And all we're going to do is slow our breathing. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. And just continue focusing on your heart area.

And we're going to now feel, sense, or visualize deep gratitude to Kryon. Kryon loves humanity and says so many, many times. So just focus on that feeling of gratitude, so much gratitude that Kryon has come to us, delivering messages of compassion, love, hope, reminding us of our own magnificence.

And from this place of gratitude for the love and compassion of Kryon, let us welcome in the message from Kryon today. 

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

Is it possible for you to control your future?

That is the message that is the second part of a future series of four parts. What a question. Is it possible for you to control your own future? There would be those who say, it's a dumb question. It's a dumb question because the future isn't here yet.

How can you control something that hasn't happened? And then we return to that which we have told you many times before. And that statement we've made so many times before starts to align with some of the higher -thinking physicists of today.

Time is a construct. It's variable. It's linear for you. But the truth is, in a multidimensional word, one word, it all exists together. That's the word, together. Past, present, future are one thing existing together.

That's a multidimensional concept. That's not the one that you received or that you live with. We're aware of that. So it's a puzzling thing, is it not for you? The whole idea that time exists altogether in one now also is puzzling.

Don't try to figure it out. Instead, let's give the answer to the question that I just gave. Is it possible for you to control your future? The answer is yes, perhaps not in the way you thought. I want to paint a picture for you, a picture that is especially poignant for Americans.

I want to take you back to a terrible day, an awful day, but I have to show you something, miracles within that day, the day that the planes hit the towers. You all know what I'm talking about. All of these years removed from that, the stories began to come out.

Not exactly the stories that what happened around the towers or in the towers or anything like that. No, it was about those who were not in the towers who should have been. Story after story, they varied slightly, but they all had one theme.

Something kept them from going to work that day. And if you start looking at the stories or you to interview them, they would go like this:

I am always a punctual person. I pride myself on being at work on time.

I have to get through the New York traffic or take the taxis or whatever or the tubes to get there on time, and I do. I'm proud of that. But this day, well, I just fooled around a little bit too much in the kitchen.

I had to clean something. I necessarily thought I needed to clean before it. I knew it would make me late, but I thought that that's okay today. I just needed to do it. It's so unlike me. And then I didn't go when I started watching the television.

I missed it. And to this day, I know there was nothing wrong with it. There was an angel on my shoulder perhaps, or I sensed something perhaps, but it was so unlike me, I didn't go. 

Others will tell very interesting stories of what kept them away that day from walking into death.

They would tell you, while I work on one of the floors, it was above the crash, I wouldn't have made it anyway. They wouldn't have been here, but something kept them away from that. Well, I had to do this or that, and it's a bit unlike me, but I chose to do that.

One would say, "I took a sick day and I don't even know why I wasn't sick. I don't know why. It's just something about it that said don't go." So here is the question for all of you. 

How could they sense something that hadn't happened yet?

Ah, do you think it's possible? that the future does at some level, the energies of it exist in the now. And that perhaps if you're tuned into that through a magic word, I'll give you in a minute, that you can sense what might be coming immediately and dodge the bullet.

And what is that magic word? Some of you are way ahead of me. Intuition. Is it possible to develop a higher intuitive power that is a multidimensionality itself that allows you to sense a little of what's coming?

There are those who will tell you that they're driving along in their car and they think they must stop for a moment on the side of the road. And those with him, with him, perhaps their children:

"Mom, why are you stopping? What are we doing?" And mom, if you had answered that, you'd say, "I don't know, honey. I'm just stopping for a moment." And then when you drive forward yet again, when it's safe, you see that what you missed was a giant accident.

You would have been in it. How many of you moms have had that happen? I think hands raised. You just told the future, didn't you? You just controlled, controlled your own future because you're alive.

That is controlling your future through intuition. That is how it's done. How does one develop an intuition, a power, that had the ability to sense the future? If you ask that of anyone, a friend or whatever, they say, "what are you talking about?"

Are you crazy? And I want to tell you, dear ones, that I give you examples of those who have done it. And I'm also telling you that your intuition was designed to keep you out of trouble. Your intuition was designed for you to pick up things.

The mother who is asleep in the bedroom wakes up and has an intuitive thought that the infant who is supposed to be asleep needs her. She gets up and walks into the room and finds she's right. The infant is tangled up in a sheet or something and is very uncomfortable.

She corrects it and goes back to bed. Thank you, God. What just happened? That is inbred in every mother. That is an intuition that allows you to sense something that is not necessarily happening right there with you.

That same intuition is available to sense what might be happening next for you. We have given you pieces and parts of this information for a very long time. I want my partner and his partner, that is Lee and Monica, to put together a course that would help you to hone your intuitive skills as a light worker, as an old soul, and help you with these senses.

It is not just to sense what is coming, dear ones, it is to sense who you are. It is to sense the angels in the room. Think of that. Is it possible for you to control your future? Now we get into the power of affirmations and positive thinking and the related.

What if your future consisted of a road never traveled because you haven't been there yet? But what if I told you that you had a crew who could work on that road so that when you got there it would be smooth?

Welcome to affirmations, energy, consciousness that goes in front of you and paves the road so that your future is controllable and you just did it. It's smoother than it would have been if you hadn't done it.

That is an absolute multidimensional tool using the concept of everything being in the now, past, present, future. If your future is in the now, you can work with it. Did you get that? If your future is really in the now, you can work with it.

To the extent of working in 4 -D, you can work with it. You can use the affirmations. You can use that which is yours to hone the intuition, to help you, to put in front of you a smoother road. Dear Spirit, you might say, "today I see all that is before me, smoother than it would have been."

"I give gratitude for what is going to happen. I put in front of me, being at the right place at the right time. Dear angels around me, help me through the day. Help me to turn left when I should and right when I should, and not to walk into inappropriate areas of negativity."

Thank you. This is your power. This is your legacy. Yes, you can control your future. These are the things that I have been teaching for 34 years. But interestingly enough, they're only starting to be listened to now.

Listen to in an actionable way. Listen to with an eye to, "yeah, I can do that" instead of "it's impossible" or "it's for masters only". Do you see what's going on in this planet? There are tools that are coming to you you've never had before: The biggest enhanced intuition. 

What if you had an intuition where you could look at someone on the television who is wanting to be perhaps elected to some post. And you could tell whether they were truthful or not.

What if that was within your grasp? Don't you think that might make a difference for the planet? Because it wouldn't just be you. It would be millions of old souls. It would be a human race which was starting to have a far better intuitive idea of who to elect for what post.

That would change everything. Can you control your future as a group, as individuals, through enhanced intuition, through the idea that a multidimensionality exists now that can help you in the future?

An allowance for these things for you? That's the answer. I am Kryon. I am in love with humanity. Humanity is evolving, dear ones. Light is here. And so it is. 

Will history repeat itself? - January 17th, 2024

So I invite you to close your eyes and allow this moment to be a time of introspection. You have just heard seven guidelines of discernment. And so in this quiet time, let us engage our engine of discernment.

Is the love of God real or not? What does your engine of discernment say to that question? Could there be a bigger truth beyond the 3D, the 4D that we exist in? What does your engine of discernment say to that question?

Is Kryon on real or not? When Kryon on says, I am in love with humanity, what does your engine of discernment say to that question? Am I important? Does my life matter? Am I alone? Am I loved? Am I a piece of the Creator?

Again, what does your engine of discernment say to these questions? And for the next test of discernment, I invite Lee to open a portal of communication. where the manly steps aside so that the energy of Kryon who has never been human pours through this portal to communicate with us and I ask you in that communication what does your engine of discernment say about the message we are about to receive.

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.

 Indeed I open a portal of love. I am in love with humanity. I am here to love humanity and the messages I give are so that the humans who are awakening will have solace, peace, hope and healing in their lives at a difficult time.

Here is the subject for today, is it possible that history actually repeats itself? That's a big one because there are those who would say, "it seems so, I mean just take a look at it." And then there are others who would say, "interestingly enough, there is science behind it."

And then there are others who say, no, it cannot be because humans control their own history and their own future and their own now. So how could it go in a circle? How would that be possible? So I'm going to give you a definitive answer.

Does history repeat itself? And the answer is yes, it does. And it is so obvious to any historian, any sociologist. If you take a look at the history of this planet, especially what I will call recent history, you're going to see that which is not just a repeat, but it's a profound repeat.

War begets war, begets war. And you've done it for eons. It just seems that after one conqueror has done its thing, another one comes along to do its thing. And truly, if you mark and measure history, the best way to remember it is wars.

Who conquered who, when, how it worked? The wars all have names. Often the wars represent the ones who were leading the wars or the ones who were in charge during the wars until you started numbering them.

That's recent history. You have World War I. It was kind of solved, enough so that you celebrated a peaceful time, but it's almost like World War I. War I, you took a break to regroup yourselves and you went right into World War II for the same reasons you got World War I.

If you take a look at it, it almost seems to be, not just to repeat, it's a never -ending cycle. And this, of course, led you to the prophecies, perhaps even within the scriptures, of World War III. Dear ones, what the indigenous told you, what the scriptures told you, wasn't that you were going to have a World War III.

They told you of a startling change that is coming. And on or about the year 2000, working into 2012, there would be change, and some read it to mean destruction at the end of the world. Now that is common, and we've spoken it before with those who will go out and look at the future and come back and see things. They're seeing a biased human view. Spirit will show them something that is radically different, a final battle of dark and light.

They'll come back with a message of destruction, total destruction. That is a human bias. That's not what you got, is it? Where's World War III anyway? What happened in the year 2000 with the Armageddon anyway?

Does history repeat itself? Yes, it does. Is history going to repeat itself? No, it isn't. I have made a statement to you and now I'll enhance it. This is not your grandfather's world. It just isn't.

