By Anarkia333 |

Volume 3 provides a complete explanation of phase diagrams and their significance and covers solid solutions; thermodynamics; isomorphous, eutectic, peritectic, and monotectic alloy systems; solid-state transformations; and intermediate phases.

The new 2016 edition of ASM Handbook, Volume 3: Alloy Phase Diagrams is a revision of the original 1992 edition. 40% of the volume has been updated and now includes 1083 binary systems, 1095 binary diagrams, 115 ternary systems, and 406 ternary diagrams. The revised volume provides a more complete explanation of phase diagrams and their significance with the addition of new material on solid solutions and phase transformations; thermodynamics; isomorphous, eutectic, peritectic, and monotectic alloy systems; solid-state transformations; and intermediate phases. Users of this volume will gain a better understanding of phase diagram construction and alloy system interactions while having a valuable resource to aid in their research and engineering pursuits.

Since the 1992 edition of this volume was published, improvements in experimental techniques have increased the accuracy of results, filling the remaining gaps of existing systems. Increasingly sophisticated computer modeling methods determine phase equilibria that could not be determined experimentally in a practical manner—resulting in numerous revisions of previously accepted phase diagrams, and predicted phase diagrams for newly assessed systems.



Introduction to Phase Diagrams
Solid Solutions and Phase Transformations
Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
Isomorphous Alloy Systems
Eutectic Alloy Systems
Peritectic Alloy Systems
Monotectic Alloy Systems
Solid-State Transformations
Intermediate Phases

Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ag (Silver) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Al (Aluminum) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
As (Arsenic) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Au (Gold) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
B (Boron) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ba (Barium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Be (Beryllium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Bi (Bismuth) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
C (Carbon) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ca (Calcium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cd (Cadmium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ce (Cerium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cl (Chlorine) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Co (Cobalt) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cr (Chromium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cs (Cesium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cu (Copper) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Dy (Dysprosium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Er (Erbium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Fe (Iron) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ga (Gallium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Gd (Gadolinium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ge (Germanium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
H (Hydrogen) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Hf (Hafnium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Hg (Mercury) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ho (Holmium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
K (Potassium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
In (Indium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ir (Iridium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
La (Lanthanum) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Li (Lithium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Lu (Lutetium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Mg (Magnesium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Mn (Manganese) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Mo (Molybdenum) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
N (Nitrogen) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Na (Sodium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Nb (Niobium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Nd (Neodymium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ni (Nickel) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
O (Oxygen) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
P (Phosphorus) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Pb (Lead) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Pd (Palladium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Pr (Praseodymium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Pt (Platinum) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Pu (Plutonium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Rb (Rubidium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Re (Rhenium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Rh (Rhodium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ru (Ruthenium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
S (Sulfur) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Sb (Antimony) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Sc (Scandium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Se (Selenium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Si (Silicon) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Sm (Samarium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Sn (Tin) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Sr (Strontium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ta (Tantalum) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Tb (Terbium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Te (Tellurium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Th (Thorium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ti (Titanium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Tl (Thallium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
U (Uranium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
V (Vanadium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
W (Tungsten) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Y (Yttrium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Yb (Ytterbium) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Zn (Zinc) Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams

Introduction to Ternary Phase Diagrams
Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ag (Silver) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Al (Aluminum) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Au (Gold) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
B (Boron) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
C (Carbon) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cd (Cadmium) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Co (Cobalt) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cr (Chromium) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Cu (Copper) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Fe (Iron) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Ge (Germanium) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Mo (Molybdenum) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Nb (Niobium) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams
Pb (Lead) Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams

Magnetic Phase Transition Temperatures of the Elements
Crystal Structure
Crystal Structures and Lattice Parameters of Allotropes of the Metallic Elements