By Anarkia333 |

Landolt–Börnstein est un recueil de données sur les propriétés des matériaux et des domaines étroitement liés de la chimie, de la physique et de l'ingénierie, publié par Springer Nature.

Détails - Livre

Volume 19A1 - Pure Substances : Elements and Compounds from AgBr to Ba3N2
Volume 19A2 - Pure Substances : Compounds from BeBr_g to ZrCl2_g
Volume 19A3 - Pure Substances : Compounds from CoCl3_g to Ge3N4
Volume 19A4 - Pure Substances : Compounds from HgH_g to ZnTe_g
Volume 19B1 - Binary Systems : Elements and Binary Systems from Ag-Al to Au-Tl
Volume 19B2 - Binary Systems : Elements and Binary Systems from B-C to Cr-Zr
Volume 19B3 - Binary Systems : Binary Systems from Cs-K to Mg-Zr
Volume 19B4 - Binary Systems : Binary Systems from Mn-Mo to Y-Zr
Volume 19B5 - Binary Systems : Binary Systems Supplement 1
Volume 19C1 - Ternary Steel Systems : Binary Systems and Ternary Systems from C-Cr-Fe to Cr-Fe-W
Volume 19C2 - Ternary Steel Systems : Phase Diagrams and Phase Transition Data Ternary Systems from Cr-Mn-N to Ni-Si-Ti