And I'm not talking about your technology. I'm talking about your consciousness. This may get too confusing and too technical, but I will tell you there is a cycle of history that works in a machine, you might say, of dimensionality that depends upon the consciousness that exists at the moment.

If the consciousness doesn't change, the same things that caused the first war will then enhance it and create the second or the third or the fourth, like a train track around a Christmas tree, perhaps, from last month.

And the train goes around the track and around the track and around the track and never seems to change, always around and around. History feels like that to a historian. But what you don't know is that when the train changes, a new track is then created.

Now, some say this could be measured literally, with the dimensionality of physics when it comes to that which are the lines of time. We have discussed with you that the future perhaps is not what you think.

There may be many futures depending upon what humans do, that the potentials of where you're going are always there to be read. We have discussed this. We'll discuss it more. But for now, I want you to picture this for a moment.

What happens in the future depends upon what happens now. May I review yet again? If you talk to those who talk about multidimensionality and the reality of it, the past, the present, and the future, past, present, future, all reside in one space, the now.

Now, that is a tough one for almost everyone. In this series of futures that we're giving you this month, the four, that is one of the themes. If the future exists now, you ought to be able to tap into some of it.

And they do, and you do. So does spirit. But it is measured by what is happening now. We've talked about the snowball running down the hill, which perhaps is your future and all that. But if you're not creating a new snowball, the old one is still running down the hill.

What if the snowball you created years and years ago was always running down the hill and it was war? It'll always continue. And you could look in front of the snowball and say, well, here's where it's going.

But if you create a new one, it goes to a certain destination that's different from war. This may be confusing to you. I'm just telling you this. You have a new consciousness today that this planet has never, ever seen.

And that alters the train track around that tree. I'm speaking to a culture now that celebrates a holiday with a train drag around a tree. Imagine for a moment that little train around that tree gets a sighting because the train has changed color, perhaps.

And perhaps it gets tired of going around that tree. That's the way history revealing itself, changing itself, or repeating itself works. Yes, history has been repeating itself, and you can go back and see it and see it and see it and see it and marvel.

And how human beings keep trying to solve problems by doing the same dysfunctional thing and coming up with the same answer, it didn't work. And now the consciousness starts to change of what may work instead and it does not involve war You might say well.

Yeah, well look at now. It's there's wars now I'll say it again. Did you take a look at how this planet has Responded to the wars that are here How it's repelled almost every country or civilization that it had to occur at all And they want to stop it as quickly as they can they're not joining in like they did in World War one and World War two And all the other wars They didn't leap on the bandwagon and take sides and go for it like they did before Instead they struck back and and said how can we help the refugees?

How can we make this shorter? How can we make this end? This is what happened? That's different. You have changed the way the train is going Will it still go in a circle? Probably not. Because what's in your future is continued evolvement, not a stuck energy like you've had so far.

Again I will answer, history has been repeating itself, you can see it, and it is stopped and moved. Just about the time you were told things would start happening in the year 2000, slightly before, moving into 2012, fulfilling many of the indigenous prophecies and even that of the church who saw it one way but it's still a massive change.

Dear ones, I'll tell you yet again, listen carefully, you're in a new future you've never been in before. That's a funny statement but it's the truth. You are creating a new track that you're on, you straighten it out, it's going toward the light instead of in a circle of continual darkness.

This is not your grandfather's world. I come to you as Kryon in love with humanity to give you perhaps the most hopeful news I could ever give anyone. New news that no one perhaps is giving you like this.

But all over this planet right now, there are those into channeling visions, metaphysics, intuition, who are all telling you the same thing. Consciousness seems to be changing. The way humans think seems to be changing.

Changing, what human beings want seems to be changing. The way human beings used to ally with their leaderships is starting to change. Leaders themselves are starting to wake up and change and realize they will not be leaders much longer if they don't listen to the public.

Who is saying we're tired of this or that, we're tired of the hate that is there, we're going to demand a little more function and less dysfunction, we need a little more compassion and love in various places that are all over the planet and we are the majority.

That's what humans are starting to say. Oh, there's much to solve, of course. The crime has been called the Pollyanna Channel sometimes, that may. Mean things to you always good news. I want to tell you something.

Yes Because the news is good. I'm only reporting what's there Beautiful things are there for you. There is so much hope for this planet. That snowball of global peace is still running down that hill, on target on track. It may take a generation you don't want to hear that, but when it arrives, you'll be here. What can I say to you Besides this ? I Am in love with you for good reason. Spirit loves you, every one of you ,for good reason. You're here on purpose.

You're not a victim of the planet. Awaken, Awaken to God inside and goodness and See that others around you will want the exact same thing. It's time and So it is.

Does GOD control your future? - January 24th, 2024

Close your eyes and I remind you the words from Kryon is that when we are not here on earth, we are home with the Creator with soul family and yet, we are also told that we are in both places at the same time.

So let us breathe into the energy of our soul that exists everywhere all at once and it has no beginning and no end, it is forever, this is our natural state and if we are coming to earth akin to a day at work, how much fun can we have on this day at work, what fun and experiments can we make, what things can we shift to make it work for us, what things can we place into our future day of work, all of these things are possible for you.

You can change your reality of your day at work anytime you wish and you joyfully have a partner with you every step of the way and so for us to hear even more from Kryon about how this can be done, let us now receive the fourth installment about our future from Kryon.

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

There are so many questions about living. There are so many questions about how things work. This particular time, we're talking about the future.

This is indeed the fourth installment about the future. And the question is, does God control your future? Now, most of you would say, "I don't think so." But there's an entire other group who will say, "yes, we believe it."

There is another group who has weighed in, is very, very, I would say, intellectual, who said that life has to be a simulation, and that we are all in a simulation. Therefore there has to be some kind of control over it So there are many answers that are given to you about the future Does God to control the future?

How do you find God? How do you define God? This is another question and we have told you any way you want to. It is the creative source that which created you, that which created the love, the joy that is on this planet, the Duality that it's on this planet. All of these things were given for you to have and here it comes free choice. So the Creator gives you free choice and then for you to say, "well, then the Creator controls the future, that would not work."

It's an oxymoron. It's a it's a conflicting idea within itself and yet there are reasons why it is asked. Let me give you one of them. Kryon has said there is no tampering with the future, that God lets humanity alone define their own center to find their own enlightenment evolvement or devolvement and that it's hands -off. And yet there have been channels that say that inventions all over the planet are given to humanity when they are needed, and not before. Is that controlling the future or Is that giving you the tools when you're ready and you create the future?

That perhaps is an esoteric question : "How real is this this idea?" For those who love to study the history of technology, you find something exceptional. You find aberrations in the evolvement of technology.

Things perhaps that should have been exceptionally obvious are never developed. Like, for instance, the Chinese having kites 4,000 years before the Wright brothers flew and said, "wow, I bet we can apply that to a machine."

Here's something you should know about the Wright brothers, and I have said this before. The first ones to have powered flight over a certain distance made world history. And they are the ones seen to have invented powered flight.

However, they only beat the French by two weeks. It was happening all over the world, at the same time, seemingly, and not a necessarily step -by -step driven evolvement that you would expect. It burst on the scene all at once, as though some angelic form had come down and said, "well, here's your ideas now, you're ready for it", and gave it to humanity, and they all started developing it.

That has happened over and over. You know, electricity, that's not hard. That's not hard to have figured out. It took a very long time to find it, and even today, there are those who are controversial actually who gave it to you, because it happened all over the world.

You have your favorite inventor, and whether it was Thomas Edison or somebody else, magnetics, all of these things, how about radio? That's really controversial. That burst on the scene at the same time.

It's so close of who invented it and who was there to make it work and show it that even today there's arguments between two men and specifically who brought it to you. So, what I am doing now is simply giving you some information.

What if it were true? That invention is given to you when you need it. It goes further than that, and I have given you this information before. There is coming to you the next great invention. Now, there are many on the way of this, and what I mean by that, precursors of this, but the big...

big one is coming. And it will then be the father, you might say, of many more. The revelation of being able to sense, see, work with, and invent with multidimensionality. You are a multidimensional creature.

You sit where you are listening to this in four dimensions, height, width, breadth, and time. What do all of those have in common? They're all variables. And the scientist Einstein showed you finally that time is not what you thought.

It's variable. It then becomes a dimension. So here you sit in these four, and yet physicists are telling you, well, there's a lot more of them. There may be 20, 30, maybe more. As defined by what dimensions are, physicists say there are a lot of them.

Physicists study quantum things, multidimensional things outside of four dimensions. There are even quantum biologists. What does that tell you? What if your cellular structure is starting to be seen as multidimensional?

These are the studies of the day. What if you could see other dimensions? Well, dear ones, that is not as strange as it sounds. But I'll tell you, what's coming with that is such an important revelation that it's not been given to you yet because you would weaponize it.

I have given you this over and over to think about what if there are things on the horizon waiting to be given to you that would create electricity and that would create power without pollution, would create the lack of hunger anywhere, would grow crops, would give you clean water.

What if that was coming? What is stopping it? Why isn't it here yet? Because every single one of those has something to do with either magnetics or another kind of multidimensional force, if you want to call it, attribute, if you want to call it, that, ready, has always been there, has always been there.

I want you to watch for things when new technologies start to be worked with and discovered that are truly new, not an evolution of what you have, not a new system on a computer or a faster memory. something absolutely new.

When you start to see that, there'll be an attribute in there to look for, and here's the attribute. It was always there. That whoever discovered it is now working on it, found that in the ancients, or found that in some inventor's workbook, who you know, this is what I'm telling you.

This planet of yours sits in front of you with everything you ever need, without polluting it, everything you ever need to feed the masses, those who are still coming on this earth. The billions to arrive won't be hungry.

