The Finite Element Method for Mechanics of Solids with ANSYS Applications

By Anarkia333 |
The Finite Element Method for Mechanics of Solids with ANSYS Applications

While the finite element method (FEM) has become the standard technique used to solve static and dynamic problems associated with structures and machines, ANSYS software has developed into the engineer’s software of choice to model and numerically solve those problems. 

Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench

By Anarkia333 |
Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench

Finite Element Modeling and Simulation with ANSYS Workbench 18, Second Edition, combines finite element theory with real-world practice. Providing an introduction to finite element modeling and analysis for those with no prior experience, and written by authors with a combined experience of 30 years teaching the subject, this text presents FEM formulations integrated with relevant hands-on instructions for using ANSYS Workbench 18. 

Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench

By Anarkia333 |
Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench

Written for students who want to use ANSYS software while learning the finite element method, this book is also suitable for designers and engineers before using the software to analyse realistic problems. The books presents the finite element formulations for solving engineering problems in the fields of solid mechanics, heat transfer, thermal stress and fluid flows. For solid mechanics problems, the truss, beam, plane stress, plate, 3D solid elements are employed for structural, vibration, eigenvalues, buckling and failure analyses.

Finite Element Analysis of Weld Thermal Cycles Using ANSYS

By Anarkia333 |
Finite Element Analysis of Weld Thermal Cycles Using ANSYS

Finite Element Analysis of Weld Thermal Cycles Using ANSYS aims at educating a young researcher on the transient analysis of welding thermal cycles using ANSYS. It essentially deals with the methods of calculation of the arc heat in a welded component when the analysis is simplified into either a cross sectional analysis or an in-plane analysis. The book covers five different cases involving different welding processes, component geometry, size of the element and dissimilar material properties.

Technologie fonctionnelle de l'automobile - Tome 2 - Transmission, freinage, tenue de route et équipement électrique

By Anarkia333 |
Technologie fonctionnelle de l'automobile - Tome 2 - Transmission, freinage, tenue de route et équipement électrique

Technologie fonctionnelle de l’automobile permet d’acquérir avec méthode les connaissances essentielles à la compréhension des systèmes qui constituent l’automobile. Informations théoriques et synthétiques, exemples et cas pratiques, schémas et photographies, ainsi qu’exercices et QCM en ligne participent à faire de ce livre le compagnon idéal de tous les élèves des filières de ce secteur (CAP, Bac Pro et BTS).

Technologie fonctionnelle de l'automobile - Tome 1 - Le moteur et ses auxiliaires

By Anarkia333 |
Technologie fonctionnelle de l'automobile - Tome 1 - Le moteur et ses auxiliaires

Technologie fonctionnelle de l’automobile permet d’acquérir avec méthode les connaissances essentielles à la compréhension des systèmes qui constituent l’automobile. Informations théoriques et synthétiques, exemples et cas pratiques, schémas et photographies, ainsi qu’exercices et QCM en ligne participent à faire de ce livre le compagnon idéal de tous les élèves des filières de ce secteur (CAP, Bac Pro et BTS).