There are things here they haven't yet been given, because in order for you to see multi -dimensional things, there will be giant revelations. of who you are. Imagine for just a moment that there's something coming to allow you to see multidimensionality and you say, that is so cool, that is so good.

Well, what would happen if you turned that instrument and looked at a human? You would start to see things that would go against everything you were taught about who you are and why you're here. Pieces and parts of your very soul would start to show.

Do you see how that might be an issue without an evolved consciousness on this planet that was ready for that kind of an allowance? Dear ones, I am in love with all of you and I am telling you a truth.

Does God create the future? No, you do. But there are enhancements, nudges along the way for you to use. That's because spirit is in love with humanity. I am as well. Bless you all for listening and so it is. 

Fifth Wednesday Special - January 31st, 2024

Question : I am having trouble with the whole God thing and I know you both speak about God. I love the fact you both channel and I feel the relationship you must have is connected to Source. Is it God? How can I get past my horrible experience with church that makes me even ask this question?

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

Dear one, I'd like to address this to you. You say you are recovering perhaps or you are getting over perhaps, a horrible experience with what you call church.

The first thing I would ask you is why were you there? Were you demanded to be there? Was it a child or an adult? I can tell you already, you were attracted to something there and then disappointed in the people, perhaps in the doctrine.

But there was love there, there really truly was. Part of your horrible experience were the people that were there that were out of integrity. I know what happened. So for all of you, I will say this, the seed of love is in almost all of these systems.

It's what men have done with them over the ages that has taken them to a place of frustration. There are so many who have seen God and thought it was beautiful and then had disappointment with those who were the leaders, who did things that were inappropriate, perhaps, horrific perhaps.

And then what you do is shut the door to the whole organization or the thought of God. In fact the word God then becomes something you don't even want to say. Some have said, I turn away from the idea of God.

So let's change the word, just like Adirondha said. And every time you hear it, think of other words instead, maybe spirit, maybe Barbara. Reframe that which you know is good and real that you're attracted to.

Reframe it into the beauty and the purity, not of a system that you have to follow, but of a personal relationship that you have. The source of all things is love. And through the ages that has been seen by so many who started these various religions.

And then something else became of them. But that was the beginning. How can we teach the love of God? centuries ago. Perhaps that was the beginning. How can we have what we feel that is the source or the masters that we have seen?

How can we take that and teach it? And then it becomes what it becomes. One of the things that we say now to all of you is the end of systems. It may be the end of doctrines which are systems around that which is God.

Instead, it now becomes personal. Isn't it interesting that you can have tens of thousands of people together looking at these things which are odd to many and metaphysical without a central book, without a central master?

What is it that brings them together with no doctrine or buildings or rules and they're all together? Believe me. And the answer? Love. So go in that place instead of the place that you were taught or the experiences you've had and start to then reframe or transmute everything you experienced to what you know is true and real.

The love of God. 

Question : And I'd like to ask another question and it has to do with Kryon saying that we are born magnificent and Adirondah tells us the same. And so my question is, if we are so magnificent, why am I seeing such horrible things unfold on the planet?

Why do I always feel like I'm being beaten up everywhere I go? Why do I have such low self -worth? Can you please help? 

Dripping with love, the answer to the question, I feel beat up. What beats you up, dear ones, is yourself.

Because again, you have been programmed to be unworthy. Did you know that? You have been programmed to be unworthy. The age that is coming is going to be called, among other things, the age of common sense.

Instead of simply believing a doctrine that superimposes itself over the love of spirit, there is common sense. Even a child, looking back, would say, "do you mean to tell me that somebody did something eons ago that doomed my soul and made me unworthy ? Every single human to come forever is doomed?"

I don't believe it. It sounds like mythology and control. The age of common sense will prevail and say, it is. What else might be true? And that was given a moment ago, made in the image of God, made in the image of spirit.

What is that image? It's love. Every single human being was created magnificent in that image. And the beating up that you feel is real, totally real. It's because from birth you were always told, God is big, you are not.

Therefore you have to grovel, therefore you have to do this and that to have any kind of semblance of anything that you might get from a higher source. There are some that make you report to a person and they will talk to God.

You never even get that. Does that sound like common sense? That you are created in the image of this beautiful, beautiful creator and you don't get to even talk to that image? It doesn't make sense because it isn't correct.

What is correct, is that you have everything you ever thought you didn't. And here is a time for you to realize that. 

Number one, give allowance that maybe, just maybe, you were programmed. And what I mean by that is that you were told a certain thing for another.

Years of your life for your subconscious to believe it, and that's the suffering. It's not even real. It's not even real. 

Number two, reframe everything you've been told and start over. Is it possible that the scenario is totally different than I was ever told?

Is God bigger? Is spirit bigger than I was ever told? Answer yes. Now go find out how much bigger and you'll find out something that's startling to you. It involves your soul. That means that you are worthy to walk this planet.

You deserve to be here. You're not a victim. Once you start that understanding and realization, life starts to change. Thank you. There starts to be love and compassion, and light starts to show itself.

That's the answer. No one is here to beat you up but yourself. And that has been from the ages and ages of those who designed to tell you, you're not even worthy to be here. That's changing, dear ones.

The narrative is changing. You are worthy. You belong here, all of you. It is your birthright to be a lightworker on this planet. That's the shift. I'm Kryon in love with you all. And so it is. 

Why is change so hard? - February 7th, 2024

Focus on being present in this moment within this now experience. And so with those instructions I invite you to close your eyes if you have not done so, so that we can remove ourselves temporarily from the distractions of our 3D, 4D, world that we live in.

Let's just use this time to focus within. Tune into the energy of your own body right now. Are there any messages coming from your area that wishes you to know something? For it is in the silence and the stillness when these whispers of love can be conveyed from our heart, from the energy of our soul.

There is nothing to do other than sitting in relaxation and peace with an energy of allowance. So let this be the intention for this meditation that we allow information to come to us. Dear Spirit, what is it we are to know?

Dear Spirit, we invite, Kryon, to share some information with us now. Why is change feared so much? 

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

I want to talk about change. It's odd, is it not?

That if you say, well things are going to change, immediately there is a stillness. Oh no, don't change anything. We're going to talk about change this month. This is a four part series. This is part one about change.

Today we're going to talk a little bit about why it's feared. Then we're going to talk about other aspects of change. Can a zebra change its spots? Zebras don't have spots. Can it change its stripes?

Can a leopard change its spots? Can a human do the same? Is it possible, in other words, for a human to become something they're not? That's the metaphor. of all those spots and stripes. Can a human change themselves chemically?

Is it possible that you yourself could change your own body to make it different than perhaps you were even born internally? How about the change of Gaia? What's going on there? All of these things will be discussed.

But let's first talk about this, fear of change. If you take a look at the reality of change, most people don't like it. And that is an odd thing because quite often, change means improvement. Sometimes, if not at least half the time, changes are in upward motion because of what you have learned and then that creates maturity.

The maturity creates the change of good things. If you look at someone's life over a period of time, they often change and change, climbing what you would call a social ladder, becoming more abundant.

So you see change often as actually practically a good thing, but there's still all this fear around it. Why would that be? The first thing we have discussed even today in the questions and answer is that there is an overall feeling of fear of change because most change seems to come from an authority of some kind, whether it's an authority figure, whether it's your government, whether it's those you work for, whether it's a cultural thing, and quite often those are negative. You become afraid of negative change, even though quite often it's not. 

But the fear of change comes right from the subconscious, as we've said before, and it comes from a feeling that you don't deserve something better.

But you do. Dear ones, I could tell you that you have a superpower that you didn't even know you had. Through the affirmations that we've given you, through the processes we've given you, you have the ability to reframe how you think about yourself.

And this is probably the biggest reason why change is feared. You don't expect good things, dear ones. If you could expect better things for yourself and think to yourself, "Wow, when change comes, I am ready for it because it's going to be good for me. This or something better." 

And you might listen to me say that and say, well, that's all well and good to say, Kryon, but you don't live here. And we've heard this before, that your culture seems to beat you up and it's not conducive to you thinking joyful things or feeling better about yourself.

You're right, it isn't. Therefore there are ways for you to train yourself out of that which was given to you originally through your subconscious. That's actually going to be one of the channels we're giving this month.

But there are other reasons as well. Sometimes the changes that you receive are profound. They're not changes that are subtle. Sometimes they're an awakening kind of a change. Where there is a sudden realization that things are different from anything you were ever told.

You might think that an awakening kind of change would be good and received well. It often is filled with a time of adjustment and fear, apprehensiveness, emptiness. And here's why. The other reason, the change is hard to receive.

In this culture, it's common for parents to have the mythology of Santa Claus. Then as a child grows up, at some point in time the child is told, well, that's not really Santa Claus. Because it's us.

And many times the child is taken aback and will go to its room and even cry because the mystery is taken away. The sleigh and the reindeer is gone and all of the magic disappears instantly. Now this is common in the culture, but you could even see the child's reaction is very similar to your reaction when you awaken to a grander truth that's not anything you were told.

And part of the reason why this is so difficult is because those who gave you the original information were authority figures who you loved and trusted. And this is common with belief systems. Perhaps you're disenchanted with something you believed originally.

And you're having a hard time switching that, but the more you look at it, the more you realize it's not what you were told. And then you go back and say, well, who told it to you? And you say, well, it's people you loved and people who you trusted.

And then you say, well, if I change my mind on this, it's really a betrayal of my love for them. No, it isn't. Here's what I want to tell you. No matter what you were told, perhaps it was by those you trusted in your belief system, in your political system, in the parental system.

Perhaps it was any of those who you loved and trusted. They were giving you the best they had. They were not tricking you. They gave you what they believed was true. And as you grow, as you mature, as you capture the essence of your own soul and your own wisdom, something starts to happen.

The Akash of the human being starts to be activated if you allow it. When you start giving affirmations and say, "dear spirit, tell me what it is I need to know", you're opening a door. It's a door of greater truth.

And in that, your Akash, which is all the lifetimes you have lived, starts to activate and give you information that you really didn't have before. Here's the way things work. Here is a truth you are not given.

Here is what you had learned in past life after past life as you grew up that is now available to you like a job. giant school that you've graduated from many times and so much of it is in conflict with what you were told about you.

This is sometimes difficult. The conflicting information again has a feeling that you were either tricked or something else. None of that is true, dear ones. It's you growing up. It's you receiving information about Santa Claus and moving through the emotions of that until you get to the bigger truth of compassion and kindness.

This is why there is so much fear around change, not just fear but anxiety. I'll give you a I accept change because it will be this or something better. Dear Spirit, help me to move through change knowing that although things are not always correct in front of me as I plan them, they're going to something better.

And the reason? Because I know I deserve that. How many of you feel comfortable saying those things out loud? I deserve this or something better. Because I am a child of the Creator, a child of God, God inside, and I am in the right place at the right time, on the planet, for change, for the shift that is here, for compassionate change of consciousness, you might even say, I am a lighthouse for others.

I am the teacher, you might say, and therefore the change in my life is positive. I expect it. Bring it on. How does that sound? Can you do that? Why don't you give it a try, dear ones? Because I, as Kryon, know where this planet is headed.

It's headed with that giant snowball rolling down that hill I've discussed before with you that it cannot be stopped into a far more compassionate world, and you are part of it. Expect good changes in your life.

And so it is. 

Can you change who you are? - February 14th, 2024

I invite you to close your eyes and contemplate the statement that you relax and that you are peaceful because of your divine existence and if your existence is indeed divine it means that you exist forever.

A divine existence is just that it had no beginning and will never end. The only thing we perceive as a beginning and an end is this vessel we are in right now containing the energy of our soul in this human experience and yet that is not who we are.

For who we are is what is being celebrated today. Who we are is love and if you were to define love it becomes very difficult indeed to define love for love is everywhere at once and it is an energy that exists forever.

So with this energy of divine love let us invite Kryon the magnetic master who exudes love to speak with us today. Do you think it's possible for a zebra to change its stripes? Do you think it's possible for a human being to become someone else?

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

These are the questions. Now there is a lot of debate about what I have just said. Now the zebra, well that part, that is a metaphor for what we are actually going to speak of.

If I ask you, who are you? And I ask you to actually write down all the aspects of who you were. And then I said to you, after you have written them all, can you change it? Most of you would say no. You are who you are, what you believe.

Not just what you believe, but how you act, the culture that you were born in, what your parents taught you, what your schools taught you. Everything that I just mentioned is truly you. Now I bring this up because of what's happening on the planet.

We have given some startling predictions, not about inventions coming, or doomsday, or the predictions are amazing because they talk about a changing humanity. A humanity that changes so much that if I could take you to the future, you would say, "oh my, the zebra has changed its stripes."

That is how profoundly different consciousness will appear. Now how fast this happens is up to you, but dear ones, we have said this before. You know the reality of shift and change. You know that sometimes generations are necessary for a true change in attitude.

One of the absolutely greatest, I would say, stoppers, if you want to say, what is a stopper of consciousness evolution? What is the wall that you'd have to climb over? And what it is is how you view history.

And we have said this before, that if you teach the history that your parents taught and their grandparents taught of who did what to whom, who you're supposed to like and not like, and the biased that you all carry, that is the history that is taught.

What if you could break that particular, I would say, not a bind that is there, but a paradigm. That paradigm, and I call it a bind, is almost like ropes around you that restrict what you say and who you are because this is what you were taught.

What if those ropes would come away and there would be no binding at all and you changed what you taught to your children. Would that change what comes next? The answer is yes. But can you do that with who you are?

Because who you are is built for the biases of history. We've talked about history repeating itself you And we've told you that it's not going to anymore. And so what we're asking is this. Can you, human being, change?

Can consciousness change in groups of humans so that there is no more barrier to get over in order to teach your children something completely different than you were taught? Is that possible? So now we come into the examination of who you are.

I'm going to make a statement. And it's going to be surprising to you, perhaps even controversial to you. You had nothing to do with who you are. And you'll say, "wait a minute, wait a minute. I believe the things I believe because of who I am."

I am fully cognizant of what I believe and all the choices that I make and the various things that I would side with and my political stance in the things that I eat. I believe those things. Yes, you do.

But let's talk about how you got there. What if all of those things that you now believe and cognize fully as you were programmed so that you would believe them? Is that possible? Here's what I'm going to tell you that science says about you, that about 10 percent of your thinking is currently you and that 90 percent of you is subconscious thinking.

The subconscious is everything you've experienced in life, everything you've been told, everything that is. that you thought you are, well, it was given to you a long time ago, repeatedly, over and over and over.

As a child, you saw what grown -ups did and you did it. As a child, even growing up, you saw what your parents believed and you either went with it or you rejected it, but either way, that is what is implanted into your subconscious.

That became you slowly. Wow. Have you ever thought of that? How much of you right now is you? Now let's go beyond that which you may believe. Let's go to the issues. Are you a peaceful person? Are you naturally peaceful?

Are you perhaps angry? 

Sometimes are you overly angry, now we're getting into attributes that are you, that are like the stripes of the zebra, and you might say "I am this way", I get up in the morning and I do this and I do that or I have to do this and that to get through the day.

What if the majority of everything that you would say comes from your subconscious, that which you were taught is the way to do it and that is the other thing, how many of you were taught there is a certain way and that's the only way and that's the way you do it because it's the only way.

How much of that is really you, dear ones, or how much of it was given to you over so much time that it became you? If you could start over, would you be an angry person, would you be one that didn't have the peace that we talk about?

Would you be a kind loving person ? And there are many who would say "that's what I would like to do and I'm having trouble being some of those things". Let me ask you : "Do you awaken as a joyful human being or do you have to kind of trick yourself to get there ? Are there things about you that you don't like ?"

That's a big question, but here's the biggest one of all : 

"Do you deserve to be here? Do you deserve abundance ? Do you deserve to be loved ?" 

What has the vast subconscious told you about that ? Did you grow up in a culture where you learned about the creative source, the love of god, that would also torture you and tell you, you don't belong here, you don't even deserve to be here, you were born dirty.

And so therefore you have to do certain things in order to be saved because of that. Is that you who decided that? Or is it the subconscious of you through years and years and years of reputation that you believe that?

Were you told that so often that today it's automatic thought for you? That is not you. That is the subconscious you. So we brought all this to the front to say that in order for the human being to go over that wall, to take the bindings off of what they think is history and what they're gonna teach their children, all of that subconscious you has to change.

Is it possible? And this is what this channel is about. Is it possible for a human to rewrite subconscious? Let me give you some information. Right now that's happening today, not necessarily even spiritually.

It's a rising movement of self -help workers who are doing exactly that. They are inviting you to rewrite and reframe everything you've been taught and to examine it. One of the hardest parts of this, dear ones, I'm going to give you right now.

There have been so many who have added in to who you are, who have told you about what to believe because they believed it and you loved them. And if you decide to re -examine beliefs or re -examine who you are or whether you deserve to be here or re -examine what you were told perhaps in church, it's almost a betrayal of those who told it to you who you still admire, respect, and love.

That's the big wall. That's the biggest wall of emotion for you to get over because you don't want to think they're wrong. What if they weren't wrong? What if they were doing the best they could and believed it themselves to make your life better?

What if they told you what they firmly believed you had to do? Maybe that's changed. Dear ones, I invite you to begin to understand that you have the power to rewrite your own subconscious. If you do that, you're then in a position to examine how you then teach who you've become to your children and you're going to start asking this question, "do I teach my children what I was taught?"

These are the people you don't want to associate with. These are the ones that you're supposed to not like. These are the ones that are your enemies. These are the ones next door who have always been your enemies and always will so you're not supposed to like them.

That's an old biased history that will then project that on to children and they will project it to their children and then the earth has no chance. That will change. Can you see how it might change with a consciousness that is kinder and more compassionate and looks and says : "cultures are different, everyone belongs here and now it's time to learn about them and find out, how not to have war."

That's the future. That, to some, will be impossible. And they're right. It won't happen in their lifetime. It's too hard for them. How about you? Dear one, I am talking mostly to those who are awakening to a larger truth and asking the very questions about the things I'm giving you now.

Are you, you, or can you change? How would you like to be a peaceful you? Your name goes here. How would you like to be one? When you open your eyes the first thing in the morning called waking up and you feel peace and joy.

Even if you're going to have a bad day and you think that I might have a bad day or your hair looks bad. It won't matter because you wake up and you know you deserve to be here and you're loved by the Creator.

Then you could start adjusting your day. There are those who wake up and say, "this is awful. I'm going to have a bad day today." And then they do. Then they go home and they say, "I had a bad day today."

And then everybody then talks about how bad their day was. And then the next day they wake up and say, well, "it probably will happen again." And then it does. That is, of course, you projecting all the things that are you on your life.

What if it was the opposite? Affirmations work. And that is what we have taught over and over and over that the affirmations that you start giving yourself rewrites your subconscious. That's how to do it.

It won't happen quickly. Affirmations are the key or the beginning of changing your stripes. Affirmations are the beginning of you becoming that different person and rewriting all that subconscious that will even change what you tell your kids.

Because you have a clear head about who humans are on this planet and what all the humans necessarily don't agree on. But they're worthy to be here, all of them. Then they're worthy to want things for their cultures without taking it from someone else.

And then they start thinking, how can we put this together in a different way and still keep our cultural differences? That is humanity changing its stripes. Can you do it? are doing it and we've given you the information so many times, what was the reaction to the latest wars?

Did everybody join or did they back out and say, let's stop this and never have it happen again? You are already changing your stripes. That is why I am in love with you, dear human. I am Kryon and so it is. 

Can you change your DNA? - February 21st, 2024

And I invite you to close your eyes and slow your breathing. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth in a beautiful soft rhythm. And just focus on the energy of your heart. There is a field of energy around your heart that transmits beyond your body even larger than the field of energy around your brain.

And so if this field of our heart has a far larger influence than the brain, it tells us that every message we receive from the heart is the one that we can know as truth. As you tune in to this energy of the heart, you may ask this question.

Is it true that we are bigger than we can see and perceive in these four dimensions? Is it true that there is an entourage called Kryon wanting to give us messages? Is it true that these messages are here to help enhance our lives?

What are the answers from your heart when we ask these questions? And so, dear... dear Kryon, what is the next piece of information of change that you wish us to know about? Can human beings change their own DNA?

Greetings dear ones, I'm Kryon of Magnetic Service and this is a big question, is it not? 

And of course, the answer in three dimensions, the answer in medical science, the answer that you've been given all your life is, of course not.

That's the human genome you were born with. You can't change that. So we're taking a look at something that is exceptionally controversial, has yet to be proven in any way. My answer is yes, they can, a human, any human, all humans have the ability to do something quite astonishing when it comes to DNA.

An old paradigm of DNA says that you get what you get, all those base pairs, by the way, there are four, they don't change. And in addition, there is an enormous amount of information not understood in DNA, but it doesn't change.

And they would get that in science by saying, we measure your DNA when you're born, we measure it at your last breath, we're going to find the same DNA, therefore it doesn't change. Now we open the door.

You don't know what you don't know. First of all, science has acknowledged totally that they have no idea, really truly, what 90% of DNA really does. It seems to be an instruction manual, it doesn't control the genes of the body, it does something else completely, the jury is still out on what it actually does.

So with that fact, how can any science look you in the eye and say something that is absolutely true about DNA when it's not even understood in itself? Did you get that part? If you don't understand truly what it does, how can you make statements about what it does?

Or if you can change it? I'll tell you this. The thing that can change DNA is an energy that has not yet been proven to mainstream science as an energy. Do you know where I'm going with this? Human consciousness is an energy, it can move things.

things. Human consciousness is a far grander and greater energy than you ever thought it could be. Science is starting to see this now and certain portions of science is proving it and the rest of science will come along eventually as it gets into that proof itself.

And when you start to see that consciousness and thoughts even of a human being are actual energy then it's going to have to have structure. Energy must have structure. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Energy just is an animal, you might say, of itself but it's understood. Once consciousness is seen as energy, then it becomes feasible that perhaps consciousness could change your DNA. What do you already know, everyone who's listening to this, about thoughts and consciousness ? If you're angry, does your chemistry change ? Do I have to explain that of course it does ? If you're a troubled person, does disease seem to be more attractive to you or attracted to you?

Over a long period of time, the answer is yes, and they've shown that too a peaceful person lives longer. So the result of those statements is that your thoughts change chemistry and You all know that already. Therefore why is it such a stretch to think that the chemistry of your body is not then involved in your DNA?

It is Your thoughts can start the same to change certain chemistry that can then. Actually, I'm going to call it activation of certain portions of your DNA that lie dormant, ready to be activated. What a concept. Now turn the page. Have you ever heard of the term? Quantum biology ?

If you have not you, should look it up. There are quantum biologists, now these are the biologists who are studying the idea that all human cellular structure is multi -dimensional, beyond 4d. Now that particular premise has been with him over 20 years, because there's evidence that humans have the kind of chemistry cellular structure, even DNA, which responds to multidimensional energies.

If you have something that responds to multidimensional energies, the chances are it is multidimensional itself. You'd be like this. If you wondered whether a plant could hear and you have a sound and it responds, you know something about the plant, don't you?

It's responding to sound even without ears. By the way, that's been proven as well. And so the same kinds of things with humans are showing that your DNA may actually have multidimensionality to it. In other words, part of your DNA has an added perhaps dimensionality that is not seen or apparently used in any way in your reality. 

The answer to the question that I started with, dear ones, is yes, you can change your DNA, but you're not changing it in a way that can be measured or seen with any kind of an instrument you have today that measures these things.

Because it's being changed in a multidimensional way, especially one set of chromosomes that we've talked about, the ones you can't see. Oh boy. All right, Kryon, you just said it's invisible. I'm leaving the channel because this seems to be the answer to all metaphysical things.

Well, if that's true, can you see all dimensions? Answer me that. You answer me. Yes or no? And the answer is, well, no. And what if it was multidimensional? As I've just told you, DNA probably is. Therefore, there could be some things that are not visible.

One of them is the 24th pair of chromosomes. You don't have 23. Everything is in groups of four in this universe, in nature, in all things, and so is your DNA. The 24th set is multidimensional, ready, waiting to be activated by consciousness.

And here's where it gets good. Welcome to the shift. The shift is upon you, and we've said this now for 34 years. I said it was coming, and now it's here. And the shift is where humanity is starting to awaken to more complete truth.

And part of that is your ability to change yourself, an examination into your soul, an examination of what spirituality really might mean, not a doctrine but a reality of your own soul. This is where humans start to change and you start to see it first in compassion, in kindness, in what humans want together and it has nothing to do with religion.

Have you seen changes on the earth where there are starting to be grand objections to dysfunction, war, unfairness, have you? It's the first time in history that it's taken hold, isn't it? What does that tell you about human consciousness?

And in the process of that awakening, There are parts and pieces of your DNA that are starting then to change and to respond. And what does that mean and what does it do? What's the bottom line of a changing DNA?

Oh, boy, what a question. And here is the answer. Compassion, kindness, longer life, more inventions, smarter human beings, more compassionate human beings, less dysfunction. You want the list to continue?

This is the future of humanity. And I told you it was coming. It comes way too slow for you, for me. It has to happen generationally over periods of time where parents start realizing what they're teaching their children or what they're saying to their children.

That's the first part. So the children will start to grow up without the programming of what they can't do or so many other things that are not even real. There is a big dysfunction going on still on this planet of what you really think is real or true.

That is starting to change. Can a human being actually change their DNA? Yes. And it's being done right under your noses and you don't have to be a spiritual person to do it. It's happening almost automatically as humans start this amazing transformation of consciousness and they start to see a bigger picture of who they are, what things are about, what they can do, what consciousness truly is, what multidimensionality might mean.

And that's when the inventions start. The ones where inner guidance. And the little invention fairy seems to tap many humans on the shoulder, all at once on the world, and say, take a look at this. You didn't think of this, did you?

And that's where it gets good. The lack of poverty, feeding every single human who's hungry, power for everyone, water for everyone, that is all there. It's already there, and starting to be activated, multidimensionality is there in your cellular structure, in your DNA, going right to your brain.

Dear ones, welcome to the beginning of a new earth. I'm Kryon in love with humanity, and for good reason, and so it is. 

Winter is coming! - February 28th, 2024

So I invite you to close your eyes and to just suspend time in this moment so that you are now giving yourself some self -care and that self -care right now in this moment is enhancing that connection you have with the soul energy part of you.

We're about to receive a message from Kryon and Kryon is a group, an entourage that is entangled with our soul. So many of you say I feel Kryon is speaking to me personally, directly. How can that be when there are many of you?

And this is where Kryon says the many are the one and so in this oneness of the many let us now receive the message from Kryon. The winter is coming. Really. 

Greetings dear ones I'm Kryon of magnetic service.

What does that mean? And what does the change in the climate mean to you and which direction is it going? All right. This year was officially measured as one of the most warm years on the planet for those who measure and that would not say anything about winter coming now would it?

So for many years when we talk about the a change of Gaia for many years, I have given you a message that to most is laughable. For those who would watch this right now, what is Kryon going to say that would ever justify the idea that it's going to get colder?

Dear ones, we talk about change. This is the fourth in a series of four about the changes going on on the planet. This one specifically is about your weather. It's about Gaia. It's about the beauty of the way life is sustained and created.

What has that got to do with the weather? Let me tell you. The planet sustains life, your life, the foods in your ocean, all of the things that you need to survive, and it does it with one... One attribute and it's called cycles and the cycles are often the cycles of cold and warm.

Humanity has not been here very long, not really. When you take a look at the age of the planet, the gyrations the planet has been through in order to be in its calm state now, humanity just arrived.

If you had a clock of 12 hours and it all represented the lifetime of say, of the planet, well humanity got here about three seconds ago. And so you really have not had time to experience many cycles.

This planet's cycles are cycles within cycles. There's large ones, there are intermediate ones, and there are short ones. And those who start to study the cycles do it the best way they can by going into that which perhaps is the tree rings, the ice cores, anything that will show them the geology that happened on the planet and when it happened.

These are literally the tools one would need to see what has happened in the past with the weather of Gaia. Dear ones, I'm here to say yet again, there is a weather pattern that this planet has seen before and it's not necessarily a pattern that you have been measuring since you've only been measuring for a few years.

Humanity may have been here for thousands of years but those who keep records, that hasn't been very long. So you sit here thinking you're an authority on weather because you can predict it and see it from space.

But there has not been a great deal of emphasis on the cycles. If you start talking to those who know about the cycles, they'll give you a story. Winter is coming. The cycles on this planet, even without humanity present, have gone from warm to cold, warm to cold, warm to cold, and it is an attribute of sustaining life so it can regenerate.

I've said this before. If you are a keeper of fish, if you are one who enjoys the fish tanks of salt water and fresh water and beautiful fish and the things that make it so beautiful and and you have it in your home, you know there is an attribute of the keeping of fish.

At some point, you have to change the water. You can't change the water on the earth, but it needs something in order to reboot it, you might say in your language, to refresh it, you might say, even to have it start again, you might say.

Humans don't like that, they don't like to see things disappear or be destroyed, but they always see it recover, and this is the cycle of Gaia that you have not understood at all. Without humans here, the cycles appear and they have attributes that are data -driven, you can see them, you can study them.

One of the attributes is a hot and cold cycle, but the interesting thing about that is in order to have the cold cycle work correctly, there is immediately before it a warming cycle. You're in that warming cycle.

Now those around you who don't want to tell you necessarily about the cycles of the planet will tell you that the planet is going to overheat and you're in trouble, and that that is the entire story.

They also will tell you that you've caused it. Dear ones, you have caused pollution. That has made this warming cycle worse. But I'll tell you something that is extremely controversial, and that is this, you didn't cause the warming cycle in total.

It would have happened without you here. Stop polluting this planet. I say that the planet will recover, you may not. Stop polluting this planet. In love with Gaia, you all are. But there's far more for you to know than this.

This Gaia, this planet, this beautiful system will recover even if you're not here. So let's stay here, you might say. Think about what you're pumping into the atmosphere to make this worse than it would have been.

Controversial? Yes. Some of you will see it, some of you will not, depending upon how long you live. But I am telling you that this will eventually turn into a cold spell. A time of cold on the planet like not before.

Not an ice age. A mini ice age, you might say, where it gets colder and colder. Now why am I, Kryon, wanting to tell you about your weather? How does that fit in with anything that Kryon teaches? And I'll tell you now, it's a common theme and here is the theme.

you are going to need to produce heat in order to survive in your cities, in your homes, in your villages, in a way you have never had to create it before. And in order to do that, you're going to have to have brand new ways of creating energy for the heat, ways that will not pollute the earth.

Some have called it free energy. It's not free. There's always a push and pull in any physics, but there are some energies that are always there, no matter what you do, for you to use. Gravity, for instance, is one of them.

There are rules of gravity. What comes up must come down. Therefore, it is what you would call a neutral energy in that you can't necessarily use it in the way you would like to because it's not that free.

Magnetics is another one that seems to be a neutral energy. The pluses and the minuses all equal to zero eventually. And yet, I will tell you, dear ones, that that will be the answer. There is a way to use the magnetics in very clever ways in order to get around some of the physics problems that are being seen.

And then you will have that which is energy produced with magnetic engines, with motors. Some of them use a piece and a part, perhaps, of battery power, perhaps only to get them started or to push them a little more.

And then the magnetics that are creating the energy, then will charge up those batteries to do it again and again. There are so many ways that this is going to take place. I have asked my partner to show them to you as they appear on the planet, to also to show you when someone comes up with wonderful new ways of creating electricity even in the standard form but with great savings.

This is why you need to know this because winter will eventually come. Again, there are rolling of eyes, well, I don't see it yet, Kryon. No, you don't, and that is the point, dear human being. If you had kept records for a few thousand years and you had the data, you'd know it.

You'd see it. Oh, here comes another cycle. I invite some of you to start studying the indigenous in cold climates. In this country, the country that my partner lives in... Talk to the indigenous of Alaska, for instance, and see what they say in their writings, perhaps their songs, their wisdom, in the things they've left behind for you to see.

They talk about the coming and the going of their glaciers. They recede. They come back. They recede. They come back. The indigenous have seen the cycles. They have written about it. They have songs about it.

They have shown it to you. And here you sit wringing your hands that a glacier is receding. I think they would have a good time with that, dear ones. It's time to see that Gaia is larger than you think and that the cycles it goes through are for you.

So you will have subsistence. More than that, you will have a sustainable food source as long as there's humanity here, done with the cycles of Gaia. There is more on this for you to see. More science will start to be revealed.

But this is the way of it. Prepare for cold. Laugh all you want. There'll come a time when you will say, oh, I think Kryon was right. And so it is. 

The Prophesy of Old Souls - No more Karma - March 6th, 2024

So, let's now do a meditation as we prepare for Kryon's answer to the question and I invite you to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe in slowly through the nose and as you exhale through the mouth, have that exhale a little longer than the breath in.

Breathe in through the nose again very slowly and then exhale out through the mouth a little slower. Feel yourself connecting with the energy of the earth. Feel yourself connecting with the energy of the cosmos.

Feel that connection flowing through your body from the bottom of your feet up and out through the top of your head. And we are now ready to hear more from Kryon. Does the way God treats humanity ever change?

Greetings dear ones. I'm Kryon of magnetic service. 

You have heard it before. God is the same today, yesterday, forever. There is no change. And that would be so. There is no change. However, what if that which God gives to humanity changes as we change?

Systems you thought were forever and are taught in religions all over the planet as doctrine forever. What if that changes? What if it changes because of what happens here with the consciousness of humanity ?

I start a series of four channelings this month. These are the mysteries of the day. We'll call it the mystery series. We may do it again when there are more mysteries or the mysteries are updated, but this one my partner has asked me for a clarification and I will give it and I will tell you my partner and others, perhaps you're feeling something more than you think is being given within that which you have called the green mist.

I want to remind all of you, especially those light workers who have followed my work, who have listened to my words, who have understood for the last 34 years what is happening and the message is this.

Dear ones, as consciousness changes with humanity, everything else will change as well. The earth changes, you change, your cultures change, your society changes, and that what you came for changes. Old soul, I want you to listen to something.

There is an ancient system, and this system you have called reincarnation. The system is life renewal, but within the system, as many have seen, there is an internal system as well. That life renewal has something within it.

You might call it a plan, a reason, a purpose. And in comes some of the words that you have learned called karma, akash. This would be a depository of past actions that then would influence your future life.

You have all been part of that which is karmic examination. Some healers, even on this program, have asked you to look at these things which have happened in past lifetimes and said, "well, they affect you now."

Not just the things in this lifetime from your subconscious, but all of the things that you've experienced might also come into play. If you had a death in a last lifetime of drowning, for instance, that would be a marker, an energy marker within your akash, and you may be afraid of water in this lifetime.

That is the kind of thing you are used to. Cultures call on karmic action. They will say, "what happened in the past?" Other lifetimes often then will come forward for you to solve them or reverse them or enhance them this time.

Karma. These are things that have been with you almost since the beginning. They are ancient truths. What if they change? Why would they change? And this is the big one. The shift is a change of humanity.

The ancients have changed their calendars. I told you it was coming. The procession of the equinox is here. Dear ones, you sit in the middle of an energy shift on the planet of humanity. You've chosen not to destroy yourself in a war and you didn't.

And instead you were looking at war far differently today than you ever did before. It's the beginning of a change, of a shift, of how humans actually work together. And in this there is a remarkable future at hand, and this future cannot exist with an old system involved, even an old spiritual system, it cannot exist.

You don't carry old ways into a new era, and expect it to change anything, the old ways must have a renewal, systems must change. Enlightenment creates wisdom, dear ones, the system of reincarnation is changing for you. There is a prophecy my partner is feeling it and has pegged it, you might say, "he knows what it's about", I gave him that of course it's not on his own. I gave him the information so it would be revealed right now.

The prophecy you might say is this :

That old souls and light workers who are going through the shift are graduate akashic workers, your akash has gone as far as it can in an old energy, so the next time around, expect a complete and total wipe of all that that was in an old energy.

The old energy of war of horror not to be with you in your dna or your cellular structure, and instead you will remember this lifetime of awakening. You will know who you are far more when you're born, you'll know what it's about, you will not have karma. There will be no old akash for you. A wipe is happening for many of you who are returning, this answers the question to so many you and here's the question :

"Do I have to return here to earth ? Haven't I finished yet ?

I'm gonna give you a double answer, yes you finished, yes, you're returning.

How would you like to return experience youth again, know why you're here and not have to go through anything you went through before, with the karma gone ? With your cash renewed and refreshed ?

You stand apart from any other human, your graduate of the old energy graduate, and when you graduate, you can see your diploma and what does it mean. You walk out into the into the world and things are different, and school is over and that's what I'm going to tell you, that the new kind of karma.

The new kind of a karma that will be collected along the way will be that which is positive, that which is benevolent the teaching that masters have.

That's the prophecy, Lightworkers old souls, your future will come with a different system.

There are those who will say : "Kryon you can't do that",  "Kryon you can't change that which is an ancient way of god".

I did not change anything, dear ones, you did, you changed it all. This is what I wanted to give you. This is what I wanted to tell you. I want you to think and sit for a moment, and rejoice in the fact that now you have an idea of where this is going.

Many of you have been bothered by thinking about returning to this planet again, and having to slog through the same thing you did this time. And that's why you don't much like it here, all of that will change.

Again I'll say it, you need to hear this. Imagine coming back again as a graduate, on a path of the ascension that masters have with a fresh akash, not remembering any of the things that were placed in there this time, with no karma at all, ready to receive that which is positive and move forward into a new world. That you will start to create with other light workers, with other old souls, there are a lot of you, there are enough of you to come back on this planet. And you will say, "well, what, what will be the result ?" 

The result will be light, a kind of light that isn't here now, a kind of light that is produced by humanity that doesn't have to relearn anything, a humanity that is not necessarily totally dysfunctional as it has been for hundreds and hundreds of years, where it always returns to the same dysfunction and now it won't.

And you are the key. That is the prophecy. I want you to think about this one. That's a big mystery, isn't it? Can you really have something so different from the Creator? yes you can and you will. You are the hope of the future.

The ones listening. I am Kryon in love with humanity and now you know why. And so it is. 

The Evolution of DNA - The 24th pair of Chromosomes - March 13th, 2024

I invite you to close your eyes and soften your breathing. We are sending a message to our body in this moment. Relax, relax, relax. Be at peace for there is a moment and this beautiful loving message perhaps even contains something that the cells of our body need to hear and so let us invite Kryon to come forward.

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

Is it possible to change your DNA? Now we have examined this before and we've said yes but not as you think it would be changed or even measured. What I'm about to tell you is an extension from last week's channel and for those of you who did not hear it there is a new system coming.

We called it a prophecy because it talks about the future lives of lightworkers and old souls on this planet. That you have graduated from the old energy to the extent that there will be a complete and total erasure dropping of all kinds of karmic energy, It will not transmit to your next life. 

Many of you old souls. will come in clean. That is to say, not only will there be no karmic energy, but your akash, that is to say the record of all the past life energies, will be also gone.

This is a total departure from all religious history, from all spiritual history, that depended upon these things to shape and create lifetimes and what you did and what your desires were. Imagine that they're missing.

So here is a channel to tell you what is going to replace them. You may not have thought of that. We presented a case for this. We said why would you ever carry an old energy system into a new energy?

And you don't. Some of you saw this coming. Some of you thought perhaps it would be Slow it isn't nearly as slow as you would think The next time some of you will come in You'll know who you are. You'll start fresh.

You won't have to go through any of the things you ever had to go through again, and instead you will be on the way to learning mastery, a Human beings reaction or non reactions to things the wisdom that comes with a master. 

This is what you are going to be learning next : the school of mastery, not the school of a akash. 

We told you that that was last time's channel. What I'm going to tell you now, is what's happening to your DNA. Dear ones, we've told you many times that you come in with apparently 23 pairs of chromosomes, you are the 23 version of the human being, and that is not the version that you're going to find a few hundred thousand years ago, and your science is showing you that now you didn't come from what you think your human ancestors were.

Now, I didn't make that up and that's not necessarily an esoteric fact. Anthropologists scientists are starting to discover you are not like your ancestors. There is a total and complete break in the evolutionary system scale timeline, whatever you want to say, and suddenly, you had 23 chromosomes.

We've told you. This is intervention. Now that's not the subject of this channel. We have told you that before the subject of this channel is far more grand. You don't have 23 chromosomes, dear ones, you have 24. But only 23 of them are studied and visible with your science. You're still looking at things visually, you're still examining things in a three -dimensional light.

You're still Looking at what you think is there based upon four dimensions that you sit in. But when you start looking at things in a multi -dimensional way, and have the instruments to measure it, you will discover on your DNA right where you think it should be the 24th pair. It's there.

Now, how long has it been there ? And this is important.

It's been there since you got 23 chromosomes. When you think there was a shift and a change, and the human being came from that which is a system, or an involvement, or a departure from your ancestors. And suddenly, you saw 23 chromosomes. And the anthropologists are pulling that back to a certain place where it happened. What happened was you didn't suddenly get 23.

All of them changed. But you received the 24 that were in the past were altered to make up the 23 you have now, and another set was given to you, the multidimensional set, the 24th pair. So you have had it all along.

But what we're here to tell you is that it just laid there doing nothing. That 24th pair is from the stars. The ones who are esoteric and want to hear this are listening carefully, the ones who are scientific are about ready to shut it off, because it's simply too bizarre.

So before you shut it off, let me ask you, "do you really think you know how everything works?" Someday, you will laugh at what you don't know today. Someday, you will say, "well, that's before we discovered the instruments that show us the rest of the story."

Those instruments are multidimensional. And they will enlighten and show so much here within your bodies. Quantum biologists already are studying the possibilities of a multidimensional cellular structure for the human being.

And that includes, of course, DNA. The experiments are very telling, a multidimensional being and part of this is the twenty -fourth pair of chromosomes. You are still one with twenty -four. Now the twenty -fours are about to be activated.

They're about ready to do their job. Hold on, because I'm about to tell you what's next. The human being comes in. The light worker, the old soul, arrives in the next lifetime without any karma, without any blueprints, without any akash.

So what is it that you're going to have that will create the instructions for mastery? If you have no record of who you've been, and it's not in your DNA, what happens? EWI is what I'm going to call it, Esoteric Wisdom of your Intuition.

The 24th pair is your soul pair. The 24th pair contains all of the mastery and the wisdom from the ages from the stars. It is going to replace and will replace that which was your old energy, akash and your karma, that is no longer going to be there.

And in place of that old energy is what you've been waiting for. Those who intervened so long ago gave you this. It is ascension information. It is soul information. And it begins an entire new study of who you're going to be.

That 24th pair starts to glow, illuminate and start feeding you information that comes in esoterically as wisdom. And it comes through your intuition. Your intuition, dear ones, is going to expand and expand intuitively.

Intuitively you're going to know what a master would do next. Intuitively you're going to know how to help others. Intuitively you're going to know how to have the wisdom that has escaped humanity for hundreds of thousands of years.

Do you see now why there may be hope for the planet and how there would be no more war for the planet? And we have said this before, get ready for this to be attractive. This is not going to be something where you're going to be so different, you're going to be shunned.

Dear ones, this is going to be attractive. People are going to want to know what you know. They're going to be with this group. It's not going to be isolated and biased against, it's going to be accepted and people are going to want to know what you know.

That's what's happened to the masters of the planet. People want to be around them. But this time, this time, there are going to be so many of you. It's going to be so attractive. It'll wind its way into government.

It's going to wind its way into inventions that are new. You will be seen as the ones with the wisdom, almost shamanic. And then there will be more, and then there will be more. Evolution works that way.

The 24th pair, can you change your DNA? You already have, and now it starts to react to your change, to this shift. To the time that you're in, it is time for the awakening of the 24th pair, the wisdom.

That is what's going to replace the missing Akash, the missing Karma, all of that old, old energy that let time repeat itself over and over. It'll be gone. It'll be missing. Stand by for something beautiful, something very attractive, something you're going to like, called your next lifetime.

There is so much more to tell you, and we will, but rest assured, old soul, you are indeed going to experience ascension. I'm Kryon in love with you all, and so it is. 

Do ET’s Exist? Is there a family “out there?" - March 20th, 2024

I invite you to close your eyes, and as you close your eyes, bring your awareness, your attention, your focus to your body and is there any area of your body that is pulling your awareness or your focus to a particular part of your body more than the other places of your body.

Perhaps it's the area of your head, or perhaps it's your hands, or perhaps it's an organ, whatever it is right now as you focus your awareness and attention to your body, allow that awareness to start communicating with you, whatever that place is in your body, just acknowledge I see you there, I hear you there, I feel you there and now that you have that focus, that connection, that awareness with that part of your body that wants to communicate with you, we can just ask now for that part of the body, dear beautiful part of my body my cellular structure :

"What is it that you wish for me to know and just allow whatever comes up."

In response to that question, without judgment, if there's nothing is there silence, that's okay as well, simply, sit in that connection. And you may even want to ask that question again :

" Dear beautiful part of me. What is it you want me to know? "

And after allowing time to receive whatever communication is flowing to you in whatever way, we simply acknowledge, thank you. Thank you for being part of me.

Thank you for bringing my awareness and attention to this part of me. I acknowledge you and I send you love right now, sending so much love flowing from the creator to that part of my body, showering it with love and attention.

Thank you. and so there's nothing more to do. You are invited to repeat this exercise at any time you wish, and from this place of peace and relaxation let us invite Kryon. Do extraterrestrials exist?

Greetings, dear ones. I'm Kryon of Magnetic Service. 

Are they real? And if so, where are they? If so, what do they look like? If so, why haven't they contacted you here on this planet? This is another in the series of life's mysteries that we began this month.

If you had something that you could say, dear spirit, tell me what I need to know, dear body, tell me what I need to know, all of these things could be revealed, but that is really not the case not yet.

So you might say there is a time filter involved for humanity, and there is, and we have told you this before, a time filter that may reveal things when they need to be revealed. There is so much I could tell you.

I want to tell you the love part. I want to tell you a part that you don't expect as an answer to do extraterrestrials exist. Do you want the answer immediately? The answer is of course they do. Yes, yes, and yes again.

There are scientists who will disagree. And they will disagree mostly because of the physics that would have to be involved. If extraterrestrials existed and have been here to this planet, and they have, you would have to have faster than light travel.

And that, according to scientists, is impossible, absolutely impossible. Traveling the speed of light itself will have you turn to light. You can't go faster than a known speed limit. And here's where it gets fun.

It has to do with perception, discovery, and reality. Dear ones, I would like to tell you where earth is right now. You are like children, asking children's questions about a limited reality that only you know about.

The best way to show you this is an example. Go back with me several hundred years and you're talking to a human being who would like to visit his brother? Who is approximately four to five hundred miles away?

How far is that to him? Perhaps days away by horse or perhaps he would have to walk. This was common that far ago. And you would do that from village to village or place to place and you would measure time.

By the fastest thing you had , now suddenly let's pretend that we can give him and his brother, a mobile telephone and he then is able to talk to his brother in real time 400 miles away. What do, you think, his reaction is the first questions he is going to ask : 

" Am I there? Is he here? How is this possible if he isn't here? I? Can't be able to talk to him in this fashion unless he is in my field in front of me. And yet I am talking to him. Could this be real ? Is there magic involved ? "

Are you getting the point yet? 

This man does not know yet about telephones. He does not know what is going on. He doesn't know the physics of the transmission and neither do you, dear ones, when it comes to what I will call travel it is not travel at all.

You just think it is. Science is just beginning to discover entanglement, just beginning to understand. There's understand that there are other dimensional aspects that have reality shifts that is not your physics.

I'll leave it at that. It's not really travel, but it takes one thing and puts it in another reality. That's all I'll say. Dear ones, there's something going on you should know about and only in the past few years have you been able to really recognize it.

When your web telescope showed you how many galaxies are out there in the universe, did it take your breath away? Some years ago the science community, especially astronomy, decided to ask the question : " Now that we have the ability technically to discern planets in a star system, are there other planets like Earth ? " In that what they call the habitable zone, some have even called it the Goldilocks zone, a place that would have the same kind of chance for life that Earth did, placed just in the right place, the distance from the Sun, the size of the planet, the gravity they needed, are there others? And when they started looking, dear ones, they found thousands, thousands.

Now what you don't know is there are multiple millions. The possibilities exist statistically that are overwhelming that life started on other planets just like it started here. Only I've told you before it started a lot earlier than it did here.

Therefore there is the chance statistically that there are those just like you, looking very much like you, that evolved and developed just like you did, for the same reasons you did all over the universe.

How do you like that? Dear ones, there is a family just like you and they're everywhere, and you haven't met hardly any of them. We've told you before, that if you look into your DNA you'll find you're not from here.

I'll leave that alone for now. Just to say there has been influence from this star family that is greater and grander than just ETs are here. There is a family who knows you. This family will introduce itself someday, but it cannot do so yet because you are still children.

You're still warring, you're still dangerous, and you're still afraid of all of them. You are more willing to shoot them out of the sky than to welcome them with open arms and say, "hello family." That's going to take a while, perhaps a generation or two before this will be common knowledge and you will know them and not be afraid of them.

What have your movies done for you? ET is dangerous. They're here to take everything from you, eat you perhaps, drain your oceans perhaps, take all that that is a resource perhaps from you. That is who they are.

That's what your movies have told you. And why do your movie stories show you this? Why is this the overwhelming theme of science fiction today? And I'll give you the reason once again. Listen. You have put upon them human consciousness for the day.

This is what you do. You conquer. You war. No wonder you're afraid because you expect a low consciousness from the sky. Dear ones, that's not what you're going to get. Are they real? Oh yeah. Have they visited you?

Are there ones that have visited you perhaps that are inappropriate more than the ones who love you? That has occurred as well. Why not? There's a lot of them. 

But the main thrust of what you will discover and what you will see when they come is a family of love who has known you were here waiting for a higher consciousness, and it starts now.

It's called the shift, dear ones, and we've talked about it for a very long time. Think of this when you look up. At night, they're there. They know you. They're waiting for a more compliant consciousness of love on this planet.

When war is not an option, when you've discovered that love is powerful and kindness is the key, and that's when they will come, waiting for you to grow up. Hmm. A little different concept perhaps than you thought.

Oh, they're there. There is love out there, dear ones. There is ascended consciousness out there, dear ones. That's not in your movies yet, but it will be. And so it is. 

Does the Soul Evolve? What does your future look like? - March 27th, 2024

So, let's now go to a meditation and I invite you to close your eyes and soften your breathing. Really become fully present within this now moment. If any thoughts come up, just allow them to arise and then slowly watch them disappear.

Perhaps they float up like a cloud and just watch those clouds go by so that we can really become fully present within this moment. Focus on your breathing, breathing in and out very slowly. Again, we are becoming fully present within this now moment.

In a moment we will hear from Kryon and it's very important right now to be fully present within this moment so that we receive this message at the soul level from where it is going to come. And just bringing that awareness, that focus deep inside where the beauty of your soul resides, your soul that is everywhere all at once.

Feel that soul energy becoming more present. Present as you continue to breathe and focus, that soul presence even more aware now and relaxing in to that eternal peace that the soul generates. Let us now receive the messages from Kryon.

Old soul, what's your future going to look like? 

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service and I want to continue this entire discussion about...

What I have given you this month, again I will tell you this, old systems do not automatically generate new energies.

Old systems don't create new revelations. Old systems often simply repeat themselves. Have you seen any of that on the planet? And you have. What if history repeats itself because your Akash never refreshes? Because your karma lays there unresolved? 

And you get to see it in an old energy planet that wants to always return to the same things that don't work. That is what is changing. Dear ones, there are some paradigms that come with this, and I will explain why this will work against all the odds of the way things used to work.

Number one, Kryon you are telling us that an entire new breed of human being is going to start appearing on this planet, that will have no Akashic record and no karma. And they will act differently and be different because of it. Yes, that is what I'm saying. 

Kryon, will it happen in degrees? Well some will have a little karma left or something and the answer is no, it doesn't work that way. When an old soul is ready to graduate, the next lifetime you will come in clean, no karma. Nothing to hold you back. 

Now what that is going to look like to others. You might say, well that's going to be an individual who's going to be unusual. And history has shown that if you have unusual individual, we normally, we as humanity, normally either sequester them or stamp them out, make them go away.

You're right, you do. You have a propensity as humans to do exactly that. When there are unusual things happening, you normally do not let them proceed. Dear ones, that is one of the big changes in paradigm.

You are going to see these individuals very differently, because they will be attractive to you because of how they act, who they are, even from birth. And they're not going to stand out so much that you'll go, "there's one of them now."

Love doesn't do that. Love seeps in slowly and love is what you're going to see. You're not going to see super intelligence, you're not going to see super wisdom, you're going to see love first. And that helps to advance these individuals into places that they should be, including teaching, including politics, including science.

Will these individuals without karma, without Akash, be able to bring inventions that were never seen or thought of before? What do you think? Of course, because they're receiving all that they have through their 24th pair of chromosomes.

The pair that is invisible, the pair that is not seen, the pair that has been laying dormant as a time capsule for mastery. That's what it is for, that's what it's always been for, and now it arrives.

And so the very paradigm of seeing different kinds of individuals on this planet is going to change from what you think, from what it used to be. You have got to think differently about the future of this planet in order to understand all that we are telling you.

The future of the old soul is the future of humanity. There are those who will shake their heads and they say, "I don't buy any of this. It's too unusual. We know human nature. We will not allow it to proceed."

Think about religion. How are they going to see this? They're not going to like it at all. Oh, really? It's time for you to think out of your little box if you're saying that. What you think humans will do with what they have are and what they have and what they've done before, think about it.

If this is happening worldwide, every belief system, every religion on the planet believes in one God. Most of them feature a loving God. Now there may be a whole lot of their own, I would say, group.

I almost said karmic group, but karma won't be there. Suddenly within their own group of believers, they will start seeing super -wise ones that will guide them better than any have before within their religion because God is love.

Are you starting to understand anything I just said to you? What if there are wise ones beginning to show up within every religious group? They're going to be welcomed because that's what they've always taught the wisdom and the love which is God. So they're not going to cast them out at all.

They're going to see them as wise teachers and leaders, what this does is to start bringing those religions to an area of tolerance that they have not had before. I Have had questions given to me about this very thing, dear Kryon : 

"How can we have a better future when all the religions think they're right and some of them are actually wanting to kill the others on the planet ? How does that work? And will that change and how will it change?"

 I just gave you the answer. If you start to have wise and loving leaders within the each religious group, they are going to be seen and raised to the top, they're going to be some of the leaders because of their love and their wisdom, and what they will start to change within these groups, is tolerance.

Mastery requires tolerance and they will have it. Think about where is their information for their life coming from as a new human.

What did I just tell you? What is this prophecy I've given you? 

It's going to be coming from soul instructions, the 24th pair in the DNA of the chromosomes that was given to you at the same time you got 23. Seemingly, it's been there all along instructions from the divine. That is where your life instructions will be coming from, not from an old energy, lifetimes after lifetimes of drudgery called the Akash, and : "What is that going to bring to a religious group?"

They're going to see the mastery in you or whomever is there in the future. Old souls are everywhere, they're not just apart from religion. They're in those groups as well. So the result will be tolerance between the intolerant. The result for humanity will be tolerance within the intolerant. People are saying "well, this is going to have to go away in the future and that's going to have to go away in the future and In order for us to have a better planet, those things cannot exist."

 Oh, how 3D of you, have you not gleaned some of that which I have told you are the features and the attributes of mastery? And one of the attributes of mastery is you observe the world.

You don't change the world. And when you observe the world, you start to listen and you start to teach that which is the tolerance that you have to others. And they start to listen instead of react. And pretty soon you realize that these things that you seem cannot exist will continue to exist, but there will be a tolerance level for all of them and they'll be fine.

Humans can do what they want to in their personal lives. Make the decisions they want to in their personal lives and instead of you condemning it and trying to stop it, there will be tolerance for it.

You might say, "I can't believe that this is the way it can be." That's because you cannot see mastery yet, can you? It's time for you to study what mastery is. We gave you the points of mastery. It's time for you to look at that again.

It's about tolerating, dear ones. It's about being comfortable with the fact that humans are like you. They've come from the same love source as you come from. So in this future for the old soul, I will tell you it's going to be different from anything that you can imagine.

What did you think ascension status was? In your mind's eye, what did you see? Well, here's my advice to you, wipe away anything you think it's going to be like. You go back a couple of hundred years and ask them, what's the future like?

What do you foresee? And they'll paint picture after picture after picture that is laughable and quaint because they're using only what they know and only that which their culture has given them as a narrative to create a future which they think is going to be theirs.

And it won't be. They don't know what they don't know and neither do you. So here is my advice. Think love. Love is and will be the answer. And that will be what is featured within you, the old soul for the future.

Karma will not be involved, the Akash will not be involved, only instructions from the soul, the place where God, is will be where you are. Dear ones, it's going to look far different than you think, and Human beings are going to be very attracted to those who come in clean with this wisdom, without the issues, without the subconscious areas that they had to deal with. Very attractive, you're going to want to be with them.

This is a different future than any of you have ever thought of or could imagine. And that is why I am in love with humanity watching you cross the bridge mm -hmm, and So it